Appeal Tribune Wednesday, March 22, 2017 3B CANYON VIEWS Spring break learning: Focus on giving, doing DAN WEST This school year, Ore- gon has seen more than its share of snow days. For many students, spring break is a welcome change of pace in the weather, and they’re look- ing forward to spending time with fam- ily and friends. However, parents should consider ways to keep their students in- volved in learning even when away from school. While spring break offers a time out from the regular classroom routine, edu- cation can continue in different forms. Two major education themes to consider this spring break are learning through giving and learning through doing. One of the latest education trends that’s catching on in recent years is called “service learning.” It’s a great time of year to be of service to others, es- pecially since April is National Volun- teer Appreciation Month. The National Youth Leadership Coun- cil defines service learning as an “ap- proach to teaching and learning in which students use academic knowledge and skills to address genuine community needs.” It’s win-win because students gain important skills and experience working with members of the communi- ty while also enhancing the common good. The keystone to service learning is volunteerism. Encouraging students to volunteer boosts self-esteem and creates a sense of belonging, in addition to building impor- tant qualities such as compassion and the value of giving for its own sake. This is also a healthy habit. According to a study by United Healthcare, 94 percent of peo- ple experienced an improved mood, and 78 percent had less stress—all as a result of giving back. Parents should ask their children about their interests and passions, which will help guide children in choosing what kinds of volunteer projects they would like to pursue. Parents can also be good role models by demonstrating how they participate in certain charitable causes. There are many ways students can engage in service learning through vol- unteerism, from visiting a nursing home to walking in a local fundraiser. Here are a few ideas for volunteer activities (as well as websites to check out) that chil- dren can try alone or in a group with fam- ily and friends. Help the Humane Society Children often love helping animals, and local humane societies are usually looking for volunteers. Check out your local organization for a number of pro- grams geared towards students interest- ed in assisting with dogs, cats and other critters – anything from socializing ani- mals for potential adopters to becoming an animal advocate. Food Bank Hands-on activities like sorting food gives students a more personal volun- teer experience and an appreciation of food insecurity. Last year, volunteers contributed over 180,000 hours (equal to 96 full time positions) at the 21 regional food banks which make up the Oregon Food Bank’s statewide network ( Light, a national volunteer organization with projects across the country, also of- fers a youth division, GenerationOn full of great vol- unteer suggestions for kids of all ages. Finally, consider fun websites like, where children can learn important lessons from even the smallest acts of kindness. Whether it’s holding the door open for someone or leaving a thank you note on the windshield of a veteran’s car, these websites can inspire your student to reach out and improve their community. In addition to spring break learning by “giving”, another way parents can maintain learning over spring break is to ensure students are “doing” plenty of fun and educational activities. Look for opportunities to weave educational themes into spring break plans. Here are just a few suggestions: Learning on the road Pitch in for Mother Nature Perhaps there is a local park or stream cleanup project students can vol- unteer with through their local parks de- partment. Or, check out one of the best- known resources for environmental community activities in Oregon -- SOLVE ( Many SOLVE events are going on this spring, including Global Youth Service Day, April 21-22, offering a long list of envi- ronmental service-learning ideas. The group is also gearing up for Earth Day on April 22. National Honor Society Most school districts in Oregon have a National Honor Society (NHS) program, which usually includes a strong empha- sis on giving back to the community through volunteer service. I am honored to be the advisor for Oregon Connections Academy’s NHS chapter. Even though our NHS students attend a virtual public charter school, they plan and participate in a number of community service pro- jects, including a few activities coming up next month. Other volunteerism opportunities The Oregon Commission for Volun- tary Action and Service ( offers a diverse list of volunteer ac- tivities for the whole family. Points of When families are traveling, there are lessons to be had just about every- where they go. Ask students to research the destination ahead of time so they can learn history, culture, geography and much more. Check out the Oregon Tour- ism Commission’s website for some great spring break vacation suggestions. Fun around the house How about this for a social studies les- son? Ask students to create a time cap- sule for 2017, picking objects to include that represent current events. Be sure to use a waterproof and airtight container if you plan to bury the capsule in the backyard. Another fun idea is a scaven- ger hunt for kids using educational clues based on math or science. For younger students, have them look for things like five red rocks, three yellow leaves and one penny. Health and fitness Have students track the family’s food consumption and physical activity throughout the week, keeping a log to track how well everyone meets the rec- ommended daily levels for each age group. Learning to eat right and exercise is good for the whole family, and kids will enjoy telling grown-ups how they mea- sured up. The President’s Council on Fit- ness, Sports and Nutrition lists some good guidelines for the family chart. Outdoor activities There are many learning experiences in the great outdoors this time of year. With the changing seasons, it’s a good time to teach children about plant life, or do some bird watching. Show students how to get their hands dirty by starting a spring garden in the back yard or plant seeds in a few pots on the porch and ex- plain the best conditions for sprouting. Finally, I wouldn’t be a responsible educator if I didn’t mention the impor- tance of doing a little “spring cleaning” on a student’s school work. Before spring break begins parents should check in with teachers to see if their students have any catching up to do. Are the stu- dents behind on a class project, or do they need a make-up test? Perhaps this week could be used as a time to sharpen some skills the instruc- tor feels the student needs to master be- fore the end of the school year. Parents should ask teachers if there are specific assignments that need work over spring break. School vacations are supposed to be enjoyable and asking a child to study during spring break isn’t fun for anyone. However, if parents block out study time and stick to a plan it will minimize ten- sion. If a student stays on track, parents should offer praise and small rewards. Once classes resume your student will be ready to move forward. So this spring break, let’s take a dif- ferent approach. First, let’s give some- one else a break by encouraging our stu- dents to give back to the community and they’ll probably learn a lot in the proc- ess. Second, look for those teachable mo- ments whether families are learning on the go for spring break or taking a stay- cation, it’s good to keep brains active when children are out of school. And last, but not least, parents are the best teach- ers of all because they’re building mem- ories together and helping students learn skills they will carry with them the rest of their life. Dan West of Eugene is a high-school social studies teacher and National Hon- or Society advisor with Oregon Connec- tions Academy. He can be reached through the academy at 503-897-2272 (800) 382-6010 or by visiting Silverton High principal leaving at end of school year CHRISTENA BROOKS SPECIAL TO THE APPEAL TRIBUNE Justin Lieuallen’s first year at Silver- ton High School will also be his last. He’s resigning from the principal’s job at the end of the school year, just 12 months af- ter being hired away from McNary High School in Keizer. Lieuallen didn’t share a reason for his departure with the Silver Falls School Board, which accepted his resignation at its March 13 board meeting. He also de- clined to comment to the Silverton Ap- peal. “Mr. Lieuallen’s decision to resign is a very personal and thoughtful one,” said Supt. Andy Bellando. “He brought a wealth of experiences and influence to SHS during his short time with us. I wish him my best as he moves on in his ca- reer.” At Silverton High, Lieuallen super- vises three assistant principals, over- sees the high school’s teaching staff and leads a student body of more than 1,200 students. An Oregon native, he lives in Amity. Before coming to Silverton, he spent 13 years working at McNary, where he was most recently an assistant principal. While being considered for his current job last spring, he was also the runner-up for the head principal’s job at Newberg High School.