WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2020 ❚ SILVERTONAPPEAL.COM PART OF THE USA TODAY NETWORK No fireworks at Oregon Garden for 2020 Christena Brooks Special to Salem Statesman Journal USA TODAY NETWORK Silverton’s annual fireworks show and celebration at The Oregon Garden is canceled for July 3, 2020. Leaders at the garden and its foundation said the cancellation is a result of the state’s social distancing measures surrounding COVID-19. “This was a really difficult decision to make, but the health and safety of our visitors is the most important thing,” said Delen Kitchen, assistant general manager. “We were antici- pating about 10,000 people, and there is really no way to ensure appropriate social distancing and sanitizing with a crowd that size.” Without a clear picture of future restrictions on large gatherings, staff at the garden, the foundation and the City of Silverton agreed that canceling the event was the most responsible decision. “Like all of you, I grieve that this pandemic has now taken (this celebration), but despite the fact that there will be no fireworks, it’s more important than ever to remember that the Fourth of July is a great time to re- flect on what we are capable of as a society,” said Kyle Palmer, mayor of Silverton. Shana Schacher, event administrator at the garden is still looking forward to future events. “We love bringing the community together and cel- ebrating the start of summer,” she said. “Right now, we’re looking at ways to responsibly continue our oth- er summer events, like Movies in the Garden, to give everyone something fun to look forward to.” See FIREWORKS, Page 2A Hundreds gather for a fireworks display at the Oregon Garden in Silverton on July 3, 2019. ANNA REED / STATESMAN JOURNAL Parents of Salem baby sue hospital Forward This Capi Lynn Salem Statesman Journal USA TODAY NETWORK Wounds heal, scars remain Officer Michelle Pratt back on patrol after being shot Blaize Wheeldon shortly before he died from bacterial meningitis on May 11, 2018. SPECIAL TO THE STATESMAN JOURNAL Wrongful death lawsuit comes two years after baby’s death Whitney Woodworth Salem Statesman Journal USA TODAY NETWORK The parents of a 7-month-old baby who died from meningitis shortly after he was released from Silverton Medical Center are suing the hos- pital for $6.3 million. The wrongful death lawsuit filed Friday comes two years after the death of Blaize Wheeldon and accuses hospital staff of medical negligence and the negligent infliction of emotional distress. It names a Silverton hospital emergency room doctor and Legacy Health, which operates the hospital, as defendants. Blaize’s mother, Summer Poff, spoke with the Statesman Journal shortly after her son’s death. At the time, she was distraught that his illness wasn’t recognized the first time Blaize was taken to the hospital. She wanted to raise awareness for the deadly condition that took her son from a hap- py, smiling baby to being in a coma within hours. Poff said she knew something was wrong with Blaize early in the morning of May 11, 2018. He was fussy, feverish and wouldn’t go to sleep. Poff and Blaize’s father, Jubal Wheeldon, tried to soothe the baby and gave him Tylenol, but at 3 a.m, they knew he needed to be taken to the ER. Wheeldon took him to Silverton Medical Cen- ter, where Blaize was treated with Tylenol. See LAWSUIT, Page 3A Marion County approves $500K in tax breaks Bill Poehler Salem Statesman Journal USA TODAY NETWORK The company that purchased the former NORPAC vegetable processing facility in Brooks will receive an estimated $537,205 in property tax exemptions from Marion County over the next three years to make $15 million in improvements at the 43,000 square foot fa- cility and hire 300 new employees by the end of the year. PNW Vegco, which is owned by farm entrepreneur Frank Tiegs, purchased the facility on Brooklake Road and 1,000 acres of farmland Jan. 31 for $13,549,311, ac- cording to Marion County Tax Assessor records. The tax breaks are part of a 2016 state law that al- lows three years of taxes to be exempted on improve- ments between $1 million and $25 million on rural in- dustrial property to encourage employment in rural areas. “This was initiated as a result of one of our popular wineries here in (Salem) that did a very large expan- sion and they immediately got an increase in their property tax bill within months of the work is done,” Marion County Commissioner Kevin Cameron said. “They said we need some time to get some revenues up to pay their expense.” PNW Vegco, which is based in Pasco, Wash., has 90 days from Wednesday’s approval from the Marion County Commissioners to receive support from other See TAX BREAK, Page 3A Vol. 139, No. 22 Online at News updates: ❚ Breaking news ❚ Get updates from the Silverton area Photos: ❚ Photo galleries Serving the Silverton Area Since 1880 A Unique Edition of the Statesman Journal QEAJAB-07403y ©2020 50 cents Printed on recycled paper Salem Police Officer Michelle Pratt’s on her first patrol shift back, and her husband a sergeant is tag- ging along. He requested the assignment because he needs to be there as much as she needs him, a twinge of guilt still gnawing at him for what happened last May. Jake Pratt couldn’t have changed the outcome. No one could have. But Officer Pratt could dictate how she returns to the line of duty after being shot four times during a traffic stop. The wounds are long healed. It’s the scars they can’t see that the couple are concerned about during the first shift back on Dec. 2, 2019. She tries to avoid possible psychological triggers as she makes that first traffic stop, pulling over a dif- ferent model and make of vehicle and choosing a dif- ferent location. But still, her heart’s racing. She forgets to call in the license plate number. She gets tangled in her seat belt. Her flashlight comes un- clipped from her utility belt. As she approaches the driver’s side window — fac- ing “a little old lady who doesn’t have insurance” — Pratt is literally shaking. Then the flashback comes. She hears the loud pops and feels the sting in her arm, her legs, then her back. Jake helps her refocus and recompose, both realiz- ing this will be her toughest hurdle. The next traffic stop goes better and so does the next. But during each, she has a flashback. “I was mentally exhausted,” Michelle Pratt said. “That night, after the first shift, was the best night of sleep I had since the shooting. Not just because of exhaustion but being back at work.” Corralling preschoolers, then criminals Pratt took an unconventional route to a career in law enforcement. She didn’t grow up wanting to be a cop. She graduated from Canby High School and what is now Corban University, got married, had children and taught preschool for 18 years. Curiously, she finds similarities between pre- schoolers and criminals and how they both need to be handled. “Same skill set, different consequences, different age group,” Pratt said during a candid interview at her home just before the COVID-19 pandemic struck. “You let them both know what’s going on, what you expect, and what’s going to happen if they don’t do it.” Her introduction to Salem Police was as a volun- teer advocate on the department’s Domestic Vio- lence Response Team, which provides 24-hour on- scene crisis intervention and was the first program of its kind in Oregon. She accompanied police officers on domestic vio- lence calls, offering emotional support to victims, ex- plaining the law and arrest procedures, and connect- ing them to resources. About the time her kids were graduating from high school, she had an epiphany: “I don’t think being a preschool teacher is going to be satisfying.” Pratt was 41 when she was hired part-time as a Sa- lem Police Community Service officer, helping assist sworn officers with complaints where enforcement or arrest powers aren’t required. But to be perfectly honest, there just wasn’t enough chaos. She wanted more. At 43, she graduated from the Department of Pub- lic Safety Standards and Training and was hired as a Salem Police officer. She was the oldest in her police academy class and jokes she may have been the old- est to ever graduate. Today, she’s one of 183 sworn officers in the de- partment and one of 17 females. “Best decision I made — even going through all of this,” Pratt said. See OFFICER, Page 4A