CREAM WANTED Farmers, bring your oream to us and we will pay the very highest market price for it. At . thejjresent prioe of butter it will pay you far ' better to sell the eream than to churn it. We are agents for the famous DE LAVEL separator. The best made. COVE CREAMERY COMPANY, E. O. Harper, Mgr. Headquarters at Hill & Allen's, La Grande. COUNTY COURT yAiNli?yfTErM OFFICERS: R, tiMiTH ..President J. M. Burt. . . . .Vioe President J. M.Chusch .. .Cashier F.L.Mkykes Asst. Cashier DIEKCTOE8: 3. M. Berry, J, V. Church A. B. Conley, B, Smith L. O.Stanley " 3655 S La Grande National Bink ! B L Crude, Oregon JjJJ c '- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 J Transacts general banking badness. Bays and selURexch vnge on all psrts of the world. : Collections a specialty. Please Note Our Success And increase of business fro 31 July IS, 1891, to July 16, 1903,12 years. Surplus and accum ulated 11 2,5 0 0.0 0 Capital paid in 6 0,000.00 Reliability of share holders 0 0,0 00.00 Protection to de positors $1 R 2, 5 0 0.0 0 Deposit subject to check eie, on July 15, 1891 41,6 9 8.36 " 1SP2 7 7,3 9 9.99 " 1893 27r"2C.'3 " IS!) I 0,041.54 " 1M5 42,3 4 8.11 " 1898 " 34,397.70 " 1897 43,6 4 7.59 " 189S 7 8.7 7 0.25 " 1899 8 3,7 6 0.19 " 190J 8 9 , 7 0 3.90 " 1901 8 3,72 1,67 1602 7 7,2 4 6.38 1903 1 3 2 ,1 0 3.76 Does not the Jabovu figures as snre yoa that the management of this bank meets witn the approval of its board of directors and pat rons; and deserving of your patronage. We want your bank ing business, large or small. Yoa; interest will be protected at the Farmers and Trader! National Bank U Grand. Oregon- Besides thi Regular' Routine of Business, the Court Appointed the Judges and Clerks For the June . ElectionNumerous Bills Were Allowed. SACRED HEART ACADEMY La Grande, Oregon. O on dieted by HitturB of ft. Franoi Select boarding aDd day school for Young Ladies Academic, Preparatory and Kined irartAn nnnrnpa &rA nniitlnnurl nn h .,, h. - j , ! Lake, Oregon, .u. j,..uU.H. The application of Gorham & Roth- UUI NUUUII ttl lUllBUDlftUII. - Musio and painting teceiva spools ttentioo Letters of inquiry directed to SISTER SUPERIOR The report of A J. GooUbrod, 8. A. Fursel and Alex Slater, v ewers, hereto fore appointed by ihe County Court to view out and locate a private right of- way petiiioned for by Nellie L. John on, and to appraise the damages that mould accrue to the onera of property over and aeioBB wbicb said private right-of way would cross, was approved, and said road opened op for travel upon payment to the remonatrator tt dam ages and c sta as appraised. The petition of the Union Land Com pany to redeem 182 lots In the town of Imbler, Oregon, from tax kale thereof to Union County, for delinquent tsxes for the year 1896, was granted, upon payment to the clerk of the sum of (124 67, the proportionate amount of taxes and costs charged against said lota. The resignation of W. B. Gassett rs roa 1 supervisor f Road District No. 24 wa accepted, and Rascelles Morris , township and ran e; i hence east tlx appointed road supervisor of said road j miles to the BE corner of the NE of H.c-ti.f in flu- Him vnMiiiitf enuvfl hv said resignation. Saturday, January 30, 1904, between the hours of 8 o'clock a.m. and 7 o'clock p.m., set as the time for aaid election. Ben Brown, Wm. Thomas and Wm. Day were appointed judges and A. R. Hunter, Peter Bosquet and S. E, Bine hart clerks of said election. The replication of T. P. Wllllama tor the cancellation of taxes eironeously charged aga.nBt Lots 7 and 8, Block 2, Deal's Addition to La Grande, Oregon, lor the jear 1901 was gran ed. On the petition of twenty-two resid ents and taxpayers residing within Rosd Districts No. 11, 12, 13 and 22, a new road district was created and numbered 37, the boundaries of said road distriit being as follows i Commencing at the NE corner of Section 12, Tp. 2 8R88 E V .M , running thence west six" miles to the NW corner of B c 7, said town-hip and range; tbence roath2 miles to the 8W corner of the NW X of Seo. 19, said gl ao, L. HnBman 8 Lee A, Wilton . S3 W. . Turner . S4 H. Conway 57 Peter McDonald The appoin ttient of supervisors for read districts No.f- ft 6, 86 and 36 was contin ued until the .wbroa y term, 1904. The selection of 200 names from the assessment roll h act aa jurors for the ensuing year was made. The following-named persons were appointed judges and e'erke of election for the various precincts within Union County, for the period of two yoa's, via: aintLopi , grouts cimas H. Clay Geoige Ayrea Pat Conlon ; WallaceO.HInokloy Frank Roland Charles A. Hill AL1CBL George P. Childera ChetGaakill P. A. McDonald Kirk Wills J. L. Woodell W.J Case BIO CBKXK J.J.Turner' Lee Wilson Richard Duncan George South Dunham Wright James Goble covs S. G, White Henry Chambers Otho Eckersley J. G.Stovons George H. Holmes David Liiyne v XOBTB ELGIN T.M.Higgenbotham Ed. Alexandor Charles Henderson H. D. Spencer Charles Patten Junta Sommor south iiaiN -S. L. Burnaugh Frank Wade Dwigbt Barnes John Hug Jo in Graham Wm. Christians n HllOARD '- I ' P. J. Shropahi e ' Hudson Shropshire C. A. Staples On petition of the Hot L1l Sanitor- iura Company, Edw. W. Wallington was appointed Peace Officer at Hot DeWitt DeWItt ! the name to look for when loo co to bur Wltcb Haul Salvo, . DaWltt'a Witch Haul Salva Is tho original and only eenuln, la fact DeWltt'alatheonlyWftcb HatalSalva that la mada from tha unadulterated Wilch-Hazel Alt othari art counterfeits baw Imi tation a, cheap and worthlesa even danteroits. DeWltt'aWltch Harel Salve la a specific for Piles; Blind, Bleeding, Itchlnf and Protruding Pilaa, AlaoCuta, Buma, Brulsea, Spralna, Lace ration a, Contuatona. Bolla. Carbunclea, Eczema, Tetter. Salt Rheum, and all other Skin Disease a, SALVE E.C. DeWitt Co., CUcsi For Bale by HILL & ALLEN : 4 H II They're Going Fast But there are still many styles yet to select from. An Iron Bed for $2.5? Of course we havt the expensive 1 inds, too. See the handsome designs now in our window 1 Undertakers m banners K, ANDROSS M. Charles Kinsey" Funeral Director chi d, of North Powder, Oregon, for the cancellation of taxes erroneously charged against Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block SO, town of North Powder, Oregon, for the year 1896, was granted. The Board of County Road Viewers was ordered to meet at the no th ter minus of tin proposed county road petitioned for by J. E. Tibbetts, et al, on Tuesday. January 26, 1904, at 9 o'cloi-k a.m., or within five dajs there i after and proceed to view, lav out and establish said rjad according to law. The application of Judson Draper to redeem the NEtjof the SW and the N'aOf tho Bilf and the S'of the iiE.'f, Sec. 7, Tp. 2 S, K 40 E, WM, from tax m e thereof to Union County for delinquent mortgage tax against said described property for tho years 1891 and 1892, was gianted, upon pay ment of tho clerk of fill 69. The application of J. A. Johnson for j the redemption of certa n lots in the town of Imbler, Oregon, from tax sale hereof to Union County lor delinquent taxes for the year 1896 was gran ed upon payment to the' clerk the sum of (3 15. The following-named indigent .ersons were granted relief for the month o: January, 1904, as follows: Inez Guild, $12; Anna Hclman, 18; Ella Neason, f 15 ; George May, $8; Johu Hilder- brandt, 18; Mrs. T. E. Lee, $8, and John .Wedlock, $5. The hearing of petition and remon strance ag -ins the incorporation of the town, of Cove, Union County, Oregon, was continued until Fri lay, February S, 1904, at 10 o lock a.m. The annual reports ol a majority of the road supervisors of Unio i County were reieived and approved and the - twit i which they can he , b. THE SIGHT OF A FARM Ims a whole lot to to do with its value as an iovestnwnt. If It 1 well drained, high liealthy ground, close to a good Blanket K is naturally worth more than 3ow ilani. marshy or rocky land etitnaftel three m lea from no where. IF YOU AKE i. (WRING for 'arm better consult us before .ou iboy. We know of several yood farnif iChat will suit yoa either a homestead or as a money-making investment, anil we have the very lowest Bg ires they La Grande 1110 Adams Avenue, How big a farm are you looking lor. Investment Company, La Oiande, Oregon Section 24, said township and range; thence north 2 miles to tbe place of beginning. Changes were made In the boundaries of the following-numbered road list ricts: No.s 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 22, 20, 27, 28, 31, 32 and 36. S. M. Goff, of Elgin, Oregon, was ap pointed st'.ck inspector for Unio i Coun ty for the year ending Deccmlier 31 1904, vice, J. T. Bolles, resigned. The selection of omciul newspapers for tbe ensuing year was continued until the February term, 1904, for proof of publishers aa to tl.e circulation of their respective papers.' The clerk waaorde ed to issue a war rant in favor of E. Helmer for $1.94, to covo- over-payment of taxes o i the 1902 tax roll. Petition of tho Fi-st National Bank of Union fur tho cancellation of taxes err neously cha-ged to said bank for the yea- 1898 was allowed The court established the followiug tax levy for th year 1903, amounting to 34 mills, as follows: State, 7 mills school 8t mills; county, 10 mills'; con I ting nt, 5'.. mills ; road, 3 mil s The petition of T II. Crawford, as trustee, ct al, for a franchise to operate a i e ec ric railroad along county roads within certain parts of the county was co tinued f r tho term. The clerk was Instructed to advertise for sealed proposals to furnish 60 cord of yellow pine wood or 30 cords of yellow p ne and 30 coixU of red fir wo d for use of court house; wood to be delivered at the court house in Union, Oregon, prior to Sept. 15, 1904 The following-named persons were appointed supervisors of the various road distric'g within Union County Oregon, as set out opposite the number of each district, as follows : 1 Charles Mooro 2 Eli Smith 3 8. VI. Goff 4 R. A. Hug 7 John Muyers 8 Samuel Woodell 9 J. E Woods 10 E. B. Long J. F. Nibbley N.Lewis W. H Dillon JM.ANO ' J. Holmes Andrew llloikland W. Wells . U. G Conch , James Moss C. II. Conkey K4.MBLA R R. Collins George. Lee William Dye 0. H Carlson Dan Bennett Frank Samord Li OBANDB NO. I Wm Rynearaon O. D Huffman ' John Young F. H. Tatmun W. Proebetel C. h Owe ley Li GRANDB NO. II P; Halley K. K. Noordlif ff ' W.Grandy Arthur ''i'linnis W. Stont-r J. M. Mulfhy . LA OBANDB NO. Ill L Curtis Arthur V ii. nick Perry Clark C. D. Goodnough ohn Wilson Roger Deal LA OIIANOR NO. IV . W. Mc. inter J. E. Hoynolds rank Cminsoll '"in. Sherwood Charles Golden Eiwin Oilier NDkTH POWUKB H. O. Gorham A. C. Rollins 8 Vandocur J. M. ilkiMou Jo'.n O'Brjnnt Kd. Murphy l-KRKV R. R Kelly John Mai-.ldoon Alex Nibley - Petor Nelson Chaa. Mimnaugh Win. Kelly BrJMMKIIVlLLIC J. W. Tuttlo Kd Logan Rudolph Uii( C. D. McDowell T. Woo ell in. tilenu 8TARRBY Thomas Loftus E. M. Coomba W. S. McMillan A. J. Sullivan B. Ay res E. F. Jones , UNION no. I - Andy Wilkinson Charles Robbms Ed. Mitchell Frank Bidwull X. Warron Perry Oliver UNION NO II D. Correy Waldo Porry E. Foster F. W. Davis 9. 1. Benson Frank Mimiick 13 Willard Moss 14 CharlesCoalwell 15 D. H. VcWaters 16 E. F. Jones 17 Albert Winters 18 A. E. Anddison inatviiAtail tn nntifu th ilol i nrill All t. " . . ' . 7 . , , 1 11 Henry Kinehart 12 D. W. Klledge su ervisors o orward their reports in ' s time for action on the same at the Feb ruary term, 1904, uf the County Court Based upon a pe Ition, proof of publi cation and other necessary proofs, theie be ng no remonstrance agai Bt the i-aine, a special election to vote on ine incorporation of Island City, Union County, Oreg n, and for the election of municipal officers was ordered; and I 19 E. E. Grout 21 F. D. Gaskill 23 D. H. Sargent 20 J. W. Si Is 27 C. E. Sherman 29 Ed. DeVine 20 F. H. Tatman 22 W. J. Haling 24 Rascellea Morris 26 R. V. Davis 28 Frank Hempe 30 E. F. May PORTLAND AND LOCAL MARKETS 1 aaaaaaaa i.BaaaaaBMaBaaafaa . I THE TALK OF THE TOWN Have you got all your Winter's Clothing, ikI did you get it at UNIONSTORE? If you did? Alright. ifnot?-well,wait and you'll see. P. S. The above refers to G-erits' Groods Local Markets Kuks fresh valley 40ut8, eastern, 30c ' Uuttei, orcamiry 60e and firstolass dairy 60n Dfr roll. Potatoes GOcts per saok. I Applo.SOo. to 75cts. per oox. j Ca Mge, 1 1 rr lb. I Tiirkies, 10 cte. Ih. live weight. CRKAI.9 Wheat COc to 64o per bu. Oate 90o per cental Barley 80c per cental Portland Market i The probability of war in tbe I'ar East in sending wheat up in all parte ol the country. Chicago and 8ao Franti'co eauh advanced 3 cents and local r-xportfts put up their piicei Irom 1 to 2 cents in the inteio '. Not -nucll was done yesterday, but it is believed that tbe market will be active ntit week. The English ex change, were closed yes'erday: WHEAT Walla Walla, 73c; blue-stem, 78c; Valley, 79. BARLEY Feed, (20 per ton, brew ine,$20; rolled FLOUR Valhy, 13.75 and 8.86 per arrul; bard wheat straights, 13.90 and PRODOCB Potatoes, 00 to 76 cents per sack. OnicuB 8 1 cents to 11.00 per sack Eggs Oregon, 3U 32A ots, V ru 25 2!c ilutter Creamsry, 27 nd 30c Daily, 20 und 22 Jo, store X6lGo lb. Poultry Chickens, mixed 10c par pound, spring, 10fl and bene, It'c , turkeys live, 17 and 18o lb dressed 18 and 2qc lb-, duck's, $6 and 7 er doz. geese, 8c lb. LIVESTOCK Cattle Best steers 14.25 and 14.00 medium, 4.00; cow. (3.25 and 11.00 Hogs Best large, fat (b.25; medium large ft 4.76 Sheep Beet wealbert 13.60; mixed sheep (3.25. 4 10; oloars, (3.65 and 3.75; hard wheat pnteuts, (4.20 and 4 M; Dakota hard wheat, 4.90 and (5.5'; graham, (3.76, whole wheat, (4; rye wheat, (4.60 and .76 OAT8 No. 1 white, (1.07J; gray (1.06 per cenlr.l. MIL1.8TUFF8 Bran, (18 per ton middlings, 123: i-hort. (10; ohop, U 8 mills, (18; linseed, dairy lood (19 HAY Timothy, (16 per ton; ClOv- or, (12 ; grain, (lit ; enact, (11 .SiiiiwT.V . GREENE &,CO.t v CANDY FACTORY Fresh Candy in Fine Boxes ; S '-. ;i Our, Specialty t , GREENE & CO" A Two Light Electrolier, ! f . '' . ..- ' )' . !.-! , Hiapire style complete with etched lass shades and alK attachments put up iu " your residence for $5.00 " See samples in out window, La Grande Light & Power Co' 1 in 1 11 11 11 p 11 1 1 1 iwMjr-TSiriTtnriftifi 11 ara s i 50c Complete ? Outfit for - 25c lin'n ctilor em- Congratulations. Mr. John H. Oiillom, Editor o' lilt Garland, Texat, News, baa written s factures congratulations to Ihe mauu lettei of of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, as follows: "Sixteeu year- ago mien our nrst cnno wn a baby he" was sul j-ot to cnnipi spells and we w uld tie very miens) about bim. We began using Cham, berlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and finding it suub a reliable, remedy lor oolda and oroup, we have never been without It in the nousn siuce inai time' We have five children and hate giveu it to all tf them with good results." For 8aln by all druggists. FOR MOTHERS SAKE with. Art Exhibit The Ladloa Nelghborhool Club ami the Lyle Tuesday Musical will hnvonn art exhibit comp-ised of 2J50 of the fin est paintings and statuary in the world Their object Is to place a Rood grade of pictures in the public schools. Do not fail to attend and help a good cause. Adults Season tickets 7." cts for six exhibits, Pupils season ticket 25 cents. A high grade entertiiinment at each ex. hiblt. Remember the diite, Jun'S 29 and 30. at Commercial Club. I'Miimenc ing Thursday afternoon at 1'-' M. STORY OF SiRONG HEART INTEREST Ahouuii ... i: . .,-;!, i;u.r.iis Hurtling Climaxes .. K -ficatnng in its Originality Uniform Rank Ball In df ffcience to the wislien of anu ber of the membeie of the W O. W. rank team it tins lieen desirrd to ohange the pi ice ol holding he grand Ball Feb. 3id. (rum I' i Atmony Hall to the Oo'iimeicial Olul hall. Do not fnrg' I the place or the date. Fred Jneoh, CluiriiiHii Coniiii.t'.e.', NOT.CEOF EHTIUY Notice la hereby given tliut tl following dr-scrilied row Is now at my place, having been taken up by m as an eatray. One bla-k and whit cow without visahle ! anil, ehort duu laps, said cow Is allu. Uwner may have sain" by proving owm- ship pajing pasture bill and expense of ad vcrthting. W. L. Cobertaon I'err Oregon. Pictures! 1'ictureal Pictures. uiiss the Art r.xuibit. 1 18x18 inch outer piece 1 Hatidsoiiie it tidy " .1 Dt igran embroid rv li'saoit , . 4 Skeima ofgr-tud 'ri.n Illo stlk t f 1 Doz Ktielibli totilcry need'ea Your clioico of iw... , ... , i, w,.,.v, iNu.3-1'2, Holly, JNo. "Sirawborty, No! 345, Violet, No! 310, Amorlcair Beauty Rdsp, No. :i14. ' r; ; -'' - RAINBOW STORE do- t P Fioc !otcti3 in futicy woik. STIiWAKDS OPERA HOUSb", 1) i I Sleward, Mgr & Piop Till: LITLLE SUNBEAM ' MARIE HEATH In t M lunilicent Scenic l'rc- luotion of llio successftil Rurnl Dramu U'roaenting New Iting- untl lifo ' . An exc.illeut cast car loid oi scenery. THURSDAY JAN 28 FOR RKjiXi Six 'onmed eoltngc, centrally loent ed. Tho propor person ruay have tho -lieu of this pro.ierty during the spring and summer free of charge, provided they give promise of proper caro. Jan 9S to Jan 31-:' Address box 4SI La (irande, Oregon.v , Cottage is fully furnished. . ; : ' ' - 1 ," Save your ' nennys, the dollars - will take care themselves." i . - CASH MEAT.. MAREKT Oi r home ninde Dreakfast bacon I-nou- ready. Ko better made per lb 15r Our " Famdns'HumB" will be ready by next Saturday. We permit no one to undersell us. . Finest meats always on hand. Poultry, the best the market affords Phnco orders receive prompt de livery. No. ICO'l, , North Fir St. opposite Oeddee Bros REDUCTION t '.i in- J i iriirv .!- . Mi nl 'lifki-t will In r, r lit (m1 !r. tit $5 to if I 5(1 lor ( i t . V' iiii cia'. the gen rrotis tilronuge ex-ti-iiilcd i'i tbe find trust the -frvice render fl will not only merit a ontiiiunut-e, but aa ini'fifuM). lir.GUI.AU MICALrJ 25c OYSTERS in any style, out- h iHt i ull y. Try our Stimlny Din ni rg front 12 to 4 p. m, - Ucsl sft vici' in the city MODEL, RESTAURANT Handgome Men - ' Should proti-, thoir beauty by seoiug that -i . they .have only ,.w i COMPETENT BARBERS To shave them. We -will protect your face. , Evans Sc Fitzgerald q ,' SPICES, q COFFEE.TEA. : BAK1N0 P0WDEr fUVOBIKOOTTV Don't I .. . I wiarp a-ji ' , - 4 43 I Sit J ('V kit - 4 al' .-.r r. 7 .7.'i--::';'-''r'';'-' . ...