The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, November 08, 1912, Image 8

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    Adminutntor Notice
In tb County Court of th Stat of
Oregon lor Columbia County. In the
Matter of tb Ettate of Charles H.
Cnuhtw, decttaaed.
Notice U hereby given that L. R.
Rutherford, tb undersigned, hu been
duly appointed adminUtrator ol t!i ra
tal of Charles II . Crenahaw, deceased,
by the County Court of the Mat of
orefron tor Columbia County, and ha
duly qualified for aaid trust. All per.
aom baring claima artint said eatate
are ben by notified and required to pres
ent the em. duly ventied Bud with
proper Touchers, to aid administrator
at the office of The Columbia County
AbatractA Trust Company, in St. Hel
ena, Columbia Couuty, tSiate of Oregon,
within aix montha from tha date ol thia
notice. Dated at 6U Helena, orefron
and flrat publiahed September 30. 1912.
U R. Rutherford,
AdminUtrator ol tbe estate of Cbarle
H. Crenihaw, deceased. 6t
Notice To Creditor.
In the matter of the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County of
In the matter of the estate of Mouriu
Kjier, deceased.
Notke hi hereby given by the under
signed the Executor of the eatate of
MoarirsfKiier, deceased, to the creditor
of, and all persona having claims against
aid estate to present them, with proper
Touchers, within aix months Irooi the
date of this notice, to the said executor,
at tbe office of A. W. Mueller at St. Hel
ena, Oregon, the same being tbe place
ler tbe transaction of the bueineaa of
aaid estate.
Dated, this Slat day of August A. D.
1912. Andrew K. Carr,
As Executor of the estate of Mouriu
KJier, deceased.
In the Coonty Court of the State of
Oregon, For Columbia County.
In the matter of the Estate of Hiram
Hotce, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that ollie Hole
has by said Court, been duly appointed
the administratrix of the Estate of Hir
am Holce, deceased, and has duly qusli-
fiedasaucb. All persons having claims
against said Estate are hereby notified
and required to present the same, duly
verified, to faid Administratrix at the
office of Dillard A Day in St. Helens, in
tbe County of Colombia, State of Oregon,
within six months from the date of thie
. Dated at St. Helens, ore non, and first
publish I, August 23, 1912.
ollie Holce.
Administratrix of the Estate of Hiram
Holce, deceased.
Francis Broo-nisn, Plaintiff,
Gns Brooktnan, Defendant,
To Gns Rrookmsn. Defendant.
In the name of the State of oreiron
yon are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint Med against you
in the shore entitled court and cause on
or before the 2nd day 01 November 1912
the same being six weeks from tee aate
of the first publication of this luomoni,
and beinirtlie date fixed by the Court
tor von to annear and answer herein.
and il you fail 10 so appear and srser
the plaintif will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed lor in his eimpl inf.
to-wit; for S decree of divorce dissolving
the marriaire contract now existing be
tween plaintifl and defendant, an t for
such other snd further relief as the court
may deem equitable.
This tammnni i publisded once
week for six consecutive week in the
Oregon Mist, e newspaixr of general cir
culation in Colnmbia Coonty. oretton,
by order of the Hon. James Dart, Coun
ty Judge of Columbia County, oreiron.
Dated tbisJiOlb day of ept. 1912.
Howard M Brownell,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication Kept. 20. 1912.
Date of lart publication November 2nd
Francis Green, PilintlS
William Less Green Defendant.
To William Green the above named De
In the name of the State of Oregon
jroa are hereby required to appe-.r snd
answer the complaint filed agaitiat you
in the above entitled suit within the
time hereinafter stated for you to do so,
or the above named plaintiff will apply
to the court for tbe relief demanded in
said complaint, which is In substance,
that the bonds of matrimony existing
between you and the plaintiff be dis
solved, This summons is published in the
Oregon Mint once a week for the p -riod
of six weeks, pursuant to an order for
the publication of the same, made by
the Hon. James Dart ihe County Jadve
of Columbia County, Oregon, dated Oc
tober 24, 1912, and you are required to
appear and answer said Complaint on or
before the laat day of raid period of six
weeks from said date of the first pub-
licatioo of this summons, namel), on
or before December, C, 1912, or Plaintiff
will apply to the above entitled Court
tor the reliel hereinbefore mentioned.
The date of tbe first publication of
this summons is October 25, 1912
Date of laat puhlti-alion Decemlr 6.
1612. Howard M. Broant-ll,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Administratar'a Notic to Creditor.
In the County Court of the St e r.f
Oregon for Columbia County. It, the
Matter of the Eatate of Willia.n H. tow-le-bv,
ilei d
No'h-e i- 1 .--elu gien that 1 R,
f.iubvri.M J, u uudettigucd, haa leulbl2ia iavor of Ka.:l.el E
uly appointed administrator of the es '
tale of William II. Bowlesby, deceased,
by tbe County Court of the Slate of Ore
gua for Columbia County, and baa duly
qualified for aaid trust All person hav
ing claims against said eatate are hereby
notified and required to present the
same, duly verified and with tbe proper
vouchers, to said administrator at the
office of The Columbia County Abstract
& Trust Company, In SU Uelens, Col
umbia County, State of Oregon, within
aix nvmihs from date of thia notice.
Dated at St. Helens, Oregon and first
published October 18, lul.
L. R. Rutherford,
Administrator of the estate of William
H. Bowlesby, deceased. (4 t)
Andrew Heodrickeen, Plaintiff,
Christina Marie Hendricksen. Defendant.
To Christina Maria Hendricksen. De
fendant. In tbe name of tbe State of Oregon,
yon arc hereby required to appear and
anawer the complaint filed against yon
in the above entitled court and cause on
or before the 3od day of November 1913,
tbe same being six weeks from the dale
of the first publication of thia summons.
and being the date fixed by tbe Court
for yon to appear and answer herein.
and it jou fail to so appear and answer
the plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for in hi complaint,
to-wit; for a decree of divorce dissolving
the marriage contract now existing be
tween plaintiff and defenJant, and for
inch other and further relief as the
coort may deem equitable.
Thia summons is published once a
week for six consecutive week in tbe
Oregon Mist, a newspaper of general
circulation in Coiambia Coonty, Ore
gon, by or.ler of tbe Hon. James Dart,
County Judge of Columbia County Ore
gnn. Dated this 20th day of September
Howard M Brownell.
Atiy. for riaintiff.
Date of first publication Sept. 20, 1912.
Date of last publication Nov 2. 1912
Delia Holland, Plaintiff,
Roy Holland, Defendant.
To Roy Halls nd, the above named de
fendant :
In the name of the State of Oregon,
yon are hereby required to appear and
answer tbe complaint filed against you
in the above entitled Court, on or before
the 15th day of November, 1912. which ia !
ix weeks after the 4th day of (Xtober
1912. the date ordered tor the first!
publication of summons; and if you fall
to so appear and answer, plaintiff will
apply fcr the relief preyed for in her
complaint, to-wit: For a decree di-solv.
in the marriage contract heie ofo e
and now exiting between the plaintiff
and t'ie defendant herein,' and for such
other and further relief as the Court
may seem equitable and ju-t
Thia aummons ia published by order
of the Honorable J. A. Eakin, Jude of
the a ove entitled Court, made and en
tered on the 4th day ol October. 1912.
Wilber Henderson.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
623 Lumbermen Building,
Portland, Oregon.
First publication, October 4, 1912.
Las! publicition, November 15. 1912.
Notice of Final Settlement
la tbe Connty Court of tbe State of
Oregon, For Colnmhia County.
In the Muter of :h Estite of
M. A. Kale, Deceafed.
Notice is hereby given : That Frank
Brown the adminia rator ot tbe etat
of M. A. Kale, deceawd, his rend-red
and presenU-d lor settlement, and filed
in raid Our', hit) Final Acrount of hi-admini-tration
ot said estate, tog"thi-r
with a report thereof, and th it Saturday
the l!Hh day of October, 1912, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon of raid day, at
the court-room of said rour', at the
court-house in the ci y of Ht. He'ens, in
said coonty (it Colnmhia, state of Oregcn,
haa len fixed by the Cou t as the time
and place for tbe settlement of aid final
account and the hearing of aid report,
at which time and place anv perwn in.
tereted in sai l estate may appear and
file his ei' epti'.nn, in writing, 10 soid
account and contest the same.
Frank Brown,
Adoiini-trator of the estate of M. A.
Kale, deceased.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given, that the un
designed ad'i.ln strator with will annex
ed, c f tbe ettate of William B. Dohel-bow-r
deceased, has filed In th-County
Court of Columbia Conr.ty State of Ore
gon, bis final account as such adminis
trator of said estate, and that on 8atur
day, tbe 23' rd day of Novemlwr 112, at
the the hour of Ten o'clock in tbe fore
noon of raid day at the Court House in
St, Helens, has been fixed by the Conn
ty Court as t'.e time snd place for hear
ing objections to faid report and the
uua settlement thereof.
' y. I. Dietz,
f Administrator of the estate of William
B. Dorjel bower, deceased , i th will an
nexe I.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
Rachel B. Bntes, Plaintiff,
John C Bates. Defend int.
Notice is hereby given that undrr and
by virtne of execution, ju'lgnieiit and
1 ... r.i - t . : 1 . 9 . 1 .u
tif.ed Court in tbe above entitle I cnte,
tom (lir rlel nn 1 dattd xtolr 9,
Bates and
ags'nst J .liC. BaWt, tor the sum f
fti.M.00 and iuterest thereon from the j
lot l any ol January 15.1s. ai in rate 01
pircil per annuti, and th further
sutiof J3.i 5cu.U nd of cots f ai-d
nranihiiw ti, commanding toe lo ieil '
the defemUii's intnest iu and to the : cientllC ft thds to the lllltllx'r
fol owog d uribel iti property siluat. ! ,pg ,,,uS ry. On his initiative
d n Cuius bia Gu ,ty. Oregon, to-wit: , he ,,etitjonrd the K-
vuiuivm 1114 l III nun nii'n'iuir,..
loctted li the uilvtdM of a toad way plat- j
tJ by Mart'srot l. Keid, and surveyed
by V. M. T.u-iuaa, Civil Kui-Iiuer, N.
SO V Vet 1JU.1 fe 1, and North d de- '
gneeftO' Enst 423 1 fert from an iron
UKUUltient rMkhliel inn the oulhwesl
section of Section HI, Twp. 4
North Range 3 West of W. M. ; thence
running North 80 decrees 50' East tW6
feet to an iron monumrnt; thence run
ning South (id degrees 50' West 730 feet
to an iron monument in the outer of
said roadway ; thence running Westerly
and Northerly along tbe center of said
roadway to the place of beginning, con
taining 14 26 acres of laud more or le-s,
according to the survey thereof.
Now, therefore by virtue ol aaid exe
cution, Judgment and order of said tale
and in compliance with the comman ds
Of said writ I will on Saturday ths 30th
day of November, 1912, at the hour of
10 o'clock a. ca at the front door of the
Coort House in tt. Helens, Columbia
County, Oregon, sell at public suction as
by law provided, alt the right, till and
intercut which the within named John C
Bates haa or bad on tbe 2nd day of May
112, in and to the within de
scribed property and every part thereof
to satisfy said execution, judgement.
order of sale, interest, costs sud set-ru
ing coots.
Dated this fr.Uli day of October, 1912.
First publication Nov. 1, 1912.
Lasl November fc. 1912.
A. E. Thompson,
Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon
for colninM. county.
cha-sieGe Bolt,
Rav Ge RoU, Def. nden.
To Rav Ge Klt, drtenditnt above named:
In the Name 01 tbe State of Oegon:
You ar here by required to appear and
anwer the complaint filed against yon in
the atx-ve n itl-l suit, on or btfo-e. the
15th dav of November. 112, which Is the
timeprec I bed for answering iatlieor.
der of imhlnauon of thiBSummnnsand if
vo i la 1 iopiarand ner. trie plxin
tl2 ill appiv to tbe conrt for the relief
demanded in the complaint on tile here
in, to-wt. a decree of 1 he court dissolving
the bo da of matrimony heretofore ani
now exia'ing between ihe plaintiff and
detention! herein on the grounds that you
deserted plaintiff wt'houtjusl Caue. and
against tier wish, wilt and consent, at
Portland. Oreg' n. in the month of Mav.
loll, a id that ever siiiee said time the
a hove named defendant bas livt-d apart
from the sid plaintiff wthout lust or any
ranee and agamt her wih, will and Con
sent, This summons wss published by the
orderof the Hon. J. A fcaXtrt ciicuit jU'lge
of the "-aid cieruit lourt which order aas
filed the Dt ay of October, lgl2, the la'e
ol first pu' lie .tiun of thismtnuaoni binf
October 4. 1912, and "late Of lasl publica
tion thereof being November 15. 1)!2.
J. M. In,
Attorney f ir 1'lainliff,
6J1) H-nrv H1I,
Portland, Oregon
Real Estate Transfer
Nov. 1:
E. Bickell to Martha Brumner,
lot 6 blk. 10 Blanchards add, con
sideration $2000.
H. McGuire to Commercial Realty
Co.. 1-2 int. to lakd in 22-3-2 con.
State of Oregon to W. E, Stevens,
tide land con., $35.99,
Nov, 2;
M. and G. P. Howell to O. E,
Folen, K, Erekson, land in 1 1-6-3,
Nov. 4;
N. E. Barbour to M. D. Barbour,
land in 29-8-3, con. $1.
G. W. Maklnstor et al to Henry
Blake, lot In Neer City, con. $30.
Henry Blake to E. II. Blake, land
in Neer City, con. $10.
F. B. Elliott et al to C. M. and
A. M. Bryant, land in 12-7 5, con.
G. and J. Van Dolah to P. C. Pet
erson, lot 6-7-8 blk. 24 in Columbia
City, con. $1.
J. M. Lock wood to P. C. Peter
son, lot 5 blk 24 in Columbia City,
con. $1.
Nov. 7:
A. McDonell et al to R. N. Day,
land in 32-5-2, con. $1.
P. K. Nones to G. K. Nones, lot
24 blk. 9, Railroad Add. to St. Hel
ens, con. $110.
C. E. and W. H. Madden to Geo.
Ealm, lot 1 and 2 bfk 12. Blanch
ards Add., con. $400.
Forest School
Oregon Agricultural College,
Corvallis, Nov. 9--"No better ir..
vestment can be made by tho j -state
than to establish a chair at I
the agricultural college for the ,
preparation of young men to be-:
come losing engineers," said'
George M. Cornwall, editor of j
"The Timberman," discussing;
plans ot school of forestry at the
Oregon Agricultural College. j
Mr. Cornwall presented a pit l
to the congress at Tacoma whi : i
enuiuaiaauc enuor -
ment. His special study of tin
many new problems constant!
arism in larire camps has plir-i
, naJt J hi n that there llUi. t I
, - ., ... . . ... yountf ,
; ,f..i.,n to
" i- - -
It thrill t Upplv technical anil
icultur.-il c- llfKis or uinversitios
f 01.I fo n n. k'nlM. Montana.
)rvj?t.ri. Y s-hin.r'.on Ht.d Hrilish
:olun,lia : Dnivk such co'.ir'
n a n i u 8 bi.als with other oV
grve CJir.cs. comtnittoca to
push the matter in oaoh state,
the Oregon committee boinr com
posed of J. S. O'Gorman, iscon
sin LogKing & Timlwr t o., Port
land; II. C Clair, Twin Falls Log
ging Co.. Portland; J. 1. Young.
Inman-Foulsen Lumber Co., Kel
so, Wash.
The committee has visited the
college, and Prof. G. W. Peavy,
head of the college forestry de
partment, has submitted a tenta-1
tive course, which is being work-,
ed out. The committee will ask I
the next legislature for an ap-
propriation of $50. (XH) for a build- J
ing and equipment for teaching:
logging engineering at the col-
lege. tucn a course is at present i
absolutely impossible, & the col-1
lege has no suitable facilities.
The school of forestry is now
crowded into a few rooms on the
top floor of Science Hall, where
there is no space whatever for
demonstration machinery and
necessary materials.
"Oregon has the largest amount
of standing timber of any state
in the Union," said Mr. Cornwall
discussing the plans. We have
540,000.000 feet of virgin tim
ber in oua forests. It can be
seen that logging will be the
dominant industry in Oregon for
many years to come. For that
reason we feel tnat no better in
vestment can be made by the
state than to establish a chair at
the agricultural college for the
preparation of young men to be
come logging engineers.
The logging engineering course
should consist of three depart
ments in charge of a practical
logger, a cruiser and estimater,
and an instructor in civil and me
chanical engineering with the
rudiments acquired at as early
an age as possible, tho young
men of 25 to 25 should he able to
assume his position as a logging
engineer with every prospect of
Now how are we going to go
securing the neces"sary education
al facilities for the training of
our young men who desire to take
up the study of logging encineer-
T Some steps have been tak
en by the various universities
looking to the equipping of young
men for the lumber business, but
more especially along forestry
lines. But we must go farther.
We need the intensely practical
training if success is to attend
our efforts, tvery logging fore
man or superintendent of logging
is in fact a logging engineer. All
we are seeking to accomplish is
to better fit that man for his
The agricultural colleges have
demonstrated their value in
equiping the farmer's son with a
scientific knowledge of husband
ry. The courses of study in our
agricultural colleges have been
sane, practical and helpful. The
lumber industry deserves the
same cousideration for our young
men no desire to become expert
lumbermen, in its broadest sense.
If not, why not?
The preponderance of the lum
ber industry of the west justifies
this position. Any young man
who has the grit and Btamina to
fiitch in. work and study should
have an opportunity. He should
be able to earn his own way,
which makes for self-relicnce,
dash and daring, fits men for the
practical battle of life.
Elect Justice of the Peace and
Constable by larjre majority. So
cialist National ticket in second
place. Socialist tied for first place
for U. S. Senator.
FAlmund Olecn. Sec'y.
couiwa ccunh orroii
The liiand nnd Exalted Order of
I'x-Cininty ''oitiinisMiinei of Cnl
umliiii i'oi. nt v wrm i'i session for a
few ti.imites nt tlie Court House
last Wednesday hen were present ,
the following oliieers: Harry West
of Sen i )oom, Cuser Libel of Mist,
W. B. felv n of Marshland und N
I). Case of Warren. These gentle
men were all in the city having
brought Ihe election returns from
their several precincts. Then when
the present Commissioners John
Farr of Warren and W. K. Tichenor
of Clatskanie joined the crowd on
the Court House, step the Order
was fully organized and ready to
proceed to business and the entire
membership took a trip down the
Ijetters unclaimed in the St. Hel
en, Ore. Post oll'uv for the week end,
o ember 2. I'.12.
A. E. Armstrong, 1 lettrr
Isjti Bartholomew 1 letters
Niels Borresoii, Foreign, 1 letters
F M. l!'-own, 3 letters
James Paly. 1 letter
Hams Tlabue 1 letter
S, M. Hartman. 1 letter
J. J. Judd. 1 letter
Walter !-, 1 letter
Roy M. Myers. 1 letter
J. R. Neill, 2 letters
W. S. Peterson, 1 letter
W'm. RatTerty, 1 letter
Oscar Strand. 1 letter
C. II. Vaughn. 1 leUer.
Letters unclaimed by November IG
will be sent to the Dead-letter office.
M. C. Gray. P. M.
The wheels of the Columbia Cou.n
ty Mill begun to turn last week and
now lumber is leing turned out ut
the rate of about fwt fer
day. This is the mill that was
blown up and burned last spring,
only larger and better in every re
spect. The owners of the mill are
nearly all working men who l.ave
put their small earnings ino the
company and it already has y'ood
prospecU of success. The lnrt.tii.ti
is tirat class and tlie machinery is of
ilw. u.,,1 m,,i
atebt and ininji-rn pat
terns Mr. II. K. Mc'.V.rmick is
President of Ue C'ompr.ny and John
A. Williams is Manager. Harry
Sherman, for many years owner of
a saw mill in the Warren inuntiy.
hiw taken the xsi (ion of StiK-rin-U-nd.-nt
of the ne w ronci-rn and will
sure mawe tne .nisim-m a success, j
The building ot the mill at that
place, toK'eth-.r with the larjre Creo
sotinK works ndjoininK. has liecn
the caus.' ijf a residence building
boom in t,t in-i'h lx.rh.MHl that will
eclipse unytliin in the neiKhlrho.Ml
f'T .rwviy yi-ars. Anew town has
be.i ;ii-J ,i,t ;ind platted and new
homes for the woiktnen at Ihe mill
and CreiisotiuK works, an- iolno; up
on all e.orneni. JU-fore next summer
a lare lui'ilK-r of families will In
come permanent residents of this
new tract which has been dedicated
and platted as South St. Helms,
City water and Ifxht w-rvice has
been extended out there und they
are ritfht in town with everything
nior'ern and up to date.
At the meeting of the Columbia
Cou:ity i;raru:e, held in Uoulton.
last Saturday, tlie following oliieers
were t-le'.-ted for the ensuing term
of two years: It. N. bjv.?lace,
Worthy Master; (,. L. Tar?H-ll,
Overseer; 1'.. A. (Jessell, Ix-cturr;
Thnn Jtrown, Steward; Mrs. Jennie
lvelace, (jnapliin; VV. H. lUme,
Treaaurer; Mrs. Kmma Taibell,
Secretary; luy Tarbell. Assistant
Steward; Iioy Tucker, fU;keep-r;
Mrs. Kli lals-th Adams, tVres; Mrs.
Jane A j-itLstronK, Ponmna; Mrs.
Ethel I rin", Flora; Miss Ivy Tar
"" ' A. S.; M. P. Young, J.M.
Patr (-k. und";. 1 T:iri-ll r-!..e,..
tive Committee
rararw-4 V ii tw-n
I The next meeting of the Pomona
Grunge will be held In ClaUkunltt,
on the first Saturday In February.
Sum Cade, of this city, Is enjoy
ing a visit front his brother, Gorg
fade, of Crystal. North PakoU
This is ilit lust meeting of then
brothers for more than twenty-
eiKht year.1, and one can Imagine
tne ,,t.lll)Ui W f this nun-ting. Vhoy
W1j ,uKe a visit to the senior fvl'
KO(j mjn jn J'phine county, Or-
. I ...Ill
ab ihelMKOia uroim-r win
- -
I so visit his other brother, H. N.
Cade whom he has not sen
thirty-two years.
It Waa Napalaan'a Man Wha raytM
That Oarmant ln Faahlan.
As naarly as ran 1 sacrtaln4 It U
a hundred years slue Nspolaoo Hooa
parte s soldiers Introduced th old nsw
atylaof ! wear wtilcb siUy s;or.
recognition as tlia dlatlucUrsly
nias-ullii Kurtitftit of rivlllsns Ihroogh.
ut two coutlnviita.
In lS14-Ui J'ttr bafora Wstrlo
II tai relstwl as a currant naws Itom
of soma Importation tuat tbs rat
Iuka of Welllmtoa bad Wa rfusMl
admlttauis to Aluiack a la I-omloo
ibiim ! pn-aeutad blmaalf wsarlng
trouaera Inatend of tha couranlloaal
braw liaa wtilth the drs regulations
than In oRiia demauded.
Aa a matter of blturlcal fact triu-
h.rt. liven worn various racwa
aud y liotb ""es In all tlia ages of
which any auluatitw re-uroa
i:n..rall aoeaklug. troiiaera war ra-
ar,lwl In ancient tluiea as ariubollcal
of luforlorltr or effeminacy, la th
trliimplial proHalona of It Caeaara,
fir lanmlo. orlaoners of war wor
thain aa a aliru of defeat wblls ths
atunly lea of Honiara li turlcms lesions
war dare below tbe bottom of tha
aklrted or klltl coat of waif.
For tba laat hundred years or there
about trouaera hsrs beeu wUleljr reoog
nlsvil sa tbe garment of authority, tba
nni. aM and rlalbl algn of the strong.
ar sei. aaya tlie AmerlooD Tailor and
Cuttor. Hut tbnt Kaltln haa not boaa
won or alntalno1 without a stnig
gla. Many attempts have been mads
to trnmtile down tlie tyranny r iron
aera. na their mis hti lern called. Many
time baa their aiiM-rlorltjr lieen chal-U-ntfiil
Hut a.i fur ilielr Kialtlon ra
malua acure.
Tba Oilun Oam, tba Cutebra Cut mn4
tha Great Lecha.
I'ananm'a marrrla ara tha Oston
dam. tba Culebra cut and tb locks,
each of the l of " uh two cham
bers tt-i't long snd 110 feet wld.
You think you can manufacture a
mental picture of thee l ks. but yon
.-nni.l-not t III you nae gone uowb
,.r,-.i,.n,.iiinr alil.-a a thousand
i anl ,., nu.urd a dummy train
; that Journey a tl.rte fourilia of a mile
' alouit the bottom; not ii.i jou ow
j lookt-d up and the cathedral arcbea
at rluitliiv lu glory from able to aide
and gal nt tha ate-l gta aeren feet
thick and marked tbe i-lntcrn Uoiea in
tho bottotuuf the channel, up sud down
through which will move tbe atrong
Nlrenma Hull will lift and Id down tbe
ahlpa f the nntlona Into Ihi-ir cradles
with the tcnil.-rnca of a mother with
an liifunt. f-.r underneath ettotirt eul
rerta the !' of railroad tiinnela. It la
through thrse and through mighty
talvee that the l"'k are fllld and
More slxiut anhlla among theme
work like n p.vKtiiy l..t lo a lubyrliilb
of tho K'hU ati.l It will dnwn ou you
wbnt a-.rt of thing men bat lieeu
alMiut here ou thia neck of Uarlen.
World s Work.
lodina Fumigation.
Although fi.r UUInfwtliig aurflial
wounds and for atcrlllslng tbe akin be
fore opt-mtloni aurgcoiia bare long re
garded todltip n one of the moat uneful
antlM-ptl.-a, tlu-y be in-en unable to
find a practb al way of ualng It In liquid
form In dei-p wounds. Ir. fxiuga of
Maraellles. l-'ranr, has dcvln-d a meth
od of producing Iodine fumee and bss
tnted them aucceanfully in treating all
kinds of woiimla. lie iIIh tbe end of a
piece of cotton In Iodoform (Kjwilrrsnd
then llghta the cotton nt a point where
It la free from powder Tbe fume of
Iodine tbnt nt unco rUn rnn either b
applied dlre'tly to the affected part or
collected In a Jn r nnd niplld by means
uVa Ai ruigc -Xuc cUtU. ot tht fuuir
11 1 ) .(
Columb'a County Bank
4 Par Cant Paid oa Saving Accewnla and Tim CerUfieatea .
United Stetea Depeeitery Vot
A. L. STONF, Cut.-. t. S. ALLEN. AiMtWS C-Ur
Columbia County Abstract
And Trust Co.....
Abstracts, Real Estate, Insurance.
Loans, Conveyancing
St. Helens, Orcgoa
Th Jury as finally ..fe
to try Burt Green flr th
of Charles Welat la as f(1UWl.
I'asley ' Mayger, Mtn
Itainier.GrSa.n,,,, "
M. U. Barbour of M w
rlson of Clatskanie, J w r
aid of Clatskanie. AIUn "w
en, t
Erlckaen of Warren and N. fij
of Warren. They will U tW
th seen, 0f the murder tomocJ
Saturday, ,vil,,)n
n Monday morning.
ia'botE daodoraut and aoutltlng, tbrr
bars baa aapeolally uaaful la UtatriaL
moot of absraaaaa, ranrara aa4 tm,,
atfsctloua. Touth'a C4unaaloa. t
Na Klaaing rmlMas, "
Visitor to awttierUtxl art winal
that klaaing la atrtcUy pMhlUt4 h
tb sUOoo and on tlia rUtform,
araott, la tba caatua of ObwtU,
tba Drnnlg Una. and that an; nek
4amooatraUan wUt reault la th irtaa,
and Oning of tha participant 4 Urn
placard boarlug tba fullowlog laarlp.
tlon baa just twea placrj u tbe Milht
with It consant of tba local latkwt
ttost "Nolle, Conaldering tba
which bava rwaulted. maulrsri tk
booorabta strangars ara raqimtat M
to klaa aarh other on the platforaa s!
th station. (Signed) Tbt Hodety r
tb ITotacttoa of Touug Olrls Tnt
tn Alo."
A Danarus Oaaupatlaa,
Of all oceupstlolna dangaruas k) tS
tb moat basardous la that of lift
r la tb t'nlted Huts bum t
nils a. Tb annual mortality lanac
tboos to at tb rata of sight I tkoa.
and. la tb Brat year two aarrtlra
tbalr Urwa out of s fore of alftty,
wbll aTa otbara fall unranarteeji
th potoonoos vapora of mine M
ware rea1 by tliatr eompasleia
And yet tbar to a difficulty la lasi
barutc ina ready to undartakt lis
Marrlad In Mauralng.
Ml coaple drrix1 In tuoaratng twt
married at tb gsrrlaoa rburrb la fo
dam, Germany, Ju'y lit. TUy M
known ss th Ixnilae tirldal pair k
ry year thee funeral weddings w)
ceiabrsted at 9 o'clock on Jaly n o
day and the boor at wbW-k Qmm
Louise died. Thia year each bristle
celTed f 113 In return for bar i
0t bridar finery.
Of Ceureet
"Jodg. I alat to aertot, ri
bard nct . but seen aeaw
, uas.
"llut this officer aaya yo hart hM
a treated repeatedly."
"11 muat b allixlln" to tha tlM
When I owned tn own aotu
Wsabliigtoo Herald
A Cbanfa et Opiates.
Tslll 1 clienp," chuckled tbt
tSdan with the telephone frsnl Is kb
After tsktug l worth be iM tst
bis frank and found It hai tiBtaa
Pj herk." he muttere. riM-fuily. "tb
toy was right when he aaid thai
Wore ts f olden.' "-Junge s m.
Diplomacy fira.
Thee euffragettea refuat t tst
lhall w fee.1 m their coniej bear
forcibly r .
"Kmploy dlplomscy flct." .icseitl
:h priaoo warden -Try Via wltl I
fodg ands."-Ksoa llty Jounsi
Tbe bjiWa and accounts of tht St
Heletn Transfer Co.. have b
placeil with Mrs. M. K Mill"
accounU will be nt to every pr
son owintf the firm with req.
for settlement. It is the intenti
of the Company to collect all
count and they must I paid
once. Persons who are dV .
Uiefirm will please rail t tht CW
Hall and pay the acc.unU r
away or action will I ,artd "
collect same. This is x.sitiv.
If You Mean UusineM
ita blKh lime ynn ac,uir.J
bonk in which isa nXr"iZ
auma ion mail av to Ha.t fiosar-
keeplnx. (let on. "I01"' "
account at lh utC
As lilt:, .tor., dollar will J
the s.x.iier yoo begin ih l"-
III It al.l. to realty to"' ''Pp,M"
ae ee