4A | WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 2020 | APPEAL TRIBUNE The Terwilliger Fire along Cougar Reservoir in Willamette National Forest. US FOREST SERVICE Fire Continued from Page 1A The report also details an investiga- tion to find the responsible party that includes DNA testing a Pepsi can, fin- gerprinting a bag of pineapple, explod- ing fungus and searching surveillance video for a match to social media ac- counts. The investigation lasted for more than a year — from Aug. 19, 2018, to Nov. 6, 2019 — before law enforcement closed the case due to “a lack of evidence.” Even so, the report offers a fascinat- ing look at the challenges of trying to de- termine who was responsible for a wild- fire that altered one of Oregon’s most famous outdoor destinations. A burning stump: how the fire originated In the days leading up to the Terwil- liger Fire, the forest was ready to ex- plode. The summer of 2018 was a record- breaking one for Oregon, a season when wildfires torched an area the size of Rhode Island and the cost to fight them hit an all-time high of $515 million. The worst situation was in Southern Oregon, but by August 19, drought and unrelenting heat created a tinderbox in the forests around Terwilliger. “The day the fire started, the energy release component — which is the mea- sure we use to determine fire danger — actually broke a record,” Cross said. All it needed was a spark. That arrived from an old-growth stump sitting along Rider Creek, just be- low the hot spring pools at a popular place to smoke cigarettes and marijuana and drink. At 2:25 p.m., an unnamed couple came across a fire burning on the top of the stump. They reported it to an em- ployee of American Land and Leisure, the concessionaire that manages the hot springs under a contract with the Forest Service. The employee took a picture of the stump before it had spread into the “nearby forest fuels,” the report said. A picture included shows the fire almost oozing out of the stump. It’s unclear exactly how the fire moved from the stump to the forest — a chunk of the report is redacted — but the investigation says the employee “tried to suppress the smoldering old growth stump using fire extinguishers and water bottles. With the reported winds at the time of the incident, the fire could not be contained.” The blaze grew quickly. By 3 p.m., No- ble, who was at the hot springs with his 10-year-old son Parker, said fire had be- gun to engulf the trail leading to the hot springs. After Noble and his son leaped through the wall of flames, he said: “Looking back, we see could see the fire running up the mountain. I knew it was going to get big because it was just so dry in there.” Forest Service officials arrived quick- ly, swept the area and were able to get everyone out, but the fire raged out of control, leaping Cougar Reservoir and starting a second fire near the Three Sis- ters Wilderness. “At first, we thought there were peo- ple out like, lighting fires, because we couldn’t figure out how two wildfires popped up at the same time so far apart,” Cross said. “Then we realized that the embers from the main fire trav- eled a quarter-mile, over to the other side of the reservoir, and started the second fire.” Fire teams focused on keeping the blaze contained on the west side of the fire, to prevent it from spreading onto private timberland, while the fire spread deeper into the wilderness on the east side. It burned through August and Sep- tember, and it wasn’t 100 percent con- tained until October. Cause of the fire, and odd behavior as the blaze took off The fire was human-caused, that much was clear. What isn’t clear is ex- actly how the stump began smoldering and lit aflame. The most probable cause of the Ter- williger Fire was “from a possible hot set or a smoking-related smoldering igni- tion,” the fire investigation says. It’s unclear exactly what is meant by “hot set,” but the investigator wrote that “it is possible that someone may have used a lighter to hot set the stump. A lighter was found about 250 feet to the east of the stump, but it was very rusty and had been there for some time.” As for the smoking theory, the report notes the area is a popular place to smoke cigarettes and marijuana, and “based on the weather, fuel moistures and the type of fine decayed woody ma- terial found at the top of the stump, it’s probable that a smoking related ignition may have smoldered there for some time before it was detected by hot springs visitors.” The scene after the fire took off ap- pears chaotic at best. Eyewitnesses re- called seeing two girls, possibly in their 20s, running downhill next to Rider Creek from where the stump was locat- ed. Other observations include a man “in a floppy hat,” who arrived from an odd location, who, after the fire broke out, was frantically attempting to slow the blaze with “a bucket or possibly a stick,” the report says, even as the fire spread up the hillside. The evidence collected from the scene, days later, included: a Four Loko beer can, a Winco water bottle, a Pepsi Cola can and a plastic bag of pineapple. Later, a leather satchel/purse was found in the changing room, with no way to identify who owned it. A long and detailed investigation that results in two unrelated arrests The search for the person responsible for causing the Terwilliger Fire lasted more than a year. Three of the beverage containers found near the stump were submitted to the Oregon State Police forensic lab in Springfield for DNA and fingerprint analysis, and a special agent for the For- est Service conducted multiple inter- views everywhere from the Blue River Store to a homeless shelter in Eugene to a Home Depot parking lot in Happy Val- ley. The investigation turned up some enticing leads — a whodunit of suspi- cious characters — but apparently noth- ing that could be used to bring charges. “No judicial action taken due to lack of evidence,” the report says. A pineapple and Pepsi interview, a homeless shelter, exploding fungus, and an inquiry The investigation report illustrates the difficulty of tracking down a person responsible for a wildfire when there’s such limited evidence. Even when there were promising leads — a DNA match, word of mouth accusations or suspicious pictures — nothing tangible appears to have ma- terialized. Here are four leads and inter- views from the investigation. The Pepsi and pineapple Two pieces of evidence found at the scene of the fire were a Pepsi can and a small bag of pineapple. Both of those items were sent to the forensics lab in Springfield. After testing, the lab re- turned a DNA match found on the Pepsi can. An interview was set up with the per- son indicated and they said they had been at Terwilliger, in the Rider Creek area on Aug. 5 — weeks before the fire ignited — while they were returning from wedding in Central Oregon. The person said they and their girlfriend smoked marijuana with another couple, possibly from Salem, right next to the creek and big stump. The person apolo- gized for leaving behind the Pepsi can and bag of pineapple. After the inter- view, the person was arrested for unre- lated warrants by the Clackamas Coun- ty Sheriff ’s Office, but wasn’t charged in connection with the fire. ‘What they don’t know won’t hurt them’ On the day before the Terwilliger Fire, a person reportedly went into the Blue River store and asked about campfire regulations at the hot springs. When employees told the person campfires weren’t allowed, the man said some- thing like “well what they don’t know won’t hurt them,” according to the re- port. Surveillance photos showed the person, their name was found from a re- ceipt and the investigator found him on social media along with Instagram pic- tures that “showed him standing on a large stump on the edge of Rider Creek,” the report says. After being contacted, the person said they would not make themselves available, stating something similar to “I’m not comfortable meeting you” and that he doesn’t like authority, the report said. The person did admit to being at the hot springs the day before the fire, couldn’t remember if they smoked ciga- rettes and couldn’t remember if they smoked marijuana that day or not. “They stayed there all day until things started to get rowdy in the eve- ning,” the man told the investigator. When the investigator referenced the Instagram photo, the person “became uncooperative on the phone and resis- tant to answering any more questions,” the report said. The person called back the following day and apologized for his prior attitude, but added that he didn’t have any additional information about the Terwilliger Fire. Accusations lead to a Eugene homeless shelter In another case, the investigator fol- lowed a string of rumors about a tran- sient who’d been suspected of causing trouble and even starting a fire in the town of Blue River in the summer of 2018 and “was a known scammer,” ac- cording to the report. Multiple people believed the person had started the Ter- williger Fire. The investigator found the person at a homeless shelter in Eugene, where they denied ever visiting Terwil- liger Hot Springs. After the interview, the person was arrested on an outstand- ing warrant by the Eugene Police De- partment. Exploding fungus? The most unique lead came from the original fire investigator who indicated a person who “may have information about a type of fungus that can sponta- neously combust,” the report said. An exhibit was taken, and the person was contacted and said a friend knew about the fungus, which was apparently white, and that he was at the hot springs that day. The person interviewed said he left the hot springs before the fire and didn’t see anything suspicious but that he had a friend who was there and “even helped try to extinguish the fire.” That person was contacted but was never in- terviewed. Difficulty proving who it might have been Cross said he wasn’t surprised about the difficulty of finding a single person responsible. He said the stump could have been smoldering for days before it ignited. “That happens quite a lot with light- ning,” he said. “A spark can remain in a stump for days, weeks, even months. “This fire, it burned in 2018. But after a whole winter of rain and snow, it re- ignited in 2019. Those sparks can stay active in a stump for a really long time.” Some good comes from the Terwilliger Fire, but hot springs not the same The Terwilliger Fire burned from Aug. 19 into September before becoming mostly contained. The fire damage led to a 10-month closure around the hot springs and the forest around Cougar Reservoir, after burning 11,555 acres and costing $40 million to fight. Cross said the fire actually did some good, particularly in the Three Sisters Wilderness. “On the east side, we mostly let the fire burn into a part of the Three Sisters that hadn’t had fire in a long time and really needed it,” he said. “And it did a lot of good. It broke up the canopy, it burned mostly on the ground with mixed severity and we just got a lot of those diverse impacts you want from a natural wildfire, even though it wasn’t a natural start.” After the fire burned the hot springs, a new bathroom with a modern com- posting toilet has been added, along with a new changing room and walk- way. Noble, who escaped the fire the day it ignited, returned to Terwilliger when it reopened. “As we walked through the charred remains of the forest what was pricing was how familiar it was and yet com- pletely different,” Noble said. “(At the hot springs). it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. There was still a little bit of shrubbery and ferns. The trees were all blackened but still standing. Some of them still had green- ery at the top which gave me hope. Park- er and I both walked around looking and feeling sort of dazed. After a soak we went home and haven’t been back. Even though the water still flows from the rocks, it’s not the same. It lost a lot of its charm and power that day and it’s kind of heartbreaking to see it now.” Urness is the author of “Best Hikes with Kids: Oregon” and “Hiking South- ern Oregon.” He can be reached at zur- ness@StatesmanJournal.com or (503) 399-6801. Find him on Twitter at @ZachsORoutdoors.