CGsiaisiiHiaisisisisiPiiw ' ffiiaiBiirainjia tanairatfanaffa ii Geddes Bros. J Our Fifth AnriuaKGlearance Sale 1- i ; i Is 'W-3-i.t... :, I t If- Ml . Only lasts 2 days more. Don't wait until lines are broken. See our bargains before they are gone, as they are money savers DURING TH IS SALE EVERY ARTICLE IN THE HOUSE REDUCED N K Sale Ending WEST, La Grande 11 II" II II HllfcJCCJ Oregon Saturday, January 30, 1904 131 SECOND HAND SNAPS Look at these exceptional bargaiua and see what we are offering. The prices will surely interest you. Large Mirror ' $3.50 New 30-30 Martin Rifle 10 $25 tailor made gents suit 5.50 , - Dresser 15 ' Extension table 4 Eight day clock 2 - Pillows 50 cents and np Quilts 50 cents aod up Two-horse buggy Bob sled Jflfeonexj to oan The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams. Remember we (till buy and ell all kiadi of Second Hud Goodsjs jt jt j 'Phone 1581 Fresh News Items of Local Interest Why are Geddes Bros, kept to bmy? Why do they sell the beat goods at the lowest prices. Preferred St'k Tomatoes 3 for BOo Preferred Block Cora 8 for 50c Preferred Stock Salmon 3 for 60c Preferred Stodk Peas 8 fof Wo Preferred Stock Beans 3 for 60c Don't pay other grocers 20 cents can for any of these goods. Standard tomatoes, corn, beani pea, etc., 2 for 25 cento. They have the best butter made in the va'lev, and their creamery butter Ins no equal here. Try it and see. Dill pickles, Heinle's mince meat, Swift's pickle . pig feet, premium hams, loose olives. Everything tasty, nice and cheap Telephone 401 Geddes Bros. BOODDDD DD BDDBDQOI 0 0 OBI Ross & Andrews," a 2 p a Have just received a large line ofjrj Dress Shoos and wo are selling these9 shoes cheaper than you can buj n them in Portland. We do this to" get these shoes introduced among the trade that wears good shoes. g aaaoDoaoanoaaoaaaafloBii Oyster Shell . kip0 Make your fowls lay when eggs bring top prices. We carry standard goods whose merit has been tested for years INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD Clam Shell Ground Bone Bone Meal Flour, Feed and Hay PROMPT DELIVERY County Commissioner, Blueinstcin of Elgin was in the oity yesterday. Cashier J. B. Thorsoii; of Elgin was n La Grande visitor yesterday. John Mathews leaves with lus fam ily for the Cove today, having leased Alex tjtackland's farm for the year. We were Informed yesterday that U was the intcntiou of the -Prohibition party in this county to place a full ticket in the field this spring. . Hie Corvallie Gazette leporla 421 students registered in the State Agri cnltural College at that place; ton students are taking a short course in dairying ;Prof Horner has a class of 125 in history. The question for debato this evening at Grange II til is reso;vJ "That fidel ity to party is not conducive to the bast citizenship." Tue loader on the aftVmativo is Carpenter, on the negat. ive Mr Snow. It limn tho two factions of the Republican party in Union County beifiu to evince some duaira for harm ony iu tho ranks, if they wish to carry this county In June for the Itepublican county ticket. Julius Roerch has nlmut twnntv teams hauling ice from his pond near he pumping plant to his cold nt..rnir plant in town. The elevator which places tho ice in the building furnished pleasure 10 a nnmoor of spootatora who are constantly on hand In see "the wheels go round." -II VV Scott,, lent nf tint Tjmia and Clark fair, returned from a several ' weeks tarry in Washington in the iuter-1 est of that entei prise, to his home in Portland day before, yesterday. He j gives out in an interview to the I'or;- ' land papers that ho thinks Congress ill reach the bill mak ng an appro priation for that fair is from liO to 00 days henco, and he hopes I bo action will be favo'nbU. ' DO NOT FORGET The Grand Ball which will be given by the Ladies of the Maceabees Feb 12. It will be delightful affair Every guest will receive a handsome souvenir. Their Jewels Not Paid For. A London Jeweler has made the sn gestion thnt he und other dealers I going should make n blacklist of urls tomitle women who do not pay their hills and Bend It to tho lord chamber lain, requesting him to exclude these women from court nsscmblles until they hnvo settled their accounts. GOLD CANNON BALLS. The Art Exhibit which will appear at the Commercial Olub Jan. 28, 29 and 30th Is meeting with nirui elsewhere. It was presented h? tl. Ladles Olub of Pendleton and Baker City last season and wan an that both these cities have made ar rangementa to present it again this winter; You cannot afford to miss it. Admission Adults 25 cents children 10 cents. Easy Pill G Easy to take and easy to ict It A Saved From Death M s. C. Benton The World's Greatest Trance Med ium and Clairvoyant, has arived She will read your life from the ear liest rranllection till the end, will unerring accttrncy. No hidden mys tery so deep that this gifted psych ii oannot reveal it. B.ianoja loit O: fkm Jnniile Hidden Treatiore of Eamt Indian Prince.. Not long ngo nn old peasant wai Wandering In the Jungle about half a telle from the city of Abmadnager, In India, when he found a round ball of uietul. It wns black and looked like an old Iron round shot, but when the oin mnu lifted it be was struck with lis Immense weight He carried It home nuil found on scratching It that It was a lump of solid gold. It weighed right pounds and lta gale made the Onder rich for life. There are many more of these can non balls, each worth a small fortune, lying hid or buried In the recesses of this Jungle, mid their story is a curious one. At tho end of the sixteenth cen tury Akbar. the greatest emperor Hin dustan ever saw, was at the heli-ht of his glory. At the head of hi. con quering army he summoned Ahmad linger to surrender. The city and lta rich treasure were then under the rule of the Princess Cande. Knowing that resistance could be but short, and Id bitter rage against the oppressor, aba caused nil the treasure of gold and sliver to he melted down. She cast the metal Into cannon balls and en graved upon ench maledictions against the conqueror. These were flred into the Jungle ond when Akbar entered the city. Instead of the rich hoard he had hoped to win, be found a treasury J , nosoiutciy empty. j That this Is not the only occasion upon which cannon bnils of gold hav. I boon cast Is proved by the fact that In tne treasury of the shah of Persia there may bo seen In the game room where stands the fumoug peacock throne two small globular projectiles of gold. They were estimated by a re cent visitor to weigh about thirty-one pounds each mid are roughly made. Their origin or purpose lg, however, 1 totally rorgotten. It Is only knows that they are very old. Chicago Chronicle. that famous Httbt niu ruwi. Utile Early Risers. This Is due to the fact that Ihey tonlo the liver In stead of purging It. They never grtpe nor sicken, not even the most delicate lady, and yet they are so certain In results that no one who uses them la auappolnted. They cure torpid liver, constipation, biliousness, Jaundice, headache, malaria and warH Ml nn., monla and fevers. rlXTAlHD OMLT BY ' Ba O. DaWITT Jk CO.- r-TTTr. I Don't Forral the Mam. U Early Risers For Sale by HILL & ALLEN. WE ARE HERE. The Imperial poller Skating Rink Co. Are Giving Their Grand Assemblys Daily at the Red Front Bldg. f WM. GRANT t j AGENT . $3 Equitable Savings & Loan Association i . Easy Paying Loans and Monthly Installments X Fire and Accident Insurance Written In Safe and 5 Reliable Companies. to ( (9 C'ltv Drnrtorttt tn- Col,-. (Sg 9&W99S&8.'3&9 Us;np: exclusively the Rubber roller, ball bearing skates. Tram FEATURE RACE EVERY SATURDAY EVENING HOLIDAY PERFUMES Our perfume; case' is 'filltd with a variety of odors,' suited to every iudiyidual preference Ibe products of the world's greatest perfum ers. For Christmas - these same, superior per fumes, put up in at tractive b ties and box es, suitable for gifts, iu piices from the tiny vial at 10c up to the most costly cut glass. JttttttttT MIRRORS For Christmas Doesn't that offer you a suggestion for a Xmas gift? If it does it would be wise for you to make a visit to our store and look over our assortment Hand Mirrors of all sizes and in a variety of shapes and materials.. Triplicate Mirrors, the kind that permits you to see the back of your head and the face at the same time; Triplicate Mirrors are ihe kind men like for shaving. HILL & ALLEN Prescription Pgguisf La Grande, Ore tTTTTTTTTTttTTT AVE Oliver Phone 1571 abicnt friends, mortgages, wills, died, ftc, located. Will remove all evil in fluences and re-unite scpenitcd a. tup le, and diheover ami cure the ostium that uisko to many home unhappy. Prices in reach of ail. Heading by mail. All diseases diogniHl. Hnnde Valley Motiso. ATTKNTION HAND MKN Tbero will he a nii't'ting i f the band Sunday evening at 7 o'clurk. All Hun, I men are invited to attend. Hy order nl the Manager Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given tht the co partnership of K Kay Jmiea and L W Damon Its. been dissolved. Mr Dam on having sold his interest in the Modern 8oln.ul of Commerce to K Ray Jones who acuities all the dnht. and obligations nl the lirni an.l Kill collect all .('counts due and continue he business as heretofore. L. W , Dsnion. K Ray Joues. THE SHANK OF THE 8HOE. What fit. (ilared, Ilctnllio Mark. Thrrean Tola the Broker. Half a score of clerks In one of the largest brokerage bouses in New York were astounded one morning when one by olio they were called luto thell employer', private otllce and naked to hold up their fivt and show the shanks or tuelr slioes. They thought Ihe "old man" bad gone quite mad. Knell young inn n as he entered the oitloe was told to sit down mid put bis foot up on n corner of the desk where It could he. examined. Thou the head of the bouse put on his glasses and very carefully scrutinized the shank of the Rhnf. When nil bad been put through thl. pxiinilnntlnn be called the entire force of clerks Into bis oillee and explained to t hem why this unusual examination had been made. "You are well aware," suld he "that I will not have a drinking man In my employ If I know It. For some time I have bad good reasons for believing that several r tbe young men before me have been Indulging quite tot. much. Now 1 know It. Here are the marks or Ihe bar rail on tbe bottoms of your shoes." rVtcrnl of the vollnir men hnv,l themselves against t'.e wall and lifted file r feet ly u lln..L-u.i.itl. n'.. . . i - -.-..mi. hub me HMJ! k of a horse. Sure elntnirh. thr tv... tbe ciaa-d. metallic marks on Ihe dry leather. They were the evidences of suilt. mid the young men' face, honed It. 'Ii'm unmistakable proof," Mild the head of the house. ' You may tlx np jonr breath nt the drug store und tbe barber can clcao up your eye. and face, but you neglect the .bank, of your shvs's." That afternoon three young men cleaned out their desks ind gave th. key to the managing clerk New Toik Uerald. Special Ladies Asstmblvs Wednesd iv & Friday afternoons und evediugs. Gentlemen ad mitted with ladies only. Owing to the interest being manifested we will make these special days of particular inter est to all who attend, instruct ion being free to all. GENERAL SKATING 3 30 to 11pm DO YOU WANT CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? If so, we can locate you on some fine claims in Wallowa County. Mc Daniel St McDonald, wallowa, OREGON - .. r.:5.rt.i-iBjiici-acnat,irac-j,--.i.-.. . is as.a fW ends in Pni-faliiin and (.'Linn at Half Price COTTAGE SET To oiose out Shamrock Patterns Semi-Porcolaiu 25 Per. cent off AO Piece Set for The price talks for its self. We Invite your inspection Eiher making of JOHNSON BROS, ware none better. LARGE SIZE SETS IN PROPORTION THE GOLDEN MllFr Garland A New Patterns Any site fet or part tf tet 1008-1010 . 1012 -ADAMS AVE. Fine Line of Havil.n.l (ierman China. I- v. ".. Jiiitue nnt t. your -nipattio Wltnra. I was empie,cd In the FT ? r