I . " .V .. P ' . . ' MORNING OBSERV VOLUME III. LA GRANDE. OREGON. FIRDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 5. 1904 -NUMB LA GRANDE v. SPRING GOODS ARE ARRIVING DAIY THE DESIGNS ARE ALL NEW CALL AND SEE THEM Wc will be pleased to show them. THE CHICAGO STORE rsMMaa.au f JMfiBEBUEBtil A SACK OF (JOLT) FREE Tlie old arldage that on reaching lie part of a rainbow you will Bud a tank o Koiu.is very old and doubted, hut it lliose mat disbelieve will chII at the Rainbow Store will be con vinced. We tuve boxes full of gold and silver, precisus Btonee, watch?, clocks a::d everything in the jewelery line, at pricon such ns you never dream d of. Call and be convinced that we crn mid will eave you sacks of gold. We bought at 35 cents on the dollar and will give vou the benetit. We are here to r ay and guarentee a "as represented. Have an expert Jeweler who will do all kinds of repairing protnpily. Call before all of these bargains are gone. DO YOU WANT SENATOR HANNA DANGEROUSLY ILL It is Feared That the Case Has Developed into Typhoid. Is Low Physically and Greatly Depressed, But Physicians Hope for an Early Recovery. Washington, Feb. 4 Senator Han- Haooa realises his grave oouditioo na passed a lairly comfortable ' night! and submits unreservedly to the phy- witb no return ol the oongestive chill. HELD CONSULTATION ' A oonsulation lasting au hour, was belli tbia moiuing by Rixey and Brew er, of New Yirk, and Magruder, ol Waahington. Brewer treated Ban na during bia recent illness in New York. ' ' ' A sample of blood waB taken tbia morning for analysis, and they hope to arrive at a defirfite diagnosis. Up to this time Haana'a malady was be lieved to be la grippe. Fears aie now however, of typhoid. Tbe physicians admit tbey are puz zled over the (act that notwithstand ing bis nervousness and irritability bis temperature today -is but naif a degree above normal. He slept last night only through tbe heavy admin istrationa of opiates. Eight Pass Walla Walla, tt'a.h. Feb. 4 Out of 51 students of the eighth grade in tbe public cobaola who took the required examination lasc month but eight passed. siciace' orders. A further consulta tion of physieiant will be held later in tbe day and a lull nport made, so if necessary his brothers and sisters tray be summoned. EXPEUT RECOVERY At 12:30 this afternoon the physi cians issued thefollcwing bulletin : "At the consultation held this morning no new leaturea were found in Hauua's condition. He Is suffer ing from a recurrent ntlack of la grippe with an unusual amount of physioal depression, There are no alarming conditions, and no reason to believe recovery will not take place itbin reasonable time." MORE FAVORABLE At 3 this af ternoon Mr. Henna's condition is moie favorable. He is enjoying tome natural sleep. AMONSTER spruce;; What is Believsd to be the Largest Spruce Tree in the World Discovered in Oregon 21 Feet jn Diameter NEGOTIATIONS OFF si JAPAN WILL FIGHT News From The Far East Interpreted to; Mean That War Has Commenced. -1 Russia Puts up Big Bluff Russia's Tension is Threatening. Fleet Has Left Port Arlnufe .1 BILLS ALLOWED BY THE CITY COUNCIL At the city oounci meeting Wed nesday night. GENERAL FUNDS O'ArchanDauet. nursey $ 38 05 J H McLachleu sp. police 9 G5 Joe Woods Livery pest house 10 U0 H OCotner Dpty. Marshal CO 00 J M Berry Mdse . i 75 L Rayburn 79 45 Light and Fewer Co 1 1 2 6u H T Williams Recorder 17 50 Bock and Thomas Mdsa 1 10 Hill and Allen Mdse 1 26 Peter Nelson labor 14 00 E E JoueB 8! Snpt 65 00 POUND FUND Joe Woods Pound rent etc. 25 00 WATER FUNDS Telephone 2 10 W Hackclt 31 days pumping 09 75 J D Flynn 31 cds -woods 45 60 d A Lfuliker labor 2 00 F E En loo water supt. 85 00 H HofTmelr 6 cds wood " 21 0C J as Warnstolf 12 J oda woods 46 85 Exchange 4 50 Joe Jones Care Hose 5 00 RECORDERS REPORf Receipts Fines and lot 476 00 Disbtirsments "ecs to oity ally and Recorder 00 00 Amt tnrned over treasure 386 00 IV al $ 476 00 Astoria, Or., Feb, 4, W. -3. Link hart, ol Nehalem Oity, has discovered what, is believed t) be the largest spruce tree in the world, The mon ster tree is located in God's Valley , on tbe south fork of the Nehalem River, about 12 miles from Nehalem City, The trea measures 21 feet in dia meter aud 63 feel in cirouinference Its beigho wis not measured, but Unkhart expresses the belie! that it is easly the monaioh ol the northern fores's in this respeot as well as in others. God's Val'ey is the looation I of tbe largest trees ever discovered in .Northwestern Oregon. Jap in buys H arses Nona papers and dispatohei from various places in British Columbia roport Agents of the Japunse Govern ment purchasing horses for months lor Cavalary and team horses. London , Feb. 4. A speoial agent cables to the Evening News from Pek- in as tolLwei ..' "OfBolal information lias been re- oeived here that the Japanese govern ment has deoided to refuse any further gotiatioua with Rofia, aud will takeactico immediately." Ibk is interpreted bete, in B"m quarters that war in the Far Rait has begun. News is reoois d at Tnkio that all Russia warships have lull Port A rlliur, j dsstin&tiou unknown. . INOKEASINd IMPATIENCE Paris, Feb. 4. Th i general f.p'nWn tn-day is that the. situation in tho I Far Eat is less reassuring' All ui! 1 vines sliow increasing impatience. which the diplomats here regard as a ilaugeruus factor. . ' r1" . CABiNErJrjIjQNa: Botgrade, Feb; 4. The members of t e fervia oai.innt. to-day handed, thtl' ripiyontionB to King Poter: ji :: ,UUSSl'a U1H BLU'F? - R. rliii, Feb. 4. Tbx Local Anieiger wbittS is in olose toitoh with-offloial- i nnnayB Russia's : mov.Tinen? Id' th i: J hi Kast and niobluatious of troops is i a-lrt eil to be a tylurl to overawa; Jap- ; u ii.lp a uJuoiliitory attituds. ivj- " E 1 ER(jKN(3y' H AS ARRIVED ':r: 1, pdon, Feb; 4. A- Soal -tforret "itule.it of tbe: Centra,! NewSj wires Unit 6,000 Russians have embarked at Port Aurthur lor.Kojes. : SAYS HE IS SAFE Damen KranzfKs v The young laili's ol "the ;r)amen Krai.t were' entertn'tnod"' last evening by E'roni. and Mary OVk 'ai',heir bomo iu' old "town.'"!-Tihr.psri3ras known as a.''Ueart; party,", andreaoh vnn ii if tail v was nlvan a heart ahaoed when that sad day came that brought the death of President McKtuley, to help hold up- tho hands of his true and loyal successor. I am to'd that his successor is not popular in tho Oity of New York. They sy he is not safe. "Hu is not safe for the men h l DISTRICT COURT Grandjury Finds Two True Bills Maynard Judgment O. R. & W. H. Receives Against N, to the j appelants i The case of V If Maynard va O R fr N Co which has been nn trial the jpiat two days was Hnished this even ing the jury rinding a verdict in favor of Mayniud and awarding judgemoot to fie amount of $Jo00. (Tile caso ol Thoi wilah et al vj C H Finn, anil T H Crawford a damage case resulting from road crosuiug pro perty owned Finn ami Crawloid will go t3 tria tomorrow K CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? If so, we can locale you on some fine claims in Wallowa County, Mc Daniel 6c McDonald, j WALLOWA, OREGON Amount of $25ft0. Uuioj Or F.di 4 (Sptcial tu the Observei) T e circuit court today disposed of tbn following cases Laura Huffman, vs Erank Kill patriok; Laura Hull 'nan vs Ed Busaey Isaac Hetrick vs Marshal Oliver, all settied and dismissed Tbe court p ssed sentence upon David Woodlord who pleaded go Ity to stealing a coat at Elgin :o thirty days in the county jail ' Sentence will be imposed on Arthur Hotchkins to-morrow The Grand jury brought in two true bills today one in the case of the state Oregon va H O Mo ra the Jap charged with " he hurKalary ul the sec tion home hern Ut Monday The other was in the otflU of the .tate of Vi Dan Uect.tel! and Joseph wneeler. The charge is buiglaiy not iu a dwell ing Tanny Patton was granted a divoic rom VV H Patton Htewart, McAnisb, ap-p lanl va Wm Grant et al, j jdjemeut awarded tu BUYSWADE CATTLE. North Yakima Cattle J. J. LILLIS PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER.., 1(223 a a A A S Man pays ilO D2r Head for 700 head Couit yet to Pass on tne Deal. Ex-Secretary Root Speaks EorRoosvelt At a Dinner of Union League Club in N. Y. New York, Feb. 4 Klihu Root was the guest of members of the Union League Club at dinner tonight. Speak ng of President Roosovel', Mr Riot said : "1 count it ooe ol llm greatest priv'- leires ni my l.fo to have been nhle the public detriment, or r.,en who wish tho G ivoriini'jiit to be conducted with greatnr reference to campaign contributions tb.tn Ui public gioJ. He it not safe for men w'io wish to draw the President of the United States in to a corner and m tke whispered ar rangement Inst are not known by his coustituents. "But I say to you that he haa been during these yoars sines President oloKinley's death, the greatest conser viitive force for the protection of pro perty and of our institutions . in the Oity of Washington. Tbeio is n bet ter way of protecting property capital and great enterprizs than buying leg islators; there is a bettor way of dna' ing with labor aud keeping it irom I limning in tumult and resistless riot. WANTED 2 furnished rooms with board, or 3 rooms furnished suitab e for light housekeeping must be centrally lo cated. Apply to the Electric Light oQior. miuutatj (it ; ahioh to write a description i orher v ideal ycung ; man. .;T16 dosqriptions were very interesting- and - indicated that the ycitug ledios have' formed a oorreot idea ol a model young man. . Miss Nell Grandy-j was . given a notion shower of china and; linen. I , Refreshnients were served and It ii needless to say that all prosedt bad a good time. .... .'. if Another Delegate I :; Toe tower House of Congress on Feb. 2 unanimously passed a resolu-. tion admitting Mr. D'geateaa, as a" delegate' from Porto Rico. Immedia-t lly mi the passngo bf the resolutlonj ;. the speaker, of ilia Iiotiso . appointed him as a member ol the committee otij. Insular alfairs. .Pnrto Rico has 953,' 213 people of whom 353, 817 are ootor- ed. In area it lias 3, 606 square miles. rVwY. 3 Pendleton, O.e., Feb. 4 Max J ok son . a promin"nt oiine man ol norm Yakima, is bcie today and closid deal with li ceiver laylur lor (J. . Wadu's callle, ugun gating lieaily 700. He pays an aversgn pric- nf ahjut $16 nerheail, ituUiiik lh deal one of! about 110,00(1. It is tne largest cat tle Iransacliuu in itio hero in yea as The court at Portland hat to past on the de.il and an answer it expected here in the mom ng. Will Elect nator Axx irniiH, Md.. Feb. 4. Eighty ulna of the CO Deniocraiic members of the Maryland Ueneral Astembly met In eaooni tonight, and telectod Isador Ray oar for lb United Hlalet Benatorahlp At noon tmno row Mr Ray nor will he tided br tlw DjeinLera ol the General Assembly in joint session. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT MONEY REFUNDED, OP; This iiniirniiu" incut is ofpreii iwporliinro nnd wIipii iHken iv con iii'cti iii wiili tlie ox'.iuoriliimry vulne-giviiig olIcriiiKS for tliiw rnon.li, wil In; nf mom ill i'i i si n a; inUrett ti our mwy frinild.s will n ftiml ili.' amount of all cush pun banes tnoilo nd;fU.i'on oil' oiieilny We twef U Friilny inornii i;, FVhrimrv 6lh, and Friday aiiiioiiiioe Ui i! y in Tliurad iy'g issuo of the Oiisniivmi? nittli' Miiritb, 4CI r 10th.) Snve vnur piirj-liaae slips oarr-fnlly snil bring - those- fWftii3? iltSjlrijnjiouu'teii to up o will clioorfiiily refund i Iib nmoiint. l,lwv ckII iry&ft tinea not matter wlinth -r 'our p trc'i hji atfu it to 5 o.8utV'tff'lj34 SSL. -4 Watch for Announcement bF cfur Whjtc Carnival Shopi P. St. between 3d and 4 "anft 4.