4A ❚ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2019 ❚ APPEAL TRIBUNE Life in the Valley Transition to fall with these September events Lee Clarkson Salem Statesman Journal USA TODAY NETWORK Saturday, Sept. 14 Hispanic Heritage Day at the Capitol: A kick-off event to begin the celebration of His- panic Heritage Month, com- plete with family-friendly ac- tivities, musical entertain- ment, crafts, exhibits and speakers, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Oregon State Capitol, 900 Court St. NE, Salem. Free. fb.com/874113792934349 or www.oregoncapitol.com. Wednesday, Sept. 4 Home School Day at the Oregon Gar- den: Home school students ages 5-12 are invited to a fun-filled day of out- door learning, complete with garden viewing and fun science and art activ- ities, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Oregon Garden Resort, 895 West Main St., Silverton. oregongarden.org/events or 503-874- 8100. Hispanic Heritage Day at the Capitol: A kick-off event to begin the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, complete with family-friendly activities, musical entertainment, crafts, exhibits and speakers, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 14, Oregon State Capitol, 900 Court St. NE, Salem. Free. fb.com/874113792934349 or www.oregoncapitol.com. COURTESY OREGON STATE CAPITOL Sept. 5-21 Becky Shaw: A newlywed couple fixes up two romantically challenged friends. When an evening calculated to bring happiness takes a dark turn, crisis and comedy ensue in this wickedly funny play, 8 p.m. Sept. 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 20 and 21; 2 p.m. Sept. 14 and 21, The Verona Studio, Reed Opera House, 189 Liberty St. NE, Suite 215, Salem. $20. thevero- nastudio.com. ing gala for Enlightened Theatrics fea- turing a hosted cocktail hour, a three- course dinner by Wild Pear and a live auction followed by an intimate perfor- mance by former Phantom, Franc D’Am- brosio, 5 to 10 p.m., Salem’s Historic Grand, 187 High St. NE. $100, $55-65 for show only. enlightenedtheatrics.org or 503-585-3427. Thursday, Sept. 5 Sunday, Sept. 8 Reflections on the River: A short pro- gram of celebration and reflection, honoring the patients Willamette Valley Hospice served over the past year with glowing luminarias, 7:30 to 9 p.m., Sa- lem’s Riverfront Park, 200 Water St. NE, Salem. Free admission. Order a person- alized luminaria at wvh.org. Information at fb.com/688373028274287. Salem Harvest Garden Party: The 5th annual event complete with hors d’oeuvres and desserts, live jazz music and a selection of unique wines, all benefiting Salem Harvest, 4 p.m. La Chouette Vineyard, 179-A Ankeny Hill Road SE, Jefferson. $60 in advance, $65 at the door if seats are still available. salemharvest.org/events.php. maire: Authentic and unique folk har- monies presented by Mark and Cindy Lemaire, 7 to 8 p.m., Silver Falls Library, 410 S Water St., Silverton. 503-873- 5173. Squeeze: The British rock band and 35-plus-year veterans take the stage in Salem, 7:30 p.m., Elsinore Theatre, 170 High St. SE, Salem. $39-$75. elsino- retheatre.com or 503-375-3574. Saturday, Sept. 14 Friday, Sept. 6 Centennial Celebration: Celebrate 100 years of Salem Art Association with the dedication of the public sculpture “Sen- tinels” by Devin Laurence Field and the opening of three exhibits, starts at 5 p.m. for SAA members only, open to the public from 5:30 to 9 p.m., Bush Barn Art Center, 600 Mission St. SE. Free. First Friday in Silverton: Silverton throws a party on the first Friday of every month – visit gallery openings, shops, boutiques and dine as you min- gle with friends, 7 to 9 p.m., downtown Silverton. silvertonchamber.org. Sept. 6-28 The Great American Trailer Park Mu- sical: There’s a new tenant at Armadillo Acres and she’s wreaking havoc all over Florida’s most exclusive trailer park, 7:30 p.m. Sept. 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26 and 27; 2 p.m. Sept. 8, 15 and 22, Pentacle Theatre, 324 52nd Ave. NW, Salem. Ticket prices: Friday Opening Night $34, Wednesday and Thursday $29, Friday and Saturday $30, Sunday Matinee $32. pentacleth- eatre.org or 503-400-6582 ext. 101. Saturday, Sept. 7 Xichafest: Second annual event featur- ing live music all day, festival style food, on-site screenprinting, beer and mar- garita pairings; as well as piñatas and face painting (1-5 p.m.), noon to 9 p.m., Xicha Brewing, 576 Patterson St. NW, Suite 140. Broadway to Salem: Inaugural fundrais- Santiam Hospital Auxiliary Harvest Breakfast: An all-you-can-eat breakfast complete with pancakes, eggs, sau- sage, milk, juice and coffee, with pro- ceeds and donations used for the Auxil- iary Scholarship program and to pur- chase needed supplies, 7 a.m. to noon, Sublimity Fire Hall, 115 N Parker St., Sublimity. Adults $6, seniors 60 and older $5, children age 5-10 $4, children under 4 free. 503-769-3381 or 503-769- 5685. Storm the Castle ‘19 5K Military Style Obstacle Course Race: A two-person team military-themed race with free registration, 8:30 a.m. registration, race begins at 10:10 a.m., Wallace Marine Park, 200 Glen Creek Road NW, Salem. Free. www.eventbrite.com/ e/60884086943 or ian.r.bea- ty.mil@mail.mil. Willamette Pro Musica: Presenting their fall performance featuring clari- netist Colleen White performing Gerald Finzi’s “Concerto for Clarinet and Strings”and the Salem premiere of Jen- nifer Higdon’s “Dance Card,” 3 p.m., Willamette University, Hudson Hall, 900 State St. $12 for adults, $10 for seniors, $8 for students w/ID. willamette.edu. Sunday to Friday, Sept. 8-13 Salem Poetry Festival: 2nd annual event featuring six events throughout the week including book presentations, readings, workshops, open mics and more, various locations in Salem. Visit fb.com/SalemPoetryProject for a full schedule. Tuesday, Sept. 10 Folk music with Mark and Cindy Le- The Australian Pink Floyd Show: With 30-plus years playing Pink Floyd music around the world under their belts, TAPFS returns with a new tour, 8 p.m., Elsinore Theatre, 170 High St. SE, Sa- lem. $32-$59, plus VIP options. elsino- retheatre.com or 503-375-3574. “What Needs to Be Said: Hallie Ford Fellows in the Visual Arts”: This exhibi- tion features the work of 13 contempo- rary Oregon artists who received the Hallie Ford Fellowship in the Visual Arts between 2014 and 2016, opens Sep- tember 14 and continues through De- cember 20 and includes a panel dis- cussion, lectures, and gallery talks, Hallie Ford Museum of Art, 700 State St. 503-370-6855. Sunday, Sept. 15 Salem Rotary Multi-sport Riverfest: Olympic and sprint distance triathlon (swim/bike/run), duathlon (run/bike/ run), 10K, 5K and 1K events will be of- fered for runners of all levels, 7:30 a.m., Wallace Marine Park, Riverfront Park and Minto-Brown Island Park. $15-$110. www.rotaryriverfestsalem.org. Wednesday, Sept. 18 Tab Benoit: Grammy-nominated singer, songwriter and guitarist takes his show to Salem, 7:30 p.m., Elsinore Theatre, 170 High St. SE, Salem. $19-$39. elsino- retheatre.com or 503-375-3574. Saturday, Sept. 21 Miles for Midwives 5K Fun Run: Bring your family to Champoeg State Park for a fun run to celebrate midwives and support quality healthcare for women, families and communities. Kids age 10 and under can participate in the 100- meter dash, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Cham- poeg State Park, 7679 Champoeg Road NE, Saint Paul. 5K $20; kid’s 100m dash $5. Sign up at runsignup.com/Race/OR/ SaintPaul/MilesforMidwives. Informa- tion: milesformidwivesoregon.weebly- .com. Discover Pink Walk and 5K Fun Run: 15th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Event hosted by Northwest Family Ser- vices with proceeds benefiting early detection screenings and support for under-served local women going through breast cancer treatment, 8:30 a.m. to noon, Salem Health Building D, 939 Oak St. SE. $15 for individual en- tries, $12 each for members of teams of five.www.nwfs.org/discoverpinkwalk. Sunday, Sept. 22 Camerata Musica - The Delgani String Quartet: Wyatt True, Jannie Wei, Kim- berly Uwate, Eric Alterman and Wonkak Kim will perform works by Erwin Schul- hoff, Heitor Villa Lobos and Mozart, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., Loucks Auditorium, Salem Public Library, 585 Liberty St. SE, Salem. Free. 503-588-6315. Thursday, Sept. 26 Music of the Oregon Trail with Truman Price: A historically-accurate concert and lecture that shows how the musical styles developed and how it sounded, 7 to 8:30 p.m., Silver Falls Library, 410 S Water St., Silverton. 503- 873-5173. Tracy Byrd: A household name from the 90s country music scene makes a tour stop in Salem, 7:30 p.m., Elsinore Theatre, 170 High St. SE, Salem. $21- $39. elsinoretheatre.com or 503-375- 3574. Thursday, Sept. 19 Friday, Sept. 27 Liberty House’s Champions for Chil- dren Luncheon: Enjoy a complimentary lunch to learn about Liberty House’s work with children and how you can help, noon to 1 p.m., Salem Convention Center, 200 Commercial St. SE, Salem. To attend, be a table captain, sponsor or volunteer. Contact Adrienne Chris- tian at achristian@libertyhousecen- ter.org or 503-540-0288. Information: libertyhousecenter.org. Oregon Symphony Presents Brahms’ Second: Carlos Kalmar and the Oregon Symphony present a concert in Salem. 7:30 p.m., Smith Auditorium, Willamette University, 270 Winter St. SE, Salem. $35-$50. www.orsymphony.org.