"""-l-'-'r-TVW'ftiiiti foiiiTtftti.,-' ' ! ; t tA'GRANDE-:MORNING VOLUME III. LA GRANDE. OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, 1904 NUMBER 67 OBSERVER; 0"ly 15 dkys more f Only 15 days more Annual Clearance Sale Only 15 days of our great apnqul ' clearance tale gone by, during which time we simply surprised our selves at the wonderful patronage the prices we are selling merchandise brought to us, and there are still 15DAYSLE FT For the public to secure the greatest values ever of fered iu Union Couuty at prices so extremely lo that competition is not a comparison N WE DON'T THINK YOU'RE FOOLISH " If you tradt. elsewhere . We simply think you' are misguided or li we not investigated. Take an hour OfY and let us show you some of the advantages to be gained by trading here. Within the last twelve mo nlli cotton hits advanced 55 per cent. You'd hard ly think ii to see our present prices on cotton goods. Iwpop raw w iw mw During this tale up to date, we have sold i more mens suits than we anticipated and we can candidly state that every department in our store has moved likewise. If the people who have not seen the bar gains offered by u9 during this sale wero lo call at the store aud compare prices and values, they would go away with their arms full. We are positive of this from our sales during the past 15 days. Remember yu have 15 more days to get iu on these SLASHING PRICES Every article iu our store reduced except thread, Patterns, Douglass and Reed shoes. See our $5 Ivleras Suits $5 $1 Shoe f ounter J I 11 Shoe Counter f 1 The Chicago Store, MURPHY BROS., Props. 1209 Adums Ave. La Grande, Oregon LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. I M. BERRY Annual Inventory Sale lasts until T ANUARY 25th. Heavy cuts ou goods you want more and also on goods you will need after awhile. We have quoted no prices yetbutllw bargains we have already turned out in our Men's Furnishings 'and Suit department, and our Ladies' Suit Depart ment speak for themselves. Men's Wear Any Suit in the house " " " $10.00 $16.00 and 118.00 Overcoats " " $12.00 Everything iu Men's Furnishings reduced. Ladies' Wear. Ladies'" Tailor Suits One-half price. All Silk Waists at COST. Ladies' Jackets One-half price. All Dress floods at one-fonrth off. All ladies' Furn ishings reduced in prices. BOYS WEAR $10 Suits for $7.50; $.50 Suits $7.00 $5 00 Suits at $3.00 and up. CHILDREN! WEAP Reduced nue-half, and many reduced to eo9t. SHOES. A livdy reduction on Men's, Indies' and Children's SHOES. We defy competition on -this sale. Prices talk and everything marked iu plain figures. Avail your self of the many bargains offered. PAID THE DEBT Armstrong. Murderer of Minnie Eris minger, Launched Into Eternity Yes terday Morning at 7:04. Uis Last Words Were "I Forgive You." Baker City, Jan. 22-8peolal to the Observer Pleasant Armstrong wa hanged at 7:04 o'clock this morning. Long before the light of day dawn ed tbU morning (he orowda began to gather about the County Jail The Sheriff had already taken the precaution tbe night befoie to etrttob ropea al a safe distauce from the en closed bcafTold nnd appointed Depu ties to keep, back the surging mass. There were enough of those holding invitations to fill the space of ground enclosed about the ioaffold and in spite of this prominent oitixeus who anpeared at last moment wers jve re mitted to squeeze in to witness the execution. Patiently they stood, only surging back and forth like a swell of the ocean occasional y when the living mass at one point would try to get a restful footing. This was Ibe inside of the high night. He bad oallera until one o'clock in the mornirg. Probably two hundred people called within that time. Be ate one or two small lunches during the nigbt and was peileotly composed all of the time. He played bis violin to please bis gucBtf,Beleoting waltzes principally, for their entertainment. The music was unusually soft and low and often brought tears to his audience. At no time during the night did he show any symptonsof breaking down I at as be staled to the Herald representative this morning be was a very sympa thetic man, and the emotion of his Iriends canted slight exhibition of sentiment on his part. It was one o'clock in the morning before be laid down to rest. ''I did not sleep," said Armstrong "I merely lay and thought ovar the matter." Fa'.her Olivetti arrived at four thia PLEASANT ARMSTRONG wall that enclosed the gallowa. On 1 he outside it wts different. Because .hey could see nothing, the morbid crowd, partially disappointed, partial, ly mad from cold and delay ran bout from plaoe lo place trying to gain a von age grouud, pres-iug closely e.gain st the ropes guarded Ly th3 Deputies More venturesome ones bad cliinod trie trees and some bad even ascend ed the roofs of the houses in the dis tance. But all was disappointment and a low half-suppressed murmur occasionally leached the more for tunate ones on the inside of the en closure. The delay was tiiieome to al) but finally tbey were rewarded for their iarly rising and long exposure to a bitting frost. Armstrong did not sleep during the morning nnd was in constant prayer with (lie condemned man to the hour of hie death. At 6:15 Armstrong ate a hoartv bioakfast, composed of an omelette, pancakes and potatoes, and drank two cuS of coffee At 6:30 he bado hia brothers good bye, who had been with him through out ti c eight -'Be brave, boys, and do nothing In this old world. Hold your nerve and you will come out all right." At 0:45 Deputy Sheriff William J Lachner enteied his cell and read the death warrant to Armstrong The pris oner leaued against the cage aid lis tened attentively At hearing the death wurrcnt, Arm strong said ; "I am readv." The Preast and Armstrong then en tered the letter's cell together and con tinued In prayer. The night and day watches and the Herald representative wore the only ones presennt besides the P'lest and prisoner. , Sheriff Brown and the other attend ants then entered the Jail. They form ed In Hue, two Deputies In front, the Priest and prisoner next, ai.d the special Deputies and death watches forming In twos in the rear. They then went out through the back way of the Jail and through the side exit into the inclosnre, and mounted the scaffold by the stairway leading thereto. The condeninod man entered the en closure at 8:49 accompanied by Sheriff drown and the death party. Mounting the gallows Armstrong ad. vaneed to the front of the platform with the priest at hia side. The order of procedure was as follows : Sheriff Harvey K Brown, Chief Deputy Sheriff William J Lachner and Supt-rln tendent C w James of the Oregon Peni tentiary, Father Oll.eltl, PLEASANT ARMSTSONG, Sheriff Storey of Mult nomah county, Deputy Sheriff Johnson of Union county, City Marshall Louis Rayburn ol La Grande. From the gallows, Armstrong deliver ed quite an address, in which he said. '1 am sorry for whit I have done, I have asked God to forgive me and 1 now also ask him to forgive you. "I die in the faith of Christ and in the bosom of His true Church'" The murderer was moved to the oenterof the platform immediately over the drop. Sheriff Story of Multnomah county, adjusted the blaek cap. Deputy Sheriff Junnson of Union County, assisted by others strapped Armstrong's arms and legs. Sheriff Harvey W Brown plue.nl tho noose around the neck of the con demed man. Armstrong was cool und iinooiu'crneil duriug the piocesi of pinioning. Atti;oUilie hlnek cap was adjusted audSheirilf Brown naked If all w.tn retnly. At d:f,(i::0 the trap was sprung ai.d the niurdorci's soul ttiis hiuiieliid into eternity. JiiBt an instant before the trap was sprung, Armstrong shouted : "I forgive you all." The crack of hi breaking uei.k could be plainly heard, The boly hung quivering mid convul sively shuddering for fully two niinnti'R. At seven o'clo k and four minutes l)r McDuuiel announced , "lie is dead" Sheriff Brown, on the platform uhove cut the rope and the body fell into the arms of the bystanders. Fred Eppinger of thu undertaking rJrm of Patterson & Kppinger, Immediately took chargu of the reojaius. The funeral was hold this afternoon at II o'clock' Interment was in the Catholic cemetery. The funeral cortegu was small, only the brothers and u few of the murders friends being present. Armstrong was 26 years of age. High Five Club , The High Five tdub was entertained yesterday afternoon by Mesdarnes Grady and Bonenkamp at, the formers . bonis. The flr-t prize was awarded to Mrs Grady and the second to Mrs Eubanka of Kansas City, Mo. ' . Use Foreign Ships . Washington, Jan. 22 In his report to the bouse filed today in favor of '.he hill authorizing a coniniiision to consider the question nl ship subsidy Representative Grosvcnor, chairman ot the committee on merchant mar ine nnd finherius, says: . ,-. "There is no legitimate expendi ture possible within the wide'scope of national jurisdiction that the Ameri can people do not rush into, even to the (x em of promoting experiments in areial naviagtion. We flatter our selves, justly, that we are a leading nation great., and yet we are a subser vient nation and a helpless nation : in one of the great factors of national wealth ami oatiotisi independence. O'.her nations carry cor products to the markets of the world." General Orosvrnor fays that of a mot a bi'lion dollars' worth of export to Europe during tbo fiscal year 1902, only 1 3 4 per cent was carried in American vessola. Of o-aily $500. 010,000 ol imports durii g Ibe year American ships carried only $30,000, i 00 worth. He says that had it not been for the Anieiioan line suhsidiz td by poBtal subsidy the total ol our trade wi:li Europe curried under the American (lag would not have excetd ed one sixth of 1 per cnt, ' For the earring of that trade, General Groove nor says, we paid $200,000,000, which amount, he tnuiiilaiiin, should have gono into the pockets of American?, A JIMBER DEAL: Smith and Stanley Sell 10,000 Acres of Tim- ber Land Near Elgin ; toG. Palmer. of Iowa I Consideration Was $i5o,ooo. i ; , The largest timber deal ever oonsu raale iu this county was closed in this city yesterday. The property transfer red was formally the property of L. C. Stanley and Robert Smith and is sit uated oa the Grande Konde river be low Elgin. Mr. George Palmer a banker snu capitalist of Iowa is the purchaser and - the consideration is said to bo in the neighborhood of one bund ed titty thousinl dolhrs. It has been ponding several weeks but tie papers making tho legal Iran (or were not signed until ycate.day. Mr, Palmer does not intend to operate a mill thero but will Him ply hold too t nier ai a in 3 t n int. Th ds il al so included tho holdings and business of the Elgin Lunibor Company wtiio i was owutd by Messrs Stanley - and Smith, and the number of acres trant ferred . is laid to be about ten thoueand." ' . f Only For Members On aco.iint of limited hali room, inly members ol my dancing class will bo admitted to the character party at Maud City next Monday evening. T. W. A. Simpson. He Is Right A well to do farmer who wag In the city yesterday stated within lioaring of an Observer report! r that farmers should refuse to tin their tennis at the hitching rucki furnished by the citiz'ni of La Grande until such time the holes in front ol (he racks Bre filled up. In iheir pri'suit rondition i is wrong to stand a horse on bin 'end, at in . nl tho lacks. Theao ides sh ml I hi llilfd up. Installition Bowona Temple No 0 at their last meeting installed the following officers: Cora Lewis Kate Hanson Lena Johnson Ithoda rimith On Lincoln Wiurjifred d.root Hulda Umphry Muril Good mugh ME 0 E 8 E J Minagir M of It & O , M of F Protector Guard Mrs. Anna Kmsey Installition offlcor. I. J. LILLIS PRACTICAL Phone 1223 UPHOLSTERER.'... 5 hops P. St. between 3d and 4t Typhoid at Leadville j Senator Mitchell's Son J. M. BERRY Denver Jan 21 Claude E Coopf r, I Secretary of the State Board of Health, has returned from Leadville where lie ' has been investigating the typhoid sit uation there. He said tbe situation was serious, not only became ol the rap-. id spread of the desease iu Leadville but from the fact that there is danger In j the waters of t e Arkansas river becoin- I ing contaminated, which would jeop-' ardizethe health of the towns along the ' borders. Secretary Cooper said there were DOC ! caws of typhoid in I.eiulville, and ex pressed belief that within the next week or two the number would be grettly In creased. While the cause of the ephleui Ic has not been determined, Stcretary Cooper inclines to the opinion that the water supply of Leadv lie has become Impure. M K Wait who has been in San Fra i ciaco tor sevetal days has returned b me Washington, D. U. Jan. 21 Lieut. Hiram F. Mitchell, son of (Senate r Mitchell, who has been here for tbe past three weeks on leave, was today, alter examination by tbe chief sur geon. U. H A. ordered to the general hospital at Washington barracks for treatment on account of an injury to his leg leceived on his trip to Alaska. Double Installation Comrad Faulk wishes all the nu m bersottheG AH post to remember bat there will be a lot of woi k to do lit the Oliver V Morion P.mt at La Grande on Saturday, and that it is desireiihle tint all be on hand a' 1:30 p m. The officers of the Woman's Relief Corps anil of G A R ire to be installed, lollowiug which there will be a lunch and much social talk. ID. I Ul V SISU PROTECT YOURSELF IB AGAINST COLDS ,, Dining lliix cliungcalilo weall or. Lay asiclo your linlit weii'lil worn iniderweiii' nnd Inkfl ariviinlnge of our sticriiiee prii:p'n:i undcrwrnr during our Clonranco Snip. Note tlio PriiM's Curcl'tilly. A WNilI Men's Underwear. 1-50 and $1.75 all Wool vicuna ' 1 and natural gray made from t Ift line oomeil wool pi.ly $1.25 nk'.niil gray all wool good weight, with fleece lined nmk ing them warm and comfort ihlo OyC $1.1)0 Hliavy Itiii ed wool, we a'sa include our peoial IflOO valnekO. in line eoft wooi at- OC Also Good values iu rhis Jot at Ladies' Underwear ALSO UNDER PRICED. $1 25 all wool ribbed lo white and gray, fine finiphtd and silk tninimed Will Return Hubert Smith left lastevening (or Port laud. Mr Smith states that while th; sale of their timber land near Elgin, alinoLclosed out their interests here he has n it left Union County by any mans and that the epleol this county nisy expect to see blm return at any tin e ready for business, One thing Is certain the peopleof (.a Grande and Union comity will ever welcome Mr Smith's return. The hnitso of representatives paised lleyburn's pure Inod bill on a risinu vote of 211 for and W against. If thi nasses the Senate It will be risky hiutl- nosstosell poisinous, rotten or filthy food in the United Htates. Pleasent Dinner Party One of the most delightful dinner parties over given In this city was given last Wednesday by Mrs Win Allison at her ho ne. Thotc present were, Mesdum es Simpson, Finn, Siia'iey, Moidc , West and Mis Fred Kiddle of Island City, ent heavy flieceil in ribbed and Hit go id, assoraal colors al WATCH OUR PRICER, 98c iknh iiNfiroWrn I will UIIVLIIILftrT. K HI She, MiM:: - n - j .-- BBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBlaBBBBBBBHBBKaBBBBBVT- ' ' -' ... . '