La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, January 31, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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    .. I V
Only IS days more
Annual Clearance Sale
Only 15 day of oar . great annual clearance sale -gone
by, during which time we simply surprised our.
selves at the wonderful patronage the prices we are
telling merchandise brought to us, and there are still
..; ; 16 DAYS LEFT . .
For the public to secore the greatest values ever of
fered in Union County at prioes so extrenjely , lo
that competition is uot a comparison ' , i .l X ir ;
If you trade elsewhere. We simply think yOu are;-.'
misguided or have not investigated. Take an hour ,;
off aud let us show you some of the advantages to be
gained hy trading here. Within the last twelve
month cotton has advanced 55 per cent.' You'd hard
ly think it to see our present prices on cotton goods.
During this sale up to date, we bave sold i more
' mens suits than we anticipated and we can candidly
. state that every department in our store ' has moved
likewise. If the people who have not seen the ,br- .
gains offered by us during this sale were to call at the
; : store and compare prices and value., they' would. : go
away with their arms full. We are positive of this '
from our sales during the past 15 days. Remember,
yen have 15 more days to get in on these . j
Every article in our store reduced oxcept thread, -Patterns,
Douglass and Reed .shoes. See our a
$5 Mens Suits $5 V
$1 Shoe counter $1 $1 Shoe Counter $1
The Chicago Store,
1209 Adams Ave. La Grande, Oregon
We have extended our sale to
f The Last of
Only three days 5
out prices iu all of our departments.
Bargains in
Being offered.
It will pay to avail yourself
bargains offerings.
Only 15 days more
the Month
of these last few days of
Two Men Enter Lewis
ton Saloon and . Re
ceive Proprietor And
Guests of their Pock.
. et Change.
Lewitton, Idaho, Jan. 30 Tw3
men entered the Court saloon In Ken
drick, Idaho at 12 o'olook last nisut
acd held up 11 men,, aeoming 140.
Among the victim) ui oona table,
whom the robber relieved ol a re
volver and overcoat. The robbera
were nnioaaked and acted with' bold
neaa. - ' ' . -
Bery amine F. If almei, youngest son
of Robert H. and Hannah Palmer
waa born In Delaware Co. Penn. Dee.
11, 1851 and died in Portland Oregon
Jan. 27 1 9C4 aged 6S year, 1 mo, 16
daya In 1855 be earns with bia par
ents to Glenwood Mills Co. Iowa
where he lived until the apring of
1864 from there be etoued the plains
to the atate of Oregon in wbioh ' be
lived until the timeol bis death. The
deceased leavea a wife and two child
ren, two brothers, four siatera, an aged
mother and ; host of Irienda to
mourn bia loaa.
Moral Wave
When atate, eointy or oity office rt
in Oregon, reaolve to execute tbe htwa
whioh io tbeir official ot's tbey
swear they would abide by maintain
and exonte a atartled public ejaoula-
tea .'! "A moral wave."
Thia cry eimea up from Albany. A
ricsot diapatoh fiom that oity reada.
Albany, Or. Jan. 27 "A. moral .
wave struck the oity oouncil of
Albany last nii t.- and aa a result .
Albany will berea'ter be a closed town
A resolution was passed which ia dr-
signed to auppresa all gambling, se
cure rigid enforcement of tbe ,aw
authorizing Snnday closing of saloons
baniah the slot machines from the
oity and effect other reforms." .
County Expence
The coal of running Union County,
for tbe year 1903 waa 9 )3,133 26.
Estimating the population of the!
County at 20,000 tbe per capita ex
pense wat two dollars, sixty five cents
ann aix milla.
Comparing th'a expense with the
expense of rnoaiug the national Gv
ernment, and eelimaliug the pipu
la ion ol the United Stales at 80,177'
000 it would take 1 1, 655,910, 112 to
ruo tbe United States one year. Tbe
expense of the Uuiled States for 1903
were 1506,272.073, fifty per cent
oheaper than Uaion county ai run
The Jury in the case of the atate vs.
Cbaa Rowland charged with tbe
arceny of a doubletree, failed to agree,
,nd wore di-ctiarged. Tbia may and
may cot end tbe affair.
Pleaded Guilty
E. W. Bartlett, yef e day pleaded
guilty to the charge of trespassing
before jutlloe Win Grant who will
pass sentence Mondiy.
Case Dismissed
The caw tea' nt marshal Bavburn
I and Jatk Hill aa aet yea erday at
I two o.olock and dismiaaed as lbs prot
ecution lefuied to give bonds lor coals.
Ben Ross Dead
The shooting acrape at Elgin baa
resulted in the death of one ot tbe
principals, Ben F. Rest.
An Inquest waa held yaa'.srday
Phone 1223
Shopi P. St. between 3d and 4t
afternoon by Justice of tbe Peaos
Mooreiook and Sir tbe jury - had
listened to the teetimouey they ar
rived at a verdiol of justifiable home
oide." From tbe evidence bfi.ugut
before tbe coroners jury it would
seem tbat Boae waa the agreesor in
tbe trouble and that bia aaaault upon
Bator waa auob a nature tbat Kaaor
shot bim in aelt defenoe. Raaor la
lill cod fined to bia bed on account of
hit injuries and there is tome little
doubt expreated by soma regarding
hia reo.very. Hewaaaeverly beatru
about the face and alao auataioed
some very painful iojurlet in the cheat
and lungi. . (
The oaute of tbe death of Rota ia
aaoiibed to the fast tbat tbe ' bullet
wbioh entered tbe shoulder ranged
toward and penetrated the lung
Boat waa a member of tbe K. of P
lodge at Elgin and the funeral will be
conducted there tbia afternoon under
the auepioes of the order. ..
2,000 Out of Work
Pateraon, Jan. SO Two thousand
people were thrown out of work by
tbe burning of the Ashley : Bailey
Mills, here tbia morning. Tbe loaa is
extremely heavy.
. J, B. Stoddard returned yesterday
from a businesa trip to Sumpter.
- ' ' . ' '" " '' ' '
?rom All Appearances Neither Side is Anxiou
To Fight, But Each Desires The Other To
Quit-Russia b Getting More Soldiers In
the Field.
St. Petersburg, Jan. 30 Tbe Nova
Vremya today print a liat of 28 re-
aerve regiments wbioh bave been or-
dered inoreasf d by battaliona.
Tbe paper adds that aim! lar ordeia
bave been issued to all other regi-
- London, Jan. 80 Despite bellioose
reports tbo offUiala continue to as
sert tbey would be uiuob surprised
should war between Japan and Rus
sia be declared.
U.S. Senator
Measert Harper aud Smith, proprie
tors of the Cove, Union creamery yta
terday made arrangements when by
they will a art oreamery in tbia
city and will teturn the Brat of the
week to secure a suitable room.
Tbay placed their order yesterday
for a carload of machinery for tbe
new plant which will arrive about tbe
fi'tt of Marob.
Tbey have bad thia move in con
templation for over two years. Tbey
realize tbat La Grande la so situated
aa to be tbe meat central point in the
valhy lot tbe ool ection ol oreaoi and
thil city will also furnish a good mar
kat for fiesh cream and buttermilk.
A rccu't partial canvaa In thia vic
Anarchists aae Charged
With Placing Bombs
on Magazine of the
Transport Vienne -All
on Board Go Down
With Her ,
Parie, Jan. 80 Offiolal Inquiry
concerning tbe rotating trantport,
Vienne, reveala evidence tending to
prove that tbe veuel waa blown tip
at tea by an anarobltt'a bomb wbioh
waa nlaoed In the maeaziua of v the
boat before it tailed in December for
Snapioion ia faatened on the keep
er of tbe magaitoe who Hidden ly die
appeared, from tbe Vienne. There
were bU offioen and men on board.
Every rffort i being made to . locate
tbe keeper .. . '
St. Peterbtiig Jan. 30. Novo Vrem
ia aaya it it impossible for Russia to
enter into an understanding w t'l
Japan concerning Manchuria, but re
gardlug Korea, she is willing to (tire
Japan lull rights aoib of the 3Dib
parallel, it Russia ia permiated to con
trol all north of lint line. ' Jiipan
must, however, agree not to fonlly
any part of Korea. Thia is to be the
maximum ot. Russia's concession to
Japm, Aa I he Nova Viiemia is fre
quently inspsred omcially' it is be
lieved thia publication foreshadows'
Bussia'a reply. . j.
from Utah.
inity by Mr Harper reioltcd .in se
curing the product of 260 oowa wbnn
the creamery is roady to start and
this number will be greatly increased.
These gentlemen are not notice in
the creamery business by any infant
They have made a grand success botb
at the Cove sod Union and have for
the patt atveral monthi purubased
cream from a number of farmera near
thia city.
La Gran le has needed a gcod
creamery for a number of yeara and ia
fonunate in tecu ing ot e to bo opera!
ed by men who are well known in this
vr.'.ley and havo lb' utmost confi
dence nf their purnnl.
Not BHieyeable
A niort improbable atoiy cornea
from Kentuckr. Tbe conceit ia
g od one bay tbe location in Kentucky
givea itaway. ' The idea that a man
lived a century in Kentucky and waa
never in a law suit or iu a oourt houae
borate our orodulity wide open. The
ditpateb loan Ohio paper reada tbua:
Mayking, Ky , Jan. "Uuole
Val" Buab, 103 years bid, died here
yesterday. He was an- oo?ntrio
cbaraoter, never having bten inaide of
tbe Courtbonte, although ha lived but
a abort distance away.
He waa never a party to legal con
troveraiea, nevertaw a wedding or a
corpee. : . ' ... '
He died in the aame . log but in
wbioh be bad lived for tbree quartera
of a century. ; " .. ' '. :
Mimic. War is About as i
Dangerous As Real'
Thing-Light Headed
Officer and Unintelli
gent Subordinate Do
thi Work.
lirllii,.Jau SO. Advices are raid to
liavecoiuti from atlioritatlve source in
Russia that during the rwut maneuv
ers of Ki.saian. troop", U.and Dukes
iKerge (,ilso uvcnior general of Mos
cow) ordu id a liidse bh wii mi (nr.
gettiug that the .. aupers'.rnoture waa
covered with troODS. An nnlniellloont
subordinate obeyed the orders and aa
a result ou omcers and 1,000 men were
killed anl wounded. The dlspatcbea
suppressed the news, and the grand
Duke's removal from the army and
loaa of position aa governor ia said to
be certain. , '
AViSIliNOTOS. Jan. 30. It linn hnor.
arranged that Governor Taft shall take
the oath of office aa Secretary of War
at noon Mond-iy at the War Depart
if - f
I i - ! 'rs
l'1 i " i -
I! ' ' M
I ' ' it
i She $biir 'y
Jl aataM to m, MIL- It Mils?, J T I j
Island City Decides To
Become art1 Incorpor
ated Town and Elects
A Complete Set of
Officers. -
r Island Oity has had1 its first election '
ana now hat a full fledged set of of- -floera.
. Tha list ia oimplste from
mayor to marshal. The lollowing are
the newly el-oted olllonrs Mayor,. W.
4. Hunter, Ooiinollinen,' 8. E. Rine
hare, Ben Brown', J. A Garrity, U- G,
Ofunh. O.H. Birtwll,.E E Kiddle,
Beoorder O. W. Ellsrot h, Marshal. .
Wes. Walters, Treaaunr, A-. R. Hunter,
- question, whether or not Ia- ,
1. id o y ahould inoorpuat. ' was -
teUled ia the affirmative by a large
oiajuri' v, The new , offiuors are all
well known busiueas men of Island :
City and there is no donbt bot that'
His ado IsiBtration o! tho oity will be"
busmen like aud tbe oituens are to ba .
oongriiiulaied upon their wise choice.
Overland to California
The. Orook County N we rays: Mr.
O. J. Johnson, who drove a band of '
cattle cveriand from Crook County to -California,
starting last September, '
returned boms on January 28.
C. .1. Johnson returned Saturday '
from Oroville, Oal., where he sold 733
head of cattle during tbe past two
montbt. ' The bunch waa made up of
yearlings and 2-yoar:Qlda and a few
cows and the entire number brought
$21 per head.
Some Vicious Dogs
Last Sunday afternoon, three vicious
dogs in Nortn Union attacked a litt le
son of Mr. Moaaman, bit him aud
would have probably torn ' bim to -pieces
but for tbe timely interference
of Mr. A. H. Gaylord, who beat off the
dogs and killed one of. them. While
the boy la reported to be oov seriously rarght, have been worse.
Mr. Gaylord ia to be commended for .
hia prompt action .-Union Republican. '