2B ❚ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2019 ❚ APPEAL TRIBUNE RESTAURANT INSPECTIONS ABOUT RESTAURANT INSPECTIONS Continued from Page 3A Twice annually, licensed restaurants receive unan- nounced inspections that focus on food temper- atures, food preparation practices, worker hygiene, dish-washing and sanitizing, and equipment and facil- ity cleanliness. deduction: 5. ❚ Refrigerated, ready- to-eat, potentially haz- ardous food has not been consumed within the re- quired time period or is not properly date- marked, specifically: A soy milk container in the Advantco reach-in is dat- ed July 9 - past seven-day shelf life. Point deduc- tion: 5. Doggie Style Hot Dogs Location: 493 Center St., Sublimity (mobile unit) Date: July 27 Score: N/A No priority viola- tions Domino's Location: 703 McLaine St., Silverton Date: June 30 Score: 100 No priority viola- tions Dutch Bros Location: 3794 Com- mercial St. SE, Salem Date: July 29 Score: 89 Priority violations ❚ Food-contact sur- faces are not cleaned be- tween different raw ani- mal foods, between raw to ready-to-eat foods, or as frequently as neces- sary, specifically: Work- ing utensils washed every shift change (after about 6 hours). Store opens at 5 a.m., dishes not washed, rinsed and sanitized by the time of the inspection (10 a.m.). Point deduc- tion: 5. ❚ Food temperature measuring devices are not calibrated, specifical- ly: Probe thermometers measured 36F and 24F in icy water. Point deduc- tion: 3. ❚ The water supply is not of sufficient capacity or does not provide ade- quate hot water, specifi- cally: Water temperature measured 85F towards the beginning of the in- spection, then decreased to 76F in the facility. PIC stated water temperature goes up and down throughout the day. Wa- This is a snapshot of the inspections conducted by the Marion and Polk County health departments. Violations: Restaurant scores are based on a 100- point scale. Priority violations deduct 5 points, and priority foundation violations deduct 3 points. Vio- lations recorded on consecutive inspections result in point deductions being doubled. Scoring: Scores of 70 or higher are considered com- pliant. Restaurants scoring below 70 must be re-in- spected within 30 days or face closure or other ad- ministrative action. Restaurants display a placard by the entrance to indicate whether they have passed their last inspection. ter heater has a small ca- pacity, unable to meet the demand during peak use. Point deduction: 3. Dutch Bros Location: 165 Pacific Ave., Monmouth Date: July 31 Score: 100 No priority viola- tions Filbert's Farmhouse Kitchen Location: 21317 Hwy. 99E, Aurora Date: July 25 Score: 90 Priority violations ❚ Potentially hazard- ous food is not main- tained at proper hot or cold holding temper- atures, specifically: Cooked mushrooms stacked high 61°F, maca- roni pasta stacked high 53°F, tofu stacked high 53°F and chicken stacked high 58°F at the cold-top reach-in refrigerators. Point deduction: 5. ❚ The chlorine sanitiz- er concentration, pH, or temperature is not ade- quate, specifically: No chlorine residual mea- sure at the bar glass dish washer and at the down- stairs dish washer (sani- tizer container empty). Point deduction: 5. Java Crew Location: 779 Wallace Road NW, Salem Date: July 29 Score: 100 No priority viola- tions Jefferson Bakehouse Location: 277 N 2nd Obituaries Barbara Adelle (Nee Strotbeck) Nusbaum SILVERTON - Nus- baum, Barbara Adelle (Nee Strotbeck)- 86, of Silverton, OR 97381, passed away peacefully with family and her be- loved cat Annie by her side on Friday, August 23, 2019. My mom grew up on the “Jersey Shore” with her twin brother, Jack Strotbeck close by her side. She was an avid Sailor and Swimmer. It was not uncommon for her to be the furthest person out in the ocean whenever we went to the beach. One of her biggest achievements was being able to do 19 consecutive somersaults in our backyard pool! She was a graduate of the Abington Nursing School in Pennsylvania. She worked as a Nurse for over 50 years in various capacities but I think her favorite Nursing Position was being the Emergency Room Supervisor at the Atlantic City Hospital; never a dull moment! (I’ll never forget when I was in High School and Anthony Geary aka Luke from General Hospital came into the AC ER and my Mom gave me his discharge paper with his phone number on it. I thought that was really cool!) My Mom was a long-time friend of Bill W. and helped many, many people through the devastation of Alcoholism into hope and the promise of joyful living. Nothing inspired her more than helping those with a broken wing. She will continue to be loved and celebrated by her four children: Jo- hanna Moorer, Edwin Nusbaum, Tony Nusbaum, myself - Barbara Rivoli, her eight grandchildren and many friends. For me she was the perfect, imperfect mother who gifted me with many invaluable lessons. I am more because of her. There will be a “Celebration of Life” sometime in September along the beach in Margate, NJ. If you would like more info please email 1barbriv@gmail.com. St., Jefferson Date: July 26 Score: 91 Priority violations ❚ Food on display is not protected from con- tamination, specifically: Baked goods on front counter not under sneeze guard. Point deduction: 3. ❚ Hand towels or a hand drying device is not provided at the hand- washing sink, specifical- ly: No paper towels at kitchen hand sink (dis- penser empty). Point de- duction: 3. ❚ Working containers of poisonous or toxic ma- terials are not clearly la- beled, specifically: Unla- beled spray bottle used for bleach water. Point deduction: 3. Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches Location: 601 Lancas- ter Drive NE, Salem Date: July 29 Score: 100 No priority viola- tions Joe Mocha Bistro Location: 1760 Market St. NE, Salem Date: July 29 Score: 100 No priority viola- tions Jubilee Champagne and Dessert Bar Location: 296 S Main St., Independence Date: July 26 Score: 90 Priority violations ❚ Raw or ready-to-eat food is not properly pro- tected from cross con- tamination, specifically: A box of raw eggs is be- side ready-to-eat foods (ready-to-eat smoked salmon, milk, etc.) in the Atosa reach-in refrigera- tor. Point deduction: 5. ❚ Potentially hazard- ous food is not main- tained at proper hot or cold holding temper- atures, specifically: Five slices of pizza are on a tray on the front counter at room temperature - at 71F. Point deduction: 5. Ken's Dog House Location: 7098 Lip- scomb St. SE, Salem (mo- bile unit) Momiji Japanese Restaurant, located at Commercial St. SE, scored 97 on its semi-annual restaurant inspection July 31. ANNA REED / STATESMAN JOURNAL Date: July 27 Score: N/A No priority tions viola- La Esperanza Catering Location: 1174 N 1st Ave., Stayton (mobile unit) Date: July 27 Score: N/A No priority viola- tions La Herradura Mexican Food Location: 994 Main St., Dallas Date: July 19 Score: 100 No priority viola- tions Lanxang Lao Thai Cuisine Location: 5080 Com- mercial St. SE, Suite 155, Salem Date: July 24 Score: 100 No priority viola- tions Limeberry Location: 109 E Ellen- dale Ave., Dallas Date: July 23 Score: 100 No priority viola- tions Location: 1315 Mon- mouth St., Independence Date: July 23 Score: 95 Priority violations ❚ Raw or ready-to-eat food is not properly pro- tected from cross con- tamination, specifically: Raw eggs are stored in container next to pack- ages of hotcakes, wrapped precooked bur- ritos, and Canadian ba- con in cooler. When eggs are grabbed from cooler they pass over the ready- to-eat/precooked food items. Point deduction: 5. Momiji Japanese Restaurant Location: 3411 Com- mercial St. SE, Suite 100, Salem Date: July 31 Score: 97 Priority violations ❚ A handwashing sink is not accessible for em- ployee use at all times, is used for purposes other than handwashing or is not operated properly, specifically: Handwash sink was being used for washing out small pan and two utensils, later in the inspection there was ice in the handwash sink. Point deduction: 3. Panda Express Little Caesars Location: 3278 Lan- caster Drive NE, Salem Date: June 30 Score: 100 No priority viola- tions Los Arcos Location: 4120 Com- mercial St. SE, Salem Date: July 31 Score: 97 Priority violations ❚ Unauthorized per- sonnel are on the prem- ises or employees are not properly trained in food safety or food allergy awareness, specifically: Two small children were in back kitchen prep area. Point deduction: 3. McDonald's Location: 570 Wallace Road NW, Salem Date: July 18 Score: 100 No priority viola- tions Location: 3883 Com- mercial St. SE, Suite 101, Salem Date: July 31 Score: 95 Priority violations ❚ Poisonous or toxic materials are not proper- ly separated or located, specifically: Machine grease stored above food prep area. Point deduc- tion: 5. Peoples Church Location: 4500 Lan- caster Drive NE, Salem Date: July 29 Score: 100 No priority viola- tions Phat Brothers Bakery Location: 190 High St. SE, Salem Date: June 30 Score: 100 No priority viola- tions Pizza Hut McDonald's Location: 560 Wallace Road NW, Salem Date: July 18 Score: 95 Priority violations ❚ Potentially hazard- ous food is not main- tained at proper hot or cold holding temper- atures, specifically: Chicken wings in small Bev-Air cooler are at 54F. Point deduction: 5. Poppa Al's Famous Hamburgers Location: 198 NE San- tiam Blvd., Mill City Date: July 26 Score: 97 Priority violations ❚ A consumer adviso- ry is not provided, is not presented in the correct format, or does not con- tain the required infor- mation, specifically: No consumer advisory for under-cooked eggs add- ed to burgers. Point de- duction: 3. Pure Decadence Pastries Location: 4740 Liber- ty Road S, Salem Date: July 22 (rein- spected July 25) Score: 95 July 22: Priority vio- lations ❚ Potentially hazard- ous food is not main- tained at proper hot or cold holding temper- atures, specifically: The following items in the do- mestic refrigerator are not in temperature con- trol — grated cheese 44F, real butter 51F, cream half and half 45F, heavy cream 46F. Point deduc- tion: 5. ❚ July 25: No priority violations Santiam Subs Location: 2315 Lan- caster Drive NE, Salem Date: July 24 Score: 95 Priority violations ❚ Potentially hazard- ous food is not main- tained at proper hot or cold holding temper- atures, specifically: Some foods in the top of the prep-line refrigerator are above 41F (chicken 44F, ham 43F, roast beef 44F). Point deduction: 5. Silver Inn Tavern Location: 3788 Silver- ton Road NE, Salem Date: July 24 Score: 100 No priority viola- tions Starbucks Simple Cremation $595 Simple Direct Burial $895 Traditional Funeral $2965 SALEM 275 Lancaster Drive SE (503) 581-6265 TUALATIN 8970 SW Tualatin Sherwood Rd (503) 885-7800 PORTLAND 832 NE Broadway (503) 783-3393 TIGARD 12995 SW Pacifi c Hwy (503) 783-6869 EASTSIDE 1433 SE 122nd Ave (503) 783-6865 MILWAUKIE 16475 SE McLoughlin Blvd (503) 653-7076 Privately owned cremation facility. A Family Owned Oregon Business. “Easy Online Arrangements” www.CrownCremationBurial.com OR-SAL0009174-02^_03 Location: 3904 Com- mercial St. SE, Salem Date: July 25 Score: 97 Priority violations ❚ Food employees eat, drink or use tobacco in unapproved areas or use an inappropriate bever- age container for drink- ing, specifically: Three employee drinks without straws or handles just covers. Point deduction: 3. Taco Bell Location: 3455 Com- mercial St. SE, Salem Date: July 15 (rein- spected July 24) Score: 97 July 15: Priority vio- lations ❚ A handwashing sink does not provide the minimum water temper- ature or is not equipped Continued on Page 3B