I Pay Roll $100,000 Per Month St. Helens Lumber Products Go to Am. Parts of the World Shipments Over 5,000,000 Fkkt Per Month St. Helens County i-'eat Columbia County Population 1908 ... - 400 1910 75 1912 .... 1500 Ku:ctr;c Lights Improved Strkkts Municipal Water Systhm Two Milks ok Skwkr Under Construction St. Helens Has Saw Mills Shipbuilding Plant Creosoting Works Stone Quarries Fisheries f E OREGON a in ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1913 VOL. XXXII. NO. 2 MIST GEORGE WEINHOLD DROWNS j Ship Watchman Fall! from Dock. Funeral Yestcrflay Last Wednesday night the mate of the sailing vessel Irene, which In taking on a load of tioa at the tie boom across Willamette Slough, came to St. Helens for a visit with the mate of the British Yeoman, at the mill dock, and at 12 o'clock started fur his boat to go back across the slough. George Weinhold, the watchman of the.Yeoman, took his lantern and was piloting the mate of the Irene to his boat. When the edge of the dock was reached Wein hold failed to ae just where he was and stepped over. He fell about 20 feet into the water and never came up. Search was made for his body and it was 3 o'clock In the afternoon before the body was recovered with the grappling hooks. Mr. Weinhold was un exemplary young mun of a good German family in Germany and shipped on the Yeoman at Aus tralia during the pant summer and was-taking the trip on the Yeoman around this route to get buck to his home in Germany. He vitisHI years old. Captain Watts of the British Yeoman took charge of the body and procured a beautiful cas ket, covered it with the British Flng and it was taken to the M. E. church where funeral services were held, attended by ull the sailors and shipping men in port and a large number of St. Hellene Jn-ople. In terment was made in the I. O. O. F. cemetery at Warren. MARTIN WHITE, DEP. ASSESSOR ASSESSOR BIAKESIEY SELECTS FORMER SHERIFF FOR DEPUTY Martin White has lieen appointed Deputy Assessor in the oil ice of As sessor C. W. Rlnkcsley and assumed his dutie yesterday morning. Mr. White bus already served some years in that ollice and is probably as well qualified as any man in the county to lill the post ion. Mr. Blukesley says that he will have two deputies in the field the coming year and he will do the office work. A thorough revision of the assess ment is contemplated and as near an equitable assessment will be made us Kihsible. "Iauevy TOTAL FOR 1913 WILL BE 23 1-4 MILLS. LESS THAN LAST YER The tax levy for Columbia County was made by the County Court this week based on a total valuation of about $l4.fu0,0t(), and was fixed nt 9 mills; 0 being for general county and state and 3 for general road. In St. Helens this makes a total of 23 1-4 mills, divided ns follows: General County and State (': general road 3; City of St. Helens 5; special school i; special road II 1-4. This is a very material reduction over kt year. TRAVELLING SHOW TROUPE FAILS TO APPEAR. LEAVE BILLS The North Star Vaudeville? Co. advertised to appear here last Wednesday night failed to ap pear. . Ileport is" that they stranded at Castle Uock. The ad vance agent was a pleasant visi tor in St. Helena for a couple of days, after which several citizens found themselves in possession of some worthless I. O. U s. One brown yearling heifer taken the fore part of Seplemlx v.. .. 1. Y0UN3 MAN ARRESTED ACCUSED OF LARCENY OF DIAMOND RING WHICH HE GIVES TO SWEETHEART Sheriff Mass of Clackamas County was in St. Helens last Saturday, having come here to get a prisone r wanted in his county who had been arrested by Sheriff Thompson at Quincy the day before. The charge against the man was larceny of a diamond ring, which he is alleged to have stolen from the foreman of a construction crew near Oregon City, with which he was working. It appears that the young man, Charles Bennett, was anxious to make a present to a young lady whom he was courting and not hav ing the necessary funds with which to purchase same he took the fire man's ring, had the diamond re-set I i. . - n- ,i .11., ....... sen ted it to his girl. Inquiry being - made at the home of the young lady she innocently told of the present having lieen ninde to her and the proierty was identified as the stolen ring. A warrant was sworn out for larceny and the man wasclis-! covered working as a cook for the j engineers of the S. 1'. & S. Co. near Quincy, was promptly arrested and tken back to Oregon City to be tried. THE NEW OEFiCERS Tho new officers were all swoin in last Monday and arc busy at woi k Countv Clerk La Hare is still at his ! office with A. F. Harnett as deputy and Bessie Peters and Gertrude Philip as clerks. Sheriff Thompson still holds forth in that ofboe -.s dors his deputy. A. I!. Lake. i... 1 ; James Hunt is clerk. A.er C.l W. Plnkesley and his deputy. Mar-'is- Helens have been so loyal to tin White are getting ready t. inaVe!11"' '" sll,", throughout the the assessments for the year. R. S. ', basket ball season that an extra Hattan has charge of the funds in 'arge crowd is expected to hear the tho Treasurer's olTIcc. Judge W. h""1 ,r- its luck ntdehating. The A. Harris is presiding oer tin- so- j question is oneof great interest this sions of the county Court, will! John ; ( :,M n: '"t'csolvc d, That the elec Farr. holdover, and Unis Kluh.vr, j 1 ,r;il c,,i:i' 4uul.I abolished the new member. Everything is j "ni1 ,,n' I'rcsident nominated and running along ns usual and the nib-j elected by direct vote of the Hople." cers are determined to perform th. ir;Virpl Hattan and Cecil Koss will ' t . ... t I .. :.!. ..... respective duties in a t.anner duties in a t.-.anner .atis-i" factory to ull. SUPERVISORS F0y i913 County Court Names lieu for Eo i Kaslers The County Court has appointed the following named gentlemen to serve as road superisors for tho various districts of the county: Dist. No. 1, II. W. Uamscy 2, John Kallberg :i. U. S. D..p:dn 4, Jas. Caittens ' o, C. 0, I'uwler " C. J. E. Johnson 7. P. C. Poy e i 5. D. C. K'r'. y !, Kmil I.ovt gren UK 11. 12. L. A. .Valeom II. J. Pnllhorn N. A. t'a'mbcrg 13, J. II. Peterson 14, U. S. Meliinger 15, Gust GustnlVo-i If., E. II. North 17, Gus Lange MULTMCMAH PROVES TO EE IN FIRST CLASS SliATE 'I'he Multnomah had her trial trip in San Francisco hail or last week and proved id! t. U'. I cr Li in,"; was in fust c!tu.a coiniition, tiie en gines worked to pel ft cLioIl ill l . 1 s!.e was pronounced seaworthy. Cap tain Jahnsen will take her out for tiie first trip within a few days, her dc.Uiiiiition being St. lbdens. W. H. FORMER SHERIEF AND COUNTY CLERK OF COLUMBIA CO. PASSES AWAY W. II. Conyers, an old resident of Columbia County, died at his home in Clatskanie last Tuesday morning, after an illness of several months. Mr. Conyers was one of the most widely known men in the county, having lived here for a long time, and has occupied Important public positions. He served as Sheriff of the county for two terms and as County Clerk for one term. He was an attorney, having been in active practice of the profession in Clatskanie for a number of year?, lie leaves a wife, four daughters and one son, besides a brother, Hon. E. W. Conyers of Clatskanie. Mr. Conyers was a G. A. It. man, high ... .Via Ammni I. nT (kof nrffD m U T 1 III HIV IV'MJIlllll nif.1. u"" in the state, having served for four years during the Civil War. He was a member of the Masonic Lxlge, which organization had charge of the f uncial M-rviees at Clatskanie on Tliiiralm- Trid.rilmnt U'fl. miiiln in ... School Notes All St. Helens is asked to keep ojen the date of January 17, as on that evening will occur tho del ate between the local high school and the Astoria high school. Frank Robertson, Beth Terry and CharleB Law s wt're named by the students yestvrday morning as a committee to advertise and manage the local debate. Mildred Allen nnd Mar g:.. t Hums will be the forensic champions of the school en the eventful evening. The people of; - ' Wlul l"K hamr "i' lion on the same evening. TKACK n;)SI'ElTS HlilCllT. Dale Perry, the husky shot putter who won the hurdles in the track meet last fprin' at Kainier, was elected this week by the high school students to manage the track ath letics for St. Helens high school. Dale is expected to be one of the heavy point winners for the local school next spring. The track meet lift ween the graded schools of Columbia county will be held here May 17. The basket ball season will close the latter part of the present month. Two panics, one with Woodland and one with St. Johns are arrarged for and Manager' Zina Ijimont is corresponding with Rainier for a closing game. MKT!UAY PARTY. Charles Smith was pleasantly sur prised Tuesday night when a large party of his high school friends dropped in nt his home to help cele brate his 17th birthday. Mrs. Smith had an abundance of refreshments prepared. The evening was passed with entertaining games nnd music. One of the best debates of the year, the annual tryout included, was held in Mrs. Thoniason's Knglish history class Tuesday. Walter i'.yseth, Ethel Drew and Lucile Hbc hvon by a close nnrgin over Dale Perry, Joe Kcelan nnd Goldie Hat tan. Call For Vcrrants Money on hand to pay all county warrants on the general fund en dorsod from Nov. 12 to Nov. 2. r.U2, inclusive. Interest icasei Jan. REAL ESTATEJRANSFERS Dec. 20. C. E. & L. O. Rice to J. J. & N. Usher, 15 acres in Sec. 16. Tp. 7. N. R. 4. W. Con. $1. Dec. 27. L. H. & W.I. Spencer to Enoch, Roberts, tract 9, Valley View acres. Con. $10. Dec. 28. II. J. & M. Southard to Clyde Sutherland, lot 10. ble 24, St. Helens. Con. $250. Wm. R. Holmes et ux to Omer II. Holmes, land in Sec. 24, Tp. 7, N. R. 4. W. Con. $1. F. & B, B. Springer to David McMuller, land in Sec. 36, Tp. 6. N. R. 3, W. Con. $575. Dec. 30. S. M. Boals to A. I. Boals, land in Sec. 32. .Tp. 8, N. R. 3, W. Con. $1000. L. H. &. V. I. Spencer to Chas. Hericksen, 10 acres in Tp. 7, N. R. 4. W. Con. $10. Dec. 31. John Alvin to Chas. Steph. land in Sec. 18. Tp. 7. N. R. 4. W. Con. $2500. C. &. M. Scott to C. F. Abbott, lots 21 and 22, blk 43. St. Helens. Con. $600. Columbia Agri'l Co to R. B. Magruder. 1299.81 acres in Tp. 7. ... K. o. Con. JI0. Jan. 2, 1913. C. &. E. Une to derly. lot 9. blk 2, E. M. Won - Mancnara Add to Rainier. Con. $600. I. D. & E. Wonderly to W & J. P. Combs, 59.1 acres in Tp. 7. N. R. 3. Con. H32. H. R. &. A. B. Dibblee to S. W. Dibbee. land in Sec. 12, Tp. 7.,app0jnted master of that vessel. R. 3. Con. $1. '.Thn r.riro-a sails nnrW Ihp Fnc- S. W. Dibble to II. R. Dibllep. i land in Sec. 7.- Tp. 7. N. R. 2. Con. $1. St. Helens Imp. Co to E. K.j Ostrom, lot 6, blk 10, R. R. Add! to St. Helens. Con. 10. T. &. E. Brink to Guy Mills. lots 9 and 10. blk lo, Rose Add toi, the wireless apparatus beirtr Vernonia. Con. $80. ! cr.r.i;d hv n KvstPm of rlrv cpII T. A. CloningertoC.Clonirger,lbattcries Capt Watta u de. land in Sec. 34. Tp. 4, N. R. Con. $1. John Gabrielson to Chas. Gab- rielson, land in Sec. 24, Tp. 4, N. R. 2. Con. $1250. Jan. 3. Chas. Burgdorfer to II. W. Ralinsky, 8 acres in Sec. 15 and 16. Tp. N. R. 2. ('on. $1. Jan. 4. II. T and J. P. Hill to Earl Lands- kron, 5 acres in Sec. 30, Tp, 5. N. R. 2. Con. $175. W 1 C:.......tt IJ Tli,,m..'l,t in Sec. 1G, Tp o, w. K. - '" ooo. A. & J. Bachsler to G. L. Mc pherson, land in Sec. 5, Tp. 6, N. R. 5. Con. $10. S. L. Voigt to L. Archibald, lots 3, 4, !. 8, blk 12. Goble. Con. $1.0. Jan. '). F. C. & G. S. Forties to Geo. V. Clark, land in Sec. 28, Sp. 4, N. R. 2. Con. 10. F. Ross et al to J. L. Chittim et ux, lots 5 and 6. blk. 2, First Add. to Columbia Park. Con. $10. Columbia Co. Inv. Co. to G. E. Eosdick, 11.19 acres Beaver Homes. Con. $'90. R. M. Disney to M. Nina Savage, lot .", blk. 7."), City of St. He.e is. Con. $22.",. Jan. ). Rainier Land Co. to H. B. Cole man, lots 1 and 2, blk. 2. Florence Add to Rainier. Con. $ 175. J. A. & A. Lofquist to Jas. Ilickenbottom, lot 6, blk. 7, east side Add. toVernonia. Con. $.". J. F. Cheldelin to Jos. Hicken - bottom, lots 4 and 5, blk. 7, E. side Add to Vernonia. Con. $,. G. L. Mcpherson et ar to A. Mc - Pherson et al. land In Sec. 5, Tp. 6. N. R. 5. Con. $ 1 . Thos. Poyle et ux to A. Kerry. ..Sec. H. Tp. N. (, lib'. ...ueh to land SUCCESSFUL HOG RAISER FORMER ST. HELENS MAN HIGHLY SPOKEN OF J. Warren Quick, the well known Duroc breeder, of Balls ton. Oregon, was a visitor at the yards Saturday. We are sorry to note that Mr. Quick's errand in the city is an unpleasant one, as Mrs. Quick is in the Good Samaritan Hospital to be operated on at an early date. But The Reporter hopes to hear very encouraging news from her in a few days. Mr. Quick tells us that he has been highly successful in the breeding and sale of his pigs since he was met at the Finnicum sale at Amity in August. Out of a herd of 80 head of hogs he has sold down to about 18. and Victor, his fin boar. has paid for himself several times over in service. Mr. Quick intends I branching out more in the pure bred ; business and will be counted among our advertisers in the coming year. Portland Livestock Reporter. CAPTAIN WAITS LEAVES POFM SEA CAPTAIN ANSU1S NEW COMMAND Capt. C. E. Watts of the British Yeoman. accompanied by his wife an(j daughter, left this afternoon on the for Portland. After , . .pnfjinff to some ship's business s,in portiard. Capt. Watts will I Ipavp for San Francisco to eniov i o tnnnlK'o vorQti'fin Frnm Ran Francisco he will go to Callao, Peru to take the British Bktn. Everett G. Griggs, he having been ,j h flaff lhouh owned by San ; prancjsco people. She is a vessel ..r oq,-;j tons nnd i canablj of : 2 ,.2 niilIion feet of jumer she is dillerent from imnfthp "winnMamrr.ers" as . . . winches, and wire- servedly popular in St. Helens, and the best wishes of his many friends go with him when he as sumes command of the Griggs. Call for Sealed Bids Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by th? City j Recorder until 7:30 p. m. Monday, j Jan. Pi. 191-1, for improvement of j Ca.senau street north from "Nigger r ... canyon as per Ordinance u" v.. 1 I a,a mililia i,irl m thf llretron jMist pt,c 13 W12. Profiles and specifications can be seen at the Recorder's office. I'he council re serves the right to reject any r.nd all bids. John Q. Gage, City Recorder. For several months the Masonic IamIco of this city has been figuring on the erection of a new Masonic Temple and plans have been adopted for some time, but for some reason the work has never been pushed. We are informed, however, that the difficulties have all been adjusted and that work will commence im mediately on the erection of a two story, concrete building. This will very materially add to the business) houses on Columbia street. land in Sec. 4. Tp. 3. N. R. 2. Con. $4S0O. Jan. 9. V. H. & D. 15. I inefortl to J. T. I Bincfoid. lo; :?.b;k.7S in S Helens iCon. $1 ; S .. Hen Imp. Co to A. L. j Vifr.iotis, lots 22 and blk. 10, iR. R. Add to St. Helens. Con. $10. A. L. Vitiniotis to P. C. Vitiniotis. U 2 and r R. ! St, Heen,. Con. 5.50 ---r jllee.:.,, 5 N , - . .y I nnu ii i nnni 1 1! liml nfliTtnmub anu uuhib NEWS NOTES CONCERNING PEOPLE PERSONAL; LOCAL; SOCIAL AND OTHERWISE Tk AM C' t tL. AT r- ' - . . oi me m. r- church will sew for Mrs. JefiFoot Wednes.lay, Jan. is. Born, on Thursday, Jan. 0th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stanfield at their home at the Warrior Rock light house, a girl. T. A. Cloniger of Scappoose, was in St. Helens Wednesday. Mrs. A. W. Mueller and Miss Gertrude VonEssen were Portland visitors last week. ....... w . . J . 1 ' I ' . . . 1 mo a i c .7 senger on Wednesdays train for! porlland J. McAdam, a prominent farmer of Mayger, was attending County Court this week. F. M. Miles was down from Port - land.this week. We had one day of fine skating on the lakes in town tips week, Mon- day, but the warm winds and rain ot that night spoiled the sport. Abe Neer. the founder of Xeer City, was a business visitor in St. Helens Monday. Gus Iing and Jas. D. McKay of Scappoose were transacting business in St. Ik-lens early in the week. Ernest Johnson of Scappoot-e visited St. Helens Monday to look', I j . ii. ui nils iiici wiui a yaiuiut after some business matters. , MomJay which ,ay A. r.lackburn of Clatskanie waslhi:n up for some time. While attending t some business matters in the county seat during the week. Mayor Martin White went to Portland Tuesday where he will spend several days on business mat ters. Mrs. N. A. Ashby of Tanks. Oregon, is vi.-iting with hr daugh ter, Mrs. M. E. Miller in St. Helens this wek. Judge W. II. Cooper of Kainier was lo. -kin?? after liisir.ess tua'ters in town this morning. The Steanxr Paraifo will be in St. Helens tonight to take on a 'Oregon, arrived in St. Helens yes part cargo of lumber for San , t. nhiy and is visiting with his Pedro. 1 brother. E. E. Quick and family. The King Cyrus left down the! Et- remits that his wife is now in a nvcr yesterday with a full carf o ( Portland hospital and has a good . of lumber for Southern Cali fornia ' chance for complete recovery, ports. ! Revival meetings are being held Fi d F.ncebrclFcn returned at t'.c Free Methodist church at lyesU .-day from RnnFrancisco and jEurtlia vvhere he has been on a busii.ess trip the past week. Bob Cole, c'lief electrician at the Mill Co. plant, returned from : his annual trip to San Francis! i.ct ! If you want good thirds tr eat call on the Muckle Grocery Co. All fresh goods. reason f! le prices. Prompt delivery. 1'hor e So. A number of the members of the Masonic Idge of thi - city wmt t- Clatskanie Thursday to attend th' funeral of W. H. Conyers, who was formerly a member of Si. Ee'.ir s Lodge A. F. & A. M. The Congregational I-adie Aid will meet on Thursday, Jan. 1:. with Mrs. J. W. Day, to mm. A full attendance is desired. The St. Helens l.T 1 will give a dance al the City Hall on i'aturd.-.y nicM. Jan. I:-'. T1:C 1 rice of .' e number will l e To cents and J ill are ail in ited. Mr. Fisher, n presenting the H brook Co wlilc'i ii expi ring the . (.'.oble lar.i's, a; in X. tie. ens ves- ten'r.v. 'in king aite;- u e Inte.ests ef his con. pair.'. Action was tak.ii by tl e Coi nty . .1.0. ... . i . nr - Tito Zt - n- - - theupperor aou-i ,n... - nn inn ..TD THINGS IN AN3 AROUND ST. fflfi harl Hunt. hmtW T.-J : IT.,... .u - i ..... . . of sheriff fa Helens yesterday from Calgary j Alberta, and will spend tome tinv visiting with relatives am j friends. I The Muckle Grocery Co. wil ! have a demonstration of high ' Canned its at their nP4 ! '"aa6rocery on Saturday, Jan 4' ,The Pubhc ,s Cordially in vited to attend. . , I - ,,. iL , VIU 1U1 ,n me street Detween his rest-i 'dence and the barn property) I so that it will Ko lovll a' j graded from Columbia street to ithe foot nf thA bill I i A. Freeman, a nrominent' I farmer from Warren, was a busi- ! ness visitor in St. Helens today, j The County Court adjourned to j day after a busy session lasting I all the week. Mr. Fluhrer left- j for his home at Mayger, and Mr, Farr returned to Warren. A record trip was made by the Klamath the past week, loading j here with lumber and ties, going j t0 San Francisco, unloading there i and back here in just 8 days. T tt r.;ir, . .:.u : handling some wood a large block J ; ft.u u,)0n his hand badly cutting and j mashing it. For Saij; Five brood sows, one boar, seventeen small pigs. I). Pasero Bros., It Columbia City. A basket social and card party wiil be jriven by the young ladies of the Catholic church January 18, at tl.e Guild Hall, St. Helens. A good time ii assured.' Everybody wel come. J. Warren Quick of Ballston, U-ulton every Tuesday, Wednesday, I'l'luir-day and Friday afternwms v I every evening ar coo v cioi-k. v.ov.Hist Sehooley is in 3 ,nt,wt 13 mmi' festi d in the meetings. White & White, the general mer chirt3 rf Houlton are advertising a c'caiar.tv snle at their store to com 'i. n r on Jan. llUh. next Monday. On j.nother paw of this paper will 1 1- f...und 'IHr ad which contains a li.-t el" prices that are interesting leading and every reader of this !a;tr is invited to look over the ad and compare their prices with the i-gular prices paid for like com modities. .?r. Samnrons, a recent arrival in iV.umbia County, has purchased 2-i a- ros of land from A. H. Tar he!!. 1 eing a portion of the old Pope p:ai: on Bachelor Hat, and is hav ing lumber hauled with which to r-'ii:t a nouse and imni. na own tiie buildings are completed Mr. ... i I 1 A.. Sammons will move his family on the p are. .. :Mc. a. ii. aiu oi viarren wjwiuot. llekr.s this morning and Btated that ! he had moved onto his place which ho P'tirchased from Peter Felto" 1 Bachelor Fiat. Tr.'t r ' ift " ' -ynar can nave same,, tj viv "-TJ H ovlng 'r'"vr' II. 11)18. R. S, Hattan, Co. Tiea Con m m si ' " I j rTf"' " 3 .'.p( r.ingo and . I an.