La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, February 13, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    Two Light Electrolier
Empire style complete with etched glass
shades and all attachments pot up iu
your residence for $.oo
See samples in our window."
la Grande Light & Power Co
R. Haunt
J. M. Burnt...
J. M. Church.
F. L. Mkvees..
.Viva President
..Asst. Casuief
J. M. Berry, J. M. Church
A. B. Conley, R. Smith -L.
0. Stanley '
3655 . - .
La Qrande National B nk I
v La Grande. Oregon ' "
Transacts a general banking business. Buys and sellarezchange on
J : all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. ...
Have you got all your Winter's Clothing,
and did you get it at
If you did? Alright. If not? well, wait
and you'll see. ,
P. S. The above refers to
Grents9 Groods
ys-ttzw rvww t&ty$Q&9
Spring house cleaning time will soon be here
and there will be many articles that you Vill
need. Our line the most complete in the
couuty to select from, a tour of inspection will
demonstrate the fuel. Tf you want a
Bed Room Suit
Side board, easy Chair, Couch, Carpels Rugs,
Linoleum, Pictures the latest creations of
art Ma'.ressep, Window Shades, in fact every
thing usually found in an up-to-date establish
ment. We can please you in nesotment, quality
and price.
Leading Furniture
House in Union Co.
La Grande
1110 Adams Avenue,
La Giande, Oreg
Frail Craft Capsizes With a Party Returning
From a Feetival on Alabat Island. Severa
Lives Lost,
Manila, Fab. 11 A. serious drown
ing fatality is reported off the ooaat
ol Tayabaa, the southeastern province
ol Luaon. ; A. number of Government
officials were returning to the main
land from a festival on Alaba Island
lo a small boat, when a severe storm
arose and tbe trail oraft was capsiiwJ.
The list of the drowned'uludea
Buroli and Oraoe MatGreweaohers,
a contract surgeon named F. Tela
more, J. Williams, a pbyaioian ol tbe
Board ol Health and two natives. .
Faeklasr Pastry.,-.
Instead of putting away pastry, such
aa cheese Ucs, jnst tarts, etc.. held
lu reserve '.n a lure tlu and fetchliur
aut when wanted it will be found more
convenient to puck auoutthe nuuiher
likely to be needed at one time In two
pound biscuit tins. Line tbm tins with
buttered paper, covering tlioplea care
fully ov.;r and closing tlutitlr, thus
avoiding admitting air more than Is
necessary and also, preventing break
ing the edgea and spoiling the appear
ante. . ,
. Arranarlnar PnrMtivt-e. -
When the sitting or drawing room la
large enough it Is always a good Ides
to arrange the fn nil lure In cozy little
groups. Where there is a fireplace s
delightful effect Is produced by pfco
Ing a settee at one side at a right an
gle and a largo clmlr opposite, with 1
small table perhaps beside It, for read"
Inx lamp and books. Near the window
may be another group of chairs and a
little table. 1-ounglug chairs are out
of place In a room where visitors are
formally received, but the chairs Should
he large and comfortable to sit ou.
Annc-r cemen's 0 "
vices & unda y ' D fferent
Places of .Worship
Sund i School 10 a.m.
Regular Services 2 p. .
Mutual I rovement .exooiation
meeting conjointly at 7 30 p m
8 Irene King 1st Reader
The Chiistatu Soienee " m-i vices at
tbe residence of John E Page in Old
Tnwn every Sunday at 11 a m ,
- All are oordialiy invited.
' Rev. J. H. J. Reade, Rector
Sunday, Fib. 11
First Mass 8 a.m.
Sunday Sobs . 9:45 a.m.
HighMasa . 10.30 a.m.
8ermon, "Faith and Conduct." '
Leoture - , 7 :45
"Symbols, Why Shew The Nejd With
Ashes?" Father Reade Leoturer,
Next Wednesday Feb. IT, "Ash
Wednesdar, the begining of tbe holy
season of Lejit.
Services will be in .the Catholio
Cbnroh as follows:
: Wednesday Mass, 8 a. m
Blessing of tbe Ashes bafore Maes
Distribution of tbe blessed Asbes after
Evening 1-M p. m
Leotuie, "The Necessity of -.' Pen
ance" ' .,' ',
Friday evening 7:45 p. m
"The Holy Way of the Cross"!
During Lent Mass tvery' morning
at " y (8 a". n.
Every Wednesday ind Friday even
ings ai ( v. , 7:45 p.m.
Tbe 'services each Weduesday even
ing there will be a lecture on "Dogma"
Each subject will be announced.
Tliis'will be b good opportunity' to
bear what the 320,000.000 Catholics
believe and hold for more tb.'.o 19
Centuries held and taught tbe doc
trines you will in iir, Wednesday even
ings. Acorjiu) .!)oneto all.
Lincoln's Birthday
uutrfr I
There will be a publio meeting of
tbe Grand Army men all old and
young, soldiers, tbe Womane Relief
Corps and all who wish to honor the
works of Abraham Lincoln
tbe auspices cf Oliver F. Mor-
Feb 12 at 1:30 p m sharp, tba day be
ing the 95 anniversary of Lincoln's
1 bete will be an ' interesting pro
cram oonsisling In part of musio
reading ol appropriate seleotion : by
Mrs Kate Simpson, patrlutio addresses
by oilixens and reminesenoea
Ail ate ioviud
By order of
J W Faulk, Post Commander
S 10 lot 13 . , .
Sunday School .' .11am
Midweek services, Wednesday oven'
iog at 7 30 p m
All weloomd, strangers cordially in
vited. '
J W Compton Pastor
: Revival services each uigbt at tbe
M E cburcb South.
Oo Sunday there will be preaobing
at 11 a m and 7 30 p m 1
Snnday School 10 a m
On Monday Kev U V Howard is
expected from Pendleton and servioes
will be cocteuued during tbe week.
J C Walker Pastor
. Sunday School 10 a m
:; Ssrmon by tbe pastor 11am Huliject
, Wiib Christ In Getbsemane.
' Epworth League 6:30 Led by Miss
Gertrude Mitchell Snbject Rvsl
Friendship, Following the Epworlh
League service a program will bo
given in comnieration ol the di alh ol
Francea Wilhud. Everybody ia cor
dially invited to be present.
' What VYlt Out.
"The next time my yi'-te asks me to
I bring home a fashion paper," growled
the buhlheaded man, "I'll Ue It up Ugut
before 1 leavo the oiQce.
"I've been murrted twenty years, but
everybody takes me for a bachelor.
Thnt's Where tho rub comes in about
tUls fashion paper. My wife asked me
to bring one-home last utght, and 1
bought the thing nt a news stand on
the L station. Of course I didn't look
at It. When I reached my station 1
had to walk the whole length of th
car to get out. ami Just before I rcacUeJ
the door a boy came after me, touched
me on I lie arm aud handed to me a bit
Bbcct of while paper all malted ovet
with bluek Hues.
" 'I beg your pardon,' bo said, 'bul
you dropped this.'
"Then everybody. In the car laughed.
The thing was labeled Mother s Friend,'
and It was one of thoBe paper patterns
for things to so over corseta," Now
York rveas.
To Olitnln tt Slim AValnt.
It's nice to ho plump, hut to be plump
In the wrong place 1- misery. Krencli
women, tlioiiKh they . get quite redun
dant, have their redundance located
properly owing to Hie training of their
figures from girlhood, 'l'hc best thins:
for a woman to do when she has ai
lowed her "form to get out of .form" Is
to rcgnh: Jt by taking gymnastic train
ing of some kind, fencing or clubs of.
dumbbells, lu the modem gymnasium
there Is such an apparatus for the
wnlst two great ropes from the ceiling
terminate lu a pair of padded metal
rings, into which you Blip your arms,
and, poising your toes within the ccn
tail disk on the Door, you swing1 yout
self round and round tn a circle, mak
ing your toes the pivot. It Is splendid
for Indigestion, this apparatus, and far
one's condition generally as well as
anc's figure. The action conies greatly
from the waist, which should be tho
strongest part of the body nml which
by no means Implies the thickest. The
.waist should lio Orm and lu reason
La Grande, Oregon. : ;
Steward's Opera House t
Mr. Theo, Jooe presents the comedian
and a company of excellent artists, .in '
tea ever popular comody sueessos:
Hustling for
xjsb,. ia.
An Eye on Hubby
Sat. Feb. 13
Seals ou gale at J. Van
Bureu's Wednesday moruing.
Prices Any seat in' the house
60 cents, children 25c, boxes 75,
Condi oted by Sisters of St. FrsDoi
Select loarding and dsy school for
Young Ladles "
Acidomio, Freparatory and K ned
inrten crnrscs are oonducted on the
same prineiples as those pursued in
our eoboola of Philadelphia. ,
Music and painting receive spool
Letters of inquiry directed to
Handgome Men y: .
Should protect , their
beauty by seoiug that
they have only -. ' .'y V
To shave them.-lVe
' will protect your facey:-,
Evans & Fitzgerald
1 Ol 1 lUlM
Ladies Attention
Yon are cautioned to temember
that 8mith tbe repair man oan make
tbat tewing machine" of yours run
jttat as good aa it did when it was new
Ho will call at your bouse aud bavr
it runing in first olsss shape before be
leaves Leave orders at tbe La
Qrande Pawn Brokers or phone No
i nam
on to buv Witch Haial Silv.
DeWitt't Witch Huel Stir Is th
orleinal tnd only canulne. In fid
DeWitt'ili the onlr Witch HuelSalva
that Is rnsdo from th aosdulttntad
All otbars art counterfeits base Imt
titlon, cheap and worthless even
dinterow. OeWltt'aWllch HuelSalvs
IB a apecinc lor nies. diiixj, dmuhii
tolraneact your real estate business
rests on onr ability to serve yon and to
save you money, We know real eBtate
value in this vicinity pretty thoroughly
and our judgement Is taken by some of
he inoBt careful investors.
we can be of seivico to you. Itis our
aim lo make ever transaction satisfactory
to both parties. So we never over or nu
diTi'Stimate values and give our aerviceB
impartial to all clients.
Origin i:ie ll&naom.
The ntinsom w;is (he Invention of Jo
seph Hansom, the architect of the Bir
mingham towu hull. But the two
wheeled cab which be patented in 1834
little resembles the vehicle which now
bears bis name. It bad a square, sedan
chair shaped body hung between two
wheels nearly eight .feet high. Tbe
driver's seat was In front, au alsd war
the door, 'he fare entered the cnb be
tween tbe wheel and abaft The mod
ern hansom was adapted from this
original by Messrs. Glllet and Chap
man. It la a peculiarly English vehi
cle, and no foreign nation has eve:
compassed the dogged courage of the
Briton who can sit calmly inside it
London Chronicle.
I , s -a w w
llchlnsiMPralnicllncPUee. AuoCuta,
Burnt. Brunei, sprains. Lacerations,
t Contusions. Bolls, Carbuncles, Eaema,
4- V !
Our perfume cuse is
filltd with a variety of
odors, suited to every
individual preference
tho products of the
world's greatest perfum
ers. For Christmus
these same, superior per
fumes, put up in at
tractive bo ties and box
es, suitable for gifts, in
prices from the tiny vial
at 10c up to the moat
costly cut glass.
For Christmas
Doesn't that offer yon
a suggestion for a Xmas
gift? If it does it would
be wise for you to make
a visit to our store and
look over our assortment
Hand Mirrors of all
sizes and in a variety of
shapes and materials.
Triplicate Mirrors, the
kind that permits you to
gee the back of your bead
aud the face at the same
time. Triplicate Mirrors
nm ilie kind men like
for shaving.
She Wss There.
"Mnmmn," sold little. Frances, "I
dreamed of you last night We were
all sitting In the parlor, and you began
to scold me."
"What did I say, Frances?" asked
"Why. you ought to know, mamma,'
replied Francos, with some astonish
ment. "You were therp." Iiuln
How to WaNh Decorated Chlneu
China t.hat has Iwrders and decora
tions of gold should be washed In hot
water without soap. The mildest soaps
will in time dull the gilt and wear it
Representative Momiell, of
Mr. John H. Gullom, Editor of tbe
Garland. Texas, News, baa written a
factures congratulations to tne manu
letter of of Chamberlain's Congo
Remedy, as follows: "sixteen years
ago alien our ' nrsc cnnu was
a baby be was tumeot to oroupy
wells and we wi uld be very uneasy
about him. We beesn using Cbsm-
her Iain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and
finding it such a reliable remedy for
oulds and croup, we have never been
ithnut it in the house since tnai
me' We have five children and
ave given it to all of them witb
good results." For Bale by all drug
Eggs, fresh valley 30uts, eastern, duo.
Butter, creamery (SUo and lirsioiaes
da'iry 60c per roll.
Potatoes fjOets per 8,ol(
Apptes,60c. to 76cte. per box.
Cabbage, ljct. per lb.
Turkiea, 10 ots. lb. live weight.
Wbesl 74c to80o per bu.
Oats 1.10 per cental
Barley 80c per cents!
4 10; clears, 13.65 and 3.75; hard what
patents, $4.20 snd 4. M; Dakota hard
wheat, S4-90 and $5.50; gra'.iam, 13.75,
whole wheat, f 4; rye wheat, $4.50 and
OATS No. I white, $1.074 : By
$1.06 per cental.
MILL8TUFKS Bran, $18 per ton;
middlings, $23; shorts, $19; chop, U.
8. mills, $18; linseed, dairy lord if in
HAY Timothy, $10 per ton; clov
er, $U; grain, $12; cheat, $13.
Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore
1 . " ""''"'
' . .
Portland Markets
An Eye on Hubby to Night,
T'M Portland wheat, market con
tinues its firmness jut no ebanges in
quotations Were made during tbe
week. Aa a rfsn't of tbe strength ol
the wheat niatket flour It quoted
firmer with the HnrnaLd larger Tbe
Oriental bnnut ii net over large but
some ordinal 4 are reported.
Prices there ni , r, high enough to
admit ol a so Hi . profit to ship,
WHEAT".!' Walla, 73c;
blue-stem, 78c; Valley, 79.
BARLEY Fi hI. $20 per loo, brew
ing,$20; rolled ;21.
FLOUR Valley, $3.76 and 3.86 per
barrel; hard wbealstreigbts, $3.80 and
Potatoes, 60 to 75 cents per sack.
Onions 8J cents to $1.00 per sack.
Eggs Oregon, 30 32J cts, F Vru
26 2Uo
Butter Creamery, 211 anil 30c.
Dairy, 20 anil 22o, store IBwlEJc lb
Poultry Chickens, mixed 10c per.
pound, spring, 10o and ben, ;
J0o,' turkeys live, 17 and 18 1
lb dressed 18 and 20c lb-, ducks, $!
and 7 per doz.' geese, 8o lb.
Cattle Best steers $4.26 aud $4 00,
medium, 4.00; cow $3.25 and $100
Hogs Best Urge, 1st $).2D; medium
large la t 4.75
Sheep Beet weathers f 3.60; mixed
sheep 1346.
A lliiu.elMilJ Truck.
A household convenience worth many
times lis com In Having carpels and
Qoors and avoiding rasped door cast
ings anil bruised fingers 1 a little
truck for moving heavy stoves, bu
reaus, etc. Probably the cheapest form
Is one Willi four heavy swivel aimers
for wheels; ull the rest cull be built in
home. The size anil sirengui 01 io
platform will depend upon the use tr.
which It Is to be put. A convoiikni
size Is 2 b.v 214 feet. The platform
iir,iilil be at least one and one-lmll
i..i. ihlili. roiiiM spruce or hemlock
being preferable to onU or ollii'r hnril
nml lltiiierv wood. About Jlirrp Inches
! from each end spike or Tosspli res
' of 8 by 3 lolst. In lle se act the cast
! ,.r rtv.-uioi- the ei.nee evenly, (iel
heavy and easily working casters nml
I ..n n.r i.i.nrliius before using, so Hint
i,, nm mr.v be made readily. Home r"
I fer a trm-k built like a miniature low
iimvn wimon. drawn by a bundle o
(ached to the front n.vle, which turn
n "i lii le." I!y liH.ltlng over tit. plb
of old Iron or custnfr farm mnchlnery
a s-t of wheels and axles limy lie
fniiml Unit with a little tinkering will
make u suitable running gear fur one
of these little wagons.
rh. Itenl Force.
"Mnn il" hi liest when he Is herd
nnt to It. Neei'sxlly. roil know. Is the
mother of (mention." said tbe observef
of men and thing.
Vm" milled Hie tienedlct "but
neeesoltv were Invention's uiothert
law then you'd see how Invention
would have to hump Itself," Pulladel-
pblu Press.
Tetter, Salt Rheum, sad all other Skis
raaraaso sr
E.C. DeWitt Co.. Chics,
Why pay high p.ices 'or Hay y
Feed, Wood and Lumber, when :
you save money by buying of - .
us. We are in a position to : :
undersell all other dealers in :
in Union county, and beiievd ,
to our advantage to do so. r
A trial order will convince you -
that we ere not onlyjjable to
undersell, but are doing so.
We have combined, the Lumber - '
business with our Feed business
; and would be pleased to figure
with you when in need of.; .
Lumber. Try a months busi- j
'. ";. with us and see for yourfelf 1 fS,
Yours for money saving,
: LA GRAN DE,, .j
Cor. Jeflferaon kve. and Fir St, ' i -
. .. ...... :...dw..TK
For Sale'hy II ILL & ALLEN
A great opportunity for you
lo breed to one of tbe best at a
verv low price. I will make
this season with my imported
fin (.us llo-kney stallion
With return privilege $8 pay-
li!e in advance. No other
terms. Uun give gooa reien-n-
cas as lo bis colts.
Wm. O. Hansen .
80 p. m,
NO. fl.
9i'M . in.
Bait Lake. Denver Ft.
Worth, Omaha, Kaoitaa
B:t0 m
9:15 p m
Time Rehdat :
NO. 1.
4:56 a. m.
NO b
10:80 p.m
vi tiaiiu, wmuvmt a cu-i
die to ii, Wttlla Walla,
Da v ton. Po meroi .1
Colfax, Moacow.Hpo-l
u . .th Bpo-
rurtiituu, UBiiri rcua
aioton untfttuia wai-
lulu, Lewleton, Colfax
Moncow, Wallace War
dner, HiMkuae and
ottier poinU oast and
norm via nponane.
No 2 Dally
0.15 a r
land City. Alloel.
imbier. ana Kigin
conneollona at Kite In
with stngo for pbnla
in vvaiiuwa wuuijr
NO a
8.06 p X
NO 6
6:ia o
Ocean B ten mora between Portland and
San .FranclBt:o every live days . ,
AkolutttMriry. Fines! flavor.
inrtns tn civil war more wna om
.Tinscrlptlon fnu'r rtio made tbousini'li
of dollars iN'fora Hie autuorltlca r
stnilnpd lilin. Tills rascal woulil send
letters broadcast, wherein he salfi lie
ifould couiinuulsate tor S2 a sure
means of escaping the conscription.
fitters loeloalnR two dollar notes pour
nd In on him. and In reply to eacn let
ter he would send a printed slip read
Inn. "Join the nearest volunteer rcgi
tnent" ,
Please Note Our
- Success
And increase of business from
July 19, 1801, to July 15, 1903,12
feuriiluR fund accum
ulated t2,5 0 0.0 0
Capital paid in 8 0. 0 0 0.0 0
Reliability of share
holders 6 0, 0 0 0.0 0
Protection to de
positors $1 3 2, 5 0 0.0 (
Deposit subject to
cneoa were, on
July IS, 1891
" 18P2 -
' 1803
." 1804 .
" 1805
" 1808 S3
" 1807
" 180S
" 1809
" 1000
. " t 1001
" 1002
- 1003 Z?.
41.5 9 8.35
7 7,3 9 9.99
; 20.041.54
42,3 4 8.11
43.6 4 7.59
7 8,7 7 6.25
8 3,7 50.19
8 9 , 7 0 3.90
8 3,711,07
7 7,2 4 5.38
1 3 2,10 3.76
? Does not the 'a hove figures
sura you that the management of
this hank meets witn theapp1
of Its board of ul rector Stx
rons; and deaemnK-
nAtrnnairs. We want'
ing business, laige c x",'vf
Interest will be p
Firmeri and
Uft Br'
ssssBBBBsaaas'i V. "'
as- If ..i
I I datai lor conn-.y on uianrpuuiiuui i
tl ket, In Wallu,i County.
IShopt P. St between 3d and 4,