The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, February 14, 1913, Image 2

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Resume of World's Important
Events Told in Brief.
Bulgarians Bury 2500 of Enemy
Army U Routed.
Sofia, Bulgaria The Turkish army
in the peninsula of Gallipoli lust 6000
men and 50 officers during the fighting ;
at Bulair. according to an official re- j
port issued here. I
i Several thousand Turkish soldiers
are declared to have fallen in a battle 1
Six were killed and C5 iniured in tin K..f..,u Ikn T.tku(ii)i linn i r PuttHiurv '
litical riots in Tokio. ' a w . .u i . r-u i .
g anj thousands more at Charkeui.
Mexican stocks are dropping heavily ' The report further says:
in the Pans markets, ..ThJ Turkigh W8rship8 gMled the
lomami will raise $100,000 for the , Bulgarian left .lank all day, but only
killed one and slightly wounded an-
coming Rose Festival.
Peaches from South Africa are sell
ing in Eastern cities at $7 per dozen.
Portland has 25,882 pupils enrolled
in the graded schools for the spring
The State department has announced
a general policy of "hands off" in
other Bulgarian soldier,
i "The Bulgarian infantry on shore
kept up a deadly fire on the small j
boats loaded with Turkish troops, in-1
dieting losses amounting to several j
1 thousand men. The Bulgarian losses !
in the whole affair did not exceed 100 1
, killed and wounded." i
I Mora detailed accounts of the Bulair I
President-elect Wilson refuses to battle show that it was a complete dis-1
make any announcement of intended , aster for the Turks, 2500 of whom
diplomatic appointments. j were buried by the Bulgarians. An-
Montenegrins captured a hill com.:?ther 3000 T"rki8h .dweadl.wre1f(t
manding the city of Scutari, placing ' lv,mZ c"ered over the battlefield,
the city practically at their mercy. ; According to reports received here
' nearly 10,000 Turks were wounded.
The German government has re- , The Turkish disembarkation of two
jected an offer of Dr. Friedmann to divisions at Charkeui occupied two
ell his alleged consumption serum. ! days. At 6 o'clock in the morning of
Mayor Gaynor, of New York, has the third dav the Bulgarians fiercely
authorised the most complete "house- 1 attacked them, and in the afternoon,
cleaning" ever known for that city. finding themselves in danger of being
' surrounded, the Turks tied in a panic.
Sixteen men are reported killed and They regained the shore with ditfi
many wounded in a battle between culty, pursued by the Bulgarian in
striking miners and guards at Kana- fantry and artillery,
wha, West Virginia. j Their reembarkation was effected in
great disorder under the protection of
p. W o V
A 7 i r
1i y..:
Driven from the Mexican National Palace by Revolutionist I'nder Felix Dial
' Novel Feature of Suffragette Sec
tion of Washington Parade.
Washington. P. C- M'"1-'
daughU.r of H.icf Three llcar. oft he
Glacier National Park Indians
command a troop of mounted Ind an
maidens in the cavalry division of the
woman's suffrage pageant here on
March 3. This is said to be the hrst
tune Indian women have taken any
.,1.1 1 in the nation-wide movement tor
extending the franchise to women
i.. ii ... m;i 'a troon will 1"
maidens selected a t,,,,,11nl,"'
representative of their tribe. All will
be clad in their tribal ceremonial cos
mines, mid be mounted on Indian pn-
rielilv runarisoiied with
Ind'ian beadwork.
Dawn Mist, who has given much
thought to the woman's suffrage
movement, suoeeeding in obtaining
the co-operation of l.ouis W. Mill, son
of James J. Hill, who has agreed to
furnish transimrtation for the ouii
women. While in Washington
I ml inn irirlt will live ill their own
pees on a camp ground provided for
The cavalry div
A Brief Resume of Proceedings of th VtopW Representative,
at the State Capital. Ililb Introduced, I'asaed, Rejected. Ft.
House Says All Companies
lie Allow cd to Bid.
Should False Prttens Kill Passed; Fkt
j Companies Kit.
will be1 Sulom The house Weduosii
ill be ten
M.l.m. Onen com pernio" J sl
ha I on all road contra. K if the down to hard work, when Shaker Mr.
adopts an amendment to the Barrett Arthur asked that all unnecessary ..r.
llt ,d mad bill, officially known ; Uiry vlln.lnate.1 and that serluw
H.msioiI. in.' .'in vvoia .iiT in'i. iiiw i-niri, i'i.rin f)a
iboiule at this legislative
one to
It pro
ollieiul accept
Cal.. ' resident, del th?,Kun tne Turk8h TT' , L
nnt;nn v nen me remnants oi vne iurin
A letter from
to a Pasadena,
Dr. Friedmann. of Germany, is but fo,rce8 'ere aboard the 8hiP8' the fl-
another huge fraud. i "ua teameu BWy-
Wireless reporU say that Captain SUFFRAGETTES START "HIKE" j
tcott and four of his Antarctic explor- !
Arsenal Captured and Leaders
Freed From Prison.
Felix Diaz, Nephew of the Former
President, Leads Rebellious
Troops to Victory.
ers planted the British flag beside the Sixteen March From New York to
Norwegian at the South Pole, and that ; Washington. D. C.
blizzard and perished from exposure.
Although attorneys for various cor
porations have been pleading for
changes in the seven anti-trust bills
now before the New Jersey legislature,
Governor Wilson said he believed the
measures would pass without essential
The launch Moonlight
to the water's edge off Cape Flattery,
soon after leaving Seattle for Astoria,
and the fate of her crew of five is un
known. Turks are steadily losing in their
battles with the Bulgarian forces.
The Mexican consul to El Paso, Tex.
Mexico City The army rose in re
volt Sunday in Mexico City, took pos-
New York-The long-heralded wo- 8esslon OI lne Pu"c ouuaings. snot
man's suffrage "hike" from New down Federal adherents in the streets,
York to Washington started Thursday. , released General Felix Diaz, leader of
Sixteen women, with General Rosalie tne yera Cruz revolt, and General
Jones in command, have pledged them- n i r t
, ' , , . ,J i- f .,on Bernardo Reyes, from prison, and,
selves to walk the entire distance, 230 J ' F '
m,;ies ! falling into line under the Diaz ban-
Thov hnm, tn enmroVtB their mid-! ner, virtually captured the Mexican
1 winter journey in 17 days, reaching capital.
. l j h nHr.nni lanital Mareh 1 in tim At least 2i0 persons were killed in
parade two days later. This is an av
erae of 16 miles a day.
The little army, uniformed in brown
cloaks and hoods, will carry as ammu
nition 20,000 suffrage leaflets and
"Votes for Women" buttons, with
which they hope to capture all ene-
is accused of violating neutrality laws. ! mies encountered on the way.
The increasing price of crude oil , Ma. meetings are planned in the
starts a new inquiry into the methods 'ff wm and cities en route, in
of oil companies. eluding Philadelphia, Baltimore. Tren-
' ton and Wilmington. One of the
Union carpenters threaten to cause ! towns to be invaded is Princeton, N.
trouble in the preparations for the J- where the suffgisU will urge
coming inaugural. i tneir cause at a mass meeting of the
I students of Princeton University.
U. S. senators are disposed to let Word was receivd that a delegation of
the incoming president have a hand in , tne students plan to meet the army
settling the Panama canal tolls ques- j an(j esC0rt it into town,
tion. I
Levi E. Boyd, who crossed the FRANCE IS AFTER BUSINESS
plains with Dr. Whitman 70 years i
' ago, is dead at Walla Walla, aged 100 Naval Observer May Be Stationed
yet' . . I in South America.
Young Chinese rioters celebrating'
New Years in New York City cutoff Paris The chamber of deputies
the queue of a Chinese tory of the old adopted a recommendation to the
ajjoo. French government for the appoint
ment of a naval attache at Buenos
Officers of the guard at Leaven- Ayres, from which place he will ob- j
worth, Kan., prison, have been or- erve the naval progress of all the
dered to use bicycles in making their South American states. It is pro-
daily rounds. posed to give him a salary of $5000 a
The body of the "perfumed burglar" year,
was found in a marsh near San Quen- : Deputy Charles Guernier, in the ,
tin, Cal., where he had perished from course of the discussion, said that the j
exposure after making a sensational principal South American govern
escape from prison.
The chief clerk of the Portland Pos
tal Savings bank says most of the de
to take part in the woman's suffrage the Btreet "KhUn? that took place in
the great public square and other
parts of the city. Many of these
! tuliiur Im-iTo nmnortions. It is lf-
lievcd at suffrage headquarter thut
n.,.rit 9111) m.. nut. mI women will be
' " . , , . distributed through the procession,
cabinet, he took refuge in the Nation- Tho ,jvjsjon wj be commanded by
al Palace, where they were besieged, i Mis8 cvieve Wimsatt, of Maryland,
but with some loyal troops at their jt js pra,-tieally assured that one
backs they succeeded in defending the lurK0 gt,ctjon wjil he composed of wo-
paluce from the assaults of the revo- mvn wat!,..l.Hrners. Several of the
Unionists. The president fortilied ai,,)r unions of Washington
nimseii in tne palace, wnue uenerai art,a,
reux iiaz, witn a large majority oi of marching.
me rfKumrs ueninu nun, nun viriutti
S'telif'., ' TURKS ROUTED, HY
left the National Palace about 10 .
o'clock Sunday night. It is believed Efforts at Sortie by Beleaguered
they have gone to Chapultepec. Gen- j Garrisons Ends in Disaster.
era. i.uerta nas oeen .e. in cnarge ot to-All attempts on the part of
the loyal forces in the palace. .. U!!4 ,, th ...rsive at
.. ..a t tixlt llll.HS.Hl.
Section I' wis the only
which objection whs raised,
lul.ited any state or county
-....I u.irk in charge to
bids for any patented article for roa.l
building. . ., .
Lewelling. of Linn, started the light
when he moved that the section be
stricken from the bill. He '
onded by Forbes, of I nnik, who
.1 ..r..,..,t ..h .reed. that while the Btnenumeiu
soiight to prohibit trust graft being
worked off on the people, u i" rean.jr
prevents certain paving companies
from bidding and delivers the work
int.) the hands of a trust that stretches
out its tentacles into every city, town
and hamlet from Maine to California
- the Barber Asphalt company."
After a sharp skirmish, in which
Parsons, of Linn, made a desperate
ly have Signified their intention but futile effort to have the section
'hinir retained intact with but a few words
changed, the house demanded the Vole
BAYONET ""d the roll call showed that the en
tire section had been eliminated.
General Angeles, from Cuernavaca,
and Colonel Vasconcelos, from Chaul
co, have been ordered to the capital.
Felix Diaz and his followers gained
control of the city early in the after
noon. He took possession of the pal
ace and captured the arsenal by as
sault. Only a few scattered com
panies of the city garrison main
tained an appearance of loyalty to the
General Diaz took possession of Bel-
em city prison and penitentiary with
out opposition.
Police Chief Figueroa is a prisoner
of Diaz as the result of a controversy
over the patrolling of the streets.
Diaz insisting that it should be done
by his men.
the Tchatalja lines have been re
pulsed. A semi-official dispatch giving de-
House Passes Ten Other Senate
Bills in Short Order.
Salem Getting i
promptly at 10;;iii Mi
own to work
imlay morning
morning, seven house bill Wrr
pMitse.l, the most imMirtant of which
were those extending the t. rm of a
grand jury to six months, If ne. .,aryi
to complete the work In band, and pro.
viding that obtaining money on falsa
pretetme may be punished without
written evidence of such false prs.
Some members questioned the advis
ability of extending the grand jury
time of service to six months, but
l.atoiirette, of Multnomah, author of
the bill, declared it necessary that the
time should le so extended, a he said
now a jury is discharged every 30
days ami often cannot complete It
work in that time.
I.atourettu was also author of tht
fulae pretense bill, which met slight
opisisilion. He said that, under the
present laws, It is necessary to pra
sent written evidence of frsud in or
der to convict. He said that all th
"blue sky" laws on earth will be of
no avail so long as written evident
of fraud must be hsd, but that, with
oral evidence admisaalda and ul!.
rient, "these crooks who are selling
apple orchard land and other fak
properties throughout our state will b
careful what they tell people."
tails of the fighting says the Turks ad- Hft,,r tri( week-end adjournment, the
M ' ill
vanced in three columns. The force,
consisting of six battalions, supsrted
by the guns of Fort (Ijaurtabia and
the warships moored in Hiyuk t'hek
medje Hay, attacked the Bulgarian
positions at Arnautkeui, but was driv
en back by a counter attack.
The second column of two battalions
was forced to retire beyond the Kar
ayu River. The third column of onw
regiment was routed with great
slaughter by bayonet charges.
In the Derkos district the attempts
of the Turks also were repulsed and
they withdrew to their original jsisi
i Investigation to Be Made of Ice
House Burnings.
Chicago Ice-house burnings in Illi
nois and Wisconsin in recent years
were made the subject of a new in-
quary to be started here in the investi
gation of the "arson trust."
I Assistant State's Attorney Johnson
said that he was in possession of in-
I formation that ice-house fires had been
arranged for by the arson plotters' ,
headquarters in this city.
I Another phase of "arson trust"
activity was deveUqicd, according to
' Mr. Johnson, who said that he had
evidence that a prominent manufac
turer of specialties had employed the
arson gang to dynamite and fire the
factories of his competitors to such
good effect that he soon virtually had
a monotMily.
house made rapid progress, passing
ten senate bills and defeating one,
which was perhaps the most imimrtant
of them all the eight hour law.
Tlkid U'n. I. .liil. wliri liitNfd bv the tH4l-
pie at a recent election, but it carried relating to the administration
no enabling clause and was held to be
without effect. It was a bill by Sen
ator Smith, of Curry.
Defeat of the bill is pot to
be of any imrtance. us it is said in
the house to have been brought about
for the reuion thut certain members
wished to discipline Kepre 'tentative
Lawrence, of Multnomah, who made a
sHech for the bill.
In some manner, it is snid, he had
aroused the anger of some members,
who decided to Vote the bill down this
Notice (liven of Movement for Re
consideration. Salem - An effort to put through the
senate a substitute conspiracy bill pre
pared in the district attorney's office
of Multnomah county failed Saturday.
It received but 15 favorable votes
with Bean and Miller absent. As a
result a motion to reconsider w ill In
road.'. With Miller present Senator
McColloch is satisfied that the neces
sary lti votes for passing will be se
cured. The bill as originally introduced by
McColloch made it a crime to conspire
to commit a crime or to conspire t
defraud. The substitute bill provides
only that it shall lie a crime to conspire
to defraud and its introducer staled
os nly that the present bill is to hit
at paving combinations ami collusive
bidding on all public work.
School Fund Must lie Held Intact
by Ijtnd Board.
Salem Attorney-General Crswf.ird
has ruled on two important matters
of the
state's affairs.
In rconse to sn inquiry from
George ('.. Hniwn, clerk of the state
land I h .in I, he holds that the irreduci
ble sch.Mil fund is to be devoted solely
to maintaining the public school of
the state, tin holds further that dis
bursements of the state schiad fund
may be made by the proper authorities
without sHcinl appropriation by the
legislature, and that furthermore the
legislature itself could not touch the
money in this fund fur any other pur
pose than to direct in what manner it
may be cxcndcd for the cause of pub
lic education in Oregon.
In r.-ply to the railroad commission
Mr. Crawford give bin opinion that the
American District Telegraph com
pany, of Sun Francisco, come within
the purview of the public utilities act
and may be considered as a public
utility concern and Is subject to regu
lation of the commission.
The company I engaged in the
manufacture of telegraph systems.
positors who withdraw their money,
do so to purchase land or small homes,
or to engage in business, and nearly
all save for some definite purpose.
ment. possessea nava. vessel, oi a , GENERAL FELIX DIAZ
tal tonnage of 370,000. He asserted . j . j.j- j... .....
that the United States, by its atten- Released from Federal prison and placed in command by Mexican revolutionists
tion to South America, had been able t
to take from Great Britain several j were civilians who were taken by sur
orders for dreadnought which normal- prise when the firing began. Several
Wheat Track prices: Club, 85(ff 86c
per bushel: bluestem, 94c; forty-fold,
86c; red Russian, 84c; valley, 8C1
Barley Feed, $23.50fr;24 per ton;
brewing, nominal; rolled, $25.50r;
26.50 per ton.
Corn Whole, $27; cracked, $28 ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $21ftr22 per ton;
shorts, $23f'24; middlings, $30.
Hay Timothy, choice, $16f?il7;
mixed, Eastern Oregon timothy, $12fi;
15; oat and vetch, $12; alfalfa,
$11.50; clover, $10; straw, $607.
Oats No. 1 white, $27C 27.50 ton.
Fresh Fruits Apples, 50ctf$1.75
per box; pears, $1.600; 2; grapes,
Malagas, $8 per barrel.
Potatoes Jobbing prices: Bur-
Iv would have gone there, and he con- ; women were killed. The number of
eluded by saying that France must be wounded is large.
represented in South America by a General Reyes himself was killed in
naval officer. j front of the National Palace soon af-
I ter being released. Following Gen
Pine Lumber Mar Rise, i eral Reyes' death, his son, Rodolfe,
New Orleans-Lumber manufactur- himseIf through the head dying
. , ... instantly. Grief over his father s
ers throughout the United States wi'l death wag the caU8e He wa, a we.
increase the prices of all grades of known attorney. General Villar, a
pine lumber if they follow suggestions loyalist, was wounded. Colonel Mo
made in the annual address of Presi- relos. prominent among the Federal
Financiers Are Surprised.
New York Bankers, representa
tives of American and P.uropcan in
vestors and underwriters of Mexican
bond issues and heads of railroads ami
mining companies in that country were
taken by surprise in learning of the
insurrection and reported overthrow
of the Mailcro government. William "hall be sold fur mutton is the weighty
1 P. Eldridge, a director of the Mexican question which came up in the house
Northwestern Railroad company, said: on Senate bill 22 bv Btiriress
. , . ., . . . . . io n :i j mniuiiM-u .-iiiiiiiiMiii in ii seems. Irom the .iui..i, n, .
Madero's family has taken refuge in affair, I i,l n,,i . v,t v.. i .u . . . """tnents made
the Japanese legation and the presi- B"a,rs. 1 w 11,1 not that tho ,n' " th" "f the house, that some
tne 4 dpanene nguiion, unu me prtsi- gurrectlon wi I nrove anv mnrn m..nnn. ,nMH i. n
. , ,. m i i .l iu-navii i.e..n miik
ng to the railroad and other property ing the sheep the goat bv nretendi,,,,
Goat Meat Rig Problem.
Salem Whether or not goat meat
iionla Z(lt7i fifl rwtr hiinHrpfi! aweetj-
3Jc per pound. ' was the prophesy oi ur. Anna onaw,
Vegetables Artichokes, $1.50 per president of the National Equal Suf
dozen; cabbage, leper pound; cauli- 'rage league, at a luncheon given in
flower, $1.750i2.25 per crate; celery, ; her honor by 200 members of the Kan
yr7tA ki . kort lott.u-o 11 an sas City Equal Suffrage association
Ml rier i-rnfo- twnnon. 25e her I here.
pound; sprouts, 10c; garlic, 5tf6c
pound; turnips, 90c(S$l per sack;;
parsnips, 90c(ii$l per sack; carrots,!
dent Carpenter, of the Yellow Pine
Manufacturers' association of the Uni
ted States. "An analysis of last
year's operations will reveal the fact
that there is not a fair margin of
profit in our business at
prices," said Mr. Carpenter. "Cost
of labor and material has been increas-
r .i ai : . t ,,
mg laster man tne oi .umoer. of their own men cwiw they op
n j- Ped their joining in the revolt.
Dr. Anna Shaw Predicts. Added to this is the report that these
Kansas City "Women suffrage gen- mutinous troops were overpowered and
erally in America by 1920." That disarmed.
Francisco Madero, president of the
republic, led the loyal troops for a
leaders, was slain.
General Gregorio Ruiz, a Federal
officer, two captains and three lieuten
ants, were executed in the patio of the
Matinnfll Palnep Tr. ia nfFieinllv re
present pted that tnis was ,jone ky or,)er 0f
the government, but another story is
that they were killed by a detachment
dent is making a fight, desperate in
its efforts against what appear to be
enormous odds for retention of his
General Diaz, who is the nephew of
the deposed president Porfirio Diaz,
now is at the head of a majority of
the capital troops, including most of
the artillery, and is in possession of
Executive Supplant District Attor
neys, Sheriffs and Constables.
Salem Only four votes were mus
tered against the substitute bill by the
senate judiciary romniittee giving
jH.wer to supplant district attorneys,
sheriff and constables, and the substi
tute measure passed the senate.
The drastic provisions of the origin
al bill, which allowed the governor
summtirily to supplant such officials,
were materially softened in the new
bill. Under the new bill official may
be supplanted for ierlod of 90 day,
but only after they have been given a
hearing in court ard the Circuit judge
decides that such officer as not been
faithfully executing the criminal law
of the state.
interests than
some time."
has been the case for to sell
Ninety Per Cent Vote to Strike.
New York The ballots of the 30,
000 firemen employed on 54 Eastern
railroads, it was announced unofficial-
the arsenal in the city and the powder 'y Sunday night, show that ! per cent
works near by. of the men favor an immediate strike
Madero is relvinir on the lovaltv of the conference committee of
nillMitn I l i
, iiiM.i hmii uiner
isirtions of "spring lamb," when in
roHiuy mey were selling ,,jn ,
goai. i ne nouse vote.) iluwn
n-niiig i no sign "gout meat
be placed on goat meat.
House Pays Injured Militiaman
Salem - The house
panned a bill by
General Blanipiet, who has been sum
moned fiom Toluca, 40 miles distant,
but Blanquet has only 1000 men under
his command and the rebels are confi
dent of defeating him should he refuse
to join the revolt.
time. Later, with members of his
"We would be able to give wo- I
Mutiny Part of Conspiracy.
El Paso, Tex. Rebel agents here
Onions Oregon, $16)1.25 per sack.
Eggs Fresh locals, candied, 290J.
SOc per dozen.
Poultry Hens, 13 Jc pound; broil
ers. 131c: turkeys, live, 20c; dressed,
choice, 22Jrt25c; ducks, 17c; j Minnesota legislature adopted
geese, 10m lUc.
Butter Oregon creamery, cubes,
86c pound; prints, 37Jc.
Pork Fancy, 10c pound.
Veal Fancy, 14rtr l4c pound.
Hops 1912 crop, prime and choice,
18v19c pound; 1913 contracts, 15e.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 14 18c
pound; valley, 21irt;22jc; mohair,
choice, 32c.
Cattle Choice steers, $7.50ff;8;
good, $7(S7.30; medium, $6.50f;7;
choice cows, $6.50rt 7; good, $606.60; i
medium, $5.60fn6; choice calves, ttidt.
9; gotxt hemvy carsav 8-60(7.60;
But im, mo.Btxrim.
HommUght, $7.BB7.70:
SJwep Yumrltng
men t Via Vtallnf in avpfv stnt
1920," Dr. Shaw said, "were it not declared Monday that the Mexico City
for the antiquated constitutions of mutiny was part of a general revolu
several commonwealths which make it tionary plan, prematurely exploded,
impossible for the question to be voted , They connect it directly with the pro
on before that year." gram of General Trevino, former Fed-
I eral commander in the state of Nuevo
Women Win in Minnesota House. ! Leon and a military favorite of the
St. Paul The lower house of the ! Diaz regime. They say the date for a
a suf-1 general revolt
frocr- measure which crives to the male e' If,r Marcn 1, and that virtually all
voters of the state the right to deter-' the revolutionary factions in the re
mine whether women shall have the public were in league with the move-
Officer Glides 4000 Feet.
San Diego, Cal. Lieutenant L. E.
Goodyear performed a perilous aerial
feat here Saturday.
managers agree to arbitration under
the Erdman act. The employes' ex
ecutive committee will meet the man
agers' committee for a conference im
mediately. The railraod managers, in
a statement to the public, reiterate
more postive thnn ever their objection
to the Erdman act arbitration.
Desrliu tea Measure Passed.
Salern Tho house passed the bill
the bill by of Multnomah, appropriat
ing fr n aurvey 0f the Des
chutes river. There were 45 votes for
and six nenimt. Speaker McArthnr
and other members spoke in favor of
the bill, saying it is one of tho great
et pieces of constructive legislation
before thn legislature. The emerg
ency clause was attacked by some
n.eml icrs but carried, as it wm shown
of Unit three months' delay might bent
bill the slate out of a similar aimrooria-
aviation camp on Goat Island for a 30-
mile run for a military air pilot's li
cense. When at an altitude of 9000
u. in.; ni.uonai guanl, hut it was ex-
piaineu mat this is necessary in order
Indians to Iad Tammany. i Prol,ry ' f'gnard the money and
Washington. I). C.-Tammnnv hall's LV'Ht.. " is "l-nded so that it
He left the armv i contingent of 1500 mr,.h..r. In fh in. , wm lm" m,, Kood.
(". ... i.nouionian, granting lo
lialeigh Wilson $2.-.on for injuries he
received by falling under artillery
equipment during maneuver n,., v. .it
.-sevens august II, I!.. Som
thn members objected because the tor warrants being drawn .tion from the Federal government,
only on order of the adjutant general
House Authorizes Report.
Salem -The house authorized Secre
tary of StiAe Oleott to telegraph to
Washington the fuel thut th. kmiw
augural parade, March 4, will be head
ed by 250 Indians to be brought here
from the West, representing 25 tribes,
Textbook Hill Passed.
Salem With some oi.iKisition the
feet he arrived off Lajolla, 16 miles and each Indian will be garbed in his Mij'r textbook bill passed the senate.
irom me starting point, nis motor De-. uisiincuve irioai dross. An intima- '" "'" pmvuu
gan to miss fire. Fearing the escap- '. tion was given recently that Tammany lext'ooks
juki reconsidered its action In adopt
ing a resolution favoring the Owen
bill, creating a national health depart
ment. The resolut ion In . tlti.
bill WHS tiass.xl thmncrh tho
ing gas, he stopped the engine and
made a glide of 4000 feet to the
ground. Then, repairing the ma
chine, he flew back to North Island,
completing the test.
s mat one-third of the Owen
iii inn b h. . i ii t i,-... ... .
. - - "'.i nnnil oe wun little or no
. .,noKe every two years, this third to but it was r.. ...I i ... . ... " TIT. "V .'.
make up the textbooks for that divls. 1 when it j, ,i. L l .. . T il 11'
' I ye-- 1 to be th- , Z
. un.ier me lull no textbook will chool of medicine
President Aurajo Is Dead.
San Salvador Dr. Mankel E. Aura-
... crmngeu oitener than six yeHr.
a mi Will OI mem
every two years.
will be changed
right of ballot.
Women Kept Off School Boards.
Jefferson City, Mo. The state sen
ate defeated a bill allowing women to
serve on local school boards.
might wish to have as a feature a live
tiger, but this was deemed unwise and
the Indian feature was substitute
r-1 . . . .
r.uoris to nave tne peace congress
tatte part in the suffrage pageant
iwarcn 4 probably will succeed
Twenty-Six Lost With Schooner.
Ifluefields, Nicaragua Nineteen
passengers and seven members of the
of the army had been crew were urownea when the schooner j J". president or me republic or Salva-
iiranaua was wrecseci on i.reyiown, wuihii ny me outlet
Nicaragua, according to
ceived here. There are only
vivors. The Granada was a
tion schooner and gasoline
I'm. uui irinirr miu wtu uuij. in i.i:w i - --i, in v iiiiio, u uuaie- i i"-. noon, or persons iiw rk ,
Orleans in 1912. The vessel was malan, named Virgilio Mulntillo. was 1 lhey Bre employed. It i '
Anti-Lobbyist Hill passes.
Salem The house nnsned tho
l . .. . ... . " M-u-
"""-onnying , wn,,n ((
Saddle Mountain Park Asked.
u "IT" ronfrw" urged to create
Saddle Mountain park. In a memor
ial Introduced In the senate by Lester.
' he purpose of thn ....i. i- . .
not... ... ,.. . 1
Russian Mob Lynches Two.
St. Petersburg A double lynching
occurred near Kharkov. A mob of
6000 peasants stormed the jail, de-jthe American
People Blamed for Corruption.
Philadelphia District Attorney
Whitman, of New York, in an address
here on the government of American
cities, declared that the unwholesome
conditions found to exist in municipal
ities are due to the people themselves
in failing to elect officers to enforce
the laws. Mr. Whitman spoke before
Academy of Political
advices re- oi n assassin on rehruary 4, died lau" lo keep the lobbyists off th n. . m ' . ' reserven on
two sur- here Sunday. Don Carlos Mclendez of both houses and to fre0 thern 7n Inir wt..V V .. l "Upply furnl"h-
combina-i will succeed to tho ouiee. President register with the Recretrw ( ... ' f7m .u V. . .. "regnn coast
boat of 36 Aurajo was shot early Tuesday night tn,,'r names and the name ,.. L " II. I'l " . '" rivpr Tillamook
... v... . . . L . ii'iiii.-i.. - '. Mc.-.iri.i nir ia t .a . i ...
owneu vy ftioerio nernaruo, oi mue- i .u.. ..., in h cnnression . " "lase a sworn statemnf f
their expenditures at tho captital.
fields, and for several months had
been engaged in carrying passengers
and freight on the San Juan river.
Moose to Found School.
Chicago Trustees of the Loyal Or-
Ja. , ...
aer or Moose, in session nere voted to ; r,- !,,'.,., i,. m. ir r . '
tmolithed the buiidi'mr. sezed a horse- and Social Srionr. Ua mlntiwl not ahli.h tt nnn nnn im.i.i.i ..J p " ' . . ' . ""K-
rmthm. . - " " T. """ .r r"' " ,vr prwia, uut iau vt ror me DeneDt of orphans and Door .i... j ' " 7
mwmrn.ttf.rK.9K. ' '""00. 1 pes tea mm pmriormmncm wiui imuwr do duty at municipal election I children .h. . was ncrseir
' ' i norsetJiier who was eonnnea wmrm. I and men drrr m
declared that the plot to assassinate
Aurajo was conceived in Guatemala.
Mother Dies Saving Babe.
Milwaukee, Wis. Realizing that
she could not escape the wheel of an
on-rushing automobile which was ap-
iling Fee Bill Defeated.
Salem Senator Itarrett's bill, pro
viding for a filing fee instead of . pe
tition, for candidates for office, met
defeat in the house. Eaton of Lane
n;. omer held that, although the
primary and election law. are unsatis
factory, this would be.nomnrove.
Measure Limits Power Sales.
Salem-Olson, of Multnomah. Intro
duced a bill in the house lo protect the
tate water power and to prevent the
snlo of power manufactured in Oregon
outside this Mate. It Is ai, to bo
aimed at retaliation of imi.r ,
mat ha been lntrruli..i i u. nr. .
Eaton of Lano inKton legislature.
Would Purchase Locks.
r,aiem The house
i Jr I""? h P -r. or l TrL T. I" H " -uTd UJZJJrLttS
I was rataiiy injured. mn me oi me canal and locks at Oretron CI
i iiicre was no opposition.