CREAM WANTED Farwoxs, bring your cream to us and we will pay the very highest market price for it. At the.'preseut price of butter it will pay you far better to sell the cream than to churn it. We are agents for the famous DE LAVEL separator. The best made. COVE CREAMERY COMPANY, E. O. Harper, Mgr. Headquarters at Hill & Allen's, La Grande. I m OFFICERS: B. Buth President J. M. Bkbuy Vice President J. M. Church Cuhler F. L. Meyers Asst. Cuhler DIRECTORS: i. Iff. Berry, J. V. Church A. B. Conley, R. Smith I- 0. Stanley C L 3655 AV.TRANDE 1NATIONAU B nk : La Grande. Oregon fJ CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 9 Transacts a general banking business. Buys and sellsEexch.tnge on J all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. J Please Note Our Success And increase ol bufineoa fro 31 July 15, 1891, to July 15, 1903,12 yeare. Surplus fund accum ulated 1 2,6 0 0.0 0 Capital paid in .... 6 0, 0 0 0.0 0 ebare- . 0 0, 0 0 0.0 0 Capital paid ii Reliability of Holders. Protection to de positors fl 8 2,500.00 Deposit subject to check were, on July 15, 1801 18P2 ' 1803 " i;:n " 1895 " 1896 ' 1897 " 18DS u 1899 " 190J ' 1901 ' 1H)2 ' 1903 11,5 9 8.35 7 7,3 0 9.99 27,22B.13 20,041.54 42,3 4 8.11 34,397.70 43,0 4 7. 50 7 8.7 7 6.25 8 , 7 6 0.19 8 9,70 3.90 8 3 ,7 2 1,67 7 7,2 4 5.38 1 3 2 , 1 0 3.76 Does not the 'above figures as sure you that the management of thin bank meets witn the approval of Its board of directors and pat rons; and deserwnir of your patronage. We want your bank ing business, lai ge or small. Your interest will be protected at the Fanners and Traders National Bank U Grand, Oregon- SACRED HEART ACADEMY La Grande, Oregon. C onduetrd ly Sitters of fit. Frsnui Select boarding and day anbool for Young Ladies Ao&Jemio, Preparatory and Kined garten courses are conducted on u same principles as those pursued in i our schools of Philadelphia. Husio and painting receive apocia Mention Letters of inquiry directed to SISTER 8UPEBIOR WHAT IT COST TO RUN THIS COUNTY y The Following Article Taken From the Union Republican Will be of Interest to the Tax Payers of Vyt County. County Clerk Miranaugil has just completed a statement of the expend itures ol Uoion ooiioty lor the year 1903, giving an itemized list of the ex pense of the different department of coniHy government. This statement is of direct interest to ever; tax payer in the county, and in detail is as follows: Co. Crtand Commissioners! 2,640 00 Cirouit Court 3,340 95 Justices' Courts ........... 1,955 85 Sheriff's Office............ 4,699 96 Clerk' Offloe 4,100 00 Recorder's Office 3,299 91 Treasurer's Offioe 893 81 Coroner's Offioe 229 25 School Bupts. Offioe 1,560 00 Stock Inspector 300 00 Assessor' Offioe 8,608 60. county effices rated a sources of re' Assessment and Collection I eoue to the respective offioerr, are as of Taxes 705 60 follow: Tax Rebate Current Expense Courthouse Expenses Jail Poor, Care of.. Indicant Soldiers Insane Reform Sohool Com'tment Bridges Election Expense, Expense of Teacher's Exam ination t .... Transportation of lndisent Mutea 68 75 2,761 66 1,035 35 1,120 06 3,430 76 486 81 100 36 68 66 6,607 77 152 60 67 00 17 40 . Total Roads and highway. Total According .$42,090 18 . 11,042 97 .863.133 26 Sheriff .y 4 4 699 96 Clerk.. 4,100 00 Aueaeor , 3,098 110 Recorder , 2,290 91 Bupt U School. ......... 1,650 00 Treasurer - 883 SI Stock Intpeotor.'...... . .. 300 0U Coroner...... 2S9 25 Total (not including Co Court) $17,571 03 Tl.e expense of the County Court not being segregated, is inuludi 1. in Ibis list and amounts to $2,G4U. " The it m of roads, higliaya and bridges i a heavy one in this county and foot up as follows : Bridge $ 6,007 77 Roads aud highways..... 11,042 97 PORTLAND AND LOCAL MARKETS S5ESB gffifiggjBjag loBflriSgSBBS I XAN FIX IT i I I do not care how badly it jS is broken, I can make it 1 just as gone' as new. I do I all kinds of I B!acksmit!iing . and Wagon Work I Horse shoeing a specialty. I Shop on Fir Street l ELMER MITH, ijrairigirJHSioSMSSSI They're Going Fast : 4 a But there are still many styles yet to select from. An Iron Bed for $2.50 Of course we bav the expensive lino's, too. See the handsome designs now in our window Local Markets . Eggs, fresh valley 40uts, eastern, 30o. Butter, creamiry 60o and firstolaas dairy 60c per roll. Potatoes 60cta per saok. Applfs,50c. to 75ots. per box. Cabbage, ljot. per lb. Turkies, 10 cts. lb. live weight. c REALS Wheat 60c to 64o per bo. Oats 90c per cental Barley 80c per oental Portland Market, The probability ol wsr in the l'ar East is sending wheat up in all parts of the country. Cbioago and Ban Fransieco each advanced 3 rents and local exporter put up their piices from 1 to 2 cents in the inteio . Hot much was done yesterday, but it is believed that I he market will be active next week. The English ex changes were olosed yes'erday: WHEAT Walla Walla, 73c; blue-stem, 78c; Valley, 79. BARLEY Feed, $20 per ton, brew ing,$20; rolled $21. FLOUR Valley, $3.75 and 3.85 per am. I; hard wheat straights, K3.90 and Tolal $17,660 74 Thus it will be asen (hat it cost $17,660.74 to keep up roads and bridge in Union county for 1903 quite an item of itself about the same as the coat of running the county office. Thecxpease of the County Court if divided among the salaries of Judge, Commissioners, bailiff", livery, ex porting book, etc., and amounts to $2,640. x The Justice's Courts, including fee, of Justices, conrtables, jurors, wit neaseh, etc, foot up a t ital expense o tl.986 86. to this slst meni, t..e J T(ie oare lho poor ( inouuin(. salaries ol oouuty phjsioian, pom farm, provisions, transportation, hospital obarger, building, etc, amounts to 13 ,430.70. The lax-payer, however may besi understand the above statement by carelul perusal and study thereof Everything is of public intoiest, ami the (tatement as a whole given tin public a general view of ths expensi account uf the county for the pasi year. . Summing up the running expense of the county for 1903 anil we find that it amounts tu 103,133 25 in av jrage of about $4,427.77 per month , or $148 per day. Hie items included in ti.e st te ment of the County CI rk are the very things the tnx-paytr wishes to know, in making up his decision as tu whether a publio administration lias been a aucceea or not, and to bis tender mercies the figures are respect fully submitted. Union hVpu'ilio m. r " Save your penny, tho dollar will lake rare ' themselvea." , CASH . MEAT MAREKT Our home made break faet bacon ! now roaily. fio better made per lb. 16c. Our "Famous Hums" will be ready by next Saturday. We permit no ope to undersell ns Finest meats always on hand. Poultry ,.lhe best the market affords Plinuu order rerelve prompt de livery. No; 1C01, North Fir St. opposite (joddea Bros. What Apples Do Ad Helm took 4t,00 boxes of mer chantable apple off 1 1 eigh aorea of orchard near Ashland this fall. ' Four filths of these were four tier apples and sold for $1.00 per box, and the re maining one-fifth at $1.25 per box, or $5,800 lor the entire crop. Ashland Record, REDUCTION On and after January lst.,Meal Tickets will be reduced Irom $5' to . $l.50 for cub. ' Wn app - ciale the gen V erous i atroniige y l tended iu the paet and 'trust lite service render ed will not only merit a continuance, hut an increase. ' REGULAR MEALS s- 25o . . , .. .. .. .. rj .. OYSTERS in any style, our specialty. , Try our Sunday Din ners from 12 to 4 p. m. Best service in ths city MODELi ' RESTAURANT 4? rrE.Aiiiosso. Charles Kiruey Funeral Director vh:ch t.iv-y can be iun(h U Grande 1110 Adams Avenue, THE SIGHT OK A FARM has a whole lot to to do with its value b an Investment. If It 1 well drained, high healthy ground, close to a good market it is naturally worth more than low land, marehy or rocky land situate I three in les from no where. IF YOU ARE LOURING for a arm better consult ua before you buy. We know of several trood farms that will suit you either ae a hoinestoail or as a money-making investment, anil we have the very lowest fig ires they How big a farm are you looking for. Investment Company, La Giande, Oregou PRODUCE Potatoes, 60 to 76 cents per sack. Onicus 89 cents to $1.00 per saok. Egg Oregon, 30 32J ota, K" ru 26S9o Butter Creamery, 27i nd 30o. Dairy, 20 and 220, store 15 15 Jo lb. Poultry Cbiokens, mixed lOo per pound, spring, lOo and bene, 10c , turkey live, 17 and 18o lb dressed 18 and 2oc lb-, ducks, $6 and 7 er doz. geese, 8c lb. LIVESTOCK Cattle Best steers $4.26 and $4.00, medium, 4.00; cow; $3.25 and $4.00 Hogs Brt Urge, fit $5.25; medium large fat 4.76 blieep Best weathers 13.60; mixed sheep If 11.25. 4 10; dears, $3.65 and 3.75; hard wheat patents, $4.20 and 4.j0; Dakota hard wliea', M 90 and $5..'rl; graham, $3.75, whole wheat, ?4; rye wheat, $4.50 and .75 OATS No. 1 white, $l.07J; gray $1.05 per CTiile.l. MILL8TUFF8 Bran, $18 per ton; middlings, $23; nUoris; $19; ohop, U S. mills, $18; liuMrd, dairy loed $19 HAY Timothy, $16 per too; clov er, $12; grain, $12; cheat, $12. A Business Chance A paity with a little money can se cure nino hundred sucks of marke' a'j'e potatoes at a real bargain by pal ling lipnn FRED JACOBS, PAWNBROKER Character Party (He of ttio ninnt ddihtftil UmM of ibti season wu given laMt evnnit g nt Inland City hy llm Hirnpaon i nd YotUflB dancing niasterc. The ball waH a character nd'iir iu the CO! turns wcro very Btriking ai:i oriKna1. The gentlriiiuirrj Vint p-i.i wm awarded to Mr. Claud Hnraiiton and the firsc LndioM prizo lo Mis Unriif. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM P0S1TIVEY CURED . :By THE USE OF OIL OF EDEN AND- SWEET SPIRITS OF EDEN THE TALK OF THE TOWN Ilaveym. g'-t a" your Winter's Cloll.iug, md .iiJ vim get it t THE UNION STORE? If not? well, wait If von di'l? Alrigbt. nnrl you'll sec. P. 8. The above refers to Gents' Goods Kellet's Oil and Sweet Spirits of Eden are the most mar velous remedies of the age iu the cure of chronic'jheuma tism People who have been confined totheir bedsfor years have been restored to perfect health by their use. Read This S. M. M ar'.ln, M. D., writes the following for the American Journal of Health o New York, ami sayi: '-Weil entitled to a place atnnnir genuine sioolfl fl is Oil o EJen, olfureil by lir. Joh n L. Kellett, of Oakland, Gal., for the euro of rheumatism ui'iimlm aud kindred complaint. This we are willing tn indorse in very distinc terms, because we have secured abundant evidence Justifying us in doing so Having referred the question of thi elllcac) of this romeily to medical men of ex tensive experience, and at the same time having thoroughly looked up the record it has made for ItBvlf among tho people who have usod it. we secured a mass of positive ev.ilonce in its favor." $5,000 Pleaded Guilty. John Hefflln in Juatlos Orant c oourt on monday plead guilty to an ult on John C. Boatman, and wa fined $5 and ooti, in all amounting to $9.40. The trouble crcured in Perry. Uniform Rank Ball Iu deffc-ieoce to the wishes ol anil r her of the members of the YV O. W. rank team it has been desired to change the pUoe of bidding the grand Ball Fob. 3id. Irom the Armony Hall to the Commercial Cltih ball. Do not forgi t the place or t tic- da tp. Fred Jacobs, Chtinnnn Comtnitieti. A Two Light Electrolier Umpire style complete with etched glass shades and all attachments . put up iu your residence for $5.00 . See samples in our window. La Grande Light & Power Co Complete v Outfit for 25iE: i ISxlS inch litiin ' confer picco -i 1 Handsome rolor stutly -. ,. -. ': '; ' I Ii h j.rr m 01 n broid ery lesson 'I Skoins "' 'of grand filo silk ?' 1 Doz Iliiglibli broulery ' Your choice of signs WiM lUw, N. 341, foppy, No 342, .Holly,' No. 313. Strawberry, No. 345, Vio'et, No. 340, A'mericati Beauty Rose, No. 344. '' . V. - ( RAINBOW STORE em- le- n Free lesions in faucy woik. Art Exhibit NOT1CK Special price on all raipit weavi i brought iu during Feb. and Man:!, Hit miss IOcIb itrljind 12; J to In cts. E. M. Reed, Cor :id aud I) t-t. Old Town. DO NOT FOUtlUr The Grand Ball which will te fivi n by the I,adie of the Macca'ees Feb 12 It will he delighilul nlfiir Evory guest will rec-ive a handsome ouvenir. The l.!idiH NelKh'.irirhoo! Ohih and llm Lyle Tiicclny Mimical will have an ni t exliiliit cmnn-ised ol 250 ol the lln i!t iainlinj;-i and siatunry In the world Their object Is I" p'aco a unod grade of picture in the public wlniola. Do not tn attend en. I liL-ip n iinod cause. Aditll" Senfon ti. keH iii cts for six exliiuit, I'.'j'i.H n'.iH'in ti k t '.!. cents. A 1 1 1 u 1 1 urtnl uiieil ii tin nt :it i cell ex. Ki im ln'.cr llm llnje, Jan 28 2 rind :! '. hi Ciiiiiineretal Club, e nininnc irg Tirtr-ii -y nf ciMHt'i at 12 M. bTLWAKDS Ul'tKA H0USF, SlL'ward, Mor & I'io) H 1 1 Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given thai the co partnership of 15 Bay Jones and h W Damon has been dissolved. Mr Dam on having sold his interest in the Modirn School of Commeroe to K Kay Jones who assumes all the debts anil obligation of the firm and will collect all accounts due and continue he business as ueretnfore. . , . L. W. Damon. E. Rsy Jones.- Dl We will give five thousand dollars to any one who"can prove I at any testimonial published by us is not genuine and isoiicuea. Oil and Sweet Spirits of Eden Ia"e onred thousands of people. They will cure you. Oil and Sweet Spirit J Eden are to be used in conjuuoiion, the Oil being an external remedy and tn Sweet 8pirits internal. They are not obap remedies, but inexpeniivr cures. $5,00 PAYS FOR ALL. If yon are tired ol buying remediesjthat at the best only offord temporary relief, and want a cure, it await you All tho lesding wholesale and retail druggist everywhere eli;Oi and gweet dpirita of Kdeu. You (imply pay $5.00 for tbs oure-no more no les. NOTE The California Co-Op iratire Medical Co. of Oakland positively guar antor that oil of Eden and Sweet Spirit of Edeu will cure ohronie rheumatism providing the tworen wile are uaed la ronjnctlon. Ordinary case of rheum in can b cored by use of Oil .of Eden alone. The Oil sells for 2,0d per bot tle. For sale by and Uzr. DeWitt DeWltt It tha nvna to look for when you co to buy Witch Hnl Salve. DeWltt's Witch Hutl Salvs la tho orlglnil and only renulna. In fact OeWltt'ala tha only Wtich Hue) Salva thai la nuda from tha unadulterated Witch-Hazel AR other am counterfeit tbtae Imi tations, cheip and vorthleat even dancerooi. DaWltt'a Witch Hazel Sahre la a tpectflc for Plies; Blind, Bleedlnr. Itchlnc and Protruding Pile. Alio Cuts, Darns, Brulsea, Strains, Laceratlona, Contusions, &A, Carbuncles. Ecima, Tetter. Sat Rhtum, and all other Skin Diseases, SALVE raspiRin ar E.C. DeWltt 6 Co., Chic- THi: I.III.I.H SUXIU'iAM MARIE HEATH In n Miignincetit ficcnic Prc- ihiotinn of the succe ssful Rural Drama Ki-pretc tiling New Eng ' 1 it :1 life FOR MOTHERS SAKE i - t. r -J 1 v A" excellent cast V V 1L11 oar load ol scenery. : STORY OF STRONG HEART INTEREJ1 i Abound iu nxmtdy situation i HlKrtliug Climax" I Iteficrhing in its Originality Handsome Men Bhould prot'o; their beuuty by eeoiug that ipy buve only COMPETENT BARBERS To shave them. We will protect your face. Evans & Fitzgerald SPICES, COrrbt, I tA BAKING P0WE rlAVORINGEX AbttlupiPurily, ft OrtahMrSfrenJfh.f CLOSSET T" THURSDAY JAN 28 PORTL" For Bale by HILL A ALLEN