Our Fifth Ann ual Clearance Sale Gcddcs Bros. y ... . .A Only lasts . clays more. Don't wait until lines are broken. "Why are Lie-Ides Bros, kept to lmy? Wliy do they sell the beat (Plods at the lowest prices. ' See our bargains before tliey are gone, as they are money savers Preferred HiocKworn o Preferred Sto. k Salmon 8 'or Me Preferred ritoUK reas o . uut.a !l Inr Mhl DURING THIS SALE J r ' rreierreu oiucn ---Pon't pay other gr.ieera 20 tents a can lr any 01 un g.u. Standard tomatoes, corn, beans ueai, etc., a tor z- rouio. They have the bert butter made In the va'lov, aod their creamery butter has lio eqnal here, fry B 4 : EVERY ARTICLE IN THE HOUSE REDUCED N K WEST, La Grande Oregon Sale Ending Saturday, January 30, 1904 11 auu ere. .... , Mill ii .Ji mi. iteiuze b uinii-w meat, Swift's pickle pig feet, . t c Inrian nHVAR. pre 111 I m u nciim, ."-- r Everything ia&iy, uir ,-wtr Gcddcs Bros. SECOND HAND SNAPS i Look at these exceptional bargains and see what we are offering. . The prices will surely iuterost you . Large Mirror $3.50 New 80-80 Marlin Rifle 10 $25 tailor made gents suit 5.50 - Dresser 15 Extension table 4 Eight day clock 2 Pillows 60 cents and up - Quilts 50 .cents and up Two-horse buggy . " Bob sled , . ' Jfigorurg o SJoan. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams. Remember we (till buy and " 11 kinds 'Phone 1581 o Second Hand Goods, r Fresh News Items of Local Interest "For Mother's Sake" DoaDDDaDODDDDannnnDnBa & Andrews," B"Eioss ttilill .ilka Have just received a largo ' line old Dress Shoes and we are selling thestH Si shoes cheaper than you can bu them in Portland. We do this to get these shoes introduced among f the trade that wears good shoes. S3 a a a John Harly o( Pendlo'nn is recover ing from quite a boijto of eirknesi. Wm Bay of old town haa boon quite sick for several days. 1 Island City hold their first cit) election Saturday. Mrs O H Prentiss of Klin came np from Elgin last night to visit hei parents Mr. and Mrs. M. C Cotner. Dr. Theodore Pnrdom who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. F.li. Moore of this city haa returned to her home in Kansas City this morning. The Thomas orchntra lias been grcur- e l to furnish the miiBic for the Uni form Kank Team hall which will hi' given at tiie Commercial Club Feb. 3 Charles Mc Clure Sr. who reside North of the track la not improving from tiis rocent illnces as rapidly as he had hopes of after rettuniig f rum Walla Walla where he was operated on for cancer. Mr. und Mrs. Clias. Haws who finve been visiting Mrs. linns parents. Mr. ami Mrs. Dan Kllfdo of Alicel returned to their home In IHIgard lust niglit. Mr. Ilnwea BtateB that the recent cold weather continues the activity in Ih logging camps up the river. W. I. Dirhman of Klein is in this city and states that the saw na ilia aio iu the m'ost prosperous conditions. They are all securing large supplies ui logs at a noiniiml coat, l.at year from the want of enow logging was very expensive. The Art Exhibit given by the Neigborhood Clubiuid the Lyle Music- nl on Thursday, Friday and Sntnrda of this week is for the benefit of our public school. All childreu who would liko to sell tickets fur the Art Kxlrhit please call at Mrs. Woistell'a home just south of the whits school huiite to day. ' TO KENT Six roonm cottngo. Inquire if Mrs Stults Corner U and 0 atieet 2-2(1. Mr. and Mre. C.B. Wade of IVndle ton are on their way to Southern Cali fornia anil If Mr, Wadca health does not improve they may gi to the Sand- witch Islands The deiightltil drama, "For Motb ir'e Sake," n tx-auiiful story of New England life, will be sees .Thursday niiht U b;glily spoken o'. ' Marie H -uth will bead (he company, whioh 4 ft thoroughly good one, in every pinicuUr simplified t'J Jo the pit till and complete jinl!C". T!:e mao igers havj spared no piin. or expense t ) in. ike a succesf of tle p-oduotiou. The company will bave iheit own scenery car, wh ch will contain everj cuing used in the production. There are a number ol pretty children engag ed amog them tbe famous McKinley twin?, wbo will g(ve naturalneps to the ecenee. Village tots always form a pretty picture, aud particularly 80 where the surrounding atmosphere is in keeping. ment ownership of roads, met again . this morning and put formal notices to ell Unions in America that the I bchn-ne te well und-r way and support is wanted fiom all quarters. The committee said that the slate- : msni that it exp oted to enroll every railroad employe in Greater New York to t he-number of 200,000 is not exag gerated. Several taousand have a!- Neighborhood Club The Ladies Neighborhood Club mot yesterday ftl.onioin in the Commer cial Club parlors. Tho suhj'iot for disouss'ou was 'Civil Ooveinment." The eesBion was under the direction of Mrs. Geo, nrnv. The meeting was most in teresting and instructive, lhe fol lowing program was rendered. Roll Call of Current events. Paper, Civil Government of Oregon Mrs. Geo. Carpy Piano Solo, Mrs. Clara T. Lyle Paimr, Orcein Laws concerning Women. , Mrs. J. D. Blater Vooal Solo, The Grand Amen Mina Bfssie WorsteU Roading, " Federation report Mrs Rscbel E. WorBlell Piaiir, Solo, Mifs Harvey McKennon I IPifi mm NOTICE OK ES T KAY Notice is hereby given that the fallowing described cow is now at my place, Laving be. n taker, up ly me us an eslray. One Mack and white cow without visable buind, shott due lapa, mid cow is wild. Owner may have sam by proving owueiship and paling pasture bill and expense of ad vertising. W. L. Robertson Perry Oregon. ready agreed to sign, although tbe steps taken yesterday were merely ol a premlimioary nature. The announ oement in the morning papers Sun day stirred the men and letters are being reoieved by tbe thousands. vm-CrO WM. GRANT AGENT A. I F.qu.table Savings & Loan Association a Easy Paying Loans and Monthly Installments If"' S 0 Fire and Accident Insurance Written In Safe and Reliable Companies. City Property for Sale MARRIED ' Pluuib Lincoln In this city Tues- j day evening by the Justice of tte-peac Wm Grant Mr. William B. Plumb and Miss Bessie Helen Lincoln wore marri ed. The bride is a daughter of Dr and Mrs. R. L. Lincoln and the groom ia well kno wn to have resided here foi many years. WE ARE HERE. JO YOU WAT . vCHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? If snv we run locate you on some line claims in Wallowa County, The Imperial Roller Skating Rink Co. Are Giving Their McDaniel &, McDonald, WALLOWA, OREGON Grand Assemblys Daily at the Red Front Bldg. Sold Out Make your fowls lay when eggs bring lop pricos. We carry standard goods whose merit has been tested for yrars INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD Oyster Shell Ctam Shell Ground Bone A. E. and S. L Met The Alpha Embroidery an' 8 icinl Le.igut- met tttia afternoon as u-u-il with Mry. 0. V. Tlinuia-. The Lea gue hold their lirst S.icinl Kutertaiu- mont at the borne of Mrp. Jno. Ant hony where they were delightfully eu terta ned, the evening being fpent in playii S games after which refreali nieuta were servi d. Tnose preHenl w.'n : Mr. and Mr. J. vVhitbv, Mr. and Mr?. A. V. liv.r, Mr. and Mrs V. I. H.iiMeii, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Thomai-, Mr?. O. linger, and the Mi'h Tlioinsrn, Shilliiiir and II rger. Ni it Wednesday evening the l,m guo will be entertained l y Mrs. A V. Oliver. Tho Jersey Dairy Changes Hands La G.ande Jau 25 I reg-et, dear patrons that my health is failing so that I am compelled to give up my biiHiuesj. 1 cm eay lha my dealings have Leon agreeable and pleasant wnn al my customrea and I regret that 1 have to quit trade. I thank all of my customers for their liberal, kind patron ag and ask them to extenJ tbe same io my siiccesaer, Mr Goar end hia two sun?. They will couduct lhe business in the samu neat and clean way, fur nish good milk in tboso germ and dust prooi bottles. Mr Guar intends to improve the dairy so as to furnish standard milk to all those who wish to patronize him, d .ill will lind him and his two sone gentlemen iu every respeot, with am ple means to makn the dairy a sucoeis in every way. And now I bid my many customers all goodbye aid luiu juii over tn my sucseseer, Mr Goar and wish yon all to wax fat on the milk fiom lhe Jersey Dairy. Your humble servant W fVrbank Using exclusively the Rubber roller, ball bearing skates. SPECIAL FEATURE RACE EVERY SATURDAY EVENING Special Ladies Assemblys Wednesday & Friday afternoons and evedings. Gentlemen ad mitted with ladies only. Owing to the interest being manifested we will make these special days of particular inter est to all who attend, instruct ion being free to all. GENERAL SKATING a 30 to 11 p m - HOLIDAY PERFU ME S Our perfume cuse is filltd with a vt'iiely of odors, suited to every individual preference the products of the world's greatest perfum ers. For Christmas these same, superior per fumes, put up in at tractive hi ties and bux es, suitable for gifts, it prices frorjj the tiny vial at 10c up to the most costly cut glass. MIRRORS For -Christmas Doesn't that offer you a suggestion for a Xmas gift? If it does it would be wise for you to make a v:-it to our store and look over our assortment Hand Mirrors of all ei.es and in a variety of shapes and materials. Triplicate Mirrors, the kind Hint permits you to see lb- ' ; i of your head and ilio luce at the same time. Triplicate Mirrors are the kind men like for shaving. HILL & ALLEN Prescription Pgguist La Grande, Ore ttttTltvtvtt rVYTT4ttttHtttTttM ODD END and BROKEN STOCK SALE Bone Meal Puclic Ownership New Yuik .Ian 2.1 The exooutive eomm.ttee of railroad opeiaturs and railroad employes who favor govert- Flour, Feed and Hay TROMPT DELIVERY GREENE & CO-, CANDY FACTORY Fresh Candy in Fine Boxes Our Specialty. GREENE & CO This sale menus to us what overhauling, changing thi work.2JWe call our housed riii!i housecleaning means to every housewife. A general iuu, im'ii miuua uui.vi l IJS, Ue-llll3 OtS flf hnrrl End and Broken Stock Stile. 150 40 good numbers in ladies' Nice line of Ladies' Eideodc Some good values in Shirt All Hoods and Fasci;. SHOE BARGAIN'S. One lot are good values at the rt Comi : an Oil ,"s Goll o $1, 1 item . Hsina ud Fancy w all for kirls acques Shirts 48c 2 5 per cen off 'THE : MUST GO" ONE full Lai! es Child roll's tnd Men's, price. ud look i.ver our bargain fables HALF every PKICE shoe in tl -- THE GOLDKN liLTLE MPANY V; Oliver V Phone 1571 -ICI2,Adams Avenue fJRSON AVE, v 11 Vn ' - - .