La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, February 09, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    Ufwctt.sw-"' - . a . -, .
1. f :
i- ft.
Money to. Give Away
t Lokat iome of the bargains. We are selling
gOo4 tbe same as we buy them.
- : - 18x20 pioture frame aod glass
Trunk' i ": "... " "
h- Carpenters tool chest ' " "
' 30-30 Winohestor, " "
i. $36 Bedroom set " "
Coal beater " " '
Cooks outfit of kitchen tools cheap.
1 all. prices.- Crockery,
' at your own price.
Conk stoves-
Hao ware and Jewelry .
The La GrancJe Pawnbrokers
' Comet Fit and Adams.
Renumber we still bur and sell all kinds 'Phone J 58 J
e Second Hand Goods. . .
r s bit viMbnf niiviu
& AncLrews,B
Have Just reoeived a large line ofaj
Dress -Shoes and we are selling thesefJI
ahoes cheaper than you can buy"
them in Portland. We do this to
gei these shoes introduced among j
the trade that wears good shoes. pj
Wheat reached the dollar mark at
Chicago on Feb Sd. .
J. B. Tborna cashier ot the Elgin
bank went to Portland last night.
Kobt. Smith la In the city from PortnH
lend. .
Hustling for a Wife Friday evening
and An Eye on Hubby Saturday even
ing at Steward') Opera House.
The members of the Beat; Brae;
Vandevllle and Specialty show arrived
in the city last evening.
It is announced that the wedding of
Miss. Hellie Grandy and Mr. Sherwood
Williams will occur tomorrow evening.
Mrs. M. O. Perry of Baker City came
down on laot Bights train and was
driven out to Mr Helmlere in May Park.
Alberson left last . night to visit
bis daughter Mrs A Louiselle, of North
Port Washington, for a few weeks.
Do not forget the Epwortb Social
next Friday evening at the M. E.
Church. Admission 10 cents.
The Neighborhood Club merits this
afternoon under the leadership of Mrs.
Lulu Morris, the subject being Domest
ic ecomeny.
The Grande Bond Cub Jo. are now
well stocked and able to fill all orders
on coal, wood, bay grain bran etc
Phone 1801
The W. O. T. U Will meet Thursday
afternoon at two o'olook at the home of
Mrs Robinson. A full attendance la
There will be a joint meeting of the
Lyle Musical and Tuesday Neighbor
hood Clubs, this afternoon at 2:30 in
the Club Room.
Rev J W Compton commenced a
series of revival meetings lu the M. E.
Church South Sunday evening. Next
week Rev Howard of Pendleton will
assist bim.
Jaa. Lasley received a letter from Mrs
Laslev. who is at the bedside of ner
daughter, Mrs O T Yantes of Richland
stating that sne is very low ana very
little hope remain for her recovery.
C. E. Parsons, representing the G. C.
Hanford manufacturing Company, of
Syracuse, N. Y. Is in the city in the In
terest of bis C'lmpiny.
Miss Esther Uomptoo, daughter of
Rev J W Thompson, pastor of the M, E
Chorob South, arrived last night from
Milton, and is a guest of Miss Rose
Terry. . .
Rev. B. F. Harper, Sunday school
Misslonery f:r the Presbyterian church
In Eastern O egon, passed through the
city last evening on bis way to bis
borne in Pendleton, after having con'
ducted services In Elgin last Sunday,
Major Baker, of Portland, spent last
evening with Co. L, inspecting the
company an I examining the newly
elected first and second lleuteoants,
The member of the company were ul
so measnrei for the new campaign jni-
Miss Dulcena Yeatea has arrived in
the city and will take her sister,! place
In the Simpson-Yeatea dancing . aoad
emy. Miss Yeatea comes from Leaven
worth, Kantas and the press of thai
city speaks very highly of her as a very
fascinating and charming young lady
Mrs. Dr. M. F. Hftnan who haa been
suffering from an attack of Inflamatory
Rheumatism for the past two tricks left
on the West boun d passenger train
Saturday night for Portland to . tx
placed In the St. Vincents Hospital. She
waa accompanied by Mrs. J.D.Matheaon
and Mr J. M. Church.
The Crescent Knittiog Mills Com
pany of this city has placed an ordei
for aufficent new machinery to double
their output this season. Mr, Wm. K.
Davis, the manager, states that the
business last year waa very satisfactory
to tbe company, In fact he states that
the capacity of the mills was not great
enough to keep up with the demand
for the goods. As soon as tbe new ma'
chinery arrives an additional force will
be put to work and the wheels of in
duatry will hum merrllly during the
next, season.
Make your fowls lay when eggs bring
top prices. We carry standard goods
whose merit has been tested for years
Oyster Shell
Ground Bone
Bone Meal
Flour, Feed and Hay
A. V.
Phone 1571
Paper Is Cheaper Than Coal
i and Looks Better.
. Ia other words il your walls are well papered
jonlnel bill' will be reduced. We do proper
Paper Hanging at drices you can afford to pay.
Painters, Paper Hangers and Decorators.
A. 0. HARRIS, Phone 1666, J.M. PRICE, Phoue 1491
issolution Notice
Notiue is hereby riven to whom it
may conoern tbat tbe partnership
heretofore existing between the undei
signed at La Grand.', Oregon, under
tbe firm name of E. Androas & Co.,
baa been dissolved by mutual agree
ment of tbe parties hereto. Tbe busi
ness will be oontinued by E. Audross
and she will oolleot all debts ong the
said firm and pay all debts against
said firm.
Dated Feb. 0, 1904.
E. Androhs
T f 0hs. Q. Kinskv
Fisk Jubilee Singers
The people of La Grande, will enjoy
a rare treat next Monday evening
February 15 when tbe famous Fisk
Jubilee Singers are to be in Central
Oburob of Christ. Tbe company oon .
eiite of eight negroes three ladies and
five gentlemen. They sing tbe sweet
old plantation songs as only such
people oan.
The admission haa been plaoed at
only fifty cents and a large attendance
is expeoted.
Those wbo speak in time may re
serve seats without extra oost.
Tickets may be secured of Dr. J. L.
Reavis, or of O. H. King who will
usually be in the oburob study from
11 a. m until noon and from 1 to 2
p. m.
Volcanic Shower
Counoil, Feb. 7 Last night about
dark tbe sky took on a bright yellow
tint and the air was filled with dust
nd oinders to such an extent tbat
it covered the clothea of every oue on
the street. The snow wai about 15
Inches deep and th) entire surfaoe was
oovered with the settlings ol tbe dust
and cinders so that the ground look
ed almost black. Tbe dunt it believed
here to have ooiue from a volcanic
eruption reported to have occurred
near Taconia.
Aa-d: Vivian V Ward, eon ol Mr
ind Mrs Luther Ward died last even
ng at 8 :'20 o'clock of spinal menan
iritis, aged 3 months. Tbe funeral
ill be held at the family residence
on P Street tomcrrow morning at 11
Ladies Attention
are cautioned to lemember
X "7?.. lth tbe repair man oan wake
',.',. nun i
' TSj i your bouse aud bave
llCfta WkU-Vlaee ,bpe before be
--g i tkJ4 Stars as- tbe La
W w41 wWrt of phone No
x- of pAiticVee W.
-ttendV indent
A bouse with 6 or 7 roonies.
F8 -20
Box o(M
Parties desiring post will do wsll to
address O. O. Tool La Grande, Oregon.
Box 574
At tbe La Grands Cash storow
Highest market price paid.
' ; 8d S
A. O Herman la reported to be quite
sick with pneumonia. , j
Cousistini! of hiub class vaude
villo specialties.
Frederick the Great
The best of
Colored Movine Pictures and
illustrated songk.
This Is a Show that will appeal to the
oterest ol the people.
MEATY BROS., Managers.
Tomorrow Night
Ana merest ol this week at 7 .30 p. m
At the Red Front Store
Prices Adults 8fc; Chlldrso
Hott o Split Papar.
Fritter can be split Into two or ever
three parts, however thin the sheets
says Household. It may be conven
leut to know how to do this some
lira ps, aa, for Instance, when on
wlsbea to paste in a scrapbook an ar
Ucle pi luted on both sides of the pa
per. Get a pleee of plate glass and
place It on a sheet of paper. Then let
the paper be thoroughly soaked. With
care and a little skill the sheet can be
split by the top surface being removed
The best plan, however. Is to paste a
piece of cloth or strong paper to each
side of the sheet to be split When
dry, crtilricly and without hesitation
pull the two pieces asunder, when one
part of the sheet will be found to havt
adherod to one and part to tbe other.
Soften the paste In water, and tht
pieces can be easily removed from tbs
Dili mi Be Promised.
Dming the civil war there was om
.traacrfption fukr vho made thousands
of dollars before tbe anthorlties re
strained him. This rascal would send
letters broadcast, wberelu be said he
would communicate for S2 a sure
moans of escuplug the conscription.
Letters Inclosing two dollar notes pour
ed In on Lira, and In reply to each let
ter be would send a printed slip read
log, "Joia tbe nearest volunteer regiment."
She Was There.
"Mnmmn." said little France, "I
dreamed of you last night We were
itl'elttlng lu the parlor, and you began
to scold me."
What did I sny,- Frances r" asked
"Why, you ought to know, mamma,'
replied francos, with some astonish,
ment "You were there." Judge.
Preeooloas la Spota.
Bobby Do I have to go to school
Mother Of course, Bobby.
Bobby Why. mother, I heard you
icll father Inst night that I knew en
Hiely too much. Detroit Free Press.
Ministerial Meeting
Tbs ministers of the city met in
tbeir usual monohly meeting in tbe
Presbyterian oburob. si 2 30 P. H.
with all members present' The devo
tionals wets conducted by Rev Com.
ton of the M. E. cburob South.
After which tbe regular business wan
taken up. A abort talk was given t y
Rev Van Kuys on present dy Evan
gelism after by Robert F. Coil Satjiot
Tbe misting note ia modern peach
ing. This production waa reoogoised
by all as being a great production
from a master band and gare mm';
good thoughts for present usage. The
association o'osed to meet the fiist
Hondey in March.
' Oregon Street
There la a Slrset in Cincinnati Ohio
called Oregon Street and it must be a
good Street, for a paper published
there, tbe Commercial Tribune, nn
last Wednesday, notes tbat a lot on it
50 by 90 feet sold for $3,000.
Helmer; The eldest son of Mr and
Mrs Helmer died at tbe home of his
parents in Hay Park, yetteiday morn
ing of diphtheria, aged 12 years. '
House Wa-rning
A House Warming Trill be beld at
ths Oommeicial Club tp oight by tbe
members. Arrangem ntt hav bn
naue for a royal gn-o) time anu a
good attendauou is expected
Lincoln's Birthday
Next Friday, Feb. 12, will be tbe 95
anniverey of the birth of Abraham
Lincoln tbe 16 president of tbe Unit
ed States. The day will be oak bra ted
in most places in the United States,
but we bave heard of no move in that
direotion here.
Slew Ba Toar Life II Oaatrks la
m Fire.
"What persons should do If cut oil
from escape la to abut the door of tbe
room In which they are and make for
the nearest window," said Chief Swing
ley of tbe St Louis fire department to
a New Tork World reporter.
"The beat way Is to crawl. There Is
slwoys a Bpace next tbe floor where
the air Is good. Smoke always rises.
I don't care If a building la filled with
dense smoke a window can be reached
by crawling and keeping the bead close
to the floor.
'Persons should get on the outside of
the window. The room may be filled
with flrv, but It wlU take some time
before the Are reaches them. Persons
should wait until their clothes catch
on fire before jumping. It Is almost
sure death to Jump.
"Burning buildings do not fall train.
dlately. They are generally burning at
least half an hour before tbey begin to
tall. Even If ths building does begin
to fall the portion where one Is may
not fall.
'Of course when persons are placed
In great danger minutes seem like
hours. The engines get to fires In the
majority of cases within a few minutes
after the alarm has been given.
'Another thing that I am reminded
of la tbe fact of how few persona know
the location of fire alarm boxes near
est to their residences and how to give
an alarm. Every one should familiar.
tie himself with tbo location of tht
box and how to turn In an alarm."
Rock Island
meals are the
best on wheels
11 (mm
Not very good poetry,
perhaps, but what it lacks
in rythm, it more than
makes up in fact. And the
prices are reasonable low
enough to be within the
reach of people of moder
ate means; high enough
to ensure good food, good
rnnkino- and crood service.
Breakfast and dinner are served
on the a la carte plan you pay
for what vou order. Luncheon,
50 cents. " , .
Denver to Kansas City ; Denver to Chi-
cago; St. raui to ot. iui.
Full information on request
- L. t. COIIHAM, Csnsral Aesnt,
140 Third St., ortland. Ore.
fresh Chooolales
Fre9i Bon Bons
Fresh Nougnct
) Fresh Carmels
... Fresh Taffey
Frosh Saitod Peanuls
Fresh Salted Almonds
Fresh Popcorn
Fresh FruitS
That's all.
Row fa Mead Catldrea'a Stoekiaca
Huge holes In the stocking knees of
children can be mended neatly and
save tbe labor of darning or tbe actual
throwing swiy of the otherwise good
stocking. Cut tbe hole right out and
Join the two pieces left -with an over
and over stitch on tbe wrong aide. This
wUl make a seam, to be sure, but not
unsightly, and they can then be uttl
6d for second beet -
Two Bffeeta.
"I never send out a story for publica
tion," said Dullpath, the realist, "with
out first having slept over it"
'I don't believe I've ever read one of
cm either without doing the same
thing," returned Hawlcy.
Iicniuan Thompson recently celebrat
ed tho seventieth aunlver.viry of his
Klmcr ItufTbnm la starring ns Shy
look In the "Merchant of Venice," un
der management of l-'lctchcr and Stro
Frederic Remington, the artist, as
sisted hi the staging of "John Knnlne
of the Yellowstone," now at the Sinn
hnttan theater, New York.
llerr Conrled auuouuccs Dec. 24 as
thi iliite of the nroduetion of "Parttful'
nt the SfotroDolltau Opera House, New I.
York. Itipetltlons will be given Dec.
81, Jan. 7, 14 and 21.
ltoearlo fiuprrero, the Spanish panto
mlmlst arrived In New York recently
on the Kaiser W'ilhelui der (S rouse. She
will prvstMit "Cannon" lu pautouiline
at a Broadway theater.
Ada Ilchnn tins filed objections to the
executors' accounts of the Augustin
Daly estate. Sbo linn aa well Bued for
tho recovery of $11,000, which she
claims as arrears of salary.
Sweet Coataat.
Blobbs SUIIcus Is very proud of bis
lineage, Isn't he?
fllobbs Yes j he would rather have
acestry than make a name for blnv
elf. Philadelphia Record. t
We sell Shoe, and leave milli-J
nery, hardware and moused aps
for other people to sell, j
Shoes absorb our attention ;
Our stock is is fresb and always
up-to-date. j
- Shoe Specialist, DepotSt.
Geddes Bros.
Why are God I8 Bros, kept so
bnny? Why do they soil the beet
gnoile at t he lowest prices.
Preferred St'k Tomatoes 3 for 50c
Preferred Stock Corn 3 for 50c
Preforrcd Stock Salmon 'A fur 50c
Preferred Stodk Peas 3 fof 50c
Preferred Stock Reans 3 for 50u
Don't pny other pr cera 20 cents
a enn for any of the?e goods.
Standard tomatoes corn, beane
pea, etc., 2 for2f cents.
They have the best butter made
In I lie va'ley, and their creamery
butter haa no equal here. Try
it and eee.
Dill pirklea, Heinxe'a mince
meat, Swift's pickle pig feet,
premium hims, loose olives.
Everything tacty, nice and cheap
Telephon 401
Geddes Bros.
Equitable Savings & Loan Association
Easy Paying Loans and
Monthly Installments
Fire and Accident Insurance Written In Safe and
Reliable Companies.
City" Property for Sale
"Kl.rtillr. Abllltr."
"nnt then, ot course, he hsa execn-
tlro ability." we said conclusively.
"Executive ability I" repeutcd our ac
quaintance. "What do you mean by
"Why, the quality of holding subor
dinates resiionslble for failures and
Inking credit to ourselves for their suc
cesses." wo responded.
Which wo considered rather clerei
for studied Impromptu. New York
Horn Id.
15 J W
Maa aa Bias.
Kind Tleirted CitUen-Tnt tat. tut:
Don't worry over It, little boy. Ton
didn't break your pitcher, and there's
no use, yoo know, in crying over sptti
Mttle Boy-Do I talk at If I was err
mlaterT (Reenmes bis rtolent las
ruase. Chlcaan Trlhnne.
. S A "... .
This statement made by the Manufacturers of
the Bissell Carpet Sweeper. They make ninety
" per cent of all the Carpet Sweepers used in the
whole world. If this be true they must be right.
Grand Rapid nickle
trimed " " $3.00
Standard " $2J5
Japan Frame $2.50
We Have Them
Crown Jewel nickle
trimed " " $275
Japan frame $2.50
Ideal, nickel tr $3.25
We have a complete liiie of the American Wringer Companys Clothes WriuiZf rs
Keystone tall bearing, wood frame $3.75 HoiiseboM, wood frame 2 fn
'ht. antra art-atrl I rn fiiOaaaa.K' I ill f 'ms., i : r - " "-
Challenge wood rrnme f.ou Uresent iron fime 12 50
rnnstou balll:ea-'ng $3.03.
"OS to 1112 Adams Ave.
juntre-nua i your (t cunstmnr
Wlln-'M I was ruipnvod u tb
9 1
"""" -' '' 'L? ''