4B ܂ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2018 ܂ APPEAL TRIBUNE Medical Equipment FAIR HOUSING LAWS "The Federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, leasing and financing of housing, as well as discriminatory advertising, on the basis of RACE, SEX, COLOR, RELIGION, NATIONAL ORIGIN, MENTAL or PHYSICAL HANDICAP, or FAMILIAL STATUS. In addition to these categories, the State of Oregon also prohibits discrimination based on MARITAL STATUS. (Our local jurisdictions also have specific applicable regulations)" "These laws cover any potential or actual sale, lease, rental, eviction, price, terms, privileges or any service in relation to the sale of or us of housing. The not only prohibit advertisements which clearly restrict access to housing based on the protected categories, but also prohibit advertisements which indicate a preference for or against a person based on a protected category. In particular circumstances, use of colloquialisms, symbols or directions to real estate for sale or rent may indicate a discriminatory preference." "It is the intent and goal of this newspaper to have each advertiser who wishes to place a covered advertisement in the newspaper comply with the Fair Housing laws. Any advertisement which is perceived to contain language contrary to these laws will be rejected or changed to remove the offending reference. There may be situations where it is not clear whether particular language is objectionable. Such advertisements should be referred to a supervisor for consideration and determination. Under certain circumstances, advertisers may claim that because of the nature of the housing being advertised, they are not subject to the Fair Housing laws. Such claims are irrelevant for purposes of considering advertisements for publication in this newspaper. Every housing advertisement published in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing laws" Homes for Sales Homes for Sales SandiElwood.com 503.881.5226 503.856.6001 1340 W Locust Stayton 2 bedroom $800.00 $800 Dep. W/D HKUP PREMIUM PROP MGMT 503-585-2266 www.premiumpm.com Near Bush Park, hospital, & Willamette University. 1Br, $899. Clean & bright. No pets/smking. W/S/G paid. 503-364-4951 Assorted Stuff all kinds of things... Antique dresser w/ vanity, mirror, stool set; 2 standing antique lamps; 2 Japa- nese teapots; brand new chandelier; shadow box picture with barbed wires dating back to 1868. 503-587-9409 Sandi Elwood & As Ashley A shl hleyy Brundridge B ru rund ndri nd riddge Join me on Facebook EXCELLENT LOCATION NEAR MARINA - A MUST VISIT! (DETROIT) 2 BR, 2 BA, 1278± SF. SITUATED ON NICE LARGE LOT WITH ROOM FOR RV AND TOYS. NICE LARGE CARPORT AND SHED. THIS HOME HAS A WONDERFUL LAYOUT, EASY FOR ENTERTAINING. 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LLC. 503.385.0033 A WAY F ROM I T A LL T WO T AX L OTS 81+ ACRES & INCREDIBLE VIEWS ESTABLISHED NEIGHBORHOOD TOP OF THE HILL /C/Users/bhhss/HomeServices%20 of%20America/BHHSREP%20-%20 Staff%20-%20Documents/Salem/ AdMan/Photos/734353-01.jpg /C/Users/bhhss/HomeServices%20 of%20America/BHHSREP%20-%20 Staff%20-%20Documents/Salem/ AdMan/Photos/731206-01.jpg /C/Users/bhhss/HomeServices%20 of%20America/BHHSREP%20-%20 Staff%20-%20Documents/Salem/ AdMan/Photos/732553-01.jpg Delivered to you every day, 24-7-365 to your device. S TUNNING T ERRITORIAL V IEWS 42433 Rodgers Mountain Lp, Scio SW 9th (Lot #3301 - 3400) St, Dallas 4545 Moonlight Ln SE, Turner $849,900 | 3 BR, 2 BA | MLS#734353 $74,900 | 0.12± Acres | MLS#731206 $265,000 | 2± Acres | MLS#732553 Bonebrake & Co. LLC. 503.385.0033 Bonebrake & Co. LLC. 503.385.0033 Heidi Hazel 971.701.7446 visit us online at SantiamHomeServices.com STAY TON 503.769.3448 SILVERTON 503.873.4602 ©2018 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently operated subsidiary of HomeServices of America, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, and franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Equal Housing Opportunity. Delivered to you EVERY DAY, 24/7/365 to your device. Breaking news, exclusive coverage, things to do and more at StatesmanJournal.com Not a subscriber? Call us today at 1-800-452-2511 or visit StatesmanJournal.com/subscribe. All classified ads are subject to the applicable rate card, copies of which are available from our Advertising Dept. All ads are subject to approval before publication. The Statesman Journal reserves the right to edit, refuse, reject, classify or cancel any ad at any time. Errors must be reported in the first day of publication at 503-399-6789. 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