m HOME GROW 1ST Healthy Apple Trees In Variety, Thiilt and Prices. - 1 cn furnish large or email orders of Apploa in any variety, also shrubs, uines, weeping, trees and small fruits Carolina Poplars, Black- Locust, Syca more, Mulbury, Catalpa, Linden, Maple, Larch, Birch, Elm, Ash, Privet and roses in any variety. - Write for prices to Con. Plant, Box 604, LaGrande, Ore. WM. GILPIN8 GREEN HOUSE . 'Phone 1161 - gjnairaiBii flflnaDDBDODBBOBOBRBDlBB :WE ARE: a Receiving our new Woolens a g and Spring Patterns, Call and JJ a look them over. 5 - : ' '' lir4"- ' ' U q Top Coats from $18 to $45 m g Suits from $18 to $38 J g Hr" . . J n Ross & Andrews, a MMMMe0MtetMMeMIMtOeMMMMMM A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTERS TAILORS AND GENTS FU GS. BBBBBBBBBBflflflBBBBBBBB fi povuinr' mm I Make your fowls lay when eggs bring top prioes. We carry standard goods whose merit has been tested for yrars INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD Mr W T Cross went to Union yester day on bualneis trip. Thomas S Harris, a bualneai man ol La Grande, ia In tlie city for tliort visit. East Oregonian Postmaster Dave Moomaw and Win Pollman of Baker City were liere on a bualnoaa trip yesterday. Mra Chan Fox, of Taooma Wash ia viaiting Hia O F Flenilnga and will remain about on week The proceeds of tbe basket supper to be given by the Island City Woodmen are to be app lied on the purchase of a new piano for their hall. Dr Holt. Bynodical Missionary for the Presbyterian church, came In on No 2 last evening and is stopping with Rev Van Nuys. Mr P E Sullivan, managor of tbe Oatbolio Sentinel of Portland who is in tbe oity in tbe interest of bia pub lication, made tbe Observer - very pleasaut oall yesterday. J B Weaver, proprietor ol the Union Nurseries, was a La Grande visitor yes terday. Ho states the nursery business in this county this aeison is all that could be desired. Last year he planted forty thousand apple trees and ten Mr J I) Mathceon received a letter from Mra Matbeson yesterday atatii g that Mra Honan, who ia in tbe B Vincent Hospital at Portland, is still Improving and that tbe Dr thinks she will be able to sit up in a day or two Mr Alfred Reach one of tbe most popular commercial traveler that makes regular trips to tbis section and baa for a number ol years, is now here after au absence of several weeks caused by a aevere aeigo of typboid fever Mr Ueaob is now representing tbe Gretent Manufacture Co H 0 Haiaten formerly a resident here baa been ei. gaged to take charge of tbe undertaking business of E And ross. Mr Haiaten is an expert in this line and cornea from Wallace Idaho wbere be has been during the past 3 years aa Funeral director and one of tbe head men of the large undertak- idg establishment of Wm Worsted and tons. Mr Andross and La Grande aie fortunate in looatiug him bore. Mra C L Thorn, who so nobly came to the assistance of the Woods family by bringing their conditions to the notice of the public, wishes to thank the generous people of I.a Grahdo for their donationa to thetfamilv. She ia JUST SHOES That's all C. J. McLAlN, S. D.CKO'JiCr;, Sec. Alrea Ihrinaanrl irinrr!ni an4 Blaraa thai fmm the way orders aie coming In already he' Pi"! to state that the family is well will not have enough to cary him provided for now and there ia no furth- througli the seaoon. tr necd for any assistance. i GRAND RONDECASH Co.., (Incorporated.) ? FARM MACHINERY, FEED OF ALL KINDS. WOOD and COAL We sell Sbne, and leave milli nery, hardware and mousetraps for other people to sell, Shoes absorb our attention Our stock is is fresb and always up-to-date. C. W. PRESTON Sboe Specialist, Depot St. A. E. and S. L. ' The Alpha Embroidery aod Social League was entertained Wednesday evenining at the bom of Mrs. A. V Oliver. Tbe evening waa pleasantly spent in playing game' of 'Flinoh" aud "Trii" after wbicb refreshments were served Those preaent were Mr and Mra MastertoD, Mr and Mrs Whifhy, Mi and Mrs Oliver, Meadamej Anthony, Hastings, Thomas and Miss ergar. J Tbe A. E. and S. L. will meet aex Tieeday alterooouat tbe home of Mr 9 W Tbocias. Held Up And fobbed. Baker Oity, Feb. 18 -The Mint sa loon and a u umber of ita visitors were held up by a lone armed high wayman this morning. The robber aeoured several hundred dollars Ibe local polioe have been watching a suspicious chiraoler for Borne time and were of the opinion that a serins of holdups were being planned, but in spite of the walobfuloeaa of the de puties, the robbery was committed. Two men, George White and Frank Basaett, were arrested tbis afternoon on auepioion. The Mint saloon was similarly robbed several weeks ago. Oyster Shell Clam Shell Ground Bone Bone Meal Flour, Feed and Hav PROMPT DELIVERY A. "V". Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 To Blow Up Gorge. Wilkesbarrp, Pa. Feb. 18 Eight carloads ol petroleum will be fired on the crest of the ice gorge at Kippa' Run this atternoon, in an effort to melt it and move tbe goige. wnioh is thirty miles long and from twenty to fifty feet high in the Buaqunhanna River. Large pools of oil will be form ed in which will be placed railway tins and scores of fires will be lighted The towns now threatened by in undation if the gorge continues are send ing hnndrods of men to assist. The river at this point ia fourfifths of a mile wide. j. 17373 THE EAGLE EYE of an expuir can detect the slightest flaw or defeotive grinding in all lenses.' All that are not absolutely perfect are summarily rejeoted. I dont waul them at any price, though I am oltei urged to keap them at very much re duced prioea The eye is TOO DELICATE An organ to tamper with and i' vou need classes it is your duty to yourself to get the best I-et me hell you to do your duty Btiict attention paid to all witch, oloek and jewelry repairing 11. Peare, the Jeweler Swept By An Avalanche, Baker City, Feb 18 Tbe property of tbe Chloride Mining Company, in cluding tbe mill , boarding bouse, and shaft houses, was all swept into a deep canyon, 200 feet below the level of the mine, by an avalanobe yester day. The snow which had fallen to a great depth, broke loose about 2,010 f.et above the oamp. andoame down with a noise like thunder, aweepiug everything before it, No one was in tbo building at the time and so far as is knowb now, no lives were lost. The machinery and buildiugs lie beceath 200 feet of snow o the bot tom ol a steep canyon aod no effort will be made to recover any of the pioperty until alter tbe enow melts away in the spring. FELL INTO TANK 0F MOLTEN GLASS Was Completely Incinderated. Boy lost all Re- sembelance to Human Form. Bridgeport, Conn. Feb 18 A crowd of tramps sleeping in a, warm spot close to the Crystal GUbs works furn ace this morning, engaged in a fight during whiob a big gas pipe waa brok en An explosion followed and five were seriously and three fatally burn ed Tbe building caught fire, but ii was extinguiabed, and email dampge was done A tramp fell into a pit oi molten glass ana was completely m- oinerated, bis remains bearing no semblance to a human being Call Meeting There will be a call meeting of La Grande Prohibition Alliance No. 11 at tbe borne of W. A. Worstell, Tues day evening Feb. 23. All members and friende of prohibition are request ed to be present. Irades. Tbe lieutenant is stated to have taken a party ol offlceis asbn-e the torpedo boat, whereas he sboui fwo car loads of best coal ever brought $7 25 to the city. We sell it Delivered for r Sixleen-inch Wood delivered, $5.00 rv.. .ort cimnlv nf Rrand is extra heavy Shorts and Brand. We do all our own milling and can furnish tbe trade rolled feed in qualities vu u. with chopped or Get our prices. OATS EXTRA FINE WHITE $1.10 cwt. We own our building and mill and are in a position to meet competition and will do it. GRAND ROUND CASH COMPANY. S Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail CARRYING A HOUSE ic not a heavy liimlen if you have a I t tlu ready money ami w II make the moderate payments regularly. Nothing like tr.e ownership of property to give a man a standing in any community, and it is SURPRISING how eariy it ia to own a house if you really want to, and are faming a fair income. We have some houses tha Borne good men Bhould own Instead o paying rent. Maybe one of them it or you. Better see ua about it any way . La Grande 1110 Adnms Avenue, Investment Ccnrpany, Ln Giniide, Oif gon mm mm WANTED SECOND HAND DEAIhRS Wo buy and sell all kinds of second hand goDtls WE PAY CASH For everything we buy, making it possible for us to Bell cheap. We have our own delivery wagon, thereby saving tbe expense of an expre&siuun . ". AU kinds of Orookory, Hardware, Tinware and Jewelery, nt bottom prices. Phono us if yeu -"i have anything to sell. Iroquois Investigation Chicago Feb 18 The special grand jury, in sessiun today, devoted it time to I he examination of scores of wit nesses, all tending ti strengthen tbe blame against the building depart ment, and aluo showing negligence of theater employes. Shot An Officer. St Petersburg, Wednesday. Feb 17 It is learned from official sources of nows of a dramatic sequel to tbe Rus sian disaster at Po t Arthur. It is to the tffect that after attack by the Japanese Admiral Alexieff summoned before him the Russian officers whose culpable negligence was the main cause of defeat. Alter crossexamin iug them as to their conduct, the ad miral , convinced of tbe guilt of a lieu tenant among them, ia declared to have been on guard, as the boat v . on soout duty and he in command . iiMiiil CREAM Farmers, bring your crenui to us and we will pay the very highest market price for it. At the'present price of butter it will pay you far better to sell the cream than lo churn it. We are agents for the famous DE LAVEL separator. The host made. COVE CREAMERY1COMPANY, E. O. Harper, Mgr. Headquarters at Hill & Allen's, La Grande. Old Dartmouth Burned. Hanover, Feb 18 Fire this niorc ing destroyed the old Dartmouth Col lege dormitory, which was the first one built for the famous institution The building was built in 1763 and was the oldest college ball in Ameri ca The students were at chapel when the alarm was given and rushed out formed a bucket biigade and assisted in savicJg tbe adjoining buildings The buildiug will be rebuilt on the origi nal linea While the burned building was ac tually the oldest college hall standing, it belonged to the lourth oldest eduoa tional institution in the United St.te Those holding seniority over Durt inoutb. are William and Marv in have drawn a revolver and shot the : Virginia; Yale, in Connecticut, and young officer dead in Iront of bis com- Bowdoin, in Maine I Fresh Chocolates Fres.'i Bon Bons Fresh Nougact Fresh C'arraeU Fresh TufTey Fresli Sailed Peanuts Fresh Salted Almonds . Fre9h Popcorn Fresh Fruii GREENE & CO- mm : W4 1 ii : HOW CAN I CURE MY INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tons of Ihoupands of people There is but one way to do tL; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous 9train rest it; aud at the same time As.ist the Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus in Digesting and Assimulating Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Iuvoleed. There ii hut one remedy that will do thie, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL YOU HILL & ALLEN Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore ttTTtttttttf tf ttlttl to & can mmmm -mm. . V 1 T" 1 f. tblM & mmM. i, 1 f - 'tof tit Vli.0"1-Ccalf!orti- Fir and Adams. XEVfo .lL, ." .ii kind. 'Phone 1581 Marines Ordered East Norfolk, reb IB Unlers are re- cuvel for a second big detachment of marines to goto Washington to join a hitioliou lot tbe Philipnii.es. War If h -leivcd to be the cause of the move n.ent. SOMMER HOUSE It Rnchman Seattle' N Acklea City! II S Mnsterson Raker City M H MvUniru Spokane I W Hurley Denver .1 W Herker Chii-ago I: M U u alt do II T Pollck Kniitaa City ii S llerry A wife Snuinierville Coo It Simmons Lytnan Ii'alici I! M Ue Lanoy Fort Ian. I I . C l.eoy do I! M Sp.'iicer do Miltl'LyOick do II K Smith do A K King do .Mill M mr.uk do W T llilop do i It A Thompson Pendleton (. has K Oaroy Sau Frauclsro I K I Veignt tuy IBRHIIK1IH1 Nine ounce Denim Overalls 50 cents per puir. Clothes Pins H 2 cent per doz. " LUCKY m You are indeed if you trade with us " There is no chance about it. You are not only lucky to able to get the good vulues U we offi r, but for every Dimes worth pim-hrsed of us for onUi yon get a slamp which has " g value. FiTiv of these stamps, or five dollars in trade secures you a nice useful dish. HI w This offer does not only last for a week or two but, all the time Sec the beautiful line ofSjrosis Under Skirts on display in in our window. HE G JLDEN RULE CO 1J08-1310-1312, ADAMS AVENUE Q B n a fvrncy Quilt Covering 5 cent Per yard WE TAKE PRODUCE Toilet Soap Three"" Bars for 5 cents. 4 BQBBQBIIIBBIBaVIMlliilllli1 Jllll Wltn. cm-1 Kin'