La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, February 02, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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Only 15 dnys more
Annual Clearance Sale
1 m
Only 15 ays of our great annual clearance sale
gone by, daring which time we simply surprised oar
selves at the wonderful patronage the prices we are
Belling mercbandibe brought to us, and there are still
15 days Left
For the public to secure the greatest values ever of
fered in Union County at prices so extremely low
that competition is not a comparison
If you trade elsewhere. . We simply think you are
misguided or have not investigated. Take an hour
off and let us show you some of the advantages to be
gained by trading hwe. Within the last twelve
month cotton has advanced 55 per cent. You'd hard
ly think it to see our present prices on ootlon goods.
v- GMflp TIMS W WW nWW
During this sale up to date, we have sold i more
mens suits than we anticipated and we can candidly
state that every department in oor store has u-oved
likewise . If the people who have not seen the bar
gains offered by us during this sule were to call at the
store aud compare prices and vi.lues, they would go
way with their arms full. Wc are positive of this
from our sales during the past 15 days. Remember
yru have 15 more days to get in on these
Every article in our store leduced except thread,
Patterns, Douglass and Reed shoes. See our
$5 MensSuits. $5,
11 Shoo counter $1 $1 Shoe Counter $1
The Chicago Store,
; "MURPHY BROS., Props.
1209 Adams Ave. ' La GrandeOregon
J. M.
We have extended our sale to
The Last of the Month
Only three days !22,"i1b, 1
cut prices in ell of our departments.
Burgnins in
Being offered.
It will pny to avail yourself of these last few days of
bargains offerings.
Only 15 days more.
7000 Horse Power to
be Developed on
John Day Reiver. Cap
italized at $2 5 0,
000. La Grande
Capital Interested.
MoNaughton, Kemp and oonibiua
tion aie to have competitors in the
power producing business in the John
Day OGuntty. The. luteet corporation
has the names of men on its roll
which am familar to the people ol
Sura peer and vicinity. The new con
cern is to be known as the Oregon
Power and Development Company,
with a capital stock of $250,000, the
incorporators being F. E. Hcbton, F
8, Slater, Z. J. Martin, D. ft. OverhoH
and A. D. Leedy The stock of the
new corporation is principally held,
so far as oao be learned, by residents
of Eastern Oregon, the largaet owner8
which are Waltnr I'ierce, of Pendlp.
too;J. W. Scriter, of La Qrande; J.
C. Oliver, of John Diy, and F. O. Sets,
of Canyon Oily and a number of
others in addition to the incorpora
tors. It is the intention of this company
t o install a large electrical plant on
the hand waters of the John Day river,
7,000 horse power capacity, and to
supply power to many business enter
prises in all parts of Grant county
as well as light tne towns of the Johu
Day valley if such is desiied.
3Wtr rights oo the John D ly river
have been acquired, and the work of
Detailing tiie electrical plant will L"
commenced early iu the tpring. A
soon as the charter (or the corporation
is roceived from the recretary ol aralo
the stockholders will proceed to eltot
directors and si leer, their uflicers.
Sumpter Rrpirter.
Will Meet in Portland Friday, February 12 for
Appointment of Delegates and Fixing Date
for Primaries. Campaign will then start
in Earnest.
Portland, Feb. 1 The republican
state central committiM is herf by call
ed to meet in the city of Portland on
Friday, the 1 2 1 It day ol February.
1004, (Abraham Lincoln's birthday) in
room 12 Hamilton building at 10
o'clock a. in. for the purpose of so
lecting the tin. o and p'nee for holding
the next state convention, sitpnrtiou-
Pe'-idlet'iu, ''cb. 1 A strange case
oame to light Uu ra'urd iy afinriio'm
when Fled M trshal) , a teamster iu
the employ ot P. P. Collier, the fuel
man , found his two daughtrus, B snio
and Edna, who bad been kidnapped
from his home in U.itse over threu
years ago. He had gone into the
Alexander Department Stole and
and there disc verid the Utile girls in
Tl e I. n (l.'ii .de F. curing n.iKe Wrtrn
liut. d wu LHtH.di . ( r t tie purpie I
u ovorliauling unil i tun rn
uhiner) . Thu mil. win mnmm closed
for about a week or lei it aye.
2,000 line tain nurnck pfti for nl
ffi 7 and S c ntH. A,ply to Jak Clilldn
liarn!H8 eliop. P-jb aro in tho old
J 20 to F 27.
Phone 1223
5hop: P. St. between 3d and 4)
Salary Grab Downed
Washington, Jan. 30 The house to
day voted unanimously to t"nk from
the urgent deficiency bill the para
graph for the second payment of mi
leage to Hie senators and representa
tives of this oongress and then passed
the urgent dulioicooy appropriation
The extra session of Oo'grefa which
began on Nov. 9 continued unlit the
timo for the regular aemino. Borne
thought mileage was due for both ses
sions, ic double mi'oegb.
Imgon :
One Oregon town at least intends
to bo-kuown ns a "wet town" or else
there's co'.hing In a name. It is " Ir-
rigon, which is . Bfty day a old and
whose is taken from tho
two words Irrigation and Orrgon,
signifying that its future fame shall
be identified with developing 6CK0
acres, oolonized and to be reclaimed
by irrigation. The new town is in
fjitiatilla county, direotly on the Col
umbia river and on the main line of
the O. It. & N. x
London, Feb. 1 The Berlin cor
respondent of the Pall Mall Gazette
tod y learns that the proposed draft
of the Russian reply to Japan will
he laid before the ozar toinoriow. lis
contents bave not been communi
cated to any power. An eminent
diplomat says all foreoaste of the
reply ai-e mere conjucturef.
Fisk's are Coming
Lorers of the eoi'gi thut have tli 1 I
ed heat t a the world over should tu nr
nn;gi that nothing hinder them from
hearing the original l'itk's Jubilee
SuiKors who are to be in La Grande,
IVh. lo.
iug deleeat"S to sffid convention reoe
ointnending date for holding primar
ies and for I lie transaction of such
other busiuess as may properly com
heforo the committee.
Frank C. linker,
Harrison Allen,
I lie rare ol Mrs. L. K. (Jook, tn ilau
ghltrnf Rev.O W Uigby, who had
taken them wheu iheir mother d'ed
over a vear ugo at Echo. children Bin now at the
home r.f Mrs. Marshall, who has mar
ried again aud lives in Pvndlntou and
are happy and content to b ive found
tlmi lather. Tuny are aged 7 and 10
Sh nurd'tv 0 rt botue whb omifcri
ttliyfi,k'i iiut evninK tu wunens
Ffink T. tiion priii?ntHt.(.ii of thut
honund diHtn "iVu Nights in a
Ii ir Ki om," Hih vortion Beerutd o
give miticfuctioij hr every one stayed
until l!it; IimI bet aud irom all upp'ar
tnc. wouni liHV been tlire je- bad
tbtTt b. en any initro ro hpp. Tbrj
wan tin r fOrn for c unpUint at the way
the pkxe Wnv liHiidbd. The piece
W4n a plrafHiil nuo tliouh. like Uncle
TcmV Cabin it kah never known to
pUy to "pdtir l uin"" Lnrt b
pn durtion was b.tli-r t.bnn tbe vr
John H. Mitch? II again
Urges Lewis & Clark
Appropriation. New
Appointments Made.
Washington, Feb. 1. Among the
nominations today sent io the senate!
were William Russell to be secretary
of the legaiton at Panama, John
Fowler, ot Massachusetts to be consul-general
at Cbee Foo, China.
A. Giles to be receiver of publio
moneys ft Walla Walla, Wash.
Mitchell in the senate offered a bill
appropriating $2,126,000 for the Lewis
aud Clark exposition at Portland as
an amendment tothe urgency defl
oiar cy bill, vhloh, if adopted, will give
it much laoioaladvantago and probab
ly result in an earlier appropriation of
the money. '
Rome, Feb. 1 Sioretary Delval
has suggested that America beenfrust
ed with the protection of Catholics in
the far cast. ,It has hitherto been
tbe special province of France, but
the strain between the vatioau and
France und Dlval's desire to show a
favor to America caused the Secre
tary's sugKestion.
Get No Mileage
Washington, Feb. 1. The house to
day voted unanimously to strike from
the urgent deficiency bill the provi"
sion for the second payment of mile
age to sunf.tors aad if piescntatives of
this congress and then passed tbe ur
gent deficiency appropriation bill.
Wagcs Meets Fate
Indianapolis, fob. 1 At the joint
conference of the opoiatora and min
ers today, the miners demands were
presented by Preaident Mliohell, and
a substitute fiom the operators de
manding a ii, crease uf 15 per cunt vas
submitted by P, I... K'lhbins. Both
wore Vjled down. ir
Pray for Rainv
l.os AiiKolee, Oal., Jan. 30. Specia
prayers will bo cfl'ered in roost of the
churohes of this city tomorrow when
pastors and congregations will unite
in an appeal for rain Heveial ol the
leading proleatnnt olergynien ol hi:
AnguUe, including Bishop Johnson ,
bave joined in en epen call to the
various congregations, asking an un it-
ed prayer.
Report of the arrest
made at Pendleton
of those implicated
in land frauds has
been received by
Sec. Hithcock.
Waahington Feb. 1 Secretary
Hitthcork today received the follow
in K telegraphic official repoit of the
wholrfsile aiiccts made In the land
fraud canra at Pendleton:
" The important arrerts made yei
terday in the land fraud cases inaliule
eight rntrymen, Notary I'uhlio Park',
who prepared the fraudulent entries;
County Judge Harlman, who oerti
fled to the i .me, and Cunningham,
tbe ehte.i king of Eastern Oregon,
who furnished the money and f r
wbone hem fit the land was takco. It
is bi lieved Cunningham hai many
thousands of acres acquired in I he
tma msn let."
Cold Weather
Reprrts from the Oounly are to the
(Tecl tha t the ground is now frozen
nine Inches deep. The ice on the
pond is about six inches thick From a
private letter fiom Maine It it learned
that ice there was twenty-nine lnohes
thick some two weeks ago. The dis
patches anqounoe tuat Lake Mich
igan is frosen over fiom shore to shore
an nousual thing, and that ioa gorges
on the Ohio river bave caused much
rouble about Porttbu rg end Cincin
nati, Down in the land of ootton there
was a snow on tbe 3rd. of December.
School Increase
'; From tbe monthly report o! Su
perintendent Hookenberry, we glean
the faot that tbe number of pupils
now enrolled in tbe sohooli of tbe city
is 79VThli is a alight increase of 210
over the corresponding period last
year. Mr Hookenberry reports the
attendance very good. His report
shows only five oa-es of tardimss
during the month which is a very
good showing. . ' . . .
A Cool Crowd ;,
When the fire alarm was tvrued In '
las', eveiiug, the o owd at Stewirc's
Opera House, with tbe memory of the
Ohioago theater fire froth' n their
minds, were at first inohnod to seek i
hurried exit from tbe bulldiug. When
told that it was only a smalt flie In
aomhe' part of own, however and
that there w no danger, the cr H
took tbeir seats and tbe show proceed
ed unintor.upttd. '
A Dry Town
Th Oregon ' Mining Journal,.
paper puttifhed in Grant' Pass, Jotdp
bine ooumy Origon on Jan. 30, 1904
say : v, v . f
''Not a saloon door, rout or back,
was open last Sunday, so it goes
without saying that if tha City wants
cloned saloons on Suudey and elects
a oounoll to ezeoute suoh orders the
same can be accomplished."
Will Travel for Health
Berlin, Feb. I. Tbe kaisar sailed
on the royal yacht Holienznllern for
Palermo for the benefit ot bis healili.
New War Secretary
8or ary of War Taft was swam In
at noon. Th oath was administered
bi William KandolDh. assistant chlm
Olerk In the war department.
So important for uonvicuonce and comfort are wy
often lost sight of uutil the oncasion for their uue actually
arises wheu they arc very Important in fact are abaolute
Hundreds of these little things can always be found
at the FAIR We list a few with prico below. Note them
carefully. .
Aluminum thimbles lc Hardwood darners with
Lend ppnciU lcl nickle pluted hoop lOo
Card Hooks and eyes 2c Good tooth brush . 16o
Bunch hair pins 2c. Bristle huir brush 25o
T red marking cjtton 2c Caste'e soap bar 2f3
1 doz safety pins 4c Pine tnr soap 5o
Comba 5c Cocnanut oil soap 5
Boat pins 5c Benzoin oatmeal soap 6o
Pear shaped tUruers 5c Vermon glycerine soap So
1 doz kid curlers 5c Witch Hazel with buttar- .
1 doz pearl buttons 5c milk and glycerine Sa
ldoz eollar buttons 5c Cold cream and heney lc
Finishing brade 6c While lilac We
Pen and pencil tablet 6c 33 per cent glpcerina Jo
Crepe paper 8c White ruse savon soap JOe
Dairy made conp 10c Rigal glycerine soap 19
Reguler Session Con
veins, and two cases
Dischsed of and an-
. other started. Grand
jury drawn. ;
TjDion, Ore. Feb. I. (8peolaI ta ::
be Observer The circuit oiiurt began. .
its regular session here this morning,
au4 disposed of the following case
The h Grande National vs. the Blua '
iMoantaiu Fru'.t Co, and A. B. Oonley '
va, J Q. Connally. These ease wera
loth civil oases and were settled out
ol eonrt and dismissed. .
The oase wherein M, W. Williams
vs. tl e Amalgated Sugar Co, a mm to
which .Williams attempted to recover
damages lor ailed ged injuries sustained :
w u'e working in the sugar factory.
w ut lo trail and is thought the Jury '
will tho faotory this morning ani -
view the faotory and tea tor thsmsslrsa
the ex iob oindition ol affairs at tha
Ijnto-y and take official ncti of tk
4trngimeotof the maohloery at tha
place where Williams was working.
The grand jury has been draws Mi
was lo session the greater part t tk
1 be Jury is as follows.
Jarora Moss, foreman; tieorg aVysra '
Cleorgc 8. Obilderi. Wni Birdsall, J. 1.
Ayi.-s Kd Logeu, Ohu Ifacra, Oh
Ro'.ibinsbailiff. . -
No Fire
A. little bafore 9 o'clock tart aigk
ehs c rowd on tbe streot, at the Osera
aud those at the depot walling tha
arrival of Nos. 2 and 6, wera startltsl
by tbe dr'ejid clang ol tha Bra ball.
The fire boys hastened to tha stnlioa
and sooa had tbe water tarewing
maohinery on tbe way to tha homo ol
Dick Kelley, whose home was report,
ed to bo on fire. They bad only gona
a short distance, however, wbeo the
were met by messengers who Inform
ed them that the "Are ' waa only
burning flue and had been extiogul'
shed, making their sarvioa nnoeaes-asry.
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