f..lC..!2AN HAS SOME f, sans, I !4 v ..... ..'.' l A . . . . . . ;i - " , Tba lllualrallon Klven herewith comlo county, Mlrh. It tu built by a alon uJ "U, O. 1. ltlador." GOOD ROAILS WE 11 ASSISTANCE OF BOYS NEEDED Cnthualaatlo Youth and Taam of Hor aa Will Do Wendara Toward Im proving Country Roada. If you can anllat tha boya or gr In any country community In any Rood work. It will toon bo done; and It la not likely to b dona vary aoon unlraa you do anllat them. If you ft tba boya and (trie Interested In a Habbath achool. It goea without aaylns that you will have a good school. If you can get tha boya and glrlt to attend church regularly, you will bava a proaproua church. If not, your church must la evltably decllna. A minister who can not attract and hold tha young people had better ba thinking of banding lo his resignation. If wa are aver to bava good dirt roada In Iowa. It will be necessary to enlist tha boys. If they ara aver In tereated In tha Job. wa will get tha full benefit of tba road drag. A drag and a boy and a good team of horses will do wonders, provided tha boy's heart la In It; not otherwise. Theory, you sayT Well, lot's sea. Miss Jessie Field, tha superintend nt of achoola lo Page county. Iowa, organised seven teams numbering from four to tan each. Each team mat and choaa a captain. When It came Urns to drag tba roada. ba or dered his boys out. and they obeyed ordera. Mr. W. C. Drown, president of tha New York Central railroad, who baa a farm In that county, gava a Driie of 1100 to tha beat team of boya One of tha beat thlnga Colonel Hep burn aver did In bla Ufa waa to pre sent a trophy to tha boy who bad tba beat balf mil of .road at tha and of tha season. Tba teams put up slgna at each balf mile, giving tha name of tha boy who waa responsible for dragging that pleca of road. Finally, tba su pervisors paid tha expvnaea of D. Ward King to coma and Judge tha work, and decide which team waa en- titled to tha hundred dollars, and which Individual boy waa entitled to tha trophy. Now It goea without saying that If thla work la continued and extended. I'aga county will bava tha beat dirt roada In tha state of Iowa, or In any of tha adjoining atatea. Why? Decauaa tha boya bava taken It In hand. Few people realise what a tremendous thought tha master gava to tha world when ha aald: "Suffer tha llttla chil dren to coma unto me, and forbid them not; for to each belongnth the king , dom of God" In other words, he reo ognlted the value of childhood boy hood not merely for spiritual things, but for all things. "The boy la father to tha man;" that la, what tha boy la, tha man will become. Why Traea Should Ba Planted. In addition to aervlng aa a great source of wood supply, tha forest as erte certain well known beneficial In tluences to human Interests. Tbeaa are Influences: (1) Upon tha climatic conditions within the forest area; (2) upon tha distribution and charac ter of the water flow; (3) upon tha mechanical condition and erosion of the soil under cover, and (4) upon tba sanitary and aesthotlo conditions of tha people. Wheat for tha Layers. Nobody ever gava laying hena a better feed than wheat Hut let It be good wheat Wheat that haa bean wet or shrunken Is not worth carry ing boma. ltena may eat all they can atuff of It, and It aeema as if tba more they eat tha worse off they ara. Oood .wheat la far tha cheapeat tteera Relish Pumpklna. i-.v. , w? , r rV'. .7-.' 'v. 1 T . -LI w r I -1 awnpktne mar act be very Hah tm EXCELLENT ROADS ; 2.: n --'w-rvv St 1 r." . - V. ... r bo a "Tony Tuk Kuttd' In Wl th peuetratton uiuthod. with cruih ROADS AID TO FARM VALUES Modern Ideaa Induce Farmer to Pay Mora Attention to Drainage, Grad ing and Graveling. It la a noticeable fact that farm landa bava raised In value mora In tha laat two or three years than they did In tha ten years previous to that time, writes Luclen A. Bweet In the Farm, Stock and Home. Now the gueatlon to ba answered Is this: Why does thla condition prevail? rtrat. the R. F. U mall baa placed tba farmer nearer to the city In get ting a dally delivery of bla dally pa pers and letters. Second, tha cooperative farmers' telcphonea. Thla source of comfort brings tha farmer Into almost tha homes of his neighbors In almost tha twinkling of an eye and tha cost of this comfort luxury and necessity Is only from three to four dollars a year. Third, tha automobile In the hands of many farmers. lly the Introduction of the R. F. XX mall and the use of automobiles by the farmers. It has caused them to be much more Interested In the drain age, grading and graveling of the roads both for the uso of the mall carriers and for tha ue of thutr autos ao that In tha lust two years mora gravl haa been put on the roada in southern Minnesota than has been placed there slnco the roads were laid out. Fairmont township, Martin county, the writer's home for 30 years, adopt ed what la known aa the cash system of road making through the bard work of a few of our voters wa car rled the election by a mojorlty of one. Tbla waa dona about eight years ago; since that time wa have paid no poll tax, but all lands . and properties of all kinds have been asaeased a cer tain amount to raise cash to be ex pended on the roads aa such. Tha town board haa appointed a road overseer who takea charge of all tha roads of tha township. Notwith standing, the township haa eight or ten gravel pita with the very beat quality of fine gravel, very llttla baa been put Into the roads until the laat two or three years. Ilut elnca tha work of graveling the gradea and til ing tha water away from the low gradea In tha alougba the roada ara ao much Improved that tba voters are now raising twice the money for road purposes that they did before tha gravel waa uaed and tba roads where graveled are In fine condlton. To ba aura thla year the crop waa good and two years ago the crop waa good, also; but aa tha farms are tile drained and the roada are made good, farm landa advance very rapidly. While there la pmhably no one thing that haa contributed altogether to tbe rapid rise In land values In tha laat two or three years, It la quite plain to ba aeen that tha drainage of the wet placea along tha roads and the graveling of the roada, putting them In very good condition, has been tha main factor In putting land valuea where they ara at tha present time. An Orchard Hint Tba difficulty encountered In bar veatlng applea In orchards where clean cultivation la given tba trees aa a reault of tha fruit falling In the dirt may ba overcome to a Urge ex tent by sowing rye tha latter part of July and cutting It about two weeks before tha time for harvesting, and letting It lie aa a carpet to protect tha fruit Protecting Fruit Bushes. Currant and other bushea that are liable to ba broken down by heavy anowa, may often be protected from such damage by simply tying them together In an upright position ao that tha anowdrlfta cannot bend and break tha ranea. Eliminates Hard Work. Tha hardeat work any farm horse iwirfiirmed waa to furnish Mwer for the old fashioned borae-kllllng . . Wl fft. 1 1 tnreaning mncnine. iu luunpt an gina haa stopped that species ol cruelty, Blrda en tha Farm. Tba farmer who Invites bla city friends to go out and shoot quail ee the pise woal4 bM r tbam VORACIOUS MISS MOTH "I aever will Invite Mtas Moth To dine with us aln, eld Mr. Busc. "for she will eat Aa much as any tan." "Hh ate up everything she found Upon the bill of fare. And then she wasn't satisfied ghe ate the clothee I wear." "She ate my unilerrlothea all up. And ate holee In my ooet. And alao a'a my hat and veet. And other thlnaa. I Bote." "I hear that she ts now engaged To marry my frland Jack. And l( she diws, I'm sure she'll eat .The elothee right off his back." CHARACTER FOUND IN EYES Color Shows Make-Up of Average Person, According to Close Ob aerver of Human Nature. According to a close observer of human natures Hlack (dark brown) eyea are a sign f paaslonata ardor In love. Dark blue, or violet, denote great affection and purity, but not much In tellectuality. Clear, light blue, with calm, stead fast glance, denote cheerfulness, good temper, constancy. Pale blue, or steel colored, with shifting motion of eyelids and pupils. denote deceltfulness and selfishness. Russet brown without yellow de note an affectionate disposition, sweet and gentle. Tha darker tha brown tha more ardent the passion Iilue, with greenish tints, ara not ao strongly Indicative of these traits, but a slight propensity to greenish tints In eyes of any color Is a sign of wisdom and courage. Gray, or greenish gray, with orange and blue shades and ever varying tints, ara tha moat Intellectual, and are Indicative of tba Impulsive, Im pressionable temperament the mix ture of tbe sanguine and bilious. which produces poetlo and artistic na tures. Light brown or yellow denote In constancy; green, deceit or coquetry. Eyes of no particular color (only soma feeble ahadea of blue or gray. dull, expreaslonless, dead looking) be long to the lymphatic temperament and denote a listless, feeble disposi tion and a cold, selfish nature. LITTLE PUZZLE IS AMUSING Trick la to Reveres Positions of Fox and Geeee In Smallest Num ber of Moves. Moving In turn, first a fox and then a goose, etc., from one circle to an other, In bow how many moves can their positions be reversed so that tbe Fob and Geeaa Puxxla. foxea ahall occupy t and and tba geese I and 4T Tbetr positions are reversed by mov ing aa follows: Fox. S to S; Qooee, ( to ; Fox. 4 to 1; Uooae, to 7; Fox. I to 6; Ooose, T to 4; Fox. 1 to T; Oooae. I to I; Fox, 7 to ; Oooaa, I to I. WHERE WRINKLES COME FROi: Contrary to General Impression, Most of Them Come From Laughter Some Peculiarities. The general Impression about wrinkles la that they are oauaad by worry, but tbe truth la that most of them come from laughing. To know bow to lr.ugh la Just aa Important as to know when to do It It you laugh with tha sides of your face tha skin will work loose in time and wrinkles will form In exact ac cordance with tha kind of laugh you have. The man who always wears a smirk will bava a series of semicircular wrinkles covering his cheeks. A gambler, who Is accustomed to suppressing his feelings, gsneratly has a deep Una running from each side of his noae to tha upper corner of his mouth, which In time extends to the chin, forming tba shape of a half moon. A cadaverous person Is usually marked with two wrinkles, one on tha Jaw and the other under tha eye, meeting at right angles at tha cheek bones. The scholar's wrinkle forma on his brow, while a schemer's wrinkles coma around his ayes and look Ilka spokes of a wheel. Ruthless. Coming home tha other day tn a rush of excitement, Dora rushed to ber mother and said: "Oh, mamma, guess what wa are going to do?" "I dont know, dear, bnt I hop It U nothing dreadful." "We're going to stndy botany, and next Saturday wa ara going out to tha wood to tantallia tha flowers." It la. 1 suppose yon know that Banbnrry one saved his wife from drownlngf" TXd he? Waa It before they war married r ft ms eevasal TO BE SERVED TOGETHER Dlahee That Harmonise and Put Leaet Poeelble Strain an the DlgeaV Iva Organa. Roaat Beef With potatoea pre pared In all the different ways, baked or browned sweet potatoea, aaparagua, squash, spinach. Brussels sprouts, string beans, cauliflower, or lima beans. 11et of Beef. With potatoea, stuff ed tomatoes, or etuffed peppers, aspar agus or artichokes. Ueefsteak. - Lyonnalse potatoea, baked, French fried potatoes, fried po tatoea, fried tomatoea, aaparagua, spinach or squash. Deef a la Mode. PoUto balls, car rot balls, asparaicus or glased onions. Corned beef boiled potatoes, cab bage, beeta, turnlpe. carrots, beet or tomato aalad. Roast Mutton and I.amb. Green peas, string beans, cauliflower, spin ach, green corn, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, lima beans. ' Rolled Mutton. Dolled potatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, wblta turnips, string beans. I-amb and Mutton Chops. French fried or baked potatoes, egg plant, green corn, creamed corn, stewed and boiled or fried tomatoes. French pens. Roast Veal. Mashed potatoes, rreamed spinach, cauliflower au gratln, French peas, Brussels sprouts, or as pnrngns. Veal Cutlets. Creamed, mashed, baked or plain potatoes, wax beana. asparagua, or spinach. Roaat Pork. Mashed potatoes, manned turnips, apple sauce, cream ed corn or beans, red cabbage. Roast Turkey and Chicken. Mash ed potatoes, creamed onion, creamed corn, mashed turnips, cranberry sauce, Brussels sprouts. Ducks and Geese. Plain or mashed potatoes, browned sweet potatoes, creamed onions, creamed corn Apple sauce, or baked applea. Home Prog ress Magazine. In the When making "thickening" for aaucea, gravies, etc.. use half flour and half cornstarch. Wben chopping mint for sauce. If the sugar that Is to sweeten It Is add ed It will ba found to chop in half tbe time. A tablespoonful of washing soda and a cup of vinegar poured down the sink will clean out the moat stubborn clogged plpea. It la aald that a amall piece of sugar, added to the water In which cut flow era are placed, will keep tba water fresh and sweet. A cheap and durable toaster for gas stove is a piece of sheet Iron Over this a five-cent wire toaster can be used without danger of burning or blackening the bread. A white plume can be cleaned suc cessfully by dipping It tn raw, cold starch, slightly blued, then let dry and shake off the powdered starch. If not clean repeat. For removing old paint, make lye with one can of potash and half gallon of water, apply with an old paint brush and do not touch with the handa, aa It will burn. Wash off and dry well. When nails are knocked Into bard wood they often bend. To prevent this dip each nail In a little sweet oil or any kind of oil before driving Into tba wood, act they will not bend. Plume In Batter. Make a batter with two beaten egga, Ova tableapoonfuls of flour, a llttla mora than one pint of milk, and add a pinch of aalt Remove tha stones from one quart of large ripe pluma, crack them, put the kemela Inside of the plums again, mix tbe fruit with two heaping tableapoonfuls of moist sugar and stir It lightly Into the bat ter. Turn It Into a buttered pudding dish and bake In a hot oven till done, about 40 minutes. Sprinkle powder ed sugar over the top. and serve hot with one-half cupful of butter, one cup of sugar, and one well beaten egg stirred to a cream and flavored. Horseradish Biscuits. Work six or eight ounces of hotter Into eight ounces of flour, season with aalt and pepper, and add two to fonr ouncea of grated Parmesan or other hard cheese. Work thla to a stiff dough with tha well-whisked yolks of one or two eggs, using a little milk to mix with. Roll out the dough twice, stamp It Into small circles; bake on a greased tin In a moderate oven until crisp, but not browned, cool on a sieve, and serve sandwiches together In pairs, with a filling of grated horseradish In cream. This may ba served as a dinner savory or for afternoon tea. Pot Cheese. Place over tha fire a pan of milk which has soured and thickened. Whan It has become scalding hot ladle tha enrd and whey Into a muslin bag and hang up tha bag to drain for an hour or two, then take the curd from tha bag. Moisten with thick cream. Mix In a small quantity of salt, work well with tha hands and either form tn a mound In a glass dish or roll tn balls Keep well covered In a cool place and serve cold. Honey Cakes. Sift one pound of fine pastry flour and work Into it four ounces of butter until smooth. Mix with It three ounces of caster sugar, a pinch of salt tha beaten yolks of two eggs, one and one-half ounces of baking powder, half a pint of milk. Roll tha pasta out lightly, cut It Into fancy shapes, brush tha cakes over with sweetened milk. Bake In a moderate oven for JO min utes. Serve very hot with honey spread upon them. Quince Sirup. Doll together two cupfuts of watet and Ave oupfuls of granulated sugar for five minutes. Then add tha yuloe at ana sear orsss aT te arrai C)alKCa, bollna- ell tmm '--' m iwj Klltf POULTRY AND GAME Taa at sou tmntf ericas tut Wild burlts and e fen um In seax. Writ us fur cash ttffsr e sii sthda of poultry. H rk. stc Pearson-Pajje Co., Portland Stilp is your VEAL, FORK, POULTRY, HIDES aurmmf p prU-mm nA CH K"l Hr HKT' HN MAIJj. J tagia. itUm. mi, tttm V will arnl fur of Mr on rtMB4 tn il wha mak hiiitficnta -Ifrttij .NstiiMry etig riMjoa tn tll.fr Nortl. -. I tty JiHiriiftl !' J- fii.?f.tit'i. J'sxthfjr l.i . Ntirtristsawt 'a-i Hr F mtn.mr i'lnns tmii tout MiU laia uul our lHti ofJr. Mitif to r. a. saiMAi z s co. rW Ud $11,001 141 143 frtf NrtTUM. ML for .,(- In WisahtimtoM f' . Or. Hill Ixrro 't m. rnlt . fc-r t-tm-, lrs), v 'ilt'iii 4" Innl t rfMa, wUvk, tavt-giiowry. mUi. s.hLouf, iu.it 1U. ( liU40. Hi' - j In A'Unat'o , : ft rnit h r I iMie. J bs,Mtv outl.uli-ltl'a'. Hi fruit tra-t a). Z' iu tr U.; Umtmu. Muitf-iS, lt' Jl t'M'ao for Hnltt- l g. wfthla HI Hit. It of flnlrrwrt Arm. B ( , ra : Ui a. '-nil, M r t.uei, tenm. outuuil-JinN $ m. he trliM or ltrl. h. tuav ItiMrjr, W;. J U. Me (uir, ba.iu.4ra A rut, it. C Machinery Aurand-Hand Msthln. rr hourfct. soul siid boiler., sawmill. 1 h J. - Msrtin o. M IX au. f ortland. Band for Hlock List and prWiaa, LIME FERTILIZER A'm I.r4 p!uttr. Mm. Crrrn-nt. Wall Plas ter and Hhiii(-,. Wiita Ux pruwa. NOTTINGHAM & CO. 102 Frsat Btrari. PORTLAND. OR. BANDMEN: HOLTON and liUESCHER Land instruments. Th moat rumplet itrvk cf Musital Merchandise in tha Northwest. Write fur Catalotruea. BEIBKKMNG-LLTAS Mt'SIC CO. 134 rWi Btratrt Pnrtiaad. Orcea HUNTERS! TRAPPERS! Peal direct with mannfae turwr, Wr pay the hiirhest pricM for Raw Furs. Writ f(r fraa price) List and shippm tags. K. I. I'NCAJ CO.. FTRXIEKS 11 Sna Saw! rWTTUKD. OIL One Word She Could Say. An earnest London alum worker re eorda her unremitting, patient en deavors to improve tha accent and vowel enunciation of her little protege. Blanche, for the sake of the child's future destiny "oq the styge.' Once, falling In all else, she tried s mild dose of gentle ridicule. "You can't say 'food,' can you, Blanche?' she smiled, teaslngly. "I can saj 'fule!'" was the child's crushing re Strange ,v.r.i. Every clergyman ca tell talts ot the strng rumps which he has been atkod to tcstnor upen children at the baptismal fent; but the piace hre that sort of '.ting Is rampnnt Is P.rl'.lsh Guinea. Nannie Bellona, John Pantaloon, and Frank Locust are among Christian names Imposed on (he c.TprIng of native converts. Worse still are "Whisky Emmanuel" nnd "SerlRMn 1 V'1'""" " Young Man Must rUve Friends. For boya and young men friendship Is a prima necessity of existence. When a man has established himself In life and the Interests of home and wife and family have absorbed him, he may, perhaps, dispense with friend ship. But aa long aa he Is young, un married and unsettled, ha Is as de pendent on friendship as on air or food, Had 8tood Hard Teat. T understand that you once sang la a glee club." "Yea." replied the great politician. "And I want to tell you when a man with a voice like mine can hold a position tn a glee club It ahowa that he la aoroa officeholder." Loa Angelea I.ltnr. Make All the Difference. Before marriage the shape, tha fig ure and complexion carry all befor them: after mania en the mind anil character unexpectedly claim their share and that the larcest of lm portance. Lord Melbourne. Time to Beware. If ever you meet a woman who rno seeds In convincing you that you ara in exceptionally fine fellow, be very, rery careful. 8he haa far more Intel Igence than you. Jay Denby, tn Let era from China. Vegetarian Menu. Tha menu of a meal given lately by the London Vegetarian association In cluded walnut eutleta with brown sauce, cauliflower and new potatoea. asparagus on toast, spaghetti on toast, tomato farcle and Yr-r -irrota. Bound to Win. Willis "I sea you have all the mod ern convenlencea for women In this In stitution of yours." Gillie "Yes. Two of tha highest paid gossips tn tha city ra always In attendant jj'ex hia ri. A famous king aald: "If men only tnew how pleasant to ma It la to for Iva faulta, there Is not ona of them abo would not commit crime." From ia Orient Society People Classified. Rtorekeeiier "They are aoclet people. They belong to our first and last families." Cuatomer -'Tou mean flrat famlllea'T" Storekeeper No; first and last Flrat to ask credit and laitt to pav." Puck. H CfMk frn.. Tart . I'm la lta iV14 W Prtftt. 1I.M'H!kfT.lT'''l.l !RAW FURS -..VXr 51 T H. UEPES & CO. V I . P. nermann. Mur. 'I i If ' SAKUtAOURllM. KHIKS C Y I ,L ! n ! . (Wiie'i .'j,7) !( Natl last ltaai.un. fiD.. Si c2 Safety In friendship. ! An lntlmate-frlendshlp la at once t safeguard In recreation and social njoyment, for a mi. 3 thlnka twice be fore he plung-s Into surround! dki which he knows bla best friend would :ondemn. It ts a stimulus, because in work or business, or even play, s man doea not willingly lag b-hlnd while the friend la forging ahead. In common (ndravore for good causes, religious or social or political, friend ship la a powerful Inducement to self forgetting activity. ONLV ONK "HKOMIt QUN'NI!" That Is I.AXATIVK HHOMO (jl.'ININR, txk for ih iananira of K. W.CKUVK. CunasCuai in Oris Lay, t uras Crip in 'I wo ly. Z-c. Professor Recited Badly. One day a colleee professor, (rolr; to his class, came aTosa one of his ,tu(len's who had Just fallen down. Asking him how he fell, tbe student replied, "Notwithstanding." TUli.nij 'he anecdote a ihort timo later tho profe-scor aald: "I met Mr. Junior the ther day. and be mado a very bright remark. He had Jut fallen down, you know; and, when I akcd him how it happened, he aald, 'Nevertheless.' " Budget. FILM CUBED IS t TO 14 DAYS ToarHnnrint will refund monry if PAZO OfMT. MKNT fail to ciirw any raa of Itrhi-s. BlirH. BkMKilna ot Protruding Piles in to 14 clays, bue. Te Keep Ferns Fresh. Van a soli of about lalf leaf mold or smooth earth and half Tno sand. Give abundant drlnat;e and then plenty of water. About once a month put them In the washtub or tuthtub and give a thorough wasting, not sparing soap; rinse well, and (slightly loosen tbe soil before returrlng them to the stand. A bit of fresh bbef burled In the soil nraslonally helps. Sizing Him Lp. When you call the average youns man honest he Is 1'kely to feel a mil'1 sort of gratification. When you cali him competent bis chest begins tc bulge. When you call blm a heart breaker he slaps you on the shoulder and gives you to understand that he considers you a person of remarkable perception and iinerin Judgment. Motham win find Wra. Vftns1nws Snntnins. ffyrup t' a brat rmnsdr to nas'vr ttislt sbJidxea f UlUf IctttlUUg iKt'.txl. Abraham Lincoln. In the language of the shop, the farm, the boat, the street, or tha nursery, he told the high truths that reason and religion taught, and took possession of his audience by a storm of speech, pouring upon them all the riches of his brave plebeian soul, bap tizing every head anew; a man who with the people seemed more mob than they, and with kings the most Im perial Theodore Parker. Not Knocking. "Beg pardon," said the agent, as Vr. Grouch opened the door, "but I would like to ask If Mr. Dodger, your next door neighbor. Is good pay." "How do I know whether he Is good pay or not?" exclaimed Mr. Grouch. "All I know about blm la that ho has four grandchildren and be still owes for his marriage l-"-! " No thnug-htful prrtm unaa liquid bluo. It's a pinch of blue in a lanr bou.e of watrr. Ask itt Kad Cruas bail Blue, Uia blua that 's aii blua. Scholastic Flippancy. "And now," continued the professoi of history, "permit me to mention a tirelesa worker In the great cause of humanity " "Attireless worker?" Interrupted one of the seniors, "par don me, professor, but If you are re ferring to Lady Godlva. she was at- i tired In her luxuriant hair.' Opulent tlard. T can't understand how that poet'i wife la able to dress so well. I thought there waa no money In poetry." "I j guess there lent; but her husband haa the Job of writing all the advertising , rhymes for one of the blggeat break- i faat food concerns In the country. Have yon seen their new automobile? TONIC for eves Washing ui.iiijj. j Bran la much better to use fen cleaning matting than soap and wa I ter. Tie the bran In a bag. dip the bag Into clean warm water, and rub the matting briskly with this; then wash It off with a cloth wrung cut of warm aalt water. This method fresh ens It up wonderfully. Japaneee Plant Camphor Trees. In Formosa large areas are to ba planted with camphor trees during tbe next few years. The trees now util iied are Ave hundred to one thousand years old, and the Japanese wisely In tend to conserve the source of supply of one of their Imnortatit monopolies. Not Up to Expectations. "George haa told ma all tha secrets of his past" "Mercy! What did you think of them?" "I was awfully disap pointed." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Dally Thought. There are two elements that go to tha compoaltlon of friendship truth and tenderness. Emerson. Spread Information of Deatn. In Venice, when anyone dlea. It ! tha custom to fix a placard on tha front ot the deceased person's house, aa well as In tha neighboring streets, aa a sort ot public notice, stating his name. age. placa of birth, and the 111 neaa of which he died. Coughs and Colds You could not please us bet ter than to ask your doctor about Ayer. Cherry Pectoral for couphs, col Js, croup, bron chitis. Thousands of families always keep it in the house. The cpproval of their physi cian and the exnericnr ri many years have given them J great confidence h tlml ixilj for seven y years Any gne-d doctor will tell you Ilut smtai cine like Aver's Clerry Hectors! cannot I do its best work if the bowels are vjn ' i'ipsted. Ask vour doctor if h snythinr better than Ayer's Fills fareof. rectinr, ihi sluegia'iner.a cf the liver. aCtda by tha t O. ATSii CO.. La watt. Km Almost Limit of Foolishness. An old woman named Czabo, who was found dead In Rudatt, left a will In which she set forth that all her money, over V)00, should be aiven to her dog. The animal was handed over to the relatives, who. It Is said, will contest the will. The old woman had set a room apart for her dog. It was furnished with large mir rors and antique furniture upholsteted In silk. Only the dog was allowed to, enter this room. Birr Baiting Popular 8 port Few sjorts have bad such a great and ext.m-'ed popularity as bear bait. Ing. Tit 'cxars Imported their bears from iltiin, and the sport can be traced 1 "ng'aal to the Cinquest or beyoud. Queen FJUztbeth was so fond of the sport tha, ly an order In coun cil, she prchlb'.ted "plays to ba per formed on Thursday because bear baiting and ru- pastimes had usually been practiced." Li tuid ulna f a wank aohition. A mid It Buy Rl-i Cr Hall Blua. taa biua that's ail blua. Aak youi grocer. No Conclusive Evldenoe of Change. "Five years ago, sir," triumphantly declared the landlord of the Atlantic and Pacific hotel at Whoopopolls, Ok., "there was no town here at all!" "H'm!" replied the hypercritical tour 1st from the east. "And what make you think there Is one here nowT" Ham and Egga. Calhoun Clay says: "Dar am a non breakable relationship betwixt de cut lud race an' turkey, the reason beln' dat de cullud race ts descended from Ham, while ttfknv romos from eggs." "Be on the Jump" Con'l allow youncif to become discouraged and "out of sorts." The stoma h, fiver and sowed have become lazy and inactive, but a short course of liostetter's Stomach Bitters wil soon make th'ags right. It strengthens the entire "inner men," prevents Colds and Grippe and makes you strong sad vigorous. TKY IT. a I "DIDN'T HURT A BIT" is what they nl say of our PdnltM Methods of Extracting Teeth. Out-of-town po pfct cu hav thoir plat and bnd.ro work finished in on day If iv w Mary. An abaoluto truar antoo, backed by 26 yoara in Portland. Wise Dental Co. orricr. hours.- I A. M. la I P. M. Sundays 9 te 1 Phems: A 2029; Mais 2029. ailing Bldf ., Tka-4 ana' Waskiastea, Portland out or 1UYVN PEOPIE mis FarjrlT prom rvi ttit-nt of rtn-Foloaom, l4lU-1141l fMlltlM Iroua C GEE WO tfcoCkiaaao Wtor, Trv onr norv If yim h tatm ftnrfnrtna wltt thionnd (htonj.a o o4.tsinHi pr BiftfDt rvltf. It this itmi aatur h)r dinsr iwtMrcnMind pnraM'rita anti rmav1 wh"a) sX'tios (jMivk. min and ftafo. ill prv-yrriptlont nrt com tHun ! froa Root, PH, Hut taJ hark thitt bn ajwthrvd frrsi awry qtiaii. ter of rb sT'ot-a. 1 fast a'rp)s) of thmm m4nnM ra nn knma to th ouianria wnrM. hat ha rMa brtn'ird U rn from Uiiwr u mm ia taa hooUaa faiuiiiw is Cbiua. CONSULTATION FREK, Tf toi tlt nnt of town mn oantiot rail, vrtta fo yniptoB blauU aarf sjirvulM. smckwioa 4 oaala la MAOilaS. TKE C.6EEW0 CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 1 52 1 Hrit St., Cor. Morrison Pertlaed, Oresea, P. N. U. No l-'l. IXVBKH wrlllna la aaVartlaara, ataaaa bmb ' Uaa thai aapar. U. m. k. win. mmm m tUmm U3akJ 1 0 a-" a. CM 1s wea-i eaiora wal aiul a"' . J rj1 - . -