La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, January 28, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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0"'y 15 days more
Only IS days more
Annual Clearance Sale
Only 15 days of our great annual clearance Bale
gone by, during which time we simply surprised our
selves at the wonderful patronage the prices we are
selling merchandise brought to us, and there are still
For the public to secure the greatest values ever of
fered in Union County at prices so - extremely lo
that competition is not a comparison - '
If you trad elsewhere. We simply think you are
misguided or have not investigated. . Take an hour
off and let us show you some of the advantages to be
gained by trading litre, Within the last twelve
month cotton has advanced 55 per cent. You'd hard
ly think it In see our present prices on cotton goods.
mm mm w wm nm
During this sa'.e up to date, we have sold i more
mens suits than we anticipated and we can candidly
state that every department in our store has amoved
likewise. If the people who have not seen the bar
guins offered by ns during this sale were to rail at the
store aud compare prices and, they would go
away with their arms full. We are positive of this
from our sales rl tiring the past 15 days. Remember
y-u have 15 more days to get in on these
Every article in our store reduced except thread,
Patterns, Douglass and Reed shoes. See our
$5 MensSuits $5
$1 Shoe counter $1 $1 Shoe Counter $1
The Chicago Store,
1209 Adams Ave. La Grande, Oregon
H, W. Stoner baa sent the coonty
clerk 000 registration from I.a
Qrnde. II the balance of theoonaty
it doing aa wail the work will he much
easier on tbe clerks office than uaual.
We have extended our sale to
The Last of the Month
Only three days
take advantage of
cut prices in all of our departments.
Bargains in
Being offered.
Later Facts Substantiate
the Theory that Mrs
Brown went to Her
Death Voluntarily.
Pendleton, Jan. 26, (.Special to the
Observer) The oororuers inquest
wbioj wa held here to inveslagate
tCe death of Mr. and Mra. Brown wbo
were found dead on the hill near town
yesterday brought out very little
more than was known early in tbe
day. Two letters wbiob bad been
writterf by Brown and one written by
Mrs. Brown led strongly to the faot
that tbere it another man in oaae.
Tbe letters alBo indieate that the
woman went to her death voluntarily.
Following are tbe letters.
Tbe ooroner offered tome letters
on tbe peiBon of tbe dead man in
evidence, after wbieb the jury retired
for deliberation. One letter, to bia
mother, waa as follows:
y Dear Mother:
When this reaohes you I suppose
you will know I am out of existence.
Knowing what I kuow of my ife,I
find it Impossible to live, so have con
cluded to end her existence and mine.
May Ood comfort you. Had ebe been
true to me nothing would have driven
me to such a step, but tbere are some
things worse than death, and this is
one of them. No, I am not inaaue,
but I have looked the future fair in
tbe face and find this is the only
solution .
"Forget me aa eoon aa possible, and
give my love to all .
'.'Again, may God comfort you, for
I know this will hurt you,
out if you knew my Buffering you
would not want me to live.
"Yours affectionately,
Brown had also written the fallow
ing letter to the Odd Fellows' lodge
to which be belonged ;
"I, J. T. Brown, am about 10 ne d
the last services that the brelhwn
can bestow upon a broibei that of
burial. I am a member of the lodge
(Fret moot) No 60. at S(. Anthony,
Idaho, aUu a member of No. 166 A .-
O. U. W. of Al. x ndria. Neb. Please
see that I am prop rly identified ao
ihat the p licy will be paid to my
mother as my next of kin.
I prefer to be buried by fie two lod
ges and the expense will be borne by
myonlodgo. There is a small bal
ance to my ored it at the Kexburg bank
Reiburg Idaho, which I would like to
have reach my mothei; alao some ?aeb
and a check upon my person. In F.
L. A T., and 0 H. P.
(Signed) J. hn T.Brown.
P. 8. Bury me in the clothes I am
found in.
Ii the etove at vhe Smith house
was found the fragments of a letter in
the handwriting of Mrs. Brown, which
read when pieced together aa follows.
"Dear Brother Tom :
"When this reaches you I will be
no more; if you know what this
means I aupose I will soon know as
I have reached a c.'isis in my life. I
have found a man in Oregon I loye
better than my husband. Oh, how I
love him!"
The letter had been left unfinished
and was torn and crumpled but bad
not burned when put iu the stove.
Tbe coronet's jury found that tbe
man had for causes unknown to Ibsro
murdered bis wife and had then com
milled suicide.
The bodies will be buried tomoirow
at 10 a. m. from the undertaking
parlora of Baker A Folaom under the
auspices of the local lodgeol thi I. O.
0. F.
The intermeut will be in Olney
School Exhibit
Prof. E. E Bragg oounty auperten
dent, waa in the city yesterday and
left for bis borne at Union in tbe
evening. Professor states that bs has
reoently visited the Elgin, Island
City and La Grande schools in tbe
interest of tbe St. Louis exposition ex
hibit which is being prepared by tbe
school children of Oregon, and finds
that all tbete schools preparing mat
erial whioh will make Oregonians
who visit tbe fair feel proud. This
exhibit will consist of a sample of all
work done in tbe sehoola by tbe child
ren and will furnish a comprehensive
display of tbe form and m inner ol
publio school education in this state.
The Grande Ronde Cash Co., is a
corporation just organised in this
city with a capital of $I0.00d to en
gage in milling and merchandising in
this oity. Mr. C. J. McLain who for a
number of years has been identified as
one of La Grande's progressive busi
ness men is- president and treasurer.
Their place of business will be at tbe
mill elavator formerly owned by Mr.
McLain on Jefferson Avenue. They
will handle grain, feed, wood and eoal
and farm machinery. Their looation
aloogai de of the railroad track to
gether with their mill enable them to
handle grain in large quantities at a
very small expense. They will whole'
lie and r tail, have their own delivery
and will bn i i posi'i.m to give lis t best
possible service, their motto will he
small profits and quick sales and will
soon be in position to solicit a Bhure
of the patronage of this city and
vicinity and it gnea without saying
thoy will ai euro it.
67 Bodies Have Been
Recovered Aia in
Mines Almost Un
bearable on Account
of Decomposition of
Oheswlck, Jan 27 By daylight
this morning t7 bodies bad been re-
OOTored. Hoisting to tbe suriaoe is
slow by reason of tbe condition of the
mine. A speoial train barring coffins
arrived this morning.
Searchers coming from tbe mine
tbis morning say the condition is be
coming unbearable. Tbe air Is uearly
ladened with the odor of decomposing
By daylight the temporary cage,
work beoame more eystematio, Al 10
o'clock 10 bodies more were removed,
all horribly mutilated, eoorohed aW
torn .
K. of P. Excursion ,
The Kuighta of this city are mak
ing extensive prepaialiona to attend
the district convention to he held iu
Union nu Thursday, Jan. 28.. 1904.
A special trniri will be run, leaving
La Oraudo at 1 o'clock in the after
noon, aud the fare will be-eiity cents
tor the entire, round trip.
Any person not a Knight may also
go for the same faro and can return
on the morning train. ' Every body
must not fail to be ai the depot at 1
o'olook or they will gel left. Let all
turn out and have a grand time.
Baker City, Jan. 27 At an ad
journed session of the circuit court
held bere yesterday evening, Judge
Eskin granted the plea of the credi
tors of the Red Buy Conaolioated
MiniDg Copipany, to Bell the property
to satisfy the olainiB aga-insl it, and
will fix tbe date of the sale in the
near futuie.
He also granted the receiver the
power to borrow 81,600 n the proper
ty to oov-r current expenses pending
vOhioaeo, Jan. 27 Hearing the
eight miltimi issued aa a result ol tbe
inquiry into the In quoia Theater dis
aster. Ooroner Traeger and a number
of detectives today left the City Hall
with authority to arms Mayor Carter
Harrison, Manager Will J. Davis and
six lessor city olllcials and the stage
employes whe were ordered held to
await the action of tbe grand jury.
Fruitdale Items
. A Costly Book
What is said to be tbe most costly
book in ihe world has lately been
givon by the Ameer of Afganistan to
the Shah. Il ia a copy of the Koran ,
b iund iu solid gold and set with pearls
rubies and diamond'. It ia said to
have cost $40 j.OOU.
Will Be Paid
Tillamook Or Jan. 27 Tbe widow
of the late Sheriff II H. Alderman
has authorized the statement that all
shortages, if any in the aocounts of
the late Sheriff with the county, will
be promptly settled.
It will pay to avail yourself of these last few (lays of
bargains offerings
. J.M.
Phon 1223
Are Holding
Tacoma, vVash. Jan. 27 Rumors of
war in tbe far east are causing farm
ere to bold on to their grain.
Iowa Manufacturers
Dea Moines. Is., Jan. 27 Fifteen
thousand manufacturing establish
ments having an aggregate otpital
exceeding 1200,000,000 are roprcaonl
id at the first annual convention ol
the Iowa Manufacttiters' association
whioh opened in Dea Moines today
Tbe association waa organized at
meeting held at Waterloo last spring
si ice which time its membership hs
i ncreased until new it comprises a
majority ol tl.e most prominent ma u
'adorers ol theaiaf,
76 Lodges in the State
Have a Membership
of 11000 and Order
is increasing. -
Joseph Mioeili, grand master of Aie"
Odd Fellow: of Oregon who is tusk
ing an official tour of tbe state finds
lodge in a most- prnrpeions condition.
I in the state. There aie now 176 lodges Judge M O Georgf Port-'? ' '",B n'vm"
land hi.e decided that 11,. u new louges are
barber law Is uncot'Stitutional, as it
does not prescribe the qualificaticna ,
ol a barber but lmvui it to (he ita e
hi g organized regularly at different
points besides . lie erioonragiug in-
established lodges.'
Indorse Roosevelt
hoard of examiner. Klmnlil ilia fin
picmo uuui I. Busiaiu uccisior, 11'
will not be necessary for harbors to !
pass an examination nor proourea! B.,i.e Jan . 27 Resolution were
license to eocble them to follow the, adopted indorsing President Rooe
ocoupation of barbering. ! velu's sdminUtration and in favor of
j instructing lor him.
Bound Over -
Baker Ciiy, Jan 27 Ex-Postmaster
Kelly of Greenhorn City, charged with
embezzlement, was bound over today
in the sum of (2000 by U S Commission
er Chance. . v
Tokiu. Jan 27. The Japanese gor
e.nment has diplomatically intimated
to Baron lie Roeen, the Russian Min
ister that ar early r spouse ia dcaird
to Japan's noent nn'e to Kti'tio. It
is calculated l ore that the Japanese
nitererclnd tin- Russian Cabinet o:;
alterno. u ol J..i 10 u.l u ij (e.i
that euflicicnt timo has elapsed f r
its con-.ienrni.ion and the prepara'.iod
of a renpota. Tha Japanese govern
ment is conscious of the possible
necessities of the mlittiry and naval
situation and is unwilling to permit
i;asioiia and delays which are design
i n to gain time.
About twenty coudIo gathered nt
the residence of J. din Bjugarde last
Wednesday night and tiped the light
fantustio until thoy wore all thorough
ly well satisfied and went home know
ing that they bad passed sn enjoyable
evening. Mt.L. Htilwell and wife
furnished the music.
Mi.G W. Curtis and wife have
their bullae completed and have mov
ed into it, they are uow full llulged
Miss K.ito Castle entertained a
uumber ol her young friends last Sat
urday at dinner, it being her 12t
birthday. I .lid not git tho nanu'a
of those present but it is cafe to say
they all had a jolly time.
The itenerosiiy of the people ol
Fruitdale is only exceeded by tbui
good looks as the following incident
will prove. Oo last Sunday a little
strange girl called at tho pleasant
home of O J. Blaek and wile and was
taken in with kind bands and tend ir
ly cared for and now they count nno
more in the happy fami'y and all do
ing nicely.
Thomas Kelly is luuling his cull
smiles home and feeding them to his
cow and horse, says they make fine
Messrs Probstel, Oldenburg aid
White are sorting their apples pre
paring for the spring trade. They
have some very fine ones.
Miss Ethel Huffman entertained a
number of her Irienda laat evening at
her home it being her 12th
bi'thday. A fine lunch was served
after which games and other amuse
ments were enjoyed ai only olrlJren
can. At H p. ui. all went borne feel
ing that it waa an evening well spent
and wishing her many such pleasant
returna o' the same. Those present
warn Mahal Kirtlaml Hirah a. nil I
R bs Williamson, Kate Theress, Irene
Gistle, Ethel Huffman, Alex Robert
son, Edward Kirtlaml, lyinis .uidcr
deln, Fred Huffman , Mr. and Mrs.
1. H. Castle, Mr. and Mia. C. Jr. Hull
man and Jacko the dog.
Heavy Bonds.
Hun I-run lm, .lun 27 Tho Federal
Criind Jury brought iu n verdict nhnrfc-
init Chns W Davis will, having assault
ed Mrn. Ailing on the high suns nbimrd
the atanmcr A I In am enmutii hero from
Portland. Ifis bonds niu nluced it I
Art Exhibit
The Ladies Nelghborhoo 1 Club and
the Lyle Tuesday Musical will have tin
art exhibit comprised of 250 of the fin
est paintings and statuary In the world
Thi Ir object is to place a good grade of
pictures in the public schools. Do not
fail to attend and help a goodcauae.
Adults Season tickets 75 cts for six
exhibits, Pupils season ticket 25 cents.
A high grade entertainment at each ex.
hlblt. Remember the date, Jan 28 10
and 30. nt Cotifinerclal Club, coininenc '
ing Thursday lift or noon at P2 M.
Uniform Rank Ball
In tlefTejeoce to the wishca of ami n
Iter of the members of the W
O. W. rank team it has . been
dcairid to ohatigo the place of holding
the grand Ball Fob. Hid. from the
Aimony Hall to the Commercial Club
hall. Do not forget the placo or the
datP. : -..-X
Fred Jacobs,
Ghcirman Committee.
Economical Buyers
A to tlcliglitoii with tlie values
wojI liltitikeU.
wo are offering hi fine
With ii very low exceptions they sre all Pendleton Woo'
en Mills l;!nnkol8, Thrse blankets ure well kuown for their
excellent tpi iluy, superior workmanship and finish. They
ure mml)! l. tun -e.It'rten! Oregon Wool uiul all colored hlnnk
el 'i.e piuriintcoi! absolutely fast colon.
l'lte v. hi e blankets aro made from specially selected
wool nu. I will itttiin their creamy white appearance. ,
All Blankets Are
Reduced 25 per cent.
J000 Hn i tainmaraek posts for sale.
7 and 8 rents. Apply lo .lack Childs
harness shop. Ports are In tho old
Jsn. 20-Feb. 27.
I Bear in mind Unit our tenth semi-annual Sale will list 3
only a few days longer. I
9 Come now. It means saving. .
1 3
II imJIXA. I. a a a a . "
13 : . -rr-rz
J hop: P. SI. between 3d and 4
.A .:
,VA.-A.i..;iMw... :