WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 APPEAL TRIBUNE ● 3B Teaching financial literacy life lessons Jessica Roshak C A N YO N V I E W S While many think of April as the tax season deadline, the month also offers a great opportunity for Oregon households to talk to their children about financial responsi- bility. April is National Fi- nancial Literacy Month, recognized by the U.S. Congress as a way to high- light the importance of maintaining healthy fi- nancial habits. So, what does “finan- cial literacy” mean? A few years back the President’s Advisory Council on Fi- nancial Literacy gave this definition: “the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage financial re- sources effectively for a lifetime of financial well- being.” Research shows that America’s youth lacks a solid foundation when it comes to properly managing money. The Na- tional Financial Educa- tors Council’s test of thou- sands of 15-18 year olds across the country re- vealed that only 60% of students had the ability to earn, save and grow their money; in Oregon the re- sults were a little higher, around 65%. A national movement is underway to incorpo- rate financial literacy into school systems, but so far just 17 states require a course in personal fi- nance to graduate high school. While Oregon is not one of these states, it does have financial litera- cy incorporated into the state curriculum stan- dards. To help supplement the financial lessons students are learning in class, there are lots of ways par- ents can teach their chil- dren money management lessons at home: Wants vs. Needs: It can be tough to explain to children the difference between a want and a need, but it’s essential for good financial literacy. Parents can talk about how people need food to survive, but children probably don’t need a new video game to do the same. To explain the dif- ference between a want verses a need, parents can go over their own monthly LIFE CALENDAR FRIDAY 20th Annual Sr. Marilyn Schwab Memorial Lecture: Doctor and author, Miles Hassell, MD presents "The Lifestyle Prescription for Graceful Aging" focusing on how the foods we eat can greatly reduce our risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and even dementia, as well as reverse type 2 diabetes, 7 a.m., Queen of Angels Monastery, 840 S Main St., Mount Angel. RSVP. 503-845-6841. SATURDAY Silverton Cemetery Associa- tion: The annual meeting of the Silverton Cemetery Association is open to all interested persons, 2 p.m., in the meeting room of Silver Falls Library, 410 S. Water St., Silverton. 503-581-8337. Garden University: Monarchs and Milkweed: Kris Hendricks and Barbara Slott of the Elkton Community Education Center will teach about the lifecycle, identification and preservation of this species during an educa- tional presentation, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., The Oregon Garden, 879 expenses with children and show them how the money left over is avail- able to buy items they want. Budgeting: Talk to kids about the family’s monthly budget. Showing children the household bills helps them under- stand the concept of bud- geting, where the money goes and why. Parents can give kids hands-on budget experience by letting them control the family’s entertainment budget for a month. Tell them once the budgeted amount is used up, the family will have to stay home and eat frozen pizza instead of go- ing out to the movies! Goal Setting: Encour- aging students to set fi- nancial goals will help them learn patience and become better financial planners. Have children create a wish list of things or activities they want to save for, and then build a budget and plan to reach the amount needed. Par- ents can work with their children to calculate how much to save each week and set a target date to make the purchase. For younger kids, try using a clear jar instead of a pig- gy bank to help children visually watch their mon- ey add up, getting closer to their savings goal. Allowance: Children can pay for items on their wish list by saving money from their allowance. While there are mixed opinions on whether or not to give children an al- lowance, some say it’s a good technique for teach- ing students the basics of earning, saving, and spending. One option for providing an allowance is based on a chore reward system, with various pay rates for completing daily or weekly chores, depend- ing on the family. Grocery Shopping: Parents can turn a trip to the grocery store into a teachable moment. Illus- trate basic money man- agement habits by start- ing with a shopping list and showing children how preparation can lead to savings. Make sure kids bring a calculator, note- pad, and pencil with them, so they can calculate the prices of products and the total bill. Explain how coupons work and how comparing the price dif- ferences between name brands and generic prod- ucts can add up to big sav- ings. Bank On It: A visit to the bank or ATM is a good way to show students where money comes from. Children can learn that banks don’t just hand out money, it’s also place for money to be stored and a place where people go to take out loans. Many banks allow parents to open a savings account in their child’s name. Par- ents can demonstrate how to deposit in the account, and the added responsibil- ity of maintaining the ac- count helps children learn important life skills. Even though parents are in the habit of using debit and credit cards to make pur- chases, adults can use cash for transactions, which helps children wit- ness money being ex- changed for goods. (There are many web- sites about financial liter- acy but I’ve included just a few below that might be helpful for parents.) www.federalreservee- www.moneybun- www.sesames- foundation tion/resources Jessica Roshak of Eu- gene is an Oregon Connec- tions Academy High School social studies teacher. She can be reached through www.O- regonConnectionsAcade- or (800) 382-6010. Related stories: LETTER OF THANKS The Silverton Zenith Woman’s Club wishes to thank all who attended our Bunko Fundraiser on April 9th. A tremendous amount of fun was had by all and we raised over $1,000 that will go toward our annual community projects of: scholarships for Silverton High School graduates, layettes for the Silverton Hospital Birthing Center, mainte- nance of The Town Square Park and the Tree of Giv- ing at Christmas time. We want to express a very special thank you to the Elks Lodge for sponsoring our fundraiser and pro- viding wonderful snack foods for our guests. Barbara Fischer -Chase Silverton We Are Here to Help Answer All Your Questions! W Main St., Silverton. $12 early bird; $15 nonmember and non early bird. 503-874-8100, oregon Taste. Learn. Celebrate. Cascade Foothills Winegrow- ers: Taste award winning wines and learn why grape growing and fermentation is special in the Cascade Foothills, 1 to 5 p.m., Mt. Angel Community Festhalle, 500 S. Wilco Highway, Mt. Angel. $10. 971-338-9760, Junior Gardener’s Club: Monarchs and Milkweed: Join butterfly specialists Kris Hen- dricks and Barbara Slott for a fun, craft-filled afternoon aimed at teaching children about the importance of preserving mon- archs and milkweed, 2 to 4 p.m., The Oregon Garden, 879 W Main St., Silverton. $15, includes one adult and one child; free for Garden Members. 503-874-8100, Who do I call fi rst? When a death is unexpected and a person is not on hospice, nor in a licensed care facility, your fi rst phone call may be to the funeral home. However, the police must be notifi ed fi rst. Often the funeral home will call and notify the police for you. Once police are notifi ed, they will come to the place of death and assess things. They will also contact EMT to come and certify the time and that a death has occurred. Afterward, the police may phone the nearest funeral home to assist in transportation of the individual. In certain cases, the medical examiner’s deputy may also be requested at the scene to determine if an autopsy may be required. In other cases, an autopsy may not be necessary. If family wishes to pursue an autopsy, they should notify the funeral director. Is embalming required? No. Only in certain circumstances. Embalming is required in cases of communicable disease or prolonged public viewing (6 hours or longer). Most often times the funeral home will utilize mortuary refridgeration, as required after the fi rst 24 hours of death. Proudly Serving Our Communities with Burial & Cremation Options Since 1919 Scratchdog Stringband at Mac’s Place: Americana, 9 p.m., Mac’s Place, 201 N Water St., Silverton. Free. 503-380-8895, Unger Funeral Chapel 25 PO Box 275 190 Railroad Ave 229 Mill St. Mt. Angel, OR Silverton, OR (503) 845-2592 (503) 873-5141