Appeal tribune. (Silverton, Or.) 1999-current, July 29, 2020, Page 7, Image 7

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Continued from Page 1B
orable mention, but Echo Basin features
everything but the panoramic views on
a short but sweet trek.
The hike travels through a forest
home to my favorite type of tree, the
Alaska yellow cedar, before entering a
shaggy wildflower meadow within a ca-
thedral of rock.
One upside: this hike is far easier
than all of the other we'll showcase at
2.5 miles total and 600 feet of climb.
Directions: From Santiam Junction,
follow Highway 20 heading southwest
toward Corvallis to milepost 67. Turn
right at a pointer for "Echo Basin" and
follow gravel Forest Service Road 055 for
2 miles to the trailhead. Beware of a
washout near the trailhead that may be
difficult for low-riding passenger cars.
Coordinates: 44.4129, -122.0854.
5: Browder Ridge
This route features many of the fa-
vorites of Old Cascade hikes — old-
growth, wildflowers and mountain
views — but without much or any of the
The hike travels a steep 3.2 miles
round-trip to a striking viewpoint of the
Three Sisters and some nice wildflow-
ers. The hike to the summit is steep and
somewhat tricky, however, and requires
some navigation to reach the summit.
William L. Sullivan provides good de-
tails on the route in his classic "100
Hikes Central Oregon Cascades."
More details:Hikes climb Browder
Ridge, explore Echo Basin
Directions: From Santiam Junction,
follow Highway 20 heading southwest
toward Corvallis to milepost 68. Turn
left onto Hackleman Road (Forest Ser-
vice Road 2672) and stay on it through a
split in the road for 1.8 miles. Turn right
onto Forest Service Road 1598 and fol-
low it 2.8 miles to a trailhead sign and
parking pullout on the left (the trail
starts on the right side of the road). Co-
ordinates: 44.371, -122.054
Striking views of Mount Jefferson greet visitors on the summit of Crescent Mountain. PHOTOS BY ZACH URNESS / STATESMAN JOURNAL
views of the young Cascades, and even-
tually to the summit, at the site of a for-
mer lookout. Make sure to veer right
near the top to find the right spot.
Directions: From Salem follow High-
way 22 east, past Detroit, to milepost
76. Turn right on Lava Lake Meadow
Road 2067 and follow for 1.9 miles. After
crossing a bridge, turn right onto Forest
Road 560 and follow 3.5 miles to the
road's end and the trailhead. Coordi-
nates: 44.498747, -122.046414.
1: Crescent Mountain
The meadows of Crescent Mountain feature stunning wildflower displays.
4: Coffin and Bachelor Mountain
These two hikes are placed together
because they're right next to each other.
Coffin is the more famous of the duo
and a steep 3-mile round-trip hike with
1,000 feet of climb. Bachelor Mountain
is 4 miles with 1,100 feet of climb.
Known for beargrass blooms "that
brought tears to my eyes," Coffin has a
remarkable wildflower display on its
steep meadows and an active fire look-
out at the top. The fire lookouts are busy
but will sometimes chat. Never enter the
lookout's catwalk without permission.
Near the top of the hike, you begin to
understand the mountain’s gloomy
name. The summit has the shape —
from some angles — of a dark casket.
Near the lookout on the 5,700-foot sum-
mit, there's a helicopter pad and other
places to enjoy a view that stretches an
incredible distance — from Washing-
ton's Mount Rainier to Southern Ore-
gon's Mount Thielsen, and west to Ma-
rys Peak.
Bachelor Mountain features a more
level grade on its climb to the former site
of a lookout. Old-growth subalpine fir
and rocky meadows with wildflowers
and mountain views are the highlight.
Directions (Coffin Mountain Trail-
head): From Salem, drive east on High-
way 22, past Detroit and Marion Forks,
to milepost 69. Turn right onto Straight
Creek Road (Forest Service Road 11). Go
4 miles and turn right onto gravel road
1168. Continue 3.8 miles and turn left
onto USFS Road 450. Almost immedi-
ately, you'll see the trailhead parking
area and a sign for Coffin Mountain
Directions for Bachelor Mountain:
From the Coffin Trailhead, drive back
100 feet to Road 1168, turn left for 0.7
mile to a junction and turn left onto
rough Road 430 for a half mile to a park-
ing area at the road's end. Coordinates:
44.6178, -122.0343.
The only downside here is that dur-
ing peak blooms, the trails gets very
crowded. People do spread out, and it’s
not nearly as bad as places in the Co-
lumbia Gorge, but for me, there are two
hikes that are just a little better.
Directions (Civil Road Trailhead):
From Sweet Home, travel 32 miles east
on Highway 20 and drive over Tomb-
stone Pass. Around mile post 62, turn
left on Civil Road / Forest Service Road
035 and travel 2.6 miles to the trailhead.
Coordinates: 44.39869, -122.155888
3: Iron Mountain and Cone Peak
2: Middle Pyramid
This is the most popular hike in the
Old Cascade region near Tombstone
Pass, and for good reason. Most hikers
would rank this one higher than No. 3.
There are two very different options
here. A family-friendly route begins at
the upper Civil Road Trailhead and
climbs 700 feet in 1 mile to reach a sum-
mit with a wooden desk excellent for
kids that want to admire every major
mountain from Mount Jefferson to the
Three Sisters without the risk of falling
off a steep cliff. The hike is 2 miles
A more challenging and rewarding
route begins at a lower trailhead and fol-
lows the Cone Peak and Iron Mountain
Trail on a 7.8 loop that climbs 2,000 feet.
Old-growth, wildflowers and Iron
Mountain’s summit are the reward for
the challenging trek.
Diverse old-growth forest, a wild-
flower meadow set in a rock coliseum
and a narrow summit make this hike
through the Three Pyramids one of my
Coincidentally, the trio of extinct vol-
canic plugs offers knockout views of
three active volcanoes just across the
way — the Three Sisters. North, Middle
and South Pyramid look directly at
North, Middle and South Sister.
The trek to summit of Middle Pyrar-
mid is the showcase hike, a journey of
4.2 miles round-trip with 1,700 feet of
climb — another short but steep one.
Beginning in forest, passing a small wa-
terfall, the sometimes-ragged trail en-
ters a beautiful cliff-walled meadow at
mile 0.4.
Beyond, the trail climbs uphill to
Public Notices
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Review Body:
The aptly named Crescent Mountain
is my favorite hike in the Old Cascades
because it has everything the others
feature — old-growth forest, wildflower
meadows and summit views — but on a
grander scale.
The alpine meadow, in particular, is
the most beautiful I’ve ever seen — more
striking than Dog Mountain, Jefferson
Park and narrowly beating out the other
Old Cascades.
The journey is also longer than most
of the others, at 9 miles round-trip with
2,200 feet of climb. It begins with a
pleasant forested stroll to a small creek,
then a steep climb past gigantic trees to
the high meadow, which is filled with
wildflowers in July and seems to stretch
on forever, all while snow-capped volca-
noes loom in every direction.
A final climb brings you to another
former lookout site, and views from
Hood to Diamond Peak, plus a narrow
ridgeline to explore.
Directions: From Salem, head east
on Highway 22, past Detroit Lake, to
Santiam Junction. Merge onto Highway
20 west toward Albany and keep an eye
out for Lava Lake Sno-Park. Turn right
into the parking area and stay right onto
Forest Road 2067. After a mile, veer left
onto gravel Forest Road 508 (you’ll see a
sign pointing left with a hiker). In an-
other 0.8 miles, you’ll come to a large
and obvious parking area where the trail
Urness is the author of “Best Hikes
with Kids: Oregon” and “Hiking South-
ern Oregon.” He can be reached at zur- or (503)
399-6801. Find him on Twitter at
Planning Commission
Hearing Date & Time: August 11, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
Hearing Location: Teleconference meeting via
Zoom with a telephone call in number. Due to
Executive Order 20-16, the Planning Commis-
sion shall hold public hearings by telephone,
video, or through some other electronic or virtu-
al means, whenever possible. The instructions
to listen to or virtually attend the meeting will
be included in the Planning Commission meet-
ing agenda which will be posted on the City’s
website and outside of City Hall, 306 S Water
Street, on August 4, 2020. This will include a hy-
perlink to the meeting and a call in number to
participate by telephone.
Agenda Item #1 : File Number CP-20-01. Com-
prehensive Plan amendment to adopt the 2020
Housing Needs Analysis and Housing Strategy
as a support document to the Silverton Compre-
hensive Plan. The application will be reviewed
following the criteria found in Silverton Devel-
opment Code section 4.12.400.
Failure of an issue to be raised in a hearing, in
person or by letter, or failure to provide enough
detail to afford the decision maker an opportu-
nity to respond precludes appeal to LUBA based
on that issue. Additional information and/or re-
view of this application, including all documents
and evidence submitted, may be obtained at Sil-
verton City Hall, 306 South Water Street by tele-
phoning Jason Gottgetreu at (503) 874-2212.
Copies of the staff report will be available seven
(7) days prior to the public hearing and are
available for review at no cost at City Hall by
appointment, a copy can be provided on request
at a reasonable cost.
Silverton Appeal
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8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can reach them by phone at 503-399-6789.
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