M it 3ciie 1 1 Geddes Bro; is Our 1 Only lasts lO days more: IDon't wait until lines are broken. See our bargains before tliey are gone, as they are money savers. g no. s at u " " 'atoe. 8 lor 50c preferred St k '"""J" s for 60c Preferred Stock Co rn SI" i Preferred Hlo """ J , Mo Preferred Stodk as j Clearance IS v. 4 mm' .j 4,' I ii, fit t $ II iM'&'i n b . i. fi m. . EVERY N . DURING ARTICLE IN TH IS SALE! ' ,rT THE HOUSE . REDUCED WEST, La K I Sale Ending Grande Oregon Saturday, January 30, 1904 CeVrbXr made Keh?.Hey..od their ry batter has no ri- - ""'.""""k" ,r ooer olive tve"""?ei7pboDe481 cheap Geddes Bros. inarfaiianaiEaf . For Twenty Days WE WILL SELL. W I NTER 445 $35 $32 , $28 ' : And we have a kig line of Blacks for We will make you one For Suit for $40 " $31.50 " " $28.80 " $25.20 n a a a o a SUITNOS a D a Evening Suits This is Only for $34- Twenty Days? "Ross & Andrews, Tailors And Gents Furnishings Fresh News Items of Local Interest W AJy HERE. , , . '.' t I 1 '. It, f a tniral unrul tllTIA 1 . - '"J"' B btmUt of tho order, a assured. There yet temalnB several carload, of potatoes In the valley. The enow In the mountains n a had the elleut of relieving the scarcity of wood In the market. M K West is registered at the Imper ial hotel in Portland. . Attorney L A Esteb. well known in this city, has been nominated for May. or of JScho, Conductor Martin Anderson has resumed Ills passenger run nf'er lny- Ing off four months by illness. H W Stoner states - that ho has reg istered ahout 4S0 voters since ho com menced work a few days ago. Fred Swcuney was unable to be at Ins nlnon nf bimlnees vesterdav on account ol illness. BUM BUU ttUBBBl ure hhvi g p,i - - -. erty they receutly purchased on Fir St j and Mrs W T Cross, entertained a nurn- Btted up for a market. oer oiner i. -- I . . i .. ..... .n hnnnr nl hnv intli birthday onnlveisary. The even ing waa inott enjoyably spent with music and games and hut but not leaBt came most dcdig'.itful refreshments At midnight the guents departed, one and wishing Wm Norma many nappy returns of the day. Socialists Call nninlin Jnrf 19 The executive com- miitna nf llm nstinnal socialist party Ib- aneil a call for Ihe convention to meet iu Chicago, May 1. The call after stating the result of the referendum vote onf' e place of muetiiig, .ays liio basis of rti -resentution Bhall be one dol"?atn -bleach 100 members in e-n etunding and ono delegate at largo fr.im fach state. The committee decided to.ond two prom inent labor union spoakcas to Colornuo to encourage the miners iu their strike. Birthday Party H Minn Nnrmii Croac. dauehter of Mr The Imperial Roller Skating Rink Co. Will Give Their First DO YOU WAT CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? If s , we can locate you on some fine clHiins in Wallowa County. Grand Assembly ii at the ARMORY Afttrnoon aud Evening, WEDNESDAY, JAN 20 SECOND HAND GOODS Bought and sold. Remember that we pay cash for all of our good, thereby making it possible lor us lo -MWehcI and getgeods and also deliver to any part of the city. Phone us you have anything to se 1 or want to buy anything in our line, we have a large stock of 'rockeru, Turniw . rnd Jewelry on hand- Jfoney to $goan The La Grande Pawnbrokers Cnmet Fir and Adams. R.membrjve .tlllbuy - y of Second Hand Goodsjl J . kinds Phone 1581 Make your fowls lay when eggs bring l0P prices. We carry standard goods whose merit has been tested for yrars ' INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD Oyster Shell Clam Shell Ground Bone Bone Meal Hay i -i Flour, Feeu PROMPT DELI v Kit i .".VP.- Oliver ptione 3- Ladies of the MaccnbeeB will give a grand boll the evening of Feb 12 at the Commercial Club hc.il. J W Scriber pasred through the city last night from Baker City enroule to PoiUand. Mr Arthur lillingsford ol lmbler, a re cent arrival from Idaho, called yester day and ordored the Weekly Observer. He is well pleiifod with tirande Konilc Mr Ediiar Farris, a cousin of Mrs C U Thornton, passed through last evenini; niirnutH tn his home in Montana Iroin Portland where ho had been in attoud- irncc at tho WooliirowoB and l.iveslo k Convention. V. .1 nnrsil. nronrtetor of tho largeBt hArd nf registered Harford cattle in the rnlnrtuid 'aBt evening from tho Liveshick an' Woolgrjwcra Conven tion. A trip through tho town will con vince auyono that l.a Grande is giow Inir. There arc a number of new houses now being built and by tho time spring opens a number mom will be in course of erect on. !,.,. t.lu nrliu h.-.vo busiuosH with th' U 8 Land Ollico in thia liuiil district feel .li..v,.,l at the nroBiiect ih.it in a sliort timo business will be refiumed in tho La Uraudo Laud olllce. , V. A Hull' left lat evening for Iown, where ho goes to Bettle up his faiheis es tate. lie also expects to visit Chicago and bring buck some high bred hog whieh he will ulaco on his farm near this city. Vnoinriluv whs the coldest day thuB Ur tliis winter, it Iraanii with the ti er monietor al about HI degrees above zero hut undor a bright sunshine and Iho ab sence of wind it warmed up sonic, but by midnight tho mercury dopped to a bout 2 alKiv aero. Owing to trouble with th.' electric p'aut, Knterpnse 18 in darkness: nut a towi. with such a name ought to be able to meet a dilll uty of this tort and make light of i! Spokesman Ueview. Oeo Joyce, who arrived h re with the small-pox Iriini Portland, was released from the pest home yealcriuy inter a sixteen days eelge, and returned to Port land last niht. .1 V. lim iiol At returned last ovenlng from Portland where he hud been in at tendance nt tho Livestock and Wool growers onvention. 110 ncc uu- panied lionie by Mi-s Lena i.eimer i tiresham. who will visit wllli Mrs lley- no'.ds a few weeks. Mrs A K Jones, yeslerdny received n . ..i....., irmii Seuttie siaiing that her grai d dunghio-, Mi Kdith Willis, had beenopoiiiled on tliero tor appoimicius ( Hie hospitals ry ner i.. DrParW Willis of that ily and waBgct'lligiilongnicclv. I Ins win ue very grniifyiiig news to Miss K.lilh ,,., friend" here. Miss Kdith left here nlHilll week Igo to undergo the opera lion. WOW Ball La Grande C.u.p W O W No 1411 baa d.idod to givo grand hall Feb. 3 at Armory hall, a-id the I oling committee ' arrangements ,.. been amKilntixl ; rreu i wel. J II KecNoy. Tho pr - -i .1.- h.ll will 1 I laced In . . fund to nse for the Usina: exclusively the Rubber roller, ball bearing skates. Art Exhibit Tim I.iidins Nelirh'.iorhoo 1 Club and iho T.ulo Tin-sdnv Musical will have an , i ovliihil. enninrised of ot the nn t ,.,ii,Hiiira and statuary in the world Thyir object Is lo place a good grade of i ru in ihn mibl c schools, do not r,.il tn intend mid help a good cauue. A.lnli . S.mson tickets 75 eta for six exbioits, Pupils season ticket -25 cents , lihrb irrade cnterfciiiiment at eacn ex i.ii.it Iti.menibor the date. Jan to i'J uud 111), at Commercial Club, commenc ; ThurBday af'ornoon at P2 M. SOMMER HOUSE K C, Re.lv. Portland: Wm Walk do; T 1 Woviey, do; J W Watson, do R Ci Cohmiir. do: Job Ellison, do; it ic.ilt. .t. H r Ualtin. do. A 9 Mel born. Omaha: M C Smith, 8 F; L Htoon. Klein: T A Wait, Pendleton .1 C .lover, do: C 0 McCray, 8 F: J H Alexander, Eugene; E J Conrad City F. E Flench 8 F; J Jedesm, Boite R L Johnson. City ; I M Leory, 8 F It L Minor. Denver; A L Smith, 8 F M IC Mmifoe, Portland. McD'ahiel So WALLOWA, McDonald, OREGON aMwimiiiiBmmiaa'ii5' iai . . O WM. GRAN I AGENT Equitable Savings & Loan Association SKATING a 30 TO 11 P M .Good Music ann pleasant time assuted Special Mattinees Fvery Afternoon (9 Easy Paying Loans and Monthly Installments Fire, and Accident Insurance Written In Safe and Reliable Companies. City Property for Sale Instruction free to all Ceme out and spend the evening with us (sS&Qm9&A&&y& Express and Delivery Adna linger., Phone 1621. All calls receive prompt attention. Oeneial express and delivery business. T 10 JUST RECEIVED I The finest ever brought to this city Stuffed Dates, Mashed Figs T CANDIES Our own make, everything fresh for the Uolhiay Trade. Just made Kancy French Nuggnnt, ChriBtnias Canes, otc Candy Boxes , $ and always I ' Plain and fancy for ii 1 lb. packages. Nuts and in Fruits stock A Correction I desiro to correct the impression that bus g out, coined by an ad ol r.M ii W Allen as ".Manager 01 ine rnr 111 eis t e il trtTil. 1 nave neve: ed of my interest in the same and am still proprietor and doing business at the old stanil. lwk 8 l- A. .1. Webb Special Notice !igio.l inanv have x pressed a de- ... n.. .r t' II..-. siie to consult Willi IT llinaiosill r. 1 u.- ,1 on, late nf the A T Slill iiiifirmary of Osie ipmhy. she bus kindly coiisenieu to meet tin, la.lirs ,,f 1.11 l,ralnle ill i-r Moore's ollice nf Osteopathy, on Tnes. day and Thursday afternoons from 2 till B. ColisnH .lioli ami pxaniiiitttion irec ol charge. HOLIDAY PERFU ME S Our perfume ease is filltd with a variety of odors, suited to every individual preference lie products of the world's greatest perfum ers. For Christians these some, superior per fumes, put up in at tractive b i ties end box es, suitable for gifts, iu pi ices from the tiny vial at lOfi up to the most costly cut glass. MIRRORS For Christmas Doesn't that offer you a suggestion for a Xmus gift? If it does it would be wise for you to make a visit to our store and look over our assortment. Maud Mirrors of all ei7.es and in a variety of shapes aud materials. Triplicate Mirrors, the kind thnt permits you to see the 'mr of your head aud liiu 1'ai.c ul the same time. Triplicate Mirrors are the kind men like for shaving. I Green & Co. X La Grande's Confectioners J J Y Next U Post Ofllco. j HILL & ALLEN Prescription Pggiiist La Grande, Ore mm ODD END and BROKEN STOCK SALE "i--.il Stille dille. IIU Pleiliro. it ine president of Iho Pnlted .- s.itd the l'mlilbllloll eandl mid I will Kinirnnte that my six relnry of ihe Irciimry sunn sit inai llie nmliey market never seta tlglif l.ll'e. lie Wasn't rinlnsr. "Well." xii Id Mr. Polk for the for.rtn nr nrtti time. "I must Ik- koIiik." "Wlii't 11 ipi'vr deluslnnP" n'pllcd Mln llord "You're n-ally quite st Uonary '"-Philadelphia Press. This tale rr.eana to us what spri'i' liousfcleaning means to every housewife. A general overluiuling, clinngitig thin,- uround, uml various other things, besides lots ol hard ...,.rl- Wo i-hII nnr housecleainii at) O l 1 End and Broken Stock Sale. Mi-n'sUolf nud Fancy Shirts ! '.. j tn $1, now all for 40 good numbers in ladies' U'.ic'k .ilotrii Pkirts Nice line of Ladies' Eideoduwn !'r-3sirm V ieques Some good value in Shirt Yi ni : . 150 48c 5 j,; off riiF.V MUST CiU" ONE HALF PRICE Men's, every shoe in iho All Hoods and Fnscinni'M SHOE BARGAINS. One t utile full Liiei Childreu'.i and lot arc good values at Ihe regular price. Come 111 and look over our bargain (aides THE GOLDEN UULB COMPANY I 10S 1 3; 3 -1 01 2, Ada ms Avenue jiid!e-nnt m yonr civtipanon r Wltii.-sa-l was cmpijycd Id thsi fMy,c'--siinrTy.w.iiJpa,t'll.ll..sr.'fT 1 lfe.. f '.rrv.v,.T;?.-".