f ' . - ; 'v - --? r ; ; is'- ".-"V;" BSERVifi LA GRANDE MORNING- 0 VOLUME III. LA GRANDE. OREGON. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27. 1934 NUMBER 70 3 5 I i I I.:? i i m m . .. 5 i ; 5 - 0"ly IS dkys more Only 15 days more Annual Clearance Sale Only 15 days of our great annual clearance sale gone by, during which time we simply surprised our selves at the wonderful patronage the prices we are selling merchandise brought to ns, and there are still 15 DAYS LEFT For the public to secure the greatest values ever of fered in Union County at prices so extremely lo that com petition-is not a comparison WE DON'T THINK YOU'RE FOOLISH ' i you tradb elsewhere. We simply think you are misguided or have not investigated. Take an hour off and let us show you some of the advantages to be gained by tradiug'htre. Within the last twelve month cotton has advanced 55 per cent. You'd hard ly thiuk ii to see our present prices on cotton goods. wwm ime w am During this sale up to date, we have sold i more mens suits than we anticipated and we can eandidly state that every department in our store has moved likewise . tf the people who have not seen the bar gains offered by us during this sale were to call at the store and compare prices and values, lliey would go away with their arms full. We are positive of this from our sales during the past 15 days. Remember yru have 15 more days to get in on these SLASHING PRICES ' Every article in our store reduced except thread, Patterns, Douglass and Reed shoes. See our $5 MensSuits $5 $1 Shoe counter $1 $1 Shoe Counter $1 The Chicago Store, MURPHY BROS., Props. 1209 Adams Ave. La Grande, Oregon LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. COURTWAS BUSY Chas. Holland Arrested For Stealing Double trees. Marshal takes Possession And is Himself Arrested. There vat something doing in Jai tiee Urant's court yesterday, Tbe whole matter wu over a double tree tbet wu uken from Jok Hill's wagon. Investigation led Hill to be lieve tbat it waa taken by Obarlea Ba llad of tbe Old Town, Iu company witb Mareball Rayburn tbejr found tbe property in bin possession and Bo land waa arrealed and the Marebal took possession of tbe doubletrees. Bolaud waa releated on bia own reoog- niance the trial waa ael for 4 o'olook in tbe afternoon but waa postpones! to 7;30 in the evening and again post poned lintil 10 o'olock this morning. 10 toe aiiernoon a warrant waa eerv ed on Jack Hill and Marabal Bay- barn, ohargiog tbem witb the laroeny of the above property. They Siave not been arraigned yet. When court open tbia morning Justice Graot will require a bond to cover eoata by tbe plaintiff in both eaaea, aa tbe value of tbe double-tree la only about $5 ' What effect tbia mfy haw remaint to be aeen Tbe basis of the trial againat Sir Hill and Marahal Rayburn ia that tbey had no authority to take the prop uly. Were Re-elected. Iandianapolis, Jan 20 John Mitchell waa re-elected president, Lewis vice J. M. BERRY 1 Annual Inventory Sale lasts until T ANUARY 25th. Heavy cuts on goods you want more and also on goods you will need after awhile. We have quoted no prices yet but tin bargains we have already turned out in our Men's Furnishings and Suit department, and our Ladies' Suit Depart ment speak for themselves. Men's Wear Any Suit in the house " " " $10.00 $16.00 and $18.00 Overcoats " " $12.00 Everything in Men's Fumithiugs reduced. Ladies' Wear. Ladies' Tailer Suits One-half prioe. All Silk Waists at COST. Ladies' Jackets One-half price. All Dress Goods at one-fonrth off. All ladies' Furn iehings reduced in prices. BOYS WEAR $10 Suits for $7.50; $8.50 Suits $7.00 $5 00 Suits at $3.00 and up. CHILDRENS WEAR Reduced oue-half, and many reduced to cost. SHOES. A lively reduction on Men's, Ladies' and Children's SHOES. We defy competition on this sale. Prices talk and everything mnrked in plain figures. Avail your self of the mauy bargains offered. The Wao"e Failure The Hon. James H. Raley wbile It Portland on tbe 24th tboe talked about tbe Wade failure to the Journal "The failure of O. B. Wade," said the oolonel, "la atlll . the main topio of diaousaioo In Pendleton. However, I do not believe Wada'a lot aea ere aa great as is generally thought, and while tbe failure waa a great ehook to Wade and be la a very aiok man, I feel be will pull through all tight." IS AFTER KCLLEY Deputy United States Marshal Al Roberts After the Postmaster at Greenhorn in Ba ker County. Deputy United States Harahall Al Roberta arrived In Baker Oity tbia morning and went to Gwenhorn to get Defrauder Postmaster Kelly, wbo will be taken to Portland for a bear ing before tbe United States author! titiea. It will be remembered tbat Kelly waa recently found to be a defaulter ia tbe turn of about $1000. ENDS HIS LIFE The Sheriff of Tillamook County is Short In His Accounts and At tempts to Strike a Ballance by Suicide Tillamook, Jan 26-finer IB Henry H Alderman, of Tillamook County, phot and killed himself in hia barn here yes. terday morning. He bad been ill lor a month and there had alto been trouble about a discrepancy in bia official booka which he had previously declared he , could make good. A warrant had been ; issued fur his arrest for a shortage of 80,700. KILLS HIS WIFE THEN HIMSELF; Pendleton Man Cuts His Wife's Throat and Shoots Himself-Attend the Play and Then Enact a Tragedy of Their Own. Mr. Smith: Hra, Brown and 1 have gat tired nl life and you will find us on the hill south or southeast of her. Pleats aee tbat my ttfteis reach my mother at Reinbeok, ' lowc Address Mrs. M. A. Brown. truly, John T. Brown, Tbia aot wai voluntary with both Beit Whitman can explain. them slightly aa Mrs, Brown bad worked lor Hra. Lowell for some time. : Bulletin No. 50 . The Observer., reoeived r yesterday Bulletin No. 60 January 1804 conta.n- jng 218 pages. ..... i-;.- - Pendleton, Jan. -36 (Special to the Observer) Tbe above note is prebapa the only explametion the world wil ever receive regarding tbe murder a- d suicide which occuied here early this morning. Tbe facta in tbe ease as they ; p pear warrant the aup;oaition chat John T. Brown killed hie wife and then killed himself. Tbe bodies were found just as tbe note indicated, on the high hill neni town, reposing iu a pool of blond. Tbe womant throat waa tnjt Ironi ear to ear, and a pistol ba'l bad penetrat ed ber heart. The man had evidently first cut her throat and then fearing tbat bit gastly work wae not complete bad ahot her in oider to maka sure. There were trud stains upon his knees and handa which would indicate that he had firmly held hor until she bad ceased to struggle. After satisfying himself that tbe waa dead he had gently placed bis ovorcoit over tOo body and plaoing himsoll beside her with her outstretched arm for a pil low eent a ahot dashing into his brain. In this ondition . they were found early this morning by UheiiiT iro. He was employed as teacher for ' munay sanooi, wiuie ma wife was crkhig in tbe houvebold of Mr. and Mrt.E. L Smith Thry were young people, apparently about Si) or 36 Yours y8' of air-, and tbe woman Waa good looking and had a refined face and earner. She was studying under the tugelage oi lier b (if band to fit bereell lor a position in the schools and seem ed to be ohcer.'ul and happy. As far as known titers was no trouble of any mud between tier husband and her self. ... ' E. L.'Rmith, at whose home Mr and Mrs. Brown .had been : rooming for sum time says that at far as could be seen t'lere waa no lack of harmony between theiouplo. J Salvation Army Major Dobbin will -tlbld a speoinl meeljng here at the Salvation Army Hall, Tbunday night 8 p. m. Jan. 28. Also meetings here every night at 8 p. m. .s;v- '" Every one invited. -" ANOTHER. MAN IN THE CASE 1 h's morning a letter waa found in Hie stove in the room used by Drown and his wife that casts a dif ferent light mi the sulj-ot. : The let ter was written hy Mri. Browo to h. r brother Tom, and told him that by the ti mo lie received Ilia letter she would be dead. That a orisis had come in her life tbat only tragedy oould settle, and that aiie had deoided .u euu it. nn. sue nan tound a man in this state that she, loved better than her litirbaud. Here the letter1 tnded nbrutly ar.d :iad been lorn Into! pieoea and thrown into tbe stove. FELL 1500 FEET Fifteen Miners Killed by Falling of a Cage Cable Broke Identi fication of Any of the Victims is - Im possible. : Victor, Col, Jan 20 Fearlaen uiort I were instantly killed this ; morning In I the Stratton Independence mine by a falling cage. The car became unmanago able in the ascent and crashed into thu sheaves at the top, brake tbe cable and fell 1600 feet At the bottom was a sickening spectacle, It being almost ini posalUo to identify any victim as all were completely dlauiembered. - Taylor. r JOHN MITCHELL, President Mine Workers' Federation' president and Wilson secretary of the Mine Workers' Federation, this morning. LEFT HOUSE IN THfe NIGHT Mr. Brown and hia wife went to tbe play "Human Heaits." After the play they returned to their room about 12 o'clock, and remained there until perhapj 2 o'clock, when they were heard to leave the houvo and did not return, Tbia rooming when Mrs. Brown did not eome down staire, Mrs. Smith went to .the room to see il any word bad been left In explanation, and found the letter addreteed to Mr. Smith, telling what to expect. BROWNS WERE NEWCU.t.,o Mr, and Mrs. Brown were ncw oooiers to this City, having reached bare from Iowa about three morn Is Birthday Party Little Mifs Betta Bramwtll invited a few of ber friends yesterday aftcr- COKONEH'S JUKY IMPANELED j noon to the home of her parents Mr The coroner, W. O. Oole impaneled ",d M f 8 Bramwelt tbe cocassion a jury, owing to the f.ot tbat some! beiDg hr n",th blrthday nisary. witnesses who were wanted could not ' T'iey " 4 '0,ook nd hd ,uoh be found by that tinie, however tbe!io"5' ,ln,e ' PMng games, singing , inquest was postponed until 7 o'clook ! ,0nB' "d f"ukla ol dainty rofresb thia evening. menta tbat Mrs Bramwell phoned the Bnrt Whitman ii.n . ; parente of tbe little onea piesent si - in!he , und o ! ' 7 "tmU.ion to keep them un- 1 t T ! .,' "J! 1 "T "id their little bet rioay was see n and aaid that be kn nothing i hat would cinee thorn to do anoh an act, AH that he knew about tbe couple w !s th:i' thry had lived at his m other's place tor some time, whilo Mr. Browo taught Boliool."' Judge Stephen. A. Lowell knew ea goodnight and hoped she would live to aee many many more adver saries. . Those piesent were Edna Monnon, Naomi Kirtley, Erma Oeddus Fern Geddes, Nora Arbuckle,' Edith Rot so h, Alice Hill, lues Knowles and Helen Currey. - , - A ;' Club Committee At a meeting of tbe board of direct ors of tbe La Grande Commercial Olub last night the following standing com mltteewaa appnioted for the year; House committee F L Meyers Wm Miller and John 0 l t r, Athletics J H Peare J B Oilbam C 8 Williams and J P Donnelly' Entertainment J M Murpby A V Andrews C A Vurpillat. Finance J W Scriber T Oliver and A S Geddes. Preaident T W Walsh requests tbat members of the above commiteet will please consider tbie aa official notice. J. M. BERRY W. 0. w. All members of the La Grande Camp No. 169 W. O. W. are requested to be at tbe regular meeting, Wednes day night, the 27th. inst. as matters I importance to all members of the O nip will be up for eonsideration. Come at neighbors and tee what is being done. Yours faternally, J. K. Wright. Clerk of Camp No. 169. I. J. LILLIS PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER..., Phorttl223 LAND SALE FUND HAS BEEN DIVIDED Union County's Share is $1599.31 Great In crease Over Amount Received Last Year Money Go s to Schools. Shop: P. SL between 3d and 4t The State Treasury of Oregon baa received from tbe United States Treat ury the sum of 990,135.24 as the state bare of the United States land tales fund for the yetr 1904. Yesterday afternoon the Secretary of State ap portioned tbia fund Among tbe differ ent counties of tbe state according to the aoerage of eaob county. Tbe to tal aoreage of the 8 lata of Oregon ia 60,957,760, end the apportionment per acre ia $0,0014786508 Tbe fund this year exceeds tbat received last year from tbe government sale of land al most fourfold, tbe amount received last year beiog $23.865 90. Tbe $90. 185 received tbit year it apportioned among the counties of the state as follows; - County Acerage Baker 1,914 880 Brntoo 415,680 ileckama 1,107,2)0 Clatsop 62!,520 Columbia 431,040 Coca 1,004,480 CnrrT M Economical Buyers Are dtiligl.tor with the values wo il Muiikfts. we are ofleriug in fine Appor tionment $2,831.44 614 65 3,037,16 774,10 637,16 1,485 S8 1,40342 Crook 6,122,500 7,674 4b Douglas 3,203.300 4.825 37 Gilliam 659.200 974 73 Grant 2,874,500 4,'i'M 47 Harney 6,780,100 10,026.4'J Jackson 1,786,880 2,042.17. Josephine 1,099 620 1,02581 Klamath 3.914,240 6,787.79 Lake 5.130,240 7,.-85.83 Lane 2,004,100 3,8.'li.(54 Lincoln 037 440 Qiiii Linn 1,451,620 2.1 10,i9 Malhuer f, "77 440 9 282 14 Marion 703.08 ) 1 ,04O.fi0 Moiruw 1289,240 1919.04 Multnomah.... 281.920 416.86 Polk 424,640 627 89 Sherman 613,280 76890 Tillamook 762,000 1,111.9.') Cnatilla 1,879.680 2,779.39 Union 1,081,600 1,599,31 Wallowa 2,142,720 3,108.33 Wasc 1 950,080 2,88119 Washington.... 4(7,300 0 1 49 Wheeler 1,04,800 ' f.WM.fn' Yamhill.,. 460,660 660,22 The total acreage is 6'l,l''.7,7rO ai d appropriation $9 .136 24. Witn n very few exceptions tbey ere all Pendleton Woo' en Milh lilut'.ke's, Tlifse bluukets are well known for their xfi lieiit. j:i ,iny, superior workmenship and finish. They ,,r" '' seseutHii Oregon Wool and all colored blank- :ia iui-giiii-untrtoil absolutely fust colors. 'y 1 lie wlii c bluukets ere made from specially selected wiml iifni will rrtufn their creamy white appearance. All Blankets Are Reduced 25 per cent. Bear in mind that our tenth semi-annual Sale will list only a few days longer. Come now. It means saving I I . ;;,;:'.-."-.te'