faijmuunr viwr in"" riilrtaniilirraaiiiaiiriV ijtttf mntff nmPf 1 t '1 - 11 VOLUME III. LA GRANDE. OREGON. WEDENSDAY HORNING. FEBRUARY 10, 1904. NUMBBER it grand! - ' t OBSERVE&il - ? LA MORNING :vV. '3$ 1 it. SPBING GOODS ARE AKRlVIMi DAILY JAM SUM'; TWO BUSSIAI SHIPS; Leaves Remainder of Russian Fleet Bottled Up : In Port Arthur Harbor and at a Great Dis advantage. Rushes Troups In to Korea. Japs make g6taway without being injured. THIjL DESIGNS ARE ALL NEW CALL AND SEE THEM We will be pleased to show them. THE CHICAGO STORE THERE ARE FIVE REASONS Why we can sell goods cheaper than any fi:m in La Grande. 1st We buy and sell for cash. 2nd Our rent is only one-fourth what others pay. 3rd We do our own clerking. 4t!i We sell oi.ly the best goods. 5th We cary eight lines of good sits follows: Shoes, the best in town, made hySeU Schwab ifcCo., Chicago, .-nveet Dempster & Co., Hats. A corapleto lino of Indus and gents furnishings. Drese goods, notions and a fall line of jewelry and the best line of Millinery in Union County. If we only sold one line our expenses would be the same as wheu we sell eight. Therefore we can save you mouey. Remember we have an expert Jeweler who does all kinds of reparing. RAINBOW STORE Obefoo, Feb 9 Bulletin from Jap anese oounsul. Reports from Fort Arthur show an attack was made oo the Russian ships by the Japanese dashing under the very guns of Fort Arthur, the harbor being too small to hold the entire Russian squadron, and a portion was obliged to remain in the open roads. Monday night in the darkness, a torpedo detaobment of nine Japanese vessels got within firing distance and dieobarged tubes Two Russian battle abips and one crniser wete damaged One report says the vessels were in a sinking condition, while another says the damage was nlight. The greatest confusion was imme diately manifested in the Russian fleet The Jnp.nse immediately re tired amid furious broadsides from all Russian vessels able to bring guns to bear. ALL HAND8 WENT DOWN London. Feb 9 A late Paris dispitcb reports that nil hands went down with tbe Russian cruiser Palladia She cariied 450 men. GOT AWAY UNHURT Port Arthur. Feb 9 The Japanese boats making the attack last night escaped uudamaged, thus scoring for Japan the first victory of tbe war. CZAR OFFICIALLY NOTIFIED St Petersburg, Feb. 9 Aooording to ah official messenger, the first gun has been fired and war is now an ao. tualiy. Governor Alex'.i IT at midnight Feb ruary 8, telegraplfed tbe czar thnt nine Japanese boats suddenly attack ed the Russian squadron in the open roads at Port Arthur. - In the clash the Russian battleships Katwizan and Tzanvitch and the cruiser Palladit were damaged. LATER DETAILS St Peterburg, Feb. 92:30 P. M. A dispatch just reoeived by tbe ad miralty from Port Arthur, states that in an attack on the port, 12 Japanese war vessals sunk one Russian warsh ip and alo sunk seven smaller craft. RUSSIANS AT DISADVANTAGE I BALTIMORE FIRc REACHED A LIMIT. Natural Territoral Limit Prevents Fire From Spreading Further. City is a Surging Roaring Flame and Falling Walls. Public Records Safe. V Baltimore, Feb. 9 Tbe fire has been effectually stopped so far as ex tension into now territory is concern ed but the two miles square over which it marched is a sea of surging, roaring flame and falling wnlls, of red hot pavement and white-hot gir- derB, safes and vaults. The fire is st'vped because it reach ed a natural territorial limit, not be cause the (.Sorts to check it were or could be any more availing during the last hours than the first. The convention of insurance adjus ters roughly cstima'e the losses which Ihey must pay at $80,000,000. DEPOSITS AND RECORDS SAFE Governor Warfiold says tlia sale de posits and records of puldio institu tions are believed to have withstood the fire. OUTSIDE RELIEF MEASURE Washington, Feb. 9 Emrich ol Chicago introduced a bill in the house this afternoon appropriating fl ,000,000 for the relief of Baltimore, to be used iu sheltering the homeless and clearing the streets of d bris. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Chamber of Commerce, which gave $1,000,000 after the Chicago fire, is one of the first to ask if financial help is needed. New York banks assured the Balti more banks they can have any assis tance within reason, PROPERTY LOSS Baltimore is beginning to realize the immeasurable magnitude of its loss. The wi ath' r has taken a win try chill, and workers who are idle resize thry will probab!) be compet ed to leave for other cities -.4 1 1 esti mations of loss today vary from $160 000,000 to twice that amount. DO YOU WANT 1 CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? j If s", we'enn locate you on some S fine claims in Wultawa County, I I McDanlel &, McDonald, WALLOWA, OREGON A Good Show Tbe performances given by Beaty Bros Vaudeville and Specialty Co. in the Red Front Store room did n )t re ceive the patronage last evening that tbe merits of the show deserved. The company curies 7 people every one of whom is a star in their line. The moving pictures are exception ally good aud the illustrated songs are also good Krederik the Great, in his triors of in.ig.e, is a wonder and hin work alont :. : jrtb the j rics of admission Tii" Vaudeville perform ances are strict;;- alioed and tbe most fasti leous lady Mn spend an hour very pleuantly at the show. As R Hsiia repiirinr Uoiluiei are rurst meagre at Port Arthur, the damage done, even though slight, would effectually pnt those vessels out of-commission soma time. BOMBARDING PORT ARTHUR Chefoo. Feb. 9 The Japanese Host that last night engaged the Russian battleships under cover of darkness fiis morning began bombarding Port Arthur. But little damago has beeti done at this time. JAPANESE TROOPS IN KOREA London, Feb. 9 A dispatch this afternoon is reported from St Peters burg that Japan?' troops have been landed at Mawampho, Korea iuJssiA wanisTnTjsu v i lu.'i LoQdou, Feb U Minister lUyaebi Japs show Russians a thing or two about Naval Warfure. today received a cablegram anuounc ug that Russ la is rrrkirg dttrtni efforts through the various embasies to have the powers intervene, Kiis eia is now willing to concede every -thing, but the offer comes too late. PANIC IN ST. PETERSBURG St. PttcrBburg, Feb 9 There is pan c on tho HotirBO today on ac count of tbe ollioial admission of Japanese suocess. EX0ITEMENT IN EUROPE Borlin, Feb. 9 Newt of naval en gagement off ?ort Arthur created in tocBe excitement throughout Eutope. Details are anxiously awaited. At St. Petersburg AlexiefFa mes sage caused war preparations to be pushed in all directions The ctar's manifesto declaring a state of war to exist is expected tomorrow. - Naval experts look upon tbe result of the attack as a staggering blow one that places Russia at a disadvan tage in future operations. READYF0R WORK. f'3 The Local Land Office is now -Opencs and Ready - for Business. Receiver1 Roberts 'Ar rived Yesterday; s The land office Is now' "open aud ready for business. Receiver Al ' Rob erta arrived in 'the city ,'yeiterdaj armed with the proper- authority to assume tbe reoeivership and tbe of fice was promptly turned over to him by Ex-Rcoeiver A B Thomson. .... There is an enormous amount of wo: k piled up in the office which will be taken up in tie order it came to the ofnoe aud disposed of just as rapidlj as possible. . " The publio will be greatly pleased to know that the office Is open for . business, and the business of disposiug of Undo Sam,a domain will be trans acted in due form. .- : Ocean Ships Mrs Helen B. II i rfonl President of tho Oregon W.(;.T. IT. will bo in La Grando on the IV, 20 and 21th and will deliver one or more lectures. Lincoln's Birthday There will he a public meeting of tbe Grand Army mon all old and young soldiers, tho Womana Relief Corps and all who wish to honor the great works of Abraham Lincoln under tho auspices of Oliver P. Moi- l)n Post OA R. of Li Grande nt the Central Christian Church on Friday Feb 12 at 1:30 p m sharp, the day be ing the !)' anniversary of Lincoln's birthdav There will be an interesting pro gram consisting in part of music rending of appropriate eolection by Mis Kate Simpson, patriotic addresses by ciliz'.'iis and rcmiuesenccs All are invited fly order of J W Faui.k, Post Commander F 10 to F 13 Neighborhood Club Neighborhood Club Feb 9 1904. Loader Mrs Charles Norris. Roll call answered by questions on housobild economies. Piano Solo M'f Clara Lyle Paper "How Children spend, their money." Mrs J T Riohardson Paper "Domestics and Domesticity" Mrs Worstell Ptpir "Household Acootintn" Mrs Norris Paper "Manners at Homo" Mrs J O Ardrey Guessing Contest ' Vocal Solo Bon Boll Mrs J J Carr Reading "Club and Homelife" The Oregonian of Feb. 8, glres a list ol nineteen vessels oharted or avail- able for grain cargoes enrout for Fort land, not one of which carries tba Amerloan Qag.u..Ou that,, .daythere were five grain carrying ships In tba Oolumbia river all under foreign flags On the same day there were seven teen ocean sbips enroute for Puet Sound all bearing foreign flags, nd seven ships in the Sound J all bearibg foreign llaga. These make iff foreign ships and not one American flag seek ing cargoes in Oregon and Washing ton - .-VB.-.; .j House Warming Mrs Goo H Ourrey The bouse warming by the Commer oial Club at the Club ball last even ing proved to'be a very enjoyable af The refreshment anil entertainment committee deserve credit for tbe man ner in which they performed their duties. : Everyone present seemed to thor oughly enjoy themselves. LOST An Eagle's obarm. Finder will oall at this olfioo and receive reward I. J. LILLIS PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER.... Phone 1223 Shopt P. St. between 3d and 4 Island City Diphtheria Scare Monday and Tuesday Island City eptrienced quite a diphtheria scare. Mr Helmers little boy died Sunduy night Irorn Diphtheiis, And Munduy school was dismissed for the week. Tuesday about a dozen children had sore throat and Dr Hansen was called to see them He said some of them hnd few synptons of the dreadful diseate but he woulu not say it v. as or was not until he advised with anothtr PbyBioian accordingly Dr Hall of I a Grande was called in to Mr Jhk Garity's but the two DoctorB decided it was not Diphtheria. So a eic.it load was lifted from the minds f tue people. NWTICETO TlIK PUBLIC In last nights Chronica! was a state ment to the olfect that K. Androsa and Company had sold their Undertaking business to Henry and Carr, I take this means to state that this is rM a fact and that I have not told the under taking business to anyone and that I am still In the undertaking business an 1 am pre; ared to dike care of any ease of undertaking i"ln.ste. to m-.rrr:-.. .ul v fflBM THE GREATEST OF WHITE CARNIVAL As iinnouiifml in Su'iday's Observer our White Carnival opened' promptly Mondny morning. We placed our order for thOBe white goods wild tho ht'st known mills and manufacturers months ago, with the object of making this White (hruival the The Greatest Carnival otalb- Bargains of the Season. This is mi.ki.Tg-up season. Come now, and get what you need it is a Biifo prediction that you will pay more later. Participate in our ofTor of refunding the money for all caeh puschases made some day between now and March 5th. Sive all your cush purchase slips. This is ati opportunity ofgeU Sng something of value absolutely freb. ' Q y"irt n T: ' US ... euro b fliiwiwoo, MVAt--"" to