"TJ- - 4i.f ."O 'J !"J'i -T --' MORN ' -;:J-iV ;iiME in. J A GRANDE. OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 9. 1904. NUMBBER 81 V LA GRANDE NG ADCCraEO SPEING GOODS ARE ARRIVING DAILY THE DESIGNS ARE ALL NE W CALL AND SEE THEM )Vc will be pleased to show them. THE CHICAGO STORE I THERE ARE FIVE REASONS klltlli UUJ Ullli ILL JUt VJHWUUWi 1st We buy and sell for cash. 2nd Our rent is only one-fourth what others pay. 3,d We do our own clerking. 4lh We sell oLly the best goods. 5th We cary eight lines of goods as follows: Shoes, he best in town, made by Selz Schwab & Co., Chicago, Sweet Dempster & Co., Hats. A complete Hue of ladirs aud gents furnishings. Drest goods, notions and a full hue of jwelry and the best line of Mill'nery in Union County. If we only sold one line our expenses would be the same as when we sell eight. Therefore we can save you inouey. Remember we have - i i l 11 l,:nJn Af Mnavinn j! I an expert Jeweler who ooea an ....g. 1.RAIN30W STORE I I v MJa f-1737 most gigantic mm TIE WORLD EVER SAW City of Baltimore is Swept by the Most Destructive Fire In the Hlslojy of the World. Losses Now Reaches Three Hundred Million Dol lars Fire Not Yet Under Control. Thousands Are Left Destitute. Martial Law Declared Baltimore, Feb. 8 At 9 thU mora log ibe flames were still beyond con trol. The wind l blowing gale. Practically all tbe wholesale and a large part ol the retail dlitriot 'is swept about 40 blocks, atretoblng a mile in one direotion. Fresh relays ot enginee, men' and borees are being rushed by ' special train from Jersey City, New York and Brooklyn. ONE HUNDRED FORTY ACRES The geodetic survey, in giving out the above statement of area, says it inolude 140 acres. ONE COMPANY LOSES 160,000,000. Tbe militia is now in full charge in tbe distriot assisted by regulars. One New York insurance company al 10 o'clock figures its losses at $60,000,000. I HOS PITALS ARE FILLED Hundreds of firemen succumbed during the forenoon to the 'terrific heat, and the emergency hospitals are filled. There plaoea in many cases are takn by citizens. The body of Fireman Elgenfritz who came nitb a relief orew horn York, Pa. was found at noon in tbe Equitable building, where be tried to oarry a line of bose. President Hood o! tbe Baltimore street rail way, is missing, , A SEETHING FURNACE At 1:30 tbe water front is now a seething furnace. Qreat mills, steamships, wharves, long rows of cotton and great warehouse filled with merchandise are entirely aUamo With the water front goes great ship ping interests of this seaport making a complete destruction of Baltimore's business distriot. Gets $10,000 Colfax, Wash. Feb. 8 Mrs. Guy De Penoier of Oolfaz has receive! - tele gram from Toronto, Ostario, stating tbat the court has awarded her 110.- 000 damages ' against tbe Grand Trunk railroad for tbe death of ber hatband, who was killed about one year ago in a collision on that road, in wblob nearly a hundred lives were lost. Mr. DePenoier was well known throughout Whitman county, having lived in and near Oollax many years He was returning to Oolfaz from a visit with his parents and was killed leas than 100 miles from tbeir home. lo Oregon tba greatest damages reooveraoi lor taking a human life is $5,000. : - . FROM OTHER CITIES More than 50 engines, trucks ' and orews have been brought from . other oities to augment the local fire de partment yet should tbe wind change probably this great force of firemen and modern appliance will prose in adequate to save the residence sec tion. Two hundred and fifty extra polion have arrived Irom Philadelphia. STIL L BEYOND CONTROLL At 2 this afternoon tbe flames again threaten to break beyond control. Now tbat tbe water front is destroyed tbeeatimsted loss reaches 1300,000, -000, tbe greatest eingle loss in tbe history of the world. A solid niileo water front is ablaxp. Hundored of vessels have beer, pulled out to new anchorages . , FIFTY THOUSAND DESTITUTE At least Du.OOO are thrown out of employment.. Citizens ibis afternoon are arranging plans to care for tbe dvatitute. Governor Fairfield, after a confer ence with the mayor, declared a legal Holiday, no baa oalled a Bpecial ses sion of the legislature, and necessary legislation will be introduced at Ann iipolis tonight, lo suspend all business for a week or 10 days until the oity'a affairs can te straightened out. MARTIAL LAW DECLARED Baltimore, Feb. 8. Martial was fjrmally d.clared at nnou. . IN THE LUMBER DISTRICT IN CIRCUIT COURT. Hutch ol Me come np for FIGHTING BEGUN fej : v) 13 War Has Not Been De- clared Bui Japan Cap- A tures Russian Trading Vessels off the Koreans "; Coast Port Arthur' Will be Scene of " First Battiei-vTr;;:; ha 4 . Union, Ore. Feb, 8 (Special to tbe Ubsever) D. Bommer vs G. M. & Co. judgment in favor of Plaintiff, nomas Walsb et el vs C. H. Finn and T . H. Crawford judgment In favor of Finn and Crawford. f . H. Tat man vs Union Co. verdiot in favor of Tatman and judgment t atvarrtnrt In tha .nm aI qk 'aw j E. 8. McOomas and wife vs i inson Bros, verdiot ia favor I Comas. ..a t-i I. I . ' . " .- a.i o uuiuuk uuiiiD uu .us widub, . Tbe Grav oano will INming brands from the lumber yards, j ,rial agaiu io tn8 moinln(( lava uarnt'u tut) uuuiii;raiiun aoross Jones' Fall, which the firemen pred- j . . . . j-. ... . icted, miglit be the limit of the flre-j VAUDEVILLE sweptarea. Oilier lumber yards are: u i mtTy. in lino and offorgood material for ho AND SPECIALTIES Bpread ol the flumes. Back of t.;o hmi-1 . . ber. ia a densely populated tenement' ., B""y Brot- Vaudeville and district, the inhabitant of which are 1 8Pec,hy s ,ow will open a weeks en- Kogtiuinu. iu me ueu f ront Store room this evening. Ibis is said to be now fleeing earring all ly goodti. poaiblo word- ROBERTS' BONDS ARE APPROVED. This Information is Contained in a Telegram Received by A; B. Thomson ' JisWening. Business Will Soon Resume -at- the Local Land Office. ; ViV;:.' Washington, D. C. , Feb. 8 ; 7" V . .' , A. B. Thomson, -La Grande, Oregon, Bonds of your successor approved. Deliver him at once all property pertaiuining to the ceiver's office as per instructions of the 21st. ' ' (Signed) J. H. FIMPLE, Acting Secretary. - to Re- Some Clever Tricks Frederick the Gicat, the magician w io la with Beaty Bros, Vaudeville and 8p30iiHy allow, was a pleasant visitor at tho Ouhkrver nfllce last even ng, and very kiudly entertained the foroe for some time with some very clever ' tricks. Judging from tbe manner in .which he deocived the eye" of those present, turning silver to gold and other seemingly imporeible feats with money, o arde, etc, we would pro" nounoe him a wondo r in bis line, and certainly entitled to the title of Fred erick the Great, a high class VaudevllU company. Tueir show ia refined in every par- uuuiar ana all tbe member of the oompany are stars In their line. Fred erick tbe Gieat ia admitted to be the peer of any magician before tbe pub lio today, and bis clever tricks are alone worth the price o . admission. He is highly spoken of by the press ol Portland, San Francisco and other large oities. Tbe price of admission ia 35 coots h r adults-and 15 oents for children. London, Feb, 8 The Central News Bureau reports a strong Japanese fleet baa gone to Chumulpo, Korea and several Russian trading steamers have been seized. .! Minister Hayashi this morning 4 T says that as a state ol war aoUally f j exists it is possible there will be no further declaration. '; ' . The British foreign officer receives aoonstant stream of oablegrama Tbe British navy is preparing tor mobiliia- . tion on a moments notice , ;" OFF PORT ARTHUR' V Tokio, Feb. 8 It is expected here the first battle between Russia and Japan will oodur off Port Arthur, where the harbor is inadequate to pro; - teot the entire Russian fleet.'The Jap ' anese fleet is now believed to be pro ceeding there from Nagasaki. " -Tbe Japanese plan a great torpedo campaign in tbe coming war RUPTURE REPORTED London,;- Feb, oSeoretary;. Doug las In tbe bouse of commons today -announced that be bad officially' re ceived news .that ail 'diplomatic rata- -tions between Russia andJapan are -broken off. Full Stock The City Coal Co. have now a fall stock of Pleasant Valley, and Castle Gate, Nut and Lump ooal, on hand, call in and see us. POPE PIUS . -REPORTED BLIND London, l'eb. 7 A dispatch to Dal siel'a news agency from Rome reports on the authority of a person having constant conlaot with tbe pope that the latter ia piautioally blibd. His sight hat been failing ever since - hie accession to tbe papacy owing to tbe extremely da mp air of the Vatican, and two oelebrated oooutists have ordered that he refrain entirely from reading. i S)8aair?9w; The above is tbe copy of a telegram received by Ex-Receiver A B Thom son last evening.whicbindicates that business at tbe local land office will be resumed in a very short time. It is expected that Mr Roberta will arrive in the oity sometime today and will promptly enter upon the duties of bis MMMs)ttMMMMs)M iang news totbe citirens of La Grande and tbe patrons of tbe ofiioe through out the distriot ss tbe suspension of business has become very irksome. That the business at the lai.d shall proceed witbou t furthir interruption is a consummation offioe. Tbie will certainly be gratify-. greatly to be desired. DO YOU WANT : CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? Pleasantly Suprised Engineer Henry Hensen was very pleasantly surprised at his borne last evening, when the members of flrande Ronde Division B of L E made a raid on tho prriiilj t. Tbe evening was enjoyably sr'tir vii'i Mr Htuson aod before the mitnb t of the order dis perse', he tit i rn-enled with a hand some Morris Chair a a token of tbe affecM n nu -i-em in which he is held by bin I r. her engineers. Mr Geo Hansen, on lhlt of the mem bers of the order, in a few well chosen remarks, pieseiiUil the oaair to Mr Henen, who n l.if'ily pleased with If go, we caa locate you on some fine claims in Wallowa County, ivir-rAaniel & McDonald, . WALLOWA, OREGON I. J. LILLIS PRACTICAL" UPHOLSTERER., Phont 1223 tbe spirit manifested. He expressed his appreciation of tbe feelings that prompted tbe expression of esteem and tbanked the boys for their kind and thoughtful remembrance. Mr Hen sen has been assistant En gineer in the Brotherhood for a num ber of years and is held in the highest esteem by tbe entire membership ol the order. 1 Shopi P. St. between 3d and 4 OREGON TREES FOR FOREIGN CLIMES Salem, Feb. 6 The breadth of Otegon's market for fruit trees is ' shown by shipments made in the last j few days by tha Oregon Nursery Com pauy, of this city. Japan, England, South Africa and Australia weie among tbe plaoes purchasing fruit trees giown in Oregon. It is conced ed among fruit men that Oregon our- THE GREATEST OF WHITE CARXIVALV As nnnounnod in Sunday's Observer our White Carnival opened promptly Monday morning. We placed our order for those ' white eooda' with the best known mills and manufacturers months ago, with the object of makiug this White CrruivaJ the J The Greatest Carnival ofr iBargains of the Season This is tnaking-uw season.. Oorue now and get what you need it is a safe prediction that you will pay more later. Participate in our offer of refunding the money for all cash puschaaes made some day botwefn now iiiulMnroli 5th. Save all your cush durohast slips. This is an opportunity of goU 'ing something of value absolutely fre. JJmi A, U. 7 tT-W: mmnEmnm I.L I j , -JyO , - y iwmiiii , 1 1 1 1 ' inn' : '"' V ' '' ; : t It f. -3 a: eery stock is uniurpassed, . . "vuitM-na miim Ht StasM-.s-'- 2