D LA GRANDE M0RN1N 1 ' i: : 4 VOLUME LA GRANDE. OREGON.FRIDAY CORNING, FEBRUARY 19. 1904- NUMBBER 89 SPRING GOODS ARE ARR VING DAILY JAPAN IS MAKING PREPARATIONS Has Established a Base for Supplies at Elliatt Island and are Prepairing for an Aattack for .he Reduction of Port Arthur. WILL SEND AMERICAN TROOPS. FUNERAL OF MRS. ANDERSON Tbe funeral of Mia. Martin Ander son wax bold yesterday afternoon at 2 u'olock from the Methodist church, Kev. Robert Warner,, ouioiating. A large Dumber of li lends of tba deoeaa- eil. both from the oily and neighbor ing towna were prt'aeut. The diceaaed wan rhtrtor mem ber of the Rathhone Si'1 r, Rowona Temole, No. 9, of l.s . (Irande Among those from La lira ml o who ai ended i be Itineral were: Mra. J. C. Shea, Mra. M. Androaa, Mra M. A Harris, Mra. A. F. Lewis and Mra. 0. L. Melhiuiat. . Tbe remains were interred in the Ulney cemetery. Pendleton Tribune. Several Regiments of Uuited States Soidiers Or dered to be in Readiness to go to the Far East, MOTHER AND CHILDREN BURNED THE DESIGNS ARE ALL NEW CALL AND SEE THEM We will be pleased to show them. THE CHICAGO ' STORE F-173? E3 SHOES T v beat that money can buy. No experiments as they lnive stood tbe test for yea ,iiid tbe prices are lik the hoes we sell ear t r closest comparison Our 1 no of Shoes i complete Ladies. nl", M ieses, Youth s an Children's Shoes' STDRF RfllNBQW bi;y youk NrXT PA IK o. shoes FHOM US We have an cxpertwork man in barge of our JEWELRY DEPARTMENT RMNBOW STORE & aB n 1 Rome, Feb. 18. The Russiun embassy here is authority for the statement that the Japanese fleet has established a base for supplies at Elliott Islands, off ihs coast of Liao Tong peninsula, 75 miles from Port Arthur. This tends to Bhow that Japan is preparing for a great join attack for the reduction of Port Arthur. LOST 456 MEN. London, Feb. 18. A Reuter's dispatch from Tokio says 17 Russian officers and 439 men were eithei killed or drowned in (he fight at Chemulpo, when the Variag and Korietz were sank. RUSSIANS LYING LOW. Tbkio, Feb. 18. It is officially denied that. Russians have crossed the Yalu river in an advance towards the Japanese forces. SAILED UNDER SEALED ORDERS. Paris, Feb. 18. Sealed orders have been sent to the captains of four cruisers which are about to join the French squadron in the Far East, with instructions not to open them until at sea. OFFER OF GERMAN HOSPITALS. Berlin, Feb. 18. The kaiser has notified boih the czar and the mikado that tho Germau hospitals at Kioacuchaa and Yokohama are available for the care of the wounded. THEIR TURN LATER. St. Petersburg, Feb. 18 The rigid censorship imposed here upon all news from the Far East completely masks the move ments of Russian troops and the plaus of those in command, bui what is being done is evidently satisfactory to the authorities here as they manifest the utmoet confidence that when tlu proper time arrives the euemy will be crushed. Thoy say that the pre liminary sea victorits of the Japanese wid then be spoedily for gotten. IMPRESSIVE FUNERAL CEREMONIES. Saseb , Feb. 18 Impressive funeral services were held here today ovr the remains of three officers and two men of tho bat tleship Fuj:, who were killed by the Ru3siun fire during the first attack on Port Arthur. The religious ceremonies were con ducted by a Shinto priest and the final oration was delivered by Admiral Sainewi. AMERICAN TROOPS FOR Til 12 EAST. San Francisco, Feb. 18. Orders have been received at the Presido. according to rumor, to hold the 10. h. aud 28th infantry ana 4ih cavalrv in readiness for transp rtalion to the Far Eatt Following the' alleged receipt of the ordor the privileges of visi tors at the Presido are restricted. As the regiments affectod by the order to prepare for the movement east only recently returned from the Philippines, the presumption is of preparations' for eventualities from the Russo-Japanes war. ANOTHER CABLE IS CUT. Chefoo, Feb. 18, The Port Arlhur-Chefoo cable was cut yestirday. WILL HAVE A BIG ARMY. Berlin, Feb. 18. The Admiralty here has received confirma tion of the reports that Japanese landing operations on a vast scale are taking place on botn Korea's northern coast9, and it is assured by the German authorities that Japan will be ready by early spring for a forward land movement, suppoited by properly equipped bases. Possibly 250,000 men according to tin estt mates made at the German- Admira'ty, will be in the field before a collision takes placo with the Russians. RUSSIANS SEIZE CHINESE POUT, New York, Feb. 18. A dispatch to the Herald from Tien Tsin dated Moudav. February 15, asserts that Russia has seized the Chinese treaty port of Nichwang. New Yoik, Feb 18 Mr Jaoob An tonai and live children were burned tc death in a tire .that doatroyed their bome near CrotUD today The hna hand two boarders and tbe oldeet bod, NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITOL Secretary Cortelyon Instructed to Investigate damages Caused by the Recent , ' -Alaskan Boundry Decision. , . $7,000,000 FOR COAST DEFENCE More Fortifications and a Larger Navy Advised by Committee. .? Negro Cclector of Customs at Gharle ton. Washington, Feb. 18. In the senate the house resolution was . agreed to directing Secretary Cortelyou to investigate what dam- aged 18, escaped The explosion of an WM sustained bv ibe Wnlso UWnA PAokinr, nnmnonv hv ;th V oil lamp caused the Bre I . a i i j j - In the house the fortification ' appropriation - bill p carrying $7,000,000, was considered in oommitlee of the whole. Mr. Littaur explaiued its provisions, saying the 86a coast de man 's more fortifications and a larger navy and a larger army as gua.autees of national peaco, and power abroad. , The President sent to the senate the nominations of William Davis, of Ohio, te be sonsul at Martinique; John Jewel., ot Illi nois, to be consul at Alexandretta, Turkey; Cameron Forbes, to be .-, a member of the Philippine Commission. ; . ' i ii The senate committee on commerce today authorized a favor able report on the nomination of W, D Crum, the negro oolleotor of oustotus at Cbarlestou, S. C. IN STATE DEPARTMENT. ' ' Labor Mourns thnna Indianapolia, Ind., Feb 17 The fol lowing wae ieeued from tbe National headquartera ot tbe United Minework ers of America today: "Jndianapo ia, Feb 17-To tje Mem bers of the United Mineworkera of America: Aa a tribute to the mem ory of the late M A Hanna, aud aa an txpreeeion of appreciation of the many acrvices rendered by him to our organization, yon are requested to 088e work at noon on Friday, 'feb. 19, tbe day of tbe funeral. "John Mitchell, Pres. 'T L Lewis, Vioc-Frea. "V B Wilson, 8ec Treaa" Be Shot Silt Lakn, Feb. 18 Tho aupreme uourt today atlirmed tbe lower oourt iuoisUm in the case of CD urea Botha (Dutch Ohiitley) eentenciil to bo Bhnt on November 17, 1902. Charley allot his girl wilo and luv r in a lonely cabin on the edge of the desert, two ycara ago, tbiough jeiloualy. Indoor Base Ball Notice There will oo a meeting of tbe In door Dase I)a!l Association on next Tueailny evening at the Commercial Club. All club membera who have tigned the roll, and all otheia who wish to join the Association should te at the mo. ting. The (list game of the 'f.aon will come ulX a week from yes terday between the Koda aud Bliiea. The stale department has received a' dispatch from Minister MoCormick,at St. Petersbutg, that the minister of foreign af fairs informed him that Russia locked favorably upon th Hay note, but made no intimation as to when a reply would be sent.:: .The state department today 'received the regignatioo of :: W. liuchanao, minister of Panama. , : f Already at Work Pendleton, Feb 18 Already the fan ia at work in Baker City and talk of a baseball league with Baker City, La Grande, and Pendleton aa the ohief membera, ia rife. Prominent baseball leader of that city are agitating an early orgauiza ion, in order to getaome good play era and arrange aome Interesting e veil ta for tbe early season . Witb this in view, the Bakor City people will confer with Pendleton and La ijrarde, soon, in regard to organ- Izing a league, to be exclusively East- era Oregon timber, and to begin early to have a apirited baseball aeaeon for V 1904. ; ' - ,. , Frozen To Death , Tbe body of William AtkinaoD, a young hunter who waa loat ia . the mountain! near Eugene laje Monday : waa found by a aoarobing party. He bad loat his way and waa frozen to death. , . v..ii. s ... DO YOU WANT CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? If go, we can locate you on some fine claims in Wallowa County. McDaniel Sc McDonald, Mr Butherlaod, who reoeutly cam from Aritona, baa commenced tbe construction ot a large two atory house westol the White ichnnl build ing. H V Kelti ia laying the atone foundation. I. J. LILLIS PRACTICAL ' - ... UPHOLSTERER.... S,122 Shop on P st between 3d and 4 Basket Supper Island City cmp No 103 M. '.V . A will give a bisket supper in the i r hal naxt Thuradny evening Fib 25. A short nroiiram will be rendered after which the barke a will be sold tr tbe highest bidder. Ladies bring your 19 cent CORSET COVERS 3 cents Tbia oflioe baa old papers for - sale; 25 cents pir hundred. j. :- 40 cent Muslin Drawers 15 cens GREATEST OF ALL MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALE THURSDAY, FRIDA.Y SATURDAY This sale is an occasion of importance to all lovers of the dainty and choise inm- der-iuusUns and dill'ers from other sales in as much as every garment was made accord, ing to our very exiclin specification i. Tiih gn irnntois you perfeet qualtty in eve y way. Months ago wo began to prepnir for a salo which should in every way overshadow the best wo liuve ever done. The results ari now ready. Quality as well as little Pricing is the fealuro of this sale. DAINTY CHEMISE M;iile from the finest of cambrics, irimu.cd with dainty, yet durable lacep The garments are perfec in every way and the prices ars als perfect in a way perfectly low. Real 90c Chemlie at 58c Real $1,25 Chemise at - 88c Real $1 38 Chemlie at 98c Real $2.00 CHtmiiK at $1.38 SKIRTS SPECIALS These skirts aie all cut to conform to the prevail ing styles of dress-skirts aud their general air of daintiness will pleaso tbe most refined taste. The prices too, are .astonish ingly low. Real 73c Skirts at Real $125 Sktrti at Rui $1.38 Skirti at Real $2. 50 Skirt! at 49c 79c 98c $1.88 COSET COVE r.5 - Eicellenc in quality ruer ritourious workmanship, to say nothing about stylos and prices predominates here. In many instances the oost of material alone would be more than-we say for the finished article, i . ' Roal 19c covers at Real 35c coven at Real 63c coven at Real 83c coven at 8c I9 43 58c Baltenburg Patterns Battenburg Buttons Battenburg Braid ' Baltenbur"" Threap f A . -s ' ' ?. :1 birk't. Gents bring the ueccaaary il. Fveryboily inviteii. By order of Wm Thomaa V. C. fit, WALLOWA, OREGON few! mrsr