a r LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER; r OLUME III. . LA GRANDE. OREGON. SATURDAY MORNING. JANUARY 30. 1904 NUMBER 73 ... J. Only 15 days more Only IS days more Annual Clearance Sale Only 15 days of our great . annual clearance sale gone by, during which time we simply surprised our selves at the wonderful patronage the prices we are selling merchandise brought to us, and there are still 15 DAYS LEFT For the public to secure the greatest values ever of. fered in Union County at prices so extremely lo that competition is not a comparison WE DON'T THINK YOU'RE FOOLISH If you trade elsewhere. We simply think you are misguided or have not investigated. Take an hour oft' and let us show you some of the advantages to be gained by trading here. Within the last twelve month cotton has advanced 65 per cent. You'd hard ly think it to see our present prices on cotton goods. mm nm w wm mm During this sale up to date, we have sold i more mens suits than we anticipated and we can candidly state that every department in our store has moved likewise. If the people who have not seen the bar gains offered by us. during this sale were to call at the store and compare prices acd values, they would go away with their arms full. We are positive of this from our sales during the past 15 days. Remember yu have 15 more days to get in on these SLASHING PRICES Every article in our store reduced except thread, Patterns, Douglass and Reed shoes. See our $5 JVLens Suits $5 SHOOTING SCRAPE. Two Lumbermen Near Elaine Fight With Handspikes and Re i ' ' - a. t- ' x voivers--io one Killed. $1 Shoe counter $1 $1 Shoe Counter f 1 The Chicago Store, MURPHY BROS., Props. 1209 Adams Ave. La Grande, Oregon LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. 9wt4i t J. M. BERRY We have extended our sale to The Last of the Month Only three days i':.!,";,:;:brt out prices in all of our departments. Bargains in UNDERWEAR BLANKETS JACKETS AND 'J DRESS GOODS ARE STILL Being offered. It will pny to avail yourself of these last few days of bargains offerings. J. M. BERRY L Hill'"1 in tttfTf"yr-- MmMMM Elgin bas again come to the front with a shooting eorape. " The princi pals in the latest affair are Ben F. Ross and Albert Basor. Tbe Bret named party is a logging contractor and the second a aaw mill owner. Tbe booting ia tbe retnlt of a baaineat dif- ioulty and acoording to the statement made by Rasor Boss made the attack and be bad a heavy spike with which b prodded Rasor in the ' face, Basor fired in self defense. Ho fired twice, The first shot took effect in the shoul der and tbe second in tbe arm Neither wound is thought to prove fatal. After tbn shooting Basor oame to Elgin and gave himself up to the authorities, and ask that an investi gation be made. Tbe preliminary investigation will be held tbis afternoon if tbe two men aie able to appear In oourt. Botb are badly used up and it is doubtful if either will be able to appear. WORKS OF ART. One Mora Day of the Art Exhibit. A Splen did Program for this Afternoon and eve ning. Come. high School Orchestra La Grande bas an orchestra of which any school michl feel nroud The orchestra consists of nine nieces Tbey will play a number of selections this evening at the art exhibit and the publio should not fail to avail them selves of this opportunity of bearing tbem. Tbe following is the personal of the orcbastry. Elton Jaokson and Vircil Smith . first violins; Kibel Gulling and Cul ver Ay ers seond violin, Mauville Ayers eal lo: Nell Youue flist cornet: Herold Carpy Fecund oornet: Obester Hansen Trombone; Frank Beaeeu piano. We would have printed tbe program for the evening but Bpace forbids. . ' The Wrestling Match at Raknr CM between Prof Lewis and Jnn W.lkina of Australia, resulted in a victory (or Lewis,- Lenlg put his man down two falls. Time 8 minute. AMES NOW FREE. State Supreme Court set the Great Bood ler Mayor Free. The End of a Great Case. Minneapolis , Jan. 29 The ot.it i Bupreme oourt today knocked out the indiotment open which ex-Mayor Ames was oombted and sentenced to the penitentiary for malfeasance in office. Ames is now free and this is probably tbe last chapter in fie not orious toandal. MORE TROUBLE FOR THE LAND GRABBERS. A Round Dozen of Umatilla County Men on theAxious Seats.-Warrants Served no Pjominent Pendleton Men. Pendleton , Jan. 29 'The United States of America vs. G. A. Hartman, Charles Cunningham, Joe H. Parka Asa Bayburn, Dallas O'Hara, Glen H. Baling, Shelly Jones. Mark 8backel- fcrd, Kate James, John Doe and Biohard Roe." This wai the bomb that John II, Hall, tbe United States district attor ney, exploded in this city this after noon, when be served papers on tbe defendants named ab.ve in a "Case brought by tbe government charging tbem with a conspiracy to defraud tbe United States by making fraudu lent land entries and conniving at tbe fraud attempted. ' Not all of tbe men charged were in the oity, but those who were here were cited to appear before United States Commissioner John Hailey, Jr this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock to plead to the information, The case was brought Jon an affi davit filed by Special Agent A. B, Green, who makes the spe cifio ohartes Tbe gist of the allegations brought by the government is that Baybutn, O.Hara, Sating, Jones, Siiackelfotd, Jaoiep, Doe and Boe made false en. tries on land whiob tbey wished to take up at tbe instanoe and request of Charles Cunningham, who wished i( or hi sbeep ranges, aud that these. popple neither knew wbere the laud war, or intended to live on it, or had or ev ir been on it, Tbe attendance ot the art exhibit yesterday was much larger than on be opening day, and it is thought by the ladies in charge there will still be greater attendance there today. Tbe exhibit is certainly deserving of the support. Each evening and afternoon a musi cal and literary program ia rendered This alternoon will be ohi dren's day and Mrs. Kamsey will deliver a lec ture to the little ones describing the picturet. In tbe evening thore will be a musical and literary program which will ploano old aud yuung alike. EVENING PROGRAM Reading Tbe Marble Dream, Miss Lillian McCall Vocal Sulo Mrs. J. J. Carr Selections by the High School Or cbea:ra. Come out anil have a good time, see the beautiful pictures and assist the ladies in a good cause. You will not regret. Mt. Glenn Notes Last evening tbe Mt. Glenn Dra matic Company played a very pleas ing drama entitled composed and ar ranged by June Andrew, a young man of this place Considering tbe fact that nearly all of the actors were amateurs the entertainment wsb a very credit able one and pleased the audience aud reflected considerable ability in the young composer. Several La Grande and Summer ville people were present. Tb mi' aionariee, Peter Al'en, was In Ipswich England and Geo. William In Mississippi with enoouraging letter to Ibe Grande Bonde inhabitants tell ing tbem to be content with their beautiful and productive valley. Tbey contra it iti-t .low ot-team lg but surroundings of the Fouth and the tenant anJ servant condition of Britain with our interprisiog citiiens and vim and nub, of business and ho ne owning nn u'ation. Frank W. Mendell, of Wyo ming, who is said to be the most handsome mnn now in Congress. A Sealed Verdict After several attempts to bring the celebrated doubletree case to trial this muab desired feat was finally accomp lished yesterday. Tbe greater part of the day was required in securing a jury. After the jury bad been secured tbe trial occupied about four hours and after listening to the testimony of some dozen or so tie witness's jury began their aeaioh for a verdlot. At eleven o'clock they had arrived at some kind of a conclusion but what it was ne aro unable to stats at this time m they sent the judge a soiled verdiot wbich will not be opened un til this morning some tithe. . Notice to the Public The Bote Meat Market will be clos ej after Jan. 30 for an nndeflnite time. In tbn meantime I am thank ing very much for the liberal patron age given me, and especially I (bank my dear frii nds who recollected me so prcmpMy in bvsiacss and other wise. - , I am ycure rincerly, J. l. Heidenreiob. P, S. Sinoe I have quit burinias I have turned Socialist . LOOKS LIKE PEACE. S - Art Exhibition' today, at the Com mercial Club. " Japan Ready to Recog nize Russia Y Special Interests in Man chura.Wil Allow her Access to Warmer Water. London, Jan. 2fl The Centra News today says it is authoritative! informed that Japan is not anxious In deprive Russia of access to warm water mas does not ask the evaoua- tii n of Port Arthur and Daloy and is ready to recognize Russia's special interest in those plaoos and in Man churia., ' " ' t R PLY EXPECTED SOON ' Wuihington, Jan. '. 29, She stalo' department ruoeifed adiepatoli from Tokis that Russia's reply is expected hero tr-murrow. v i :v,- To r- its of O I p'- , (re y. : e.; MARRY EGBERT HANGED TODAY AT SALEM Salem, Ju. 29 Harry.Egbert, ali as Jack Frost, was hanged at 12:30 p. m, today f jr the murder of two officers, John G. Buxton aud Jack West who attempted lo arrest; him 'or assault in Uai ney county, on Oc tober 4. Egbert was a desperate charsotcr and ras ;egkided as tbe niosidnngerous p. is oner ever incar o rated in the Salem prison. He was kept under the closest watch for tbe past two months being fed and shaved with bis hands man aged. He attributed bis downfall to women. This is the first exeoutlon under tbe new state law requiring condemned prisoners to be banged will in the prison wall. : I:.. rTT'HWII assui i nisi i i awsssi 8 O UR THIRD WEEKLY CANDY SALE! SPECIAL OARMEL SALE TO-DAY; Vanilla, 30 cents. Chocolata, 30 cents. Cocoanut, 30 cents. GREECE & GO sa?, Mann ui SLgXkAsfS, &&&$A&&Mi-.4i REMEMBER THE BOYS WHO WORE THE BLUE Washington, Jan . 29 Representa tive Hullownv. of New Hamnsbire. chairman ol the committe on invalid pensions, today introduced a distinct ly service and age pension bill, which will give lo each soldier who served 90 day. and who reacbea the sg ol 62 years, $8 per month 6(1 year', $10 p'r month, and 70 years, $12 per month, fo addition to the foregoing tans, ins b:ll gives to tbe men who served wo vears or inon an addition il in crease ol $2 a month in each of the above clarses. The hill increase the minimum ol pensions allowed to $8 per month, in stead of $6 wbich ircrease the pen- I. I. LILLIS Phone 1223 PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER.... Shopi P. St. between 3d and 4t sinne of 125,394 snldirrs who are nr on the rolls at if 0 pei month. Tin bill further provides that the pen.innfi of widows who marritd soldiers prior to Janunry 1, 1870, and who aro now on the rolls drawing $8 shall ho in creased to $12. Heretofore the law has been that tbxy could not get $l'l unless their husbands die ol disease cotiirficlfd in the service. This bill will give hii iucrea.o lo ihe ni"ll who served UO day.) anil ir. creaaes fur Ibe men wiio louuht through the entire war and alao in crease Ihe penaiens ol the widows who married the soldiers during or immed iately following the war. Are You Bead)? "All good tilings come to him who waits" If be does hot wnit too long. Aro you quite sure tliut there ia not something you haAe ni'gloctod to buo, whiob you can nupply yourself with, be SfSt11 '"ANNUAL CLEAR. SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 Spiendid Bargain Opportunities in alt Departments. LADIES COATS AND JACKETS HALF PRICE 'Hi ' If ' i iion m 1 ' h :. ' : .'J- -fS-i il ! ' iv ' '3 5 i j LADIES SILK AND WOOL SKIRJS j x j I i. . H HALF PRICE ( i j.f-. I A' y : LADIES FANCY PETTICOATS A 'f C I HALF PRICE I ' ' fjiJ I rtj CHILDREN'S COATS AND JACKETS M If I HALF PRICE 1 Ir'''! I 1 CHOICE MEN'S SUITS ; i -IWh ' I 1 asp ; : vJ'l) i . . . 1 Jfu w If r Limited space only permits a faint idea of the tiiany 3 - H J I st I j splendid buying opportunities that are here for your choog - UJ "L-- ' iug. Hundreds of noceasories, small and larga t skvliir J .n FT A special meotiog ol all the mem- &3&r & llaV ' fcisssr;-.;. wsj iffjtl''' - ,' By tbe Committee. a "' ' :-mSMSS9i X SS" ' yx 'Jn mi i i rr -v' Mi ' -irnr 'Vwiw Wi iiiwfii' n ' mr ' -"'rrtj' 1 ''r '''"i'iwi " 'tH'mmmmt Work Prisoners Pendloton, Ore., Jan. 29. At the oounnil meeting this evening it was decided to work oity pritonor s on the streets. Further arrangements in the matter will be made by the street committee. Attention Club Ladies