4A | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2020 | APPEAL TRIBUNE JoJo Rodriguez delivers an order at Taste of a Fair at the Oregon State Fairgrounds in Salem on Friday. Even though the fair's been canceled, organizers and food vendors are providing those special fair favorites every weekend via a drive-through parking lot so residents don't completely miss out this summer. PHOTOS BY BRIAN HAYES / STATESMAN JOURNAL Taste of a Fair offers flavors of summer Emily Teel Salem Statesman Journal If you go USA TODAY NETWORK Taste of a Fair Clad in a Pronto Pup shirt and a face mask of pretzel-printed fabric, Brian Bradbury waved a car through a lane at the Oregon State Fairgrounds. With the Oregon State Fair long can- celed due to coronavirus, the passen- gers may not be able to ride the rides or pet the farm animals, but Bradbury has figured out how to offer a taste of bygone summers amidst the strangeness of this one. He is a co-owner of Pacific Rim, the concessionaire at the Fairgrounds. Six weeks ago he launched Taste of a Fair, a weekend evening drive-through lane vending a weekly selection of fair food favorites. Inspired by the way In-N-Out han- dled a long line of traffic when they launched in December, Bradbury de- vised a plan to create — in an area that is typically parking during fair season — a space for cars to come through and a low-contact pick-up option for fair food. It’s not the full menu every week, but they aim to offer a selection of about 10 sweet and savory options every week. They’re skipping things like pizza that are widely available most of the year, focusing instead on the foods spe- cific to the State Fair and other summer concessions. Bradbury thinks that by Labor Day, Taste of a Fair will have been able to offer all of the fair’s greatest hits. The elephant ears and corn dogs are always there, as are the funnel cakes, said Brandbury, “and we’ve held over the turkey legs another week due to popular demand.” Strawberry shortcake makes its debut this weekend, compet- ing with deep-fried cheesecake. Without exiting their vehicles, driv- ers pass through a gateway framed by waving bags of kettle corn and blue and pink cotton candy. They choose their fa- vorites from a posted photo menu and pay, either with cash or card, by passing their currency in a plastic bin. They then receive a ticket and proceed to a cluster of the food trailers. To minimize contact between visi- tors and staff preparing the food, a ded- icated food runner visits each car, as- sembles and bags each order, and passes it in a plastic bin back to the driv- Where: Oregon State Fairgrounds at Silverton & 17th When: Friday 4 to 8 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday 12 to 8 p.m. through Labor Day More information: https://oregonstatefair.org/ taste-of-a-fair/ JoJo Rodriguez grabs a fresh elephant ear for a customer. An order of made-to-order curly fries is seen at Taste of a Fair at the Oregon State Fairgrounds. er. The efficiency, said Bradbury, is driven by a desire to minimize contact points. “We’re trying to keep everybody safe.” This is also the reason for the lim- ited menu, so inside the trailers where food is being prepared workers can maintain physical distance from one another. JoJo Rodriguez is one of the food run- ners, and she might have the best job in the operation. Handing bags of curly fries through car windows, she gets to see the joy on the passengers’ faces. “They love it,” she said, “they’re so happy.” Early on Friday evening, most of the cars were from the immediate area in Salem and Keizer. But Bradbury said on weekend days they see folks from Alba- ny, Canby, McMinnville and even Van- couver, Washington. “We’ve had cars come from Portland, Tillamook and Eugene,” Bradbury said. “It’s really cool to see it.” They’ve primarily promoted the pro- gram via Facebook and other social media channels. That’s where Melissa Castillo and Luis Barocio saw it. “She has been telling me for days, ‘I want a corndog!,” said Barocio, “it’s a must.” “We always come to the fair,” said Castillo, “my mom, too, and we pretty much come for the food.” In the next car, a woman shrieked with delight to find, yes, they did have deep fried Oreos. Bradbury said he’s seen similar pro- grams pop up in Florida and California but, to his knowledge, Taste of a Fair is the only one in Oregon. Disappointed over the fair’s cancella- tion, said Bradbury, “we’re just trying to give people something.” A taste of sum- mer in a season changed by coronavi- rus, he said, “we’re all just trying to make the best of it. It’s the best we can do.” Emily Teel is the Food & Drink Editor at the Statesman Journal. Contact her at eteel@statesmanjournal.com, Face- book, or Twitter. See what she’s cooking and where she’s eating this week on In- stagram: @emily_teel Woodburn schools to start the fall with remote instruction only Natalie Pate Salem Statesman Journal USA TODAY NETWORK Woodburn School District leadership announced the district will start the up- coming school year with a comprehen- sive distance learning model, rather than their original plan for a hybrid model with in-person teaching. The change of course came after staff and students were presumably exposed to COVID-19 during in-person summer meetings. "We experienced our first exposure during planning sessions for our sum- mer programs," explained Superinten- dent Oscar Moreno Gilson in a letter. "Given that safety protocols were im- plemented and followed, no exposed staff tested positive." However, he said, a second possible exposure this week prompted them to revisit the educational model for the start of the 2020-21 school year. "Even though this second exposure was limited ... it highlighted how disrup- tive these incidents can be," he said. "As we have reflected on the impact we have seen during our summer pro- grams ... we feel it is in the best interest of our students, families, and staff to start the 2020-21 school year using a Comprehensive Distance Learning model," he said. Moreno Gilson said school leaders realize the model cannot replace direct instruction, and it brings with it some challenges. Additionally, the district will be tem- porarily suspending on-site athletic practices as they transition to the new model. "As we are working to create our (dis- tance learning) plan," Moreno Gilson said, "we are exploring different options to continue to support our students, families and staff, and are committed to finding ways to safely increase on-site instruction."