The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, February 14, 1913, Image 1

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    St. Helens
County Seat
Columbia County
1908 4'
1910' 75
191a .... 1500
.liuiciRic Lights Imirovhd Stkukts
Municipal Watkr Svstkm
Two Milks ok Skwkr Undkr Construction
Pay Roll
Per Month
St. Helens Lumbkr Products Go to All
Parts oh the World
Shipments Over 5,000,000 Feet Per Month
St. Helens
Saw Mills
Shipbuilding Plant
Creosoting Works
Stone Quarries
NO- 7
The pant week has been the' Hirkholm ah Master of the Billings,
busiest week in the shipping history the latter now being in I) nm .ik on
of St. Melon as th followlr,' will u well earned vocation,
indicate: , Tjia Schooner Irene, ('apt.
The British Yeoman, laden with Mitchell, arrived Monday and will
one and onohnlf million feet of ad for San Pedro. Capt. Mitchell
Oregon Fir lumber departed Satur- report an uneventful passage up
day for Australia. She has been at ! froin gun Francisco.
St Helena since Christmas morning j r, v .,
,11. iiumi .UK The Steamer Yellowutono was an-
und a large force of longshoremen . d
have bn working on her and c,n. loa kJji of tkg gnd
Arable money put Into circulation umbcr t the m
by her being here. Company', dock.
The Schooner Klamath arrived
the firat of the week and in addition : The Steamer Camino of the Arrow
to loading over a million feet of line will be here during the next
lumber and piling for Sun Pedro few days to load a partial cargo for
delivery took on her full complement ' San Francisco. The Camino is one
of passengers and aailed Monday of the finest coasters making Col.
night. The Klamath was run Into umbia river and has a capacity of 2
by a ferry boat in San Fr.ncico million feet of lumber. On this
Bay and sustained damages which trip, however, she is taking on only
colled on the skill and knowledge of a deck load of lumber, the balance
Mr. Trice of the shipyard to repair, of her cargo being wheat.
The Steamer Willrmette, Capt. The Steamer Johan Poulsen of the
(Whistling) Reiner arrived Friday Jop Lumber Co.' fleet was in
and after loading almost a million Monday taking on a cargo of lum
foet of lumber for Southern Cali- bor from the Columbia County Mill,
fornia delivery, departed Sunday She ha sailed for San Francisco,
night. She also had about 50 T,e nH registered tonnage of the
passengers. ' . ve:-ls loading at St. Helens during
The Steamer Navajo of the Arrow th pant week will compare favor.
Lino was a caller in dukitig the week u(,y w;t, any c;ty on tho Co lumbia
and took on a partial cargo. Tho (pnind not excepted) as the fol
N'avajo has heretofore been on tho ,)Wjn(? figure will show:
run between San Francisco and gteamer Johan Poulscn 423 tors
Panama. Steamer Camino 2tH "
The . latest and newest of the
Swnyne & Hoyt fleet, the Steamer
Pariso was hero durin.r tho week
a-i I aft-T loading her milli n feet
of lumber for Southern California
and taking un 40 passengers waled
Tuesday night.
Tho five masted Schooner Geo. K.
Hillings arrived during tho week
and has begun taking on her cargo
of over a million feet of lumber for
delivery at Sydney, Australia. Capt.
Thompson lias succeeded Capt.
The country life meeting and
picture show at the high school as-
sembly hall Wednesday night was
successful from every xiht of
view. The day was one uo!i which
the schools of tho state were urged
to do something to iiupre. s upon
the people the need of industrial
work in the schools. In addition to
tin) lecture, "The Emancipation of
the Farmer," there were two reels
of motion pictures. Miss Lucile
llobbs furnished music for the
evening,- while Fred Morgus, as-
...jdsted by several students, operated
tho stereopticon. A collection of
'.).30 was taken to defray .the ex
pensei of the entertainment and
leave a balance to go toward tho
prize money it is hoped will Le
raised here to encourage tho young
people of St. Helens to engage in
gardenhg in the spring.'
Call For Warrants
All road and general county war
rants endorsed prior to December
12th. l912,will be paid on presenta
tion at the office of the County
Treasurer. Interest ceases Feb. 14,
R. S. Ilattan, Co. Trens.
For Sali Thoroughbred Wyan
dott cockerels, $2.00 each. Eggs
$1.00 for setting,
H. 1 1. Robe .son, St. Helens, Ore.
For Sale Early R e ecd po-
D. Pasero,
Columbia City.
Steamer Yellowstone
Schooner Irene
sciiooner Hillings
Steamer ParUi
Sunnier Nivaj
Su viier Willamette
4I'J "
CS7 "
1102 "
Kit "
nn "
. - m
fi'5'2 "
JS.W "
10. 1 1 1 tons
Steamer Klamath
Hark British Yeoman
" Total
Figuring the lumber carrying ca
pacity of the above according to
tonnage they would Ih able to carry
utmost ten million feet of lumber.
letter unclaimed in the St. Hel
en, Ore. Post office for the week end,
February 1, 1913.
Mrs. A. Anderson 1 letter
S. W. Harris
Dan Long
W. F. Manee
Frank H. Meeker
Wm. Mallan "
August Miller
J. M. Soward
Noycs Boblutt
V. VV. Curry
IVtron J. Contojohn, Greek foreign,
1 letter.
Tom Cohtjolin,
2 Utters.
Gost Uionisopulon
1 letters.
G. F. Johnson 1 letter
Millie Mullen
Harhtvig Swenson
Tillamook Log & Room Co, care of
C. N. Ayers. 1 letter.
letters unclaimed by February 22,
will be sent to the Dead-Letter office.
M. C. Gray. P. M.
For Sale-Good second cutting
clover and first cutting timothy
and clover; also Early Kose, Ameri
can Wonder and Hurbank seed po
tatoes; also a new variety called the
Evergreen, a grent yielder and fine
potato; 1 yearling Jersey bull, 14
head hogs 8 months old, all ready
for block, but several good brood
nmonir them: Dure Shadel and
Wonder seed oats. On account of
going away from Warren for some
time then articles must be sold.
For particulars see, phone or
write C. J, Larson. Warren, Ore.
The Aller Trio of Musicians will
be at the City Hall next Monday
evening to entertain the people who
desire an evening of real musical
entertainment. This is the last of
the Lyceum Course numbers for
the season and will prove one of
the best attractions for the year.
The entertainments given by the
Lyceum Course the past season have
been all that was expected, each
one having been a decided success.
Remember Monday evening, Feb. 17,
St. Helens.
Kenneth Spccht, a boy who for
merly lived in St. Helens, was shot
in the hand while on a trip to
Eastern Oregon last week. Young
Spccht anl another young man
were gdrvr to Eastern Oregon by
way of li.e wagon road arid when
mr.r Oregon City camjieJ for the
night and started to go to a 1 am
nar their their camp to get some
feed for the horse. The cf
the barn taw them and thinking of
roblers immediately ordered the
boys to hold up their hands. The
order was proinrtly obeyed by Ken
neth but the other boy refused, so
the o.vner of the barn evidently
thotnrht he was .being attacked by
higl. ay men began to shoot, result
ing in a serious wound for the other
boy and a shot in the hands of
young Specht while his hands were
in the air.
Ha Wu Fat and Coaraa and a Wra
Bully Than Or. Johnson.
"Itn IU-ii Joiisoii." who I udmlred
ly everybody n ml rend I y uoImkI.v, was
a cllstlih-tly iintloiix:iiil iiidlviiltml who
had few real friends dm Inn 111 life
lime. ' A good until)- eole pretended
to like hliu mid enjoy hi sm-lety be-
t-nime they mere nfmld of Itlui. He wna
not ouly vliidlrtlve with lit pen. but ue
Kin pik k to Imagine Insults or xllhla
ii ml wit prone to reiteut tnt-iu n ltli bia
OrlKlimlly u brl kln.ver, lie wu bl
mid burly and Htron a government
mule until so wclKhed down by fat that
lie euuld wnnely uavUnto. After re
eoverlng from u Hb-km-sa onoe be said
ho had lieeii lit diiitli's dmr. where
ukiii some forgotteu bumorlMt re
mnrked that deutb didn't have a door
big enough to admit blin.
Jonou had a powerful frame and
hiine. Imlry bamN; his face was henry
mid tlorSd. the lower part covered with
reddlHh wuIkUtx, and bu was extreme
ly aloveiily In bi dress. Hu wns a
worxe bully tiian Hiimuel Johusou. The
latter, with all bis faults, never ralsKl
n rmicti bo n w.
.I.iiihou fought two d lets and killed
IiIm ninn on both oto-Ioiis. nis first
wu with n soldier daring wartime,
and ho wns uot brought to account for
that, latter ho killed on actor with
whom be had aonie trill ng (pinrrpl and
for till wns sentenced to death. The
oenleiK'e whs commuted, but he was
branded 0Kn.the baud before being
trltt'U his liberty.
Ill life wns atortny, pnd when hedo
parted there was no overwhelming
grief. Ttie fact that hla name remains
a hoamdiold word Is strauce. for not
one mail la n uilllloo has ever rend his
works.-Chicago News.
Houlton, first and third Sunday;,
Prcachimr bv tho nastor. Rev. W.
liil.l lit It i ni. nml 7-:l0
p. m. Sunday school every Lord's
Day at 10 a. m.. Air, David Cole,
Yankton, second and third Sun-
ilni'B Prpnehinir bv Upv. VV. T.
Fairchild at 11 a. m. Union Sunday
scnooi at 1 1 a. m.
Warren Preaching at 3 rt. m.
in fii-Ht nml thlr.l Kumlava of each
months. Trenholin and other points
week nights,
Officers of the Win One Clasu
Pi... Mrs. Willes; ?.. Mrs. Simp.
son; Treas, Mrs. t-oie.
RESottrriOHs m wai or
Columbia County Parnona Grange
met with Clatskanie Grange Satur
day, Feb. 1, for its 40th quarterly
session. State Lecturer Brother
Darnall of Lents, Brother Leedy of
Corvallis, and Brother Worsley of
Swinton were there to help the
local Grangers and we had a very
profitable and instructive session.
Rep. Hall gave a abort talk on
what was going on at Salem, and
important questions were discussed
by members of the Pamona. Six
men members were added to our
number and an invitation to meet
with the Yankton Grange in May
was given and accepted.
Emma Tarbell, Sec.
.Since last we met death has
claimed one of oar brothers, in the
person of Bro. George Merrill, who
was one of our most faithful and
honest members, and in his death
we have lost one whose place will
be hard to fill in Pomona and Deer
Island Granges. Be it resolved
that our charter be draped in
mourning and a copy cent to the
County papers and to the Grange
Jennie Lovelace,
Jane Armstrong,
. M.P.Young.
Report of The Coiylition cf
No. 18 "
The Columbia County Bank at
St. Helens, in the State of Oregon,
at the close of business Feb. 4,
Loans and discounts $104,90'5.23
Overdrafts, secured and
unsecured 12G.52
Bonds and warrants 30.823.11
Banking house 15,000.00
Furniture and fixtures 2.70J.OO
Other real estate owned 5,128.77
Due from aj proved
reserve banks " 19,397.59
Cash on hand 12.2l'1.47
Total $190,376.69
Capital stock paid in $2."),000.00
Surplus fund 5.WO.O0
Undivided profits, less
expenses and taxes "
paid 4,51)1.43
Postal savings bank de
posits 6,030.03
Individual deposits subject
to check 10 1, 774. f 4
Demand certificatesof de
posit 6,478.55
Certified che.-ks 150.00
Cashier checks outstand
Tin e certificates of
posit n.8-24.;;8
Savings deposits " 2$,4i'3.79
Total $110.376.G9
State of Oregon,
County of Columbia, ss.
I, A. L. Stone, cashier of the
above named bank, do. lie rel y
solemnly swear that the above
statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
A. L. Stone, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 11th day of February, 1913,
J. W. Day, Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
Wm. M. Ross,
L. K. Rutherford,
J. S. Allen,
Notice to Bidders
Sealed bids will be received for
the erection of a two-story concrete
building, known as Masonic Hall,
up to and including Feb. 17, U'13,
according to plans and specifications
on file at the office of E. E. Qa:ck,
trustee, St. Helens, Ore,, and at
the office of E. Kroner,- architect,
Worcester Bldg, Portland, Ore. The
right is reserved to reject any and
II bids. Bid to be idrrrJ to
E. Quick, trust, St. iielrna.
Ore, '
Orders have been received at the
St. Helens Shipbuilding Company
from the Charles R. McCormick Co.
to begin at once th? construction of
another lumber carrier to duplicate
the Multnomah. Already work has
started to get the timbers out and
actual constrtction will commence
within a abort time. The new boat
will be an exact counterpart of the
Multnomah and Merced, will be 216
feet long and 40 feet, 6 inches beam
and 16 feet depth of hold. Her
capacity will be 1,000.000 feet of
lumber and passenger accommoda
tions for 60 people. The cost of
the new vessel will be approximately
$150,000, and she will be conpleted
in about 7 months. The Merced,
sister of the Multnomah, will be
launched now within a few days or
weeks, at most, the snow and rainy
weather of December and January
having delayed the work for some
time, but Supt. Price says the boat
will be launched in the very near
future. Work on the barge and big
tug for the Columbia Contract Co.
at the yards is Hearing completion
and will be ready to turn over to
the machinery rr.en within a short
time. When these three vessels,
now almost ready for launching, are
completed, the St. Helens Ship
building Co. will have made a record
of establishing a plant, building the
mill and launching two modern
ocean going lumber carriers, one
powerful tug boat and a large
barge all in less than one year, be
sides the start on the new vessel
ordered. The pay roll of the ship
yard amounts to several thousand
dollars per month and the men are
all white men and generally men of
families. The experiment of build
ing ships from Columbia county Fir
has proved successful. From now
on St. Helens will be known as the
city where first class ships are built
from home grown material.
L. D. Long, who has res;de i in
this section for many years, died
last week Thursday. He was
buried at Warren.
The steam shovel of the Portland
& Routhwestern R. R., as it wes
being pulled out of the pit, broke a
coupling and ran down the irrade,
resulting in a badly damaged piece
of machinery.
Mrs. Nora McCann vNitid her
mother, Mrs. Hanna Smi i. this
Mrs. E. J. Smith hu bae njo:-
. f . . . i
ing a vw.t trom ner lai .er ana
Mrs. Bennett and children have
relumed from St. Helens.
Mrs. W. L. Goin spent Tuesday
at St. Helens, visiting Mr. loin ard
The Sunday school clause.- of Mrs.
Washburn and J. W. l omeroy,
which were organized rectntly. en
joyed a Valentine party Friday
evening in Anderson & Wikstrom's
Hall. The older young neople of
the Sunday school, composed of the
classes of Mrs. D. W. Prije and
Mrs. J. G. Watts held their Valen
tino party the same evening in the
Watts & Price Hall.
Mrs. Orville Garrison died at the
home of her father, J. Callahan,
Wednesday morning. She had leen
a great sufferer for a long time.
She leaves besides her parents and
brothers a husband and son.
Beth Alike.
"I don't anderatiiiid why my watch
will not co." an Id Htnylnte. "I'm ur
It's wound ii pP
"Penr me." yawned his honte. look
lug toward the clock. wlmt a remark
able roloeidncr-t. f.oula f'mt-DIa
patch. ,
Jor r f
i ! Wf""l fl
f rst pi"
Mrs. J. L. Zipperer was a Port
land visitor Wednesday.
. l uarK oi Kainier was a
county seat visitor yesterday.
A. W Mueller made a business
trip to Clatskanie Wednesday, re
turning the same evening.
The Ladies Aid of the M. E.
church will sew for Mrs. Day
Wednesday, Feb. 19.
100,000 Fruit trees., Write for
prices. A. Holaday Scappoose.
We keep a supply of fresh veget
ables in season. Muckle Grocery Co.
Every sack of Yakima Best flour
is guaranteed.
For sale-18 fall pigs. P. C.
Jacobsen, Bachelor Flat.
An invitation is extended to the
people"of St Helens to attend a
reception at the school house on
the evening of February 21st at 8
o'clock p. m.
Calvin O. Thomason, Principal.
E. H. Flagg, of Elgin, Ore., for
merly editor of the Mist, was in St.
Helens last Sunday and Monday and
for some reason failed to visit the
old shop. We will let it pass this
time, but don't let such a thing
happen again, Bro. Flagg.
Earl Biggs, a boy 13 years of age,
was brought up from Rainier on
Wednesday by City Maishal Jesse
and placed in jail here on a charge
of larceny. He was taken before
Judge Harris of the Juvenile Court
Thursday and entered a plea of
guilty. Judge Harris took the mat
ter of his disposition under advise
ment until some information could
be gathei?d.
C. J. Larsen, the well known
farmer of Warren, has an ad in this
issue telling the people that he has
a number of things for sale and he
is selling for the reason that he is
going away. Mr, Larsen and family
will start within a few weeks for an
extended trip to Kansas and w ill be
gone about a year. He has rented
his place to hu brother.
The annual roll call of Avon
Lodge No. 62, Knights of Pythias,
will ba held in St. Helens on Tues
day evening, Feb. ISth. All mem
bers of the lodge are requested to
be pre;?nt and all visiting Knights
inare vited.
The Muckle Grocery Company in
vites your close inspection.
If vou have tried Edwards Su-
, i i t ii ! ton J.. Aaron I, and William,
we know you are pleased. Tell , from phi(Iho()J nenr the
others. 'place of her birth until the spring
Chris Johnson of Clatskanie is! of 1SW, then movine with her hus
visiiing with the boys, John and j band to Missouri The latter part
o c, it i .v,;, i- !"f the same year Ihey moved again
Roy. in St, Helens this week. , UKrty Nebf in which place
A. B. Taylor of Rainier is attend-;fcjie resided till June 1903, then
in? to some court matters in St. moved to Seappoose.Ore., where
Helens today. ' she raided until her death. Her
, , . ; husband died Aug. 20, 1904. bhe
Mrs. F. M. Ihorp has been qu'te; her faith in Christ about
ill at her home in this city for i tjlu year 1S70, uniting with the
some time. At present she is some- J Baptist church at Liberty, Neb. in
what improved. j 1 She was a member of t his le-
, ,.,,- 'nomination until her death, bhe
Judge and Mrs. . A. Hams waga Christian both by precept and
visited with friends in Portland over ; sample. No greater eulogy can bo
Saturday. ' pronounced than that she was a lov-
t r n n n i i .,,:' ing wife and mother, a kind and
Mrs. W. B. Dillard is visiting , Jh htful ndlhbor,. and a Chris-
with friends and relatives in Port-; ti;jn woman. May the blessing of
lanl this week. , mm who ruleth over all rest upon all
Mrs. II.
R. Cliff of Portland,
friends in St. Helens
v siteU with in
last tiaturaav.
J. M. Lynch and family of Rocky
Ford, Colorado, are visiting at the
' . .
j home of bd Lj ncn, a uromer, m
j Helens this week.
I II. C. Wood oC Deer aland has
f . . .... tri
been aijHilntea ryi'fwr ' "' I Lynrs
en t-f f' fT.M c' '''' tt ll!(rfrti
- :C. i.-r. trOlHl ia'r
. ...a C. -.:r I.'oom r.ow i
ting ready for the work immedi
ately after the first of March.
Born, on Saturday, Feb. 8th,
1913, to Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mor
ton, a 10-pound boy.
Born, on Thursday, Feb. 13th, to
Mr, and Mrs. S. R. Sonneland, a
The three months old baby of Mr.
and Mrs. Erick Ostram, who live
in Railroad Addition, died at the
family home this morning after an
illness of a few days with pneu
monia. Funeral services will be
held Monday and interment will be
at Warren.
S. S. Montague, General Manager
of the St. Helens Quarry Co, with
offices in Portland, and Mrs. R. B.
Lamson of Portland, were married
in New York this week.
Harvey Fowler of Goble came ud
to St Helens last night, having
picked up a man who was getting
away from a board bill and several
other bills in St. Helens. Mr. Fow
ler is the deputy sheriff at Goble
and is always on the job when any
thing is wanted in his line, down
Goble way. .
Mayor T. J. Flippin and Police
Judge Symons of Rainier were at
tending to business matters in St
Helens today.
Rev. W. A. M. Breck held services
in the Episcopal church lastWednes-
day evening. During the Lenten
season Rev. Breck will be unable to
hold services on Sunday evenings,
but will have them on every second
Wednesday. The next services will
be held.on Feb. 26th.
Mrs. Anna Williams Lynch, the
daughter of Rev. Wm. Williams of
Speedwell, Clayborn County, Tenn.,
was born April 30, 1836, died at her
home near Scappoose, Ore., Feb. 4,
1913, at the age of 76 years, 9
months. 4 days. She .was married
to John B. Lynch Dec. 21, 1854.
To this union were born twelve
children, eleven of whom are living,
one dying in infancy. Those who
survive her are: Newton J. Lynch,
of Liberty, Neb.; Esther C. Beeler,
of Warren, Ore.; Aaron L. Lynch,
Mud Springs, Neb.; Wm. M. Lynch,
Liberty, Neb. ; Eli H. Lynch, Port
land, Ore.: Grant Lynch, Scappoose;
Elizabeth wcFarland,, Scappoose;
Rachel A. Palmer, Dodge City.Kan.;
John D. Lynch, Scappoose: Joseph
M. Lynch, Rocky Ford, Colo.. Ed.
Lvnch. St. Helens. Ore., of whom
all but three were present ' at the
time of her death, those lieing New
who mourn ncr aepanure.. . n.
h "T!lelti
. pected. The funeral services were
j held at the Congregational church
at Scappoose. Or.. Feb. 6, atl
'..'dork. J. L. Wherry, of Mc-
, MinnvIe ofrlciatinjr. Interment was
j in tne Scappoose cctnetrrv.
' , u ,
" 1