SILVERTONAPPEAL.COM ܂ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2018 ܂ 3A Fix Continued from Page 1A study, said Mt. Angel Public Works Supt. Dan Bernt. Located on the western slope of the hill, the “house” is actually large facility with 26 rooms, a kitchen and a chapel designed for Catholic seminary students and the priests that teach them. When the house was built 13 years ago, contractors disconnected and built over a 50-year-old overflow pipe connecting the water storage reservoirs above to a roadside ditch along Humpert Lane below, Bernt said. So, when a technical glitch caused one of the city’s wells to keep pumping water into the reservoir until it overflowed, water infiltrated the house instead of running around it. “What was left was an open swale, which, over a number of years, became almost non-existent,” he said. “So that last overflow did some damage.” When the telemetry failed again this summer, no damage occurred, but the Carmelites brought in a backhoe to repair the diversion ditches. Now the bigger question for city leaders is what to do about Mt. Angel’s aging telemetry, the automated system that measures water levels in the two tanks – 1 million gallons and 250,000 gallons, respectively – and messages the city’s wells below to start or stop pumping as needed. “Our telemetry system was installed in 1995-96,” Bernt said. “We had a vendor come in this summer to see what it will cost to replace, and the least expen- sive option available to us is about $100,000.” For now, replacement of a $750 part is keeping things running. Correct Equipment, a 19-year-old company with an office in Canby, has been Mt. Angel’s Impact Continued from Page 1A “In the Salem area, there are businesses that import. You have Lowe’s, you have Home Depot, you have Target, Amazon, WinCo, all of these busi- nesses, we’ll be talking about what they need to bring in.” Impact of Terminal 6 shutting down At its peak in 2003, Portland Terminal 6 was a major container shipper in the West Coast with agricultural goods from Oregon and Washington being shipped to Euro- pean and Asian markets. Ships carried the equivalent of over 175,000 20-foot contain- ers of goods fromTermi- nal 6 each year. But Portland is at a dis- advantage to other ports. It is inland – about 100 miles up the Columbia River – from the Pacific Ocean. “The container busi- ness is tough because they can’t bring the big- gest, the maxi container ships, to Portland be- cause the rivers aren’t deep enough and then they have to bring in smaller boats,” Smith said. Repeated labor dis- putes – combined with the Columbia River not being deep enough to bring in larger container ships – choked the vol- ume of container ships to under 2,000 by 2015. Terminal 6 closed in 2016 and agricultural pro- ducers in the Willamette Valley were forced to truck their containersto Seattle or Tacoma. “You have already probably noticed that there is huge congestion with traffic,” said Steve Rippeteau, a Brooks resi- dent and former railroad employee. “Oregon is way behind the curve on their trans- portation infrastructure.” Terminal 6 reopened on a smaller scale in Jan- uary, but most ships that come have a maximum of 150 containers; the world’s largest can carry over 20,000. For many exporters, it is more cost effective to ship from ports in Oak- land, Long Beach and Los Angeles. ECONorthwest Report After Terminal 6 closed in 2016, the Oregon Legislature was con- cerned about the lack of shipping options for pro- ducers in the Willamette Valley. Business Oregon com- missioned ECONorth- west to study the feasibil- ity of an intermodal transfer facility in the Willamette Valley. The report said 38,170 40-foot containers from the Willamette Valley, Oregon Coast and South- ern Oregon are shipped out of the ports of Seattle and Tacoma each year. The study said it costs on average $1,000 to ship a container out of Port- land; it's $600 to ship from Seattle or Tacoma. The containers are generally owned by the ocean shipping compa- nies. To use them, the farmers drive their trucks to Tacoma or Seattle to pick them up, bring them back to the farm, fill them and drive them back to the port. ECONorthwest’s re- port said an intermodal transfer yard could be created on a piece of land as small as 14 acres. The report said a facil- ity would have to handle over 17,000 containers per year if it charges $50 per container to break even. “We’re finding there’s a lot more that can be done as you start talking to businesses confiden- tially: ‘Hey, if we have this facility, what can be done with this?’” Mannix said. Keep Oregon Moving (HB 2017) In 2017, the Oregon Legislature approved a massive $5.3 billion transportation package. Among the goals are to maintain roads and bridges, improve public transportation, provide safe biking and walking options, reducing con- gestion and moving freight. One of the solutions to accomplish the latter two was to create new inter- modal rail facilities to shift freight from trucks to trains with the goal of making room on free- ways. To that end, $26 mil- lion was set aside as a grant to fund an intermo- dal facility in Treasure Valley and $25 million for an intermodal facility in the Mid-Willamette Val- ley. The money for the in- termodal facility comes from lottery dollars ear- marked for economic de- velopment. “Oregon Department of Transportation set up a competitive process for proposals to be present- ed,” Mannix said. For the Mid-Willam- ette facility, five appli- cants created proposals: Millersburg, Lebanon, Brooks, Portland and Eu- gene. In February, ODOT narrowed the choices to Millersburg and Brooks. Both have until Sept. 27 to turn in their next pro- posals. Shelley Snow, a spokesperson for ODOT, said the department will Blaze advisor about instrumentation upgrades thus far, and the city’s Infrastructure Task Force, led by Councilor Don Fleck, will discuss the system at its meeting this month. Meanwhile, in downtown Mt. Angel, BRX Inc., of Albany, is nearly done with a $320,000-$340,000 water pipe replacement project that the council has been planning and saving for since the project was put on the city’s master plan in 2010. “We’re replacing 1,600 feet of water line,” said City Manager Amber Mathiesen. “The city has saved re- serves over time for this, and we’re paying for it out of our budget.” Main and Markham streets are getting upsized 12- inch mainline pipe, and John Street is getting 8-inch pipe, an upgrade from the 4-inch pipe that’s served residents until now. Work is expected to end this month, before Oktoberfest opens on Sept. 13. “Residents will notice more water flow and prob- ably better taste because the system is looped a little better and there are fewer dead-ends,” Bernt said. More pipe upgrades are planned next year for the main lines serving the Tower Lane area and Grand- view in Mt. Angel, a new housing development cur- rently under construction for residents 55 and older. “That general area serves multiple homes and Mount Angel Towers Retirement Community, and Grandview housing is now going in,” Mathiesen said. “We’re talking about 1,550 feet of pipe, creating a tie- in that doesn’t exist, and looping the system.” Grandview, a single-owner development with 56 individual homes available for lease, is new growth, allowing the city to reach more deeply into its bank of System Development Charge fees, collected from de- velopers. Eighty percent of the project is eligible for SDC funds, and Mount Angel Towers is expected to contribute to the project also, Mathiesen said. review the proposals, send them to Business Oregon for review, then an independent third party will review them. “And the Transporta- tion Commission, com- posed of five people ap- pointed by the governor, is ultimately in charge of this,” Mannix said. Oregon Port of Willamette Mannix wasn’t looking to get involved in the in- termodal transfer busi- ness. A business lawyer, he met with a few farmer cli- ents in 2016 about anoth- er problem, but the farm- ers told him about the pressing issue of ship- ping. From that Mannix started Oregon Shipping Group as an advocacy or- ganization to support re- vitalization and develop- ment of shipping systems in the state. Oregon Ship- ping Group receives sup- port from groups all over Oregon that are impacted by shipping. Oregon Shipping Group advocated for the Keep Oregon Moving bill and worked with the group from Lebanon on its intermodal proposal. “In that process, we identified Brooks as an- other potential site,” Mannix said. “For Brooks, we creat- ed the Oregon Port of Wil- lamette Limited Liability Company. Our shipping group is a facilitator, but it’s the Oregon Port of Willamette LLC that is the formal proponent of the Brooks project..” Oregon Port of Wil- lamette is made up of managing member Frank Salerno, Mannix as the executive director and Connor Harrington – an attorney at Mannix’s firm – as Deputy Director. Brooks is unique in that it has two rail lines within one mile of the in- terchange with Interstate 5; the Oregon Port of Wil- lamette proposal in- cludes two sites in Brooks. The first site would be west of Interstate 5 on 19 acres north of Antique Powerland on the Port- land and Western Rail- road line. The second site is east of I-5 on the Union Pacific line on land currently owned by NORPAC and currently used for irriga- tion. The Millersburg site has gotten most of the at- tention so far. The former Interna- tional Paper mill along- side Interstate 5 is being proposed as a site by Linn Economic Development Group. The proposed Millers- burg site has 190 acres of industrially zoned land and is near another 135 acres of industrially Continued from Page 1A out Aug. 10. The cause remains under investigation. Fire managers said they are using a two-pronged approach to battle the blaze by concentrating on keeping the fire limited to 6 acres and preparing for the possibility of needing a back burn. "Our goal continues to be keeping this fire as small as possible," said acting fire management officer Chris Donaldson. Crews worked Aug. 14 to complete fire line con- struction and lay hose around most of the fire perim- eter. Because some of the fire is burning on inacces- sible cliffs, teams are also setting up sprinkler sys- tems. "Crews will continue to monitor and patrol the fire in the days and weeks to come," Donaldson said. Smoke from this burn may be visible from the community of Detroit, portions of Highway 22, Elk and Dunlap lakes and other peaks in the area. Elk Lake, Dunlap Lake and Elk Lake Campground remain open. Forest Service Roads 4696 and 4697 re- main open, but fire managers requested travelers avoid the area if possible. For more information call the Detroit Ranger Sta- tion at 503-854-3366, visit lamette/, go to Facebook at https://www.face-, or follow on Twitter at For questions, comments and news tips, email re- porter Whitney Woodworth at wmwood-, call 503-399-6884 or follow on Twitter @wmwoodworth zoned land owned by the City of Millersburg. on the town for the Steam-Up at Antique Po- werland and in the past few decades businesses have sprouted up along- side the interchange such as Pilot Travel Center and May Trucking Company. But the town has no public school – the ele- mentary school closed a couple years ago and its students go to school in Gervais – and needs in- frastructure improve- ments. “We intend to be a lead player in the Brooks com- munity and we intend to lead the proper develop- ment of an area that’s go- ing to develop,” Mannix said. “It already has de- veloped without a com- munity sense. “Brooks needs a wastewater treatment fa- cility. The intermodal fa- cility going in provides the trigger for an argu- ment that hey, now is the time we need to reevalu- ate.” Brooks Tree Farm owner Kathy LeCompte said the largest concern of an intermodal facility in Brooks is traffic. The Brooks inter- change, exit 263, is not on Oregon’s Statewide Companies potentially importing to Brooks Major corporations have distribution centers within a 30-mile radius of Brooks such as Home De- pot, WinCo and Amazon and potentially could use the service to import goods. At Port of Tucson in Arizona (an intermodal transfer facility) Amazon built a fulfillment center. “Those discussions have taken place, but I would say the exporters have shown much more interest,” Harrington said. “The exporters are by and large the agricul- tural shippers and that’s one of the main focuses — we want to help the ex- porters.” The ECONorthwest re- port showed nearly 9,000 containers of goods were shipped into the Mid- Willamette Valley in 2014. Mannix said the larg- est need for businesses in Oregon is exporting goods. “We are a net export state,” Mannix said. “We export 60 units for every 40 units that we import. There is a need for us to have a continuing opera- tion where we have con- tainers coming in and where we can get some containers from else- where.” Transportation Improve- ment Program through 2024, meaning no im- provements on the inter- change are scheduled anytime soon. But Snow said im- provements for the inter- change could be included in the Port of Willamette proposal. “Certainly by driving by on a regular basis you could tell that the inter- change is very, very busy and could use some up- grades,” Snow said. The freeway inter- change is already at max- imum capacity in peak times and there are times cars will line up on Inter- state 5. “We don’t expect mir- acles and ... all of Oregon is in desperate need of better traffic,” said Le- Compte, who said her business will not directly benefit from an intermo- dal facility. “We do see the possi- bility of a port like this, whether it’s the Brooks location or the Millers- burg, will help traffic in the state.” bpoehler@Statesman- or Twit- PUBLIC NOTICES POLICY Public Notices are published by the Statesman Journal and available online at w w w .S ta te s m a n J o u r n a l.c o m . The Statesman Journal lobby is open Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can reach them by phone at 503-399-6789. In order to receive a quote for a public notice you must e-mail your copy to , and our Legal Clerk will return a proposal with cost, publication date(s), and a preview of the ad. How would it impact Brooks? LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICE DEADLINES All Legals Deadline @ 1:00 p.m. on all days listed below: ***All Deadlines are subject to change when there is a Holiday. Brooks is an unincor- porated community in Marion County north of Salem with a population of about 400 people. For a couple weekends every summer, thou- sands of people descend The Silverton Appeal Tribune is a one day a week (Wednesday) only publication • Wednesday publication deadlines the Wednesday prior LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICE RATES Silverton Appeal Tribune: • Wednesdays only - $12.15/per inch/per time • Online Fee - $21.00 per time • Affidavit Fee - $10.00 per Affidavit requested Michael Kim, DDS “Your friendly local dentist” New Patients & Emergencies Welcome Cosmetic Implant Bridges/Partials Extractions Crowns/Fillings Root Canals ENTER FOR OUR MONTHLY KINDLE DRAWING AT EACH APPOINTMENT OR-0000392769 Brittney - RDH Dr. Kim Morgan - RDH WE ACCEPT MOST INSURANCE 410 Oak St, Silverton, OR, 97381 503-873-3530