. ATTENTION BA(jD ME There will be a meeting M the band Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. All Band men are invited to attend. ALWAYS WHITE HELP ONLY WHITE HELP ONLY ( ' WHITE HELP ONLY lly order of the Manager -w T l -ft LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER . : , CURREY BS,nK&iit)rs and Proprietors. II V.. 1 AH II ..' . WH EN YOU. EAT AT PAP'S HOP hous: .'-.Yon are certain that no Chinaman bus prepared your food. The Really aud fruly BestMeal in Union County for the pr ce, . 20 CENTS Everything neat, fresh and clean, We solicit atrial: Polite service assured. V Pa p's Chop I louse Fir WHITE HELP ONLV Street " : 7r V V TO PURCHASE, WAL2L2 .-' - '1 l i . - . While our assortmeut is complete.' We have just received a large shipment of the latest de signs in wall paper and we 'have placed tho en tire lot ou sale at prices which we expect to close them out before spring. In fact we do not intend to carry over a single roll. Stackland & McLaciilen PAINTS. 0IL2S '99$S8 Classified Ads WANTED. WANTED Pantry sua dining room girl at the Model Restaurant. CHICKENS WANTED At tbe La Grande Cash atoro. Highest market price paid. - 3d 4 2 w EGGS WANTED , Catli aid lot eugs at Tap's Chop Hons'. - EGGS WANTED Ca ll t iid for eggo 0 op Ho i . at tbe Queen ;.' FOR RENT Tw i cottngpa one (uroislied and ore iiii'nrnishrr', Tor particulars write Mrs. J. U Oavana It. D No. 1. I week. roit ItPNT ' Furni 1h d rcon p. ulan 'nrnislicd rooms for Unlit lioiiitkcei lug. Inquire ol Aire A.K Jonef, Thin.' utreit, coiner of Admin av n c - 22-20 MliCELANEOUS. v. i AKK riii:ri:Ei) to make loausoii n'.y i iu ii property, on Bliort nt lit P. I'T ouuia of $300 or more No delay after tibstrnctis oompleted. Bee us if you nee 1 r ney. 248-274 - Uk Urande Investment Co INVESTORS ZSrt0 month can bn made by parlies who can invest from IfiOO to $tf(H). One eastern investor mnde $05,000 in 1903, call or write fur piuticulr.rs Tne Wm.K White Co., 312 Tine St Portland, Oregon, MFN T,ie ,'1 8t"fr' ""'y i'lLI apecialtists for men, ci'ti tintte to cure all eluonio. private and nervtms ailments, of importance, fkiti disea -w, iheniatisin, ctstnrrnh, etc. Dr. A C. Stoddard, Ph U., lor !i7 yeare medical din otnr. 74 sixth bt., Portland, Or. 1 1 1 Yeelcr Way, 8oat le, Wdsb. Call or write. Lost. On the road somewhere between the Al Good place and the sugar fnc- .-. Ida niltiHnrlftV 1'vei.incr an 18- loot log chain. Finder will phase . si end to ny iiamom rrumiwr. . ' Phil Tiiompson Wood for Sale. , A law qnantity of 16 in. wood for f i ..r tfnuin A. Hi'rriimn ill Old Town or .Phone 172-il. All orders promptly delivered V Ladies Attention -i re4'caiiiontd to rememba - V..i,u ti.a ranatr man can make !u i" ' I r machine 01 yours tu" it did when It was new : vnat house and have ) (9 t ;( ( WHITE HELP ONLY fa u its PAPER f 4 m Hi m m m AND GLASS NOTICE Hpetial price on ail cutout weaviu brought In during Feb. and Jlarc.'i Hit miss lOuts sttlpnd 12 to l"i eta. Miss E. M. Reod, Cor M and D. t-l' Old Town. SOTICK All Member of La Gramle local, nnd all brother Socialists are requested to meet In Haworths Hall, next door to Wines' harness shop, next Mondny even Ing, January 25. -2t By order of X'residont OLD PAPERS This o Ili oe has old papers for sale. 25 cents per hundred;" Express and Delivery Adna Sogers, Phone 1821. All cull receive prompt attention. Uencral express and delivery business. T 10 Why Pay Rent When you can purclntso a home through tho CO OPERATIVE G U ARAN TEE CO., of BakorOity, for less Hum a rental payment.- Monthly pay ments $7.50 to 10 on each mOOO loaned. Call on J. F. STEIN HECK, Aat lllll III THE BEST ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST Especially in the MtMt-Lit.fi We are here to pienfc our iu tomers. We do thnt by giving them the best t.nd nirat mi m( for the leiist money. We have hndlp pnuitry, fri-li lish mid oysleiB. ! Auk for spare rilis ami Imek lione?. Wo aro packing q--tifi'j extensively nnd will soon K', iible to furnish osir patrons with i the very BEST homo tut til incuts. Bock & Thonw Dc You Spray Of courso you uprny y nr fruit In You nfF.m! ti lo otbrrwifl". CnH nt my pUre tiul ns tbe ppny puuru wbbb I am ivlinir. It will piy voutoi'rtll. My pii'iip in run liy -on - prinetl oir. Coll nl "' '"'"' pc If B J. Subler, Ln (intmlo j 2 I ;. j l '" i i ' Kll.iratter Publlthcd Dairy na Yar In Advance ,, Bix Months in Advance.'..'.', ... $0.60 ...'$3.60 SATURDAY MORNING I do not ask for any rrown But that which all may win, - Nor seek to conquer any world, Except the ono within. Louisa M. Alrott. There can be no purity, social i.r I IndivMoal, without rel:gion, without 1 a close proximity to God, and if our 1 young men of today will look bark nver tl.e pages in the book of history lliey will eno the most convincing tutrj niti 111a iiiupi tJii V1IIC11I) 1 proofj that the society which slights 1 . j i r ligion will de -ay and perish. - Car dinal Gibli ons. Lww.,.-, n ,-,.n.n.n.n -, -, i.r j INDUCING IMMIGRANTS There terms to be a general dtisiro on the part A Oregouiiius to have more people come to Oregon and make the.r homes therein. To accomplish ; this. lare amounis of literatu'ie are being scattered throughout the older stales whore there 1 sup - posed to be a surplus of popula tion. These booklets, pamph lets aud advertising sheets are filled with cuts representing our scenery, products, towns and villages accompauied with cop ious write ups showing how generous nature has been in the make up of Oregon. All this iB well aud the enterprise that assertion that people are becom seuds Buch forth is to bo com- inB 80 addicted to the ad read mended and the uicu aud I 'm Va0lt tllut tliey overlook women who do the work are en- titled to the higher honor for!,8eo tbe advertisements are telling so ably and . pleasantly what Oregon as fashioned by nature is, and what the 'people who arc hcie have doue ti de velop those wondrous qua'ities of soil, climate and scenery. t l- -i' .t : nnonG the churches i CVTHOUC CHURCH Ilnv. J. M. J. Keade Reotor First Mai-8 8 am. Sunday School 9:45 a. in. High Mass 10:30 a. in. 8,'rmnn by Father Reade, "The Sup remo Shepherd." Ledum 7:45 "Ti.e Confessional." Tho Ntcessity" The Siilutary rITiota to the individual and society." Father Ueado Le.turer. Oordi il ne'oo i.e to all. Sf. E. CHURCH T. C. Walker, Pastor. Si.ndiiy School 10 a. m. 8"iniuii 11 a m Siiliji'ot A Clrent Furci liet us Lay Hold o! it. Ki'Wnnh Laaguu 0:30 P. M. Followed by pre.ichiug at 7:30 IM;i:S3YrF.RIAN CHURCH ierv'.riB at the Presbyirrian chtircb tu d iy w ill he conducted by Rev. J. H Hnru.n of Union. Rev. W. I.. Vim Nujs will I o'd S'ii vices at Uni'in Congratulations. M-. .1 bn II. Oulbun, Kilitororthe tJud 'i.tl, lt-x iJ, Ni'iv-, Irns writU'ii a (Hfinrt'n iv-iPr4t uUtion to tbe mnpu !it ei nf of OumberlHiiVa Cntiftb R?intMy. hh followf: "Sixtocn yearn rto n In n cur lirt cbiU nae ii b-ibv I whii tul y et to cruttpy Hnfl'j umi w- nbl bo very nnpn!y ahouT him. Vt brnn ii-une Chuiii bcM'itii'f Ooiib Keiiiiily in I8S7, uml tii'tii:ip it eui'h a relittblH lemedy (or ct'ii attit triiii' , wo bavo never wvn wifbciit it iu tbe li'itifo ciuce Ittat tini-' Wt' Inivf f i vr cbildren nl Iivm pivfn it :o nil f tbem with p ot! r'-tuli.-." Kiir by nil driij(- Uniform Rank Ball In ill ireierre tu thfl wishes id ami her id 'ho members ol tho V ( W rink team it bus hien de-iirid t" oh nie he plies id lirOili: k ihe (rr inl Hill Koh. 3rd. Inmi , Annony 1 1 all In tha Connireial tiu'i lu'l. Ho tint ( :get the pluce or tha Fio.1 Jeil., Chrirmnn (.ominit.ee, x- tire ran, an geoond Clss Excupt mamlay. j Per Month . . .65 1 Single Copy... .... ' .05 JANUARY 26, 1904. ' But there is rue serious bluc- der which the people of Oregon have permitted to be ma'e; that at this fitue, aud for all future time until it is remedied, will counteract all the truthful Itud J beautifully . ezpresccd things ! abou", Oregon. The blunder is' nearly every county and incor- i porated pluce iu the stale hits,1 , , . ,, , , , : Ducp' B""-- " pari of ciiiztns thereof, become load ed with a heuvv indebtedness. ' l''e maUneI Of doillg public hllttlnixia u . Dn 11 vnui.01 tt tlv.il ' taxee , are unronsonably high TL-e intelligent would Le new comer..(fuickly .ees this and turns his face to Canada or some oilier plueo where from three to six per cent of laxation does not stare htm i the face. The best advertising card Oregon rac issue will be ouo announcing that it has paid ofl'ite old debts allcl reduced taxation. NEWS IN ADVERTISEMENTS Exception is taken "by Sey mour Eaton iu the Uooklover's Magaztni to tho oft repeated reading matter. When 'his newsy. What the public does read is news. There should he news features in every businesp. Weave your story about those, and jit will never be skipped Mahin's Magazine. , Announcements of Ser- vices Sunday at Different Places of Worship- BAPTIST CHURCH There will he no servient in the Baptist church Sunday the minister having resigned and the plnce nnf et tilled. The Sunday School will 'he conducted as usual, CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST Services Jau. 31 Bihle School 10 it. m. Mori.ing Wurnlnp 11 a. n-. Evening Service 7:30 Scniiorisnilla.nl and 7:30 p m. A cordial invitation to all. ST. PESKRVS F.PISOCALOHUR0 II .fun 31 SeptUHgoiimi Sund ly Sundav Sohfi 1 10 h. m. M'irning School , Liuuy and Ser mon 10 a. m. A lay Service. All Invited. Lccal Views Jimt. a tew eliotr l iril vjpw !e't a' tb Ked Cro-t Unu nor- hii-I nt Jay Van Hun ns. NOT.'CK Ot' K ST II AY i Notice i; beivby jivpu tbut tbo ; fi llo'TUjj (lescribi'i! hi h now at my place, l.uvinji b-'t'ii tikci. up by m us At) esimy One Mak and white cow wltlvut vHablt ' mul, short due 1 laps, hnid cw is v ild. Dwner in.iy l;ivc fiini" l-y pmviun ouneialrp iuid j pnylntf picture bill and cxpeiie of nd i vt'rtiiiiii. V. I.. Korh-rlfloii IVrr j Oreptii. Notxe to the Public f II.ms Mei Mm fe.-t le eb . td nit r .T tin. !J0 fur it t: !fli:ii o lime. In th- mentinie I am tbtrk inR v ry nioob f.ir , 1iI -h1 mtroi nut yivrn hi". Mid p-pecia iy I ihn k tu v deur (riepdj w u r-coKto.iJ tn B'rirmpt'y in buainfM nrd orhr wi-r. I urn . IV H- d neie.h I (V K'niv I b'tv. fjoit l-n-ir vx I hitve turucd Stoti si. -t-Hrt-tv v.Saved Prom Death . Mis. 0, Benton. . "'.-. . Tbe World's Greatest TraBoe Med ium aud Clairvovant, has arrived. 8be wil'. read your life from the ear liest recollection till the end, with unerring accuracy. No hidden mys tery so deep that this gifted ppyobic ounnot reveal it. Business lost or abrent liieuds, m(.r. gages, wi.ls, dud, et, located. Will n move ell tvil in fluences and re-unite se perilled ooiip les and dibC lver nnd ciro tho osii-e. that ninke fo many homes u .Imjvv Prices in resell o! all. Keailma l mail. All diseases diogoittl. IT : , i. Valley Houe. . Siox headache results from a r! -ordered stomache and iB ipr'.kiyj ourcd liv Chamberlain's Stomich n'-d l.iver t iHets. f or sale by a:: drug gists. DRS B1GGEKS & BIGGrRS 1-rfVHiciAKS and Sukoeonh O. W. Ulsters, M. V. Geo. 1,. Blgiwrs, M. 1 . Teletjhune Nun. J omv. 1821 - - kesldcnre, It oirtre, luilston Bulldini; over J. M. Berry's Hlore. llcsiilcni e on MdiIIkoii Avi1. sei'und diior abiit of lonnerreiililener, lr. O. W. incurs l,A(iltANIIK - - OKKdON Fiorcssloniil i'hIIh proinftly alteailcd to, day ur uiglil. iarly Risers TBE FAMOUS LITTLE FILLS. For quick relief from Biliousness, B Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, Dizziness, and all troubles aris ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver, DeWitt's Little Early Risers are un equalled. They act promptly and never grips. They are so dainty that It Is a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative; two or four act as a pleasant and effective cathartic. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonic the liver. rSBPARRD ONLY ST E. C. DWltt & Co., Chicago For Sule by HILL & ALI.ICN IS OTICE: sew I wnultl like nil my oll fries. . coptoners to know l):ttt I huv ctl ii porlion of A. J. U'obb barn for UVKKY IHMM'OSKS ami will be foil nil t! en-fur In, witti H rHt'i'l isa ritfsiuul itooil a-1-dditioaa, will nla lmunl borMs'l y I bo n.ontb. llorppa bnub. fu.d nnl t'xt'bnnetl. , G. W. ALLEN ahams .1 vi:. 7'A.iite mn. Like a. ITKi i 'A in th 11113 v the srar of corns health famoes rcrr.sl- X'A1" ,h'' w'ak and doesfortl. stom ach that v-.-H It Is unable to (ii foi curing all : Itself, even if but W stomach Slightly discr.end tr-t:iji(w and ; or overburdened. digMl va disorders. Kodol supplies the natural luiceacf dicsslion anA does the work of the stomach, rr.is'.i:g th nervous tension, while tha Infianed miucitt and membranes of that on;an are aliowed to rest and heal. It cures Indigestion. fUtuIrnne. alpitAtion of the heart, nervous dvrppsla and ali stomach troubles by cleansinc, nurifvir.P and strengthening the piands. membranes of the atom ic h and digestive organs. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Tr DttUr Ca Supttr Tta. lh Irial ill., whtch tail, lor 60c For S..lo l.y. niLLi ALI.EN V'. mm iM When you order re sure to have I ANOTHER THING - 1, When you order groceries from us you are sure to $ get the verv best;to be had. ; We keep only the Uat 4 . .,'- The next time you are ot our store (4 ask to see our special line of ; A f BREAKFAST BACOW f I & POTTED MEATS I C. R ALSTON a ! NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE, i Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sts. - J. 11. Union Steam Laundry T.YSMITH, Proprietor. Remember we lire si ill in biijineta and we ato here to plcu'e the penple. We hive a Kre prrxif building and there is no . danger with u-. Promptness ia one of our many strong feature. Remember, we haveiui cxpt.i ienocc! seamstress who sews on all buttons end dees all ordinary mending. Short older work asuer.iulty. Second Hand Goods f BOUGHT, SOLD AND tXCHANGED UEUi. ARE SOME OF OUR EV'EIIY-DAY BARGAINS. Gtioil (look Siovo " " " ' sffi.OO Li.ii!!'(! " " " " x 75 Trunk " " " ' o 15 . .New lloo-l'oo S.iw (;' Good Winelicstcr Riflo Sitiltilo Sri Driving Il.irni si Team Ihirntss " Sewiiiij Aim hint- in ; I'ii.e Lap Rol.'t j lo CALL ANDGKT'OUU rKICES 15 J'Kli'cEST MSOJL'.V ON ALL jOL'll NKW II MA TICKS COMK AN I) LOOK AT J J 1 1? We can fit 5 int. .ut oii:i.ct' fur House Ki'.'-i.iiif; Ilnvo n goivl line nf bolli Nw.- itnil Second Umicl tioiMls Watch for Announcements F. D HA 1ST EN. 1415' Adams Ave- When you arrive, you are there. The Rock Island System has an enormous advantage over other western railroads in the fact that its Chicago terminal the La Salle Street Station is the only railroad station on the Klcvated loop. It It tnratrd in the hem i.f C!ik.igr only a Mock from lie B.o:il ! Trade: two hlmks tVi.m (tic I'.tit Ortue; within easy walking distance of the nrincipal theatres, hotels and Mures. The trains of all Chicato's elevated railroads pass its doom and take you quicKiy an.i lor a c-e cnt tare to any part of the city. Three routes East via Denvertt)mjha and St. Paul. L. B. CORHAM, Cen'l Aot, 140 Third Straet, PotiUnd, Or. OJN 1 llVi groceries from us yon them delivered on time ' 17373 THE EAGLE EYE of an espeir una detect tha Blit;liiet flaw or ef-Oiive grinding iu nil It-iiva AH thit nr.' nut ali-olule'y pe.-lict are hiimniarily rij-ottd. 1 tltint wint them at ayy price, I tmsti I urn ol tn U'ged to ke:-p tiiem at very niiieli rt tiiii-Hd piieefl The eye is TOO UF.U'JATE A:i ortiit to !smp;r wiili snd vtm need finises it .is your duty tu yr ursolf to get tlie best I.tt nie help you to tin jour auty Sttict attenrion pnid to nil witch, ciock anu jewelry repairing Peare, the Jeweler oonta per loot 5 50 " 13 00 5 fill 5 00 " (i 00 " 12 00 rvrr. . a saRiiasivi OH iff il l X 1 II -1 . J