2A | WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2022 | APPEAL TRIBUNE IN BRIEF Address: P.O. Box 13009, Salem, OR 97309 Phone: 503-399-6773 Fax: 503-399-6706 Email: sanews@salem.gannett.com Web site: www.SilvertonAppeal.com Staff News Director Don Currie 503-399-6655 dcurrie@statesmanjournal.com Advertising Westsmb@gannett.com Deadlines News: 4 p.m. Thursday Letters: 4 p.m. Thursday Obituaries: 11 a.m. Friday Display Advertising: 4 p.m. Wednesday Legals: 3 p.m. Wednesday Classifieds: 4 p.m. Friday News Tips Owner Thorin Thacker shows off the freshly printed “Now Open” sign at Canyon Cannabis in Mill City on Feb. 10. BRIAN HAYES/STATESMAN JOURNAL The Appeal Tribune encourages suggestions for local stories. Email the newsroom, submit letters to the editor and send announcements to sanews@salem.gannett.com or call 503-399-6773. Classifieds: call 503-399-6789 Retail: call 503-399-6602 Legal: call 503-399-6789 Missed Delivery? Call: 800-452-2511 Hours: until 7 p.m. Wednesdays; until 3 p.m. other weekdays To Subscribe Call: 800-452-2511 $21 per year for home delivery $22 per year for motor delivery $30.10 per year mail delivery in Oregon $38.13 per year mail delivery outside Oregon Main Statesman Journal publication Suggested monthly rates: Monday-Sunday: $22, $20 with EZ Pay Monday-Saturday: $17.50, $16 with EZ Pay Wednesday-Sunday: $18, $16 with EZ Pay Monday-Friday: $17.50, $16 with EZ Pay Sunday and Wednesday: $14, $12 with EZ Pay Sunday only: $14, $12 with EZ Pay To report delivery problems or subscribe, call 800-452-2511 To Place an Ad Canyon Cannabis reopens a month later than expected Canyon Cannabis reopened March 24 in Mill City, a year and a half after the original store in Gates was destroyed in the Labor Day wildfires of 2020. Canyon Cannabis co-owner Thorin Thacker successfully campaigned to have a ballot measure passed to allow retail sales of marijuana in Mill City in the November 2021 election. After that passed and he completed land use issues on a previously pur- chased building in Mill City, he hoped to open by Feb. 14. But it took a month and a half for the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commis- sion to approve Canyon Cannabis’ appli- cation to reopen at its new location. According to OLCC spokesperson Mark Pettinger, between 15 and 20 mari- juana dispensaries licensed from the state were impacted by the wildfires of 2020. He said the state hadn’t been notified that Canyon Cannabis was one of the businesses impacted by the wildfires for over a month after it was submitted Feb. 7. “We were bringing those folks to the front of the queue and expediting their paperwork, but they also needed to be ready,” Pettinger said. Thacker, formerly mayor of Mill City, found out Canyon Cannabis’ application had been approved by the state on March 18, and the store opened days lat- er. —Bill Poehler Heritage Museum reopens The Heritage Museum will open for Published every Wednesday by the Statesman Journal, P.O. Box 13009, Salem, OR 97309. USPS 469-860, Postmaster: Send address changes to Appeal Tribune, P.O. Box 13009, Salem, OR 97309. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID: Salem, OR and additional offices. Send letters to the editor and news releases to sanews@salem.gannett.com. the first time in two years with a cele- bration at 1 p.m. April 30 at a new loca- tion, 281 S. Second Street in Independ- ence. The museum closed in 2020 due to COVID-19. The new location gives the museum an additional 1,000 square feet of space for exhibits compared with its previous location at the Baptist church. “Our goal is to celebrate all people that have inhabited this land, starting with the Kalapuya who have been here since time in memoriam,” museum manager Natascha Adams said. “When we examine our community’s past, both beautiful and ugly, we learn, and those lessons allow us to create a better fu- ture.” – Bill Poehler MARION COUNTY RESTAURANT INSPECTIONS ABOUT RESTAURANT INSPECTIONS This is a snapshot of the inspections conducted by the Marion and Polk county health departments. Twice annually, licensed restaurants receive unannounced inspections that focus on food temperatures, food prep- aration practices, worker hygiene, dish- washing and sanitizing, and equipment and facility cleanliness. Violations: Restaurant scores are based on a 100-point scale. Priority violations deduct 5 points, and priority foundation violations deduct 3 points. Violations recorded on consecutive inspections result in point deductions being dou- bled. Scoring: Scores of 70 or higher are con- sidered compliant. Restaurants scoring below 70 must be re-inspected within 30 days or face closure or other admin- istrative action. Restaurants display a placard by the entrance to indicate whether they have passed their last inspection. Marion County Health Inspections Figueroa's Taqueria Location: 1600 Industrial Avenue Woodburn (mobile unit) Date: March 4, 2022 Score: 100 No priority violations. Tiny's Tavern Location: 155 Main St Mt Angel Date: March 4, 2022 Score: 100 No priority violations. Mercadito Las Carmelitas Location: 247 N Front St Woodburn Date: March 4, 2022 Score: 100 No priority violations. El Mercadito Location: 247 N Front Street Woodburn (mobile unit) Date: March 4, 2022 Score: 100 No priority violations. Halfcourt Sports Bar & Taproom Location: 3960 Center St NE Salem Date: March 4, 2022 Score: 77 Priority violations: A handwashing sink is not accessible for employee use at all times, is used for purposes other than handwashing or is not operated properly, specifically: Observed plastic food container in hand wash sink in back of house. Observed bar hand wash sink to be used for dumping beverages. Point deduction: 3. Raw or ready-to eat food is not properly protected from cross contamination, specifically: Observed shell eggs, and opened mixed scrambled eggs in walk- in cooler stored above cooked potatoes and cooked chicken tenders. Also ob- served crate of shell eggs stored on top of beer keg. Point deduction: 5. Ready-to-eat food is not properly date- marked, specifically: Observed the following items in cold-holding with no date mark: walk-in cooler: *boiled whole redskin potatoes, *home fries, *pork carnitas; tru upright display cooler: whipped cream. Point deduction: 3. A consumer advisory is not provided, is Restaurant Inspections promo image. STATESMAN JOURNAL not presented in the correct format, or does not contain the required informa- tion, specifically: Observed reminder listed on the bottom of the breakfast menu, but no disclosure. Point deduc- tion: 3. Restricted use pesticides are not prop- erly applied, specifically: Observed cans of aerosol Raid insecticide in the res- taurant (under the hand wash sink by the order-up heat lamp). Point deduc- tion: 3. A test kit is not provided or is not accu- rate enough to measure the concentra- tion of sanitizing solutions, specifically: Observed new quat dispenser near 3-compartment sink to be in use but no test strips are on-hand. Point deduc- tion: 3. Bing's Happy Garden Inc. not provided at the handwashing sink, specifically: - Paper towels not provid- ed in men's restroom. Point deduction: 3. Soap is not provided at a handwashing sink, specifically: - Kitchen handwash- ing sink missing soap. Point deduction: 3. Sabor Tico LLC Location: 311 N Water Street Silverton (mobile unit) Date: March 3, 2022 Score: 97 Priority violations: Food employees eat, drink or use to- bacco in unapproved areas or use an inappropriate beverage container for drinking, specifically: Employee bever- age in a container with no handle/no straw. Point deduction: 3. Food employees do not minimize con- tact with food in a ready-to-eat form, specifically: - Observed employee wearing one glove to prepare spring rolls and other ready-to-eat food. Point deduction: 5. Chemical sanitizers are not approved, specifically: - Measured >200 PPM chlo- rine in wiping cloth bucket used to san- itize food contact surfaces. Color was bleached out of test strip. Point deduc- tion: 5. Working containers of poisonous or toxic materials are not clearly labeled, specifically: observed unlabeled spray bottles of oven degreaser and surface cleaner in the kitchen and bathroom. Point deduction: 3. Lucky's Pub on Liberty Location: 211 Oak St Silverton Date: March 3, 2022 Score: 97 Priority violations: A handwashing sink is not accessible for employee use at all times, is used for purposes other than handwashing or is not operated properly, specifically: Large pot filled with water in handwash sink at start of inspection. Point deduc- tion: 3. Location: 6110 Keizer Station Blvd Keiz- er Date: March 3, 2022 Score: 95 Priority violations: Potentially hazardous food is not main- tained at proper hot or cold holding temperatures, specifically: Observed food in prep-line cooler drawers to be too high. Chicken at 46 F, shredded cheese at 47 F, sliced cheese at 45 F and lunch meat at 45 F. This could be related to a large block of ice observed on the condenser inside the unit. Point deduction: 5. Location: 3195 Liberty Rd Salem Date: March 3, 2022 Score: 94 Priority violations: A handwashing sink is not accessible for employee use at all times, is used for purposes other than handwashing or is not operated properly, specifically: - Upon arrival, strainer blocking bar handwashing sink that is used as dump sink. Kitchen handwashing sink blocked by basket of drink nozzles. Point de- duction: 3. Temperature measuring devices are not provided or readily accessible for checking food temperatures, specifi- cally: - Food probe thermometer not available. Point deduction: 3. Triangle Inn Simply Pho Half Time Bar & Grill Location: 3215 Liberty Rd Salem Date: March 3, 2022 Score: 94 Priority violations: Hand towels or a hand drying device is Location: 3405 Commercial Street SE Salem Date: March 3, 2022 Score: 87 Priority violations: Location: 850 High St NE Salem Date: March 2, 2022 Location: 125 N Main St Mt Angel Date: March 4, 2022 Score: 100 No priority violations. Sandee Thai Restaurant Panera Bread #2156 See INSPECTIONS, Page 3B