4B | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2022 | APPEAL TRIBUNE Classifieds To advertise, visit: classifieds.statesmanjournal.com n Classifieds Phone: 503.399.6789 n Classifieds Email: ads@statesmanjournal.com n Public Notices/Legals Email: sjlegals@statesmanjournal.com All classified ads are subject to the applicable rate card, copies of which are available from our Advertising Dept. All ads are subject to approval before publication. The Statesman Journal reserves the right to edit, refuse, reject, classify or cancel any ad at any time. Errors must be reported in the first day of publication. The Statesman Journal shall not be liable for any loss or expense that results from an error in or omission of an advertisement. No refunds for early cancellation of order. T R U S T T H E E X P E R TS Assorted Adopt Me Stuff Pets all kinds of things... Providing knowledgeable, caring service to the Marion County Area for over 40 years DIVORCE $130. Complete preparation. 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