KrrisJftaMaM.av VI D n ii M a KM U LJ A ii & a vxxiiivx WANTED y Farmers, hring your cream to us and w will : . . W the very Lighe.l market price for it At the. present price o! butter it will pay you fur ' " better to sell the cream than to churn it. We are agents for the famous DE LAVEL separator. The best made. . f COVE CREAMERY COMPANY," ' E0- Harper. Mgr. Headquarters at Hill & Allen's, La Grande. 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiTiTiTt ' OFFICERS: . "h President J. M. Bkrrt Vice President J. M.Chubch Cashier F.L.MKYEIS Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS : J. M. Barry, J. M. Church A. & Cooler, B. Smith U 0. Stanley 3655 La Grande National Ban z : L Grande, Oregon . . j CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.(0 Transacts a general banking business. Buys and sellaCexthange on all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Please Note Our Success ' And increase o( buainess from July 15, 1801, to July 15, 1903,12 years. Surplus fund accum ulated 1 2,8 0 0.0 0 C pital paid in .... 6 0, 0 0 0.0 0 Reliability of share holders 6 0, 000.0 0 Protection to de positors $1 3 2,500.00 Deposit subject to check were, on July 15,1891 11,5 9 8.35 " 18C2 7 7,3 9.99 " 1FK1 27,220.13 " IbW 20,041.64 " 1895 42,3 4 8.11 " 1896 34,3 9 7.70 ' 1897 43,6 4 7.09 " 1898 7 8.7 7 0.26 " 1890 8 3, 7 5 0.18 ' " 190J 8 9,7 0 3.90 " 1901 8 3,7 21,67 ' 1602 7 7,2 4 5.38 ' 1903 1 3 2,10 8.70 Z Docs not the 'above figures as sure you that the management of this bank meets with the approval of its board of directors and pah rons; and deaerwng of your' patronage. We want your bank ing business, laige or small. You; interest will be protected at the - Farmers and Traders National Bank , La Grande, Oregon- SACRED HEART ACADEMY La Grande, Oregon. Conducted by Bisters of St. Francl Select boarding and day school for Young Ladies Academic, Preparatory and Klned garten courses are conducted on h same prinoiples as those pursued in our schools of Philadelphia. Musio and painting receive spools Mention Letters of inquiry directed to SISTER 8T.JPERIOR I CAN FIX IT I do not care how badly it is broken, I can make it just as gonc-as new. I do g all ki"ie f Blacksmithing and Wagon Work Horse Bhoeing a specialty. Shop on,Fir Street ELMER MITH, I is They're Going Fast Bnt there are still many styles yet to select from. An Iron Bed for $2.5? Of course we havt the expensive linds, too. See the handsome designs now in our window Undertakers m banners K. AHDROSS AGO. Charles Kinsey Funeral Director which they can le nugm. THE SIGHT OF A FARM has a whole lot to to do with its value us an investment If It 1 well drained, hitch healthy ground, close to a good market it is lUurally worth more than low land, marahy or rocky lai d situatel three m lea from no where. IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a farm better consult us befoieyou buy. We know of several good farms that will suit yon either as a homestead or as a money-making investment, and we have the very lowest figares they How big a farm are you looking for. -yrr-f GRANDE RONDcLOG GING CAMPS BUSY The Perry Saw Mill Will Cut 17,000,000 Feet of Lumber This Year. Now Shipping Ice. F. B. Murphy, ibwaager of the Grande Roode Lumber Company was in the oity yesterday. He is iu high spiritt over tba way the logging camps are taking advantage of the , snow in the mountains and states I be will have over 12,000.000 feet of logs as a result of the teasous work, which with the 5000,000 feet they earned over Irom last year will pnrmit them to inanufaoture just about the same amount of lumber iu 1901 as they did Wat year whiob was 17.O0O.00C fee The company is row putting up ai d snipping large qnantitiea 01 free of that whfen" loots lik'S Taalhess leads td better results. For Instance, a man may be so lasy trat hs habitual ly works hard on labor aavlug contriv ances, by which be can accomplish greater results with less labor, do more and better work with leas physical ex ertion. He may be so lasy tbat be will do no work In a slipshod manner, for In that -oiae be would have to do the work over again. No turiucr can be successful unless be does a large amount of meulal labor, and mental labor aavea physical labor and uiuket wbat physical labor la necessary far more effective. The very best work at the very best time cannot be douo by unaided physical effort. - To do such work requires deep and persistent study. Farm and Ranch. ice is of good quality and 16 inches thick. tmw Grlevanees. If you waut to be loved, keen anv ice. Tue grievances you may have to yourself. HINTS FOR FARMERS Seed Cora Will Be Scarce While tho corn crop of the country ss a whole will be sufficient In quan tity. It will average poor In quality. The amount of well cured Nebraska seed corn will be small on account cf the lateness of the season. Tho drying season will be short, if not also moist, making the curing of seed corn a difficult matter. Frosts have killed a great deal of corn this fall before ripe enough for seed. This makes the chunces iu favor of a very limited supply of seed corn for next year's planting, and high prices will probably prevail. The superiority of borne grown varieties over those brought in from farther south can hardly be overestimated. The past sea son has demonstrated this so thorough ly that In yeurs to come home grown seed corn will be at a premium. Farmers who have well matured fields of swtct corn Bbould save It for seed. It will find u good market If not all needed on the farm., Tdk selection of ears Is a very sim ple matter, yet It is very important in suviug seed corn. The Wisconsin experiment station In a recent timely bulletin recommends the grower to go through the field with a bnsket or bag and snap off the large ears. These can be carried to the edge of the field and drawn to the barns. The eurs should not He In piles, for they soon Become heated, and the germs are thus weakened or destroyed. They may be busked so as to leave several busks on the shank of the ear. Buch ears may be tied or braided to gether and lying. In n .rMmw;here..plr. can freely circulate or possibly" whers the sun will help dry them out Amer ican Cultivator. Qurftitttd Basrs. A hovel method for insuring the freshness of eggs has been -adopted by a dalrymen'a association in the vicinity of the city of Kehl, Germany. The agents of this association go among the farmers each day and purchase eggs, the farmer guaranteeing that these have been in I'd within the previous twenty-four hours. In consequence of this guarantee the association pays the farmer 3 pfennigs, or about half a cent, above the regular market price for each egg. ' The association then makes a record of each purchase by giving the farmer a registered number and numbering each egg Iu a corresponding miinner. Wlieu a consumer chances to find a stale egg he returns It to the dealer, who in turn charges it to the association, which reports the matter to the farmer. The method Is a protection to all parties concerned and is said to meet with much success. The eggs an delivered to the dealer In cases con mining live dozen each. Tbls unique melhod will doubtless Interest many of our renders, although we doubt If any association would adopt the method in this country. Connecticut Farmer. Menial Labor on the Farm. Any fanner who depends altogether on the seasons and hard work for suc cess in his business may make some sort of a living and even Increase his small capita! by unturul Increment, but he will never merit the appellation of MHi'Cssful farmer. Industry Is a good truit of. rhiimcterjiut oftejiji Rood da- PORTLAND AND LOCAL MARKETS Local Markets Egg, fresh valley 40utB, eastern, 30o. Butter, creamery 60c and firstclaaa dairy 50c per roll. Potatoes OOcte per sack. A pplf 8,50c. to 7ficts. per box. Cabbage, ljnt. per lb. Turkies, 10 ots. lb. live weight. CKKAL8 Wheat COc to CJo per bu. Oats 90o per cental Barley 80c per cental Portland Market i The probability of wnr in the Far East is Bending win at up in all parts of the country. Chicago and San Franaiaco each advanced 3 cents and local ex porter b put up their pi ice? from 1 to 2 cr-nte in the inteio . Not much was done yesterday, but it if believed that ihe market will be active next week. The English u changes were closed yee'erday: WHEAT Walla Walla, 73c; blue-stem, 78c; Valley, 79. BARLEY Feed, 20 per Ion, brew iiif!,20; rolled 21. FLOUR Vslh y, lf3.75 and 3.85 per arr.'l; hard wh -at aira glita. 1 91) and r-KODUCK Potatoes, 00 to 76 cents per ssck. , Onions 8') cents to $1 00 per sack ' Egge Oregon, 30 :I2J cts, F ,rii 25 2!lc nutter Creamery, 27 Pnd 30c Dairy, 20 and 22c, store I5(16Jo lb. Poultry Chickens, mixed 10o per pound, spring, 10c and ' hens, JOc , turkeys live, 17 and 18o lb dressed 18 and 2oc lb-. illicit', fl and 7 per i'ox. geeae, 8o lb. LIVESTOCK Cattle Boat steers 14.25 and $4.00, medium, 4.00; cow 3.25 and $4.00 Hoga Bi-st large, fat !).25j medium large 1st 4.76 Sbeei Best weather t3.50; mixed sheep $3.25. 4 10; ol.'B r , $3.65 nu.l 3.76; hard wheat patents, $4.20 and 4 0; Dakota hard wheal, 54 90 ami $".'ii ; graham, $3.75, whole wheal, $4; rye wheat, $4.50 and .75 OA TS No. 1 white, $1,071; gray 1 1.06 per reiitr.l. MILi.STUFFS Bran, $18 per ton; middlings, f 23; nlinrls, $19; chop, U. S nullf, $18; lineied, dairy lood $19 A woman with sorrows may be Inter eating, but a woman with a grievance la quickly voted a bore. Weeping, sad eyed heroines are all very nice In nov els, for one need not have more of their society than be likes, but every day life cbeerlness Is in demand, and the woman or girl who bravely deter mines to find the silver lining of every cloud is rewarded by gaining the re spect and love of her fellowa. " BaVtf your dollars will tbeui selves." peonya, (fan lake tare CASH" MEAT MAREKT - Our borne made breakfast bacon is now ready. No better made per lb 16c. Our "Famous Hama'r will be ready u7 uvAfc naturuay. . , , , - We permit no one to undersell us. Finest meals always on hand. Poultry, the best Ihe market affords Phone orders receive prompt de livery. No. 1601. ,- , North Fir St. opposite fjeddes Bros Congratulations. Mr. John H, Cullom, Editor o' the Garland, Texaf, News, baa s letter of congratulations to the manu factures of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, as follows: "Sixteen yeara ago a hen our first child waa a baby be was suhjiet .to cruupy spells and we wi uld be very uneasy about him. We began using Cham ber Iain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and finding it snob a reliable remedy for ooids and croup, we have never been without it in the houae since that time We have 6vt children and have given it to all of tbem with good results." For Sale by all drug gists. ; - WOW Ball La Grande Camp WOW No 148 i has decided to glvo a grand ball feb. S at Armory ball, and the ollowing committee of arrangements lias been appointod; Fred - Jacobs, A J Weeb, J U Keoaey. The pro ceeds ' of the ball will be placed in Camp general fund to use for the eM REDUCTION On and after Juuoary .' Z lt , Meal Tickets will be reduced I rom $5 to $4.50 for oa b. We app -i ciate the gen- ' -eroua . i atronuge ex- i tepdod in the poet and ' truut the service render -" , f cd will not only met it . a conlinunnce, tiut an increase. REGULAR ME A Li-) '. OYSTERS in any style, our specialty. v Try our Sunday Din- : 1 ners from 12 to 4 p. m, ' Best service in the city MQDEL RESTAURANT Express and Delivery Adna Rogers, Plune 1021, All calls receive prompt attention, Geneial express and delivery business. T 16 Program Union County Teacher's Association La Grande, Oregon, Jan. 30, 1904. -10:30 A.M. Musio Round Table Talks Association Methods of Computing Interest. . . . A. J. Beuder United Ststcj History. .O. 0. Maxwell 1:30 P. M. Musio Primary teadiug Moliie Fetre. Experience in Ihe Philippines. . . . Fred A. Palme Environments R. W. Canflelc James Whitcumli Riley H J. Hockenbern All persons int r.-ated in feboe work are invited to be present. DeWitt I tunu B to to buy Witch Hatsl Salfo. sWitt'a Witch Hue) Salve Is tho oririnii and only eemiln. In fact DoWltt'llsthe only Witch Hazal Salvo that It mad from tho unadulterated Witch-Hazel All otbon art counterfeit! base Imi tation!, cheap and worthies even dancerout. DeWltfeWltch Haiel Salvo li a apecuic jot rnea; Blind, Bleeding. Itching and Protrudlnt Pllei. Also Cut a. Bum a. Bruise a. Snralna. Laferatlona. Contuatona, Bolla, Carbunclea, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, and all other Skin Dtaeasei, SALVE r-airiBBD ar E.C. DeWltt Co., Chicago HAY Timothy, $10 per ton; or, $12; giain, $12; cheat, $12. ciov-, For 8ale liy HILL & ALLEN A Two flight Electrolier Empire style complete with etched glass . shades and all attachments put up iu your residence for fe.oo Ste samples in our window. .' .v. .: . La Grande Light & Power Co OUR STOCK OF 111 JEWEIlR:y:ail- Hits not been stolen,' but you might think so from the following quotations: - w - : ''s 12 Solid gold IJioachcs (8.50 $10 " " " .... 18.00 5,50 " " " $8.00 7 00 ' " 4.00 lialiy rings solid gold 81 1,20 50c H Clocks worth $1.20 now ' .'"" BOo " . .... $1.60 - .- 7e " ... ' $11.00 " . $3.00 f Bracelets worth $1 00 ' UOc " .' , $4.50 " $3.00 Ladies' Set Rings worth $5.75 now. " . $3 50 Gold Fil'ed Chains worth $i 00 now " ; 60 " " " " $3.00 wareuted 20 years : 1.0 Boys' Watches worth $1 now : ' 50o Ladies' solid gold watches complete worth $25 $15.00 Men's gold fild watches complete worth $23 now $14 50 AT THE RAINBOW STORE Art Exhibit The l.iuliiw Selgh'.iurhoo I Club and tho Lyl? Tuesday Mnsicnl will' have an art exhibit eoinp-ised of 2t0 of the fin est painting and sla'nary in thewtrl.l liit-lr object is to place a good grade of I ictures in the public schools. Do not f iil to attend nnd help a good cause. Adiilli Season ti"kets V'i cts for six exhioite, I'upl s mms hi I i-k-t 2A cents. A liitrli gr il i n ert I ni. nl at ench ex. h hit. Kciiicnilior the dale, Jan 28 20 and ;J0. at Coiniiieicial Club, emmene ing Th.irelav nf umoo.i at 12 M. Dissolution Notice. Notiue is hereby given that the co partnership of E Bay Jones and L W Damon has been dissolved. . Mr Dam on having sold his interest in the Modern hohcol of Commerce to E Ray Jonoa wboaaeumes all the debts and obligations of the firm and will collect all accounts due and continue h e business as heretofore. ' - . L. W, Damon. E. Ray Jonea. La Grande Investment 1110 Adams Avenue, Company, La Giande, Ofego THE TALK OF THE TOWN Have you gl all your Winter's Clothing, i,ii1 ijid you get it at THE UNION STORE? Alright. If not?-well, wait nnd you'll see. P. S. The above refers to (Cents' GJ-oods Hill When your lungs are sore and inflamed from coughing:, Is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. FflDLEY MV AND TAB tops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is a safe and never failing remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Till Deotert Said Ha Had Consumption - k Marvtloui Cura. L. M. Rureles, Ressoner. lows, writes: "The docmra ! I h.A n. sumption and Igot no better until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. If helped me right from Ihe start and stopped the spitting ol blood and the pain in my lungs and today I am sound and well. THREE SIZES 25o, BOo, and $1.00 REFUSE SUBSUITUTEB SOLD 1X9 EECOSXENDED BY So Allen , Prescription Druggists. Handgome Men -1 Should protect, their ' beauty by seriug that " ' i hey have only , ; COMPETENT BARBERS To shave them. We will protect your face, j Evans & Fitzgerald mm nV SPICES. rvA COFFEE.TEA, V1 . H a 1X1 ai tt nMurpn aa MMMlintMJ!r rLAvvminuEiA AawJurtrSairy. Fl aftasA.aiCkaM.Alk IV CL055r7i;j PORTl - Hi- r ' i :v"-v- i" ' I1 5-' -