-1 n n iTI X Money to Give Away . For Second Hand Goods. Reuoembrr we do not ask you to n trade or exchange, but pay cash for everything you have to sell. We have found out that people would rather have the cash than exchange. Callus up by phooe if you are thinking of selling out and we will call and see you. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams. Remember we Mill buy end tell all kind 'Ptinno t-iRt of Second Hud Goodiji jt jt ji rnone tjgj jj a a a d d a a a a a n . ci mama txoss (KAnarews, s r 1 s H.tve Uresa shoes 'il Uieva in gft these the. trade ODBRBDflfl 0 0 m mmmr .. k -tint I ..FflWMT mm Make your fowls lay when eggs bring lop prices. We carry standard goods whose merit has been tested for yrars ' INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD Oyster Shell Clam Shell Ground Bone Bone Meal Flour, Feed and Hay HIOMPT DELIVERY A. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. WE ARE HERE. The Imperial Roller Skating Rink Co. Are Giving Their Grand Assemblys Daily at the Red Front Bldg. Using- exclusively the Rubbc'r roller, ball bearing skates. SPECIAL FEATURE RACE EVERY SATURDAY EVENING Special Ladies Assemblys Wednesday & Friday afternoons , ud evediugs. " Gentlemen ad mitted with ladies ouly. . Owing to the interest being Wnifested we will make these "-ial days of particular Inter- IV a who attend, insiruci- VX iree to all. 1 1 i" mnAI, rri kin . , n m vt.,-- 7' v-.''ff.'. a n a n ps n a s o a. - B 1 1 s (. i i, i just received a large lino ofjfj Shoes and wo are. selling thea V cheaper than you can . bnfli mm Fort nnrl. Wo An " n V Jf IrUID shoes introduced among that wears good shoos. q W a i BIIBIIBE9IH Phone 1571 A Cnnr (if Mnltinl IntiTfsf . Tho three ilrtys' liiiiltmul piml nm convention lirltl In St. I.oul v is on Of the most noted Riitlierlns evt In tho western country, sa i rnimtr Gentleman. Tho trollem of i: .:. k tnv good rontlfl t one (tint Ikih been ti-'l iri tho people In Its manifold forms Tot ninny yours. AH who nro Inter. -tet! hi this subject will bo plenwed to oi thnt this convention Ptruek the Key note of the nit out Ion and that tt ere b a moral certainty of n tunrked result The dllllctilty In the past luxn h -en h: nn attempt b pnt n tax on the f inncJ for making oenl roads. It vi;s e, wild at the meeting thut If the farm era pay the laxon for buildiuK tveru ment bul1dliin In the cliy the rol dentn of the city should not ol.l. i l tt puyliiK tnxon to build jiood rond for tho farmer In tho country, ft t e to to rout in both cases would In- m mut The law which nil rnsejils 1 r-Mevr should be enforeed to Hie Inst ! ti t I tho statute of lliiillntlons. - NVv V.ir World. Annual Meetint; Notion la hereby givon that tli ann ual meeting of the Masonio b i.lding Aeaooia lion, will bo held In (!.o I.a Orando National Bank at 2 i.'clnck trnhrnarv 12 1904, lor the pumjaool electing director! tor the ennii yeai and other bnisnoaa thai may ronn before tbe meeting. J. M. Church, President. - KILL40.000 PEOPLE Turks Killed 40,000 People and Distroyed . 300 Villages During 1903. Victims Aged Men and Women and Many Children. B.rlln Feb. 8 Pressewaltky tli noted Balkan Material! who lias ju.t ooooluded a eiz months' lour tkruuub Macedonia aster Is ttiat In 1903 Tui le nt) regulars rZ"d 300 villages .He says they massacred 40000 people mostly aged men and women along wilb many children. - ' I I Si;SATOB M. A. HAN'NA, I f III "' ill SOMMER HOUSE J. R. Kelly Pendleton J. J. Lally do E. K Park Denver E. Jodell Sim Francisco S. L. Hunter Union E. Waldenaro Portland E. C Oobero San Francisco F. K. Fidt l Cove E. B. Braty Portland 1 It. Ilnnke do N. 8. Doruian do Dr. R. 8. Johnson Walla Walla 11. R. Bull . Portland T. H. Trowtidge do R. C. Ryan Sun Francisco M. A. Ueatrico Portlui.d II. Rosa Kahler An Eye on Hubby Co J. II. Rodoll Boise F. A. Menziea Portland 10. B. Smith Spokane J. bulswunger Chicago (J. F. Dollucua South Bend Fnnhto Harris . Elgin Mrs. IliUlniirtli do Nellie Chandler do P t. C. Clark do Suprise Party A number uf young folks gave Mi J. J. Peck a conipleto surprise the other evening the occasin being hi 41st birthday anniversary. Mr and Mrs IVck toun tfci.v m the shock ol the intruders and it .V P.ck e:e to tell the truth, he is r quite sure but that Mrs Peck probi knew more about it lhan Nhe prnlp However the end jiitihd t'.e m-ii and the evening wdl long b' nif hire. I ly rb;!1 pr'Mn', wmo .v - Ed UiM , J dm ti I z I! , Bachelor, M sie H-trri-, Jim Sc Cla.id 3Uil.vn, Aiohi"' N w ni' , Cade, .VI r Avers . Kny ninnd I Howard IVck Albertii U.iU'M, tind Myrtle Willum. Kutie itin tineenie Soliillinj:, Kllu 11cIi;-Im U:tlie llurneit. (iric l'ck . fit ULEGOft OFl'ATKO KUt NO. Hr'iO p. m N'V. t:x) in 1 Hut rhrilMl I.A UHAM)K. ni I.Hku, Uftirt Kl ahhIVh rwM N. i. A'ttrih, (imrihn. Km rim j 'My, !t, i on it. rbit'mci- ul ktut. rerllnnil, lininx, IMi-l NO!. ft::ea m nit'Utn, wniiii w niiti.i liiiyliin, rmttrm , riirn.i, Mit'im',M(o kmifsniilM a . . tli via HfKV! kano. I'ortUnul, lnlhfi, Pen it let on 1'iiiNilllit Wnl 1 11 1(1, I.OWlrttOlt, TolfHl MoHt'ow, WiillrtwW it! dtier, hiKihitiic nmt other mhhi t'nul ntiil north via HxkHnc. NO fl 9:'ft p m Nt2 ivnllyiwiaml C'ltj, Allcrt, PM-tHtt ilmlilrr, min Ms in Hu miit y irtinnivttoDH rtlKiRin K1A a 111 w'tti ' for HMita in Wallow oottnly Nn. Hi piltv f Siinliv Ooran HUnmors between Portlaud nn' Bad KruJclKO every five day 'jiidjre-Wn' Wlln.-'M-I wv LOCAL ITEMS ... . - . Your attention Is called to the ad 'of Larson and Noejn this issue. The Ladies p f Ihn Presbyterian Church will give a diuner at au early date. Dance at Monr.on Church Friday night February 8, 11)04. Boapectuble people Invited.. , F4F5. The Clerk of Marlon Ciunty hie turned the a-"B?aamaut roll over to the Sheriff, and tax colkctinif In that county it now on, lWrt Clu'ii are being formed all over the Suite ol New York, but it la report ed that both O.K. Hill and Tamraonyitce are opposed to the HerslB. The Inclirationx m w are thnt we are goii.g to have a thaw, in which event there -will be mud and the annual wail about Boothe'e laue. Eov. V. 1 Van Nuya will go to Union todny toaeBlst in apecial servleea Ihe remaii der of the week, lie will return for regular services here next Sunday. A Billion Dollars Nkw York. Fob. :t Tim lno;t f the local banks today crossed Ihe $1, 000,000,000 mark, and are now thelarg. pst ever known. Not since February 21, 1H02, have deposits been anywhere near the pres ent total. On that date the aggregate wne 1,0111, 171,200, and at that time the thowing was regarded as a most remarkable one. riie rr (HiMfcl Ilnulevuril Frum Hen York to Sail Prune! nro. The promoter! of the project to build l uiaKiiitUent boulevard from the At lantic tu the Pacific ocean, are netlvely fit work on the undertaking, and plana have been well laid to obtain the co operation of congress Su making the scheme n big success. The advocates of the plan wish to get from congress nn appropriation large enough to have tbe Immense project well started, says tho WuHhingtou Star, nud every state through which tho highway will pass Will be expected to contribute Us quota to the Html cost. A nominal toll will (U'obably he charged all vehicles using the roadway, the proceeds being used to defray repair expenses, but the fed era) government will be the custodian of tho highway. In speaking of the ; proposed undertaking recently II. ltus- Roll loanc. who is In Washington In , behalf of the project, said: "It Is proposed to grade and nncad am a brand highway from New York city to i?an l-'rancisco. The success of the government's boulevard would prove to be the impetus to states to connect their principal cities and towns witli it by feeders, nnd In n conipara lively short time this country would have a system of roads that would eclipe anything on earth. "In this ag of development nlouj. nil linos the roads of the country have bien criminally neglo-ted. Wo have nothing that could ,1 called n road connecting the east wkli the west, and It is one of the earnest needs of tl times. With the development 0f the n Ik- it will he hut A Bhort vJme io fanner will move his crop ai'i lino of transportation by 1 with a continental . , its feeders almost at his .1 see the value of his hind ih every year, slate should Ik givon charge Minn of tho boulevard thnt nigh K nud made nccountn f 'deral government for tho i well as t' i receipts from ieudUure(i." -p F.r the MlnUtrr. An old minister In the south side ot Glasgow who was noted for bis hnhil of dishlt g up old sermons again and again h one tlaymivertised to prencli In a suburban church nt the anulver nary service there. An old woman who in days none by had sat under hla nitn Istry. but who luul now reniovetl from his neigh hot- hood, determined to go In And hear bun preach on this particular occasion. After tho close of the serv ice she waited on the clergyman, who greeted her cfrdlally and asked what she thought of his discourse. "K! man." she replied candidly, "it's a laug time sin' 1 t;rt heard ye pi 'i that ylu. sir. nnd I've heard ye nt i guld whten o" times sin' syne.' "Aye, .Tanet," said the mhiist -r. "How often do ye think ye've Innrd It. na?" "Oh. uliKOt a diz.en o times, sir.!' she replied. "An tllv ye mind It a'?" mild the minister. "Aweol. maybe no' tt a, lr." "Wed. I see I'll need to preach It to ye nsaln. Janet," said Ihe minister, nd Janet feil that fhe had been sold for once. Tho miuUtt r certainly scored. -Scot lUb American. w yonr eX'rnrAtlAIlt evupojvd lu th THE EYEt. . Black or very dark eyee denote ca pacity for extreme ardor In love. Gnvnlsh tints in Due or hazel eyea are the slns of wisdom and courage. . Stc l rutored eyea usually denote a cold nature, ulso deceit uud treachery. tussW hrotvn eyes, (lntlnunl by el low. iik'iiii nn iilTi-ctlonate and gentle dibiosftion. Hail: blue eyea while indicating af fection and purity, do not represent In tellectuality. Variable gray eyea are highly intel lectual and Indicative of au im;iuUive nud luipnwsfoiiiible temperament. Clear light blue eyes, especially if ae ooinpanled by steadfastness of expres sion, denote chcerfuluess. ntuiubility a:ui constuuey. Twny eyes denote Ucklenc: r:ycs of no piirllcular color, only i'. i-jle shades of Ki-"i.v itn.l blur, go v.i:h l.viu phatlc dispositions, characterized by 'ttldticss, Bi-jtisliuess uud lstlcsmss. A liams cl Skill. Did you ever try throwing enrds In a tint? It Is great fun. Take un old high hat. place it on tbe floor, then let the players In turn stand at a distance from It say ten or twelve feet. I'se an ordlnnry pacl of cards and tnss them one by one In tbe hat ns far as possible.' A prize to him who (jets in tbe greatest number adds to the In terest. After n little pr- dee It Is remark able how skillful one may become A One Silled Rule. Once when P. T. Itanium was taking tickets nt the entrance of ills circus a man asked him If ho could go In without, paying. "You can pny without golns In." snl.l Rarnniu. "but you can't go In without paying. The rule doesn't work !kiI! : PICKINGS FROM FICTION Mot of ti3 look best nt a littl tfliico from- one tmother. "Pnul K.:i ver." It Is only In higher circles thnt wr-r en en a lose their hushands uml yet : muU) bw!tch!ng.-"Tho CJ:r.y hj Xo man who la not nn ogn'ht ot wori-.e is ever sure of a woman's love till rho has told It with her own lips. "Ilif. Dmrhter First." When in doubt go to church, foi there's nothing thnt lots " man think better than a long prayer and a slow sermon." Ada in Uush." There are sixteen ounces to the pound still, but two of them are wrap ping paper in a good niaiiy stores. "Letters of a Self Made Merchant." 2 used to think thnt marriage made men old, sour and suspicious. 1 Und I was mistaken. It Is not the wife; It Is the money market. "I-ovo and the Soul Hunters." I b'lieve In lmvin' a good time when you start out to have It. If you git knocked out of one plan you want tc git yourself nnrther right quick, bo fore your sperrita has a chance to fall. "Lovoy Mary." Hon fo Make French Co (Tee. The peculiarly delicious flavor of cof fee as served by tbe French hostess Is said to bo due to the fact thnt when roasting the bean she eovo' It very slightly when done with melted butter nnd sugar instead of egg, as Is often ilone in this country. Ilutv to Clean Meeraotinnm Pipes. One who has a beloved meerschaum pipe may bo glad to learn Just how io cleanse It In a very simple way with out inju lug the beautiful coloring, which can only he produced by faithful attention to my Lady Nicotine. 11 ace the pipe In a shallow pan and cover tt with cold, sweet milk. Let the milk come slowly to the boiling point over a coal fire and tften tot It hoi; gently Tor a few moments. This is sal'l to be the only method of cleansing a meerschaum pipe which will not at the same time Injure the coloring. llntr tn Cure Catnrrli. Salt will euro catnrrli If used per sistently. M.ike n solution ns strong e.a eon be easily lii.e nud snulY It up into one nostril at n time, retoiulni; it there a second or two. it should be used three times n day. nnd the water must he HllKhtly wnrined. How to nrn.e Stnlns. Spots will often yield to chloroform when If gasoline were used a mark would be left on tbe Bonds, ns Is often the c-uw with delicate silks and satins. Blond vtnins will disappear if llrst dlpix-d In kerosene before washing In aonp nnd water. Muriatic acid will take out Iron rust. Where a fabric that Is too delicate to lie put In the wash tub receives blood stains wetting well with lukewarm water and rubbing llrmly with a elciin cloth will dissipate tl i- stains If persisted In. Odd ends lu Porcelain and rbinn at Half Price A Q Piece 4 Sdfor The price talks for its self. . We Invite your inspection Either making of JOHNSON BROS, ware none better. LARUE 81 ZK SETS IN I'KOI'OKTJON THE GOLDEN RULE Co. Oailnnd A Sow Pattern' Any sIzh pet or part cf ret WANTED Suit of rooma with board, pply to vV L. Trullinger. Supt. of 1 Ornde Light and Power Co. i,TlTST SHOES That's all. We sell Shoe, and leave milli nery, hardware and mousetiaps for other people to sell, Shoes absorb our atteutiop Our ttock is is fresh and always up-to-dute. C. W. PRESTON Sbcie Spco.wil:8t, Depot St. P WM. GRANT ACIM I , y Eqj, table Savings & Loan Associations 881 .... ! easy paying Loans and $ Monthly Installments til Fire and Accident Insurance Written In Safe and MB Reliable Companies. ( , City Property for Sale I, WHITE ROSE. ! FLOUR a a D a a a Js n.illed with the Hen of ploasing every dealer's high olass trade-customers who appreciate quality. The name of the Pioneer Flouring Mill Co. guarantees re liability and highest grade 111 every sack of flou bearing the hite Rose bia.id. P;omer Flouring Mill Co. BBHB&EBHBa&taHaBaiaaH Atso uttly nw throughout The Blue Mountain House L. RAYBURN, Propritor The Best and Ceanest Beds in the City When vou come to iown give this house a call once for Luce COTTAGE SET 1008-1010 10:2 -ADAMS AVE. Geddes Bros. Why are Cleddes Bros, kept 10 bnsy? Why do they sell the best co ls at the Invest prices . Treferred St'k Toniatoea 8 for 60c Preferred Stock Corn 3 for 60o Preferred Slock Salmon 3 for 60c Preferred Stodk Peas 3 (of SOe Preferred Stock Beana 3 tor 60c on't pay otiier er cers 20 cents a con for any of theee goods. SUmhiid tiiuialis's. cim, Ixons p-a . He, 2 for 28 rents, lb.? l ave the best, butler made lu mi- v.i'Ihv, aud their creamery butter has no equnl here, Try It suit fee. Dill piiltlrs. Heiuze's mlnco meat, Swift's pickle pig feet, Ere io ill in hems, loose olives, veiything tasty, nice and ciieap Tel"piioo 401 . Geddes Bros. -H. 4.4. 4.4, Electric Lights to close out Shamrock1 I ntterns Semi.Pureelaiu 25 Per. cent off Piece Set for 'ine vilana (il,r"in China. r7 B