POULTKY AND GAME faa l " '"' " WIU , ,iW Wm la . Write m r IT.r en ell Had. el ". aorh. eta. fYarnun-rajp Co., Portland BAD ROADS COST MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ... Ht'HTIlM - rM mm rmmlm l",'M"i M lh '"" ern-elial jMJ Ikrlautf eW Hut JAicA ItlPftl mr h"hl. ' en fVW a,rkari.lt ena-maa. Ilia. IheJ ''. UM YirUaee. ' '" l " "eae. -maltv f" kvliKlrtnoe " "I'll TT.ii.1 In he ' letral 'n .i-I'MmI mxia. r. ilr . : hu,,ir ""h " M.TT-, k Hirr.txl m..n In i montha. Wine Si ML fu-tlta. Of.. ( lull aanlklilafe. malUti UK" NI LAWKS, beiwae teles-rapa "Lt.liw. ,mr l lern. .la.l rilt, (hurt ETr..nn..ei--"r'i'ltrlo ,r,v'' "luJ"' -Z?u4 im ' Piltti rellr.ie.la. rT.-l y..l.l.-rei'llr.iir tenant qnlrklr. J",,, fo, ,.ur fr" erhnlar.hl (.lane. Carta j,mrh lUlleer laallUjle. WaehiaWa a., MIX. ll.. . SAVE MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT of 1100 or more by buying- your fmno or Mayer I'Uno direct from fartory store. ItSH I.ANK PIANO COMPANY jii Wellington St., Portland, Or. Veal, Nogs, Poultry It Mr r triimt tsfr ttin ltwKr. MniiMi t i i'(-r i4 twii. t h ruiim uf Rvt m. rttti It""': W-l ' 4 t-nkMt, K. II. M'HVtMie 4 I O, Ul-lti Frl HlrH t'MlU!, Ort rhoi k rnt bf r1um Mil. 10 VEARS, 7 ?t Cent. FARM LOANS fu Utiprttv! fftrniM. Nna iib vfff In 'JO rur iuk )1.t wujon m inc Th. Illuitr.tlon .how. th. iyp, cf mud roid th (III.) convention vvinl tllmlnattd. tho rec.nt Piorla GOOD 3,; CARI.MQ FOR ROAD FINANCES fconomiail Lighting Co. Galin Itullow Wire I if Ming Syitcm Manllrt and OUtri MaiilV It n'tl. Alarf-lln. all tfca dlffar. aaltnakauf K'rtiMlia Mani a l-anipa. Juna Ha Uanla f4c dn. V rl'a ua. lMi tul. 557 JIa, An.. rarlUa Wh.a la I1IUT1.AM) .(.,. .( M:V SCOTT IIOTKL ScTrntl, Mnd Ankrny Strrrt Crnwttt fntfn AH br Mtrlr. f BU5IME5S COLLEGE waaniMoiuN an o nf aia POMTlaNO. oaataoa) WRITE FOR CATALOO I'm' riatmt 1 mi a UcmmI lMraai Lick of Prop.r Court... Th.r uiM-d to ba a tlma. not to vrjr long ko. when If ona borrowad anything from a hook to a hoa laeo ana niirii-J to rturn It prompt' V nd In good rnndlllon. With our Toongcr Ret one may contldar It Bind. If one got. anything back on ttr (It montha If at all. "I forgot." er "I lout It." aaam to be all the poloitr that many young glrla deem tMauary Kxchango. After tha Battla The Cornndlan your dn-Hnltig room 1 iudia that Jon girl, had a hair pulling time." na liongn Sonhrette "Not ma I Pokd her In tha 1, ni,M.- rx none to puli tha hair aha woara." -ntw York CJInh From Gay to Crave. Aftar a good looker rcachea tba age t hlrh bo r flint to ba In demand to tuner at wrdJInaa ha fall, call Ir Into tha role of pallbearor at f ra!i.-rhiiadflphla Lodger. 4-KOOM lUJNfiALOW (OMI'l VTV w- "' '' H)Ii S 100 " ha Mil 1 ,i . harrtwara. ""t ..I Ih. Lu.ik.Iow rnervt tha ? '"-' ti'ia. All ra ml u a fl'-a material of a. ,1 . , ' "' li'iaiaiitid !. a r.nn !' "iwk.I an unnlld n-uta-r.ir i mtr. in ln Nurthwaat MILL BOOK FREE If ntn,,,Un. hulkllne a Hia, ""r," I hi. km llmiaa. a at . A 1 aijhm Ik ok mi i.i. ma. IMIIAI. ..nf Ih. hamllmt hnoka In h ihn i.th.r fallow nroflta when 'iiou" ht'"' Bl Y ,iitKt-r M'l.siy "IH. I AHU 0A1A northwest dcor co. POHTLANO, )HE(M)N. t. OUT OP TOWN PEOPLE tlifiHta) of If )-Pol , ala.lU-l.ftiI4lB4 tMMllS frum C. GEE WO th. Chiaaa aoMor, t'l'.?!i?,V."."'""','",,h," aVirtnrlaa wttfc iin... 1 .h"l."n"",t hava not o4ialnNl aar- lla- "a.n.. r"mi natitr. hmilar 'liiinl """"'"i ln 'rllia aim, rt.tna.ly whfiaa m,i, """"'",'?" III. r-rtTlpllnn. M,k,, ''" V "1 I""" h.ia. Il-rl. Hnda mm ri,f 11 1 "l haraa I nm aar aar- "m n..i uZ. anrraia of I l.aaa aia.llaaa hn.ll , ,h" """'! MM, hut h... -n-la l l,lnfc rr, C'ON.tri.TATlnv rp ""ilnTnl'iT T ",!"wn nann mil. wrt fn aiaatiav .innuaf aaiuaia. aaaM ta THE C. GEEWO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 162. Nr St., Cor. Morriawi Farlland, Ora.aa. Moat Modern M.thod. Urged for Fi nancing Con.tructlon and Main t.nancta of Thoroughfare.. ltr!t.lng tlin nr-d for tha nio.t modurn mttthoda of fltiunclng tba con atrucllou and malntxiinnce of public roada In tha t'nltfd Ktati-a Lee Mo Clung, tr-munr of the United Slate, baa acrnpted an Invlluilun to prt-.lde over tho fl nun re ai-rtlon of the Ainrrlcnn Koad congrfaa. In an Inti-rvlnw ju.t tnmli) public Mr. Meriting call, utti-ntlon to the ur-nt nwil for tlm Intrnduciloii or ro- foi tit. In tlm muiiuKt-im nt of roud nnaiu't-a. "My nbritirvatloua." aald Trt'iiMiirwr MrCltinx. 'I1-1I.I 1110 to bt-lli-ve thai In cotnparatlvrly fw Initanri- Ih tli aniiiH ruro taki n of fumU for ruiul Im-proTrnu-nt n la tnk-ti by lltinnclnl In atltutlona fur ritn i-liti-rprl-.. Tint rami cum and Jiidxim-nt t!U lai d by bntki-r. In tmiklng liivi-ttn-iita ahnuld bo nhown ly atatf and lotiil highway di-iwrtinrfiti In th'1 fi-n Jlture of ptiMIc nimii ya for the ttnprovi'iwtit find iiialiitftiant'" of ronda. l.t-clnla-tlon and n-gtilutlon ahould ro bo urgi-d In pnrh atiitu n. to prnvltlii for tho !-' I itic of roud rt'vciiui-. on rnrrfully irrpnrcd puttmafa, for th Introduc tion of almplit y"t tlioronxh ayatonm of acrountlng and rout kix-plng for a ay.tptn of rt'gulntlng bond laam-a thlch would In.urn crononiy and wl.e bnalnt'". management. "Aa nn of thn poaalblllth-a wort conaltlrlng I might almply rt-fi-r to Ihn dlltiTi'nrn b-tf-n thn altikln fund method and the k.-HhI bond meth. od aa applied to bond la.uo and thel rtlntlve merlta Mr. MrClting nld thut he ae ery much gratified to notn the actlvltle of the varloua atate bankera a.aocla- tlona In the good road movement, lie bellev-e that the flnanclera of the country have a great deal to do with ehaplng the road movement along the right Hnea and he exproaaea the Dope that every atato bunker an.oclation will have Ita repreaentnilvea at the conference on road flnancea which will hit held at the American Road con greaa VALUE OF THE LITTLE BIRDS They Labor Ine.i.antly In Field. DeJ atroylng Many Injuriou. and j ne.truetlve In.ecta. Th blrdH are the b..t friend that Hie furnu.p tiua i-i.... 1. . " "J intcaune tney 1 laUjr dally in th fanner.' fl..da. do- 1 ruying ui iiiHof-ta that d.-ittroy or feed upon tho tender plant, of the held". Have you a frl. na that will labor In your field, dally destroying the.e Inaerta jut for h bourij aIj om.ngT No. Indeed: you cannot Place your eye U.n but one friend that will i'n thl. for yo Thttt la the llttlo blrda which are being .laugh tered by you In large number.. Why do you not try to protect the.e friend, who are ao fulthful to you, when they ak you for no pay for aervlcea ren dered you In your flelda, de.troylng Inaecte thut Injure your plant., airnply becauae you have not atopped to think over the matter aa you ought to. Do you not realize that they are worth hundred, of time, more to you aa In aect doatroyera than their fle.h la worth to you In a bird pie or In acme other way? ( Karmera, It la time to wake up to the fact that these little bird frlende muat have better protection. Why? llecauae they are needed more and more every year. A people Increase and the clearing of more landa In creaaea, the Insecta are bound to In crease very rapidly, bocauite they feed moatly from the farmera" fields. As Insects Increase, why should not the birds Increase also? Simply because they haven't had the protection that they ought to have had. Some of the apeclea of birds that used to be TOE an RAISING PONIES PAYS WELL BAD ROADS CAUSE BIG WASTE D.clarsa That HS.000 Be Lo.t In llll nola Units. Antiquated M.thod Are Chang. d. flanker., farmer., autornoblilsta, ed ucators, labor and business men from all over Illinois met at I'eorla the oth er day and approved unanimously a general program for "pulling Illinois out of the mud." After three rousing meetings they prepared a resolution to tha tient atata legislature setting out the lines on rrotn 1,19 hunter, and because the fence. lawa are noi atrlct enough on this one j. . , special thing handled from birth, they are very Everv f,.r,.,o. ....1 i. t 1. -- nu oi luin jwi. ' - "e, .v . a uuijr w be . (,rlv. Thnr, Thoroughbred Shetland. Are Always In Demand and Exceptionally Fin Specimens Scarce. 'By R. o. W n ATI IE RATON E.) We know of no butter way for a oy to start In business than by rals "ifS Bhetland ponlea. A very well-bred nare can be bought for $125 to $200. he latter figure being for a pure-bred. Startlug with a mare In foal, a boy should. In the course of five years, II tid himself In possession of enough animals to start him on the highway road to success. It is alwaya best to buy thorough breds for breeding, but If crosses are used with a thoroughbred stallion one can in time breed up to a very high manuard. Shetland are very easily kept. They require but little grain and will do very well on rocky hill tides where there Is fair pasturage. They need shelter In bad weather, of course, but an open shed, wind tli;lit on three sides, leaving the south open, will be all that Is neces.ary. A good wire feuce Is required to keep theui in bounds, as Shetland are rest rain,. . . . . ----- tucui 111 uuuuus, as cueuauu it..,- h "' J. """";iei, and will manage to get over, rnr ,Zm . ce,7 mer j under or through the average farm v-hlch they think stute legislation 1 ,aw" re not atrlct enough on this one 1 should be based. apeclal thing. I The Illinois hlithwnv lmrirnvemnt Every farmer should feel it '.'s dutv I , commission which called the meeting, " h, lawm"k'r( 0 f" W Uughbred Shetland Dnd ready .ale at declared I55.000.noo will bo waMed In ! ,0 P" law that would glv I prlcc. ra , from $,,5 t0 ,,0O llllnol. during the nt twenty year. I " fiends In feather, better vxceptionally fine .peclmen. bring unles tho prPSPnt anthiuuted meth- P'otectlon. A law ahould be passed (;Veu higher price. W.LDOUCLAS SHOES 3.00 3.50 '4.00 M.50 AND 5.00 FOR MEN AND WOMEN eye in.. Vf. L. Ooualmm 03.OO. 02. BO at $3.00 Mohttml I tno.a, bmomtnm mnm mmlr will jaoaf Irmly tttHmmmm f una main ml awatiaavy mhomu, mmmm mm Ihm mtun'm mitmmm. W.t-Dougtaa .-el and aell mora $3.0O,$3.50 3k $4.00 .boa. f than any otbar manufacturer in th warUi- fcg,V THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS. The workmanihip which baa made W. L. Douglas .hoe famous tha world ver is maintained in every pair. Ask your dealer to .how you W. L. Douglas latest fashion for fall and winter wr, notice the whort vampt which ma!ie th foot look .mailer, point in at ah particularly desired by young man. Also th consmrvativm itylti which have mad W. L Douglas .hoe. a household word everywhere. If you could vi.it W. L. Douglas large factoria at Brockton, Ma.a., and ae for youraelf bow carefully W. L. Douglas shoe are mad, you would then an. der.tand why. they ar warranted to fit batter, look better, bold their .bap and wear longer than any ether make for th price. fait Colt If if. CAUTION. Te protect re areiaet iafariev .heae, W. L Deeetaa ataaaa. ki. eaaae ea the ha. team. Leok for the atap. Beware el aubrtitatee. W. L. Dou.le ahoa. are aold ia 7 ewa atarea aad afcoe eaalar. . ry w k mrm . No aiattar where roe live, they are within vourreaftw If veer eaatarcaeeot ru.pl, roe, write da-ect te factory for catalog .oaiui. how te areev ay ai.il. Shoe, aaat everywhere. eeaSrarr ckaraea erapaiat. WX.L)ouiaa. Brae m loe. Maaa. Increa.ed Comfort for Hog. A hog' habit of scratching Itself agalnat a post has led to tha Invention of aa automatic dlilnfector for ani mals, which are sprayed with a fluid aa they rub agalnat a supporting: column. Wear Special Ey.gla. Small eyeglaaaes, fitting closely, and with flesh-colored nose pieces, are mad for actors n.edlng them but who. In deference to th parts they play, do not wish to wear th niuab llxed len.ee. 3 Stops BacKache Sloan's Liniment is a splendid remedy for backache, stiff joints, rheumatism, neuralgia and sciatica. You don't need to rub it in just laid on lightly it gives comfort and ease at once. Best for Pain and Stiffness Ma. Cro. Buchaham, of Welch, Okla., writes s "I have used vonr lin iment for the past ten years for pain in back and stiffness and find it the best Liniment I ever tried. I recommend it to anyone for pains of any kind." N. o. No. 44-MS W"" Htla. to aW laL-a. 3 CAUSE OF WILT IN APPLES Skin I Rough and Poroua. ana not Covered With Coat of Wax a Othr Varletlee Ar. Ever lnce russet apple have been grown. aya the Rural New Yorker, they have the fault or wining in stor age. It la constitutional with them. Their kln Is rough and porou. and not emooth and covered with a coat t .t aa all other kinds are. If anyon will acrape the urface of an nrrllnarr apple with a knife he can ea.llr see that a white waf I gath red on th blado. In ome cac It I very noticeable and may be gathered Into a little ball. This wax may be made to nine oy nihblng tho apple kln, and this Is often done by retail fruit dealers and exhibitor at fair, to enhance tneir hnautv. Hut It lessen their keeping quality, because of taking off some of nature's protective covering. The russetrt have almost none of It, and therefore their Internal moisture or julcoe easily pan out. The way to prevent the wilting I by atorlng tha a r.. 4 Ik . i .....11 n m Ih. a 1 1 ti 1 n a must De COtn a ntn, ... will ripen and rot. Split Log Drag. The split log drag la by far the most Important Implement yet de- Ised for maintenance of earm roaus. he drag, beside leveling out tne - I ih. ,iiil. nnnlra the rotlgll piarra in . - mterlnl of the surrnce ana in reamy . . i . . . A in .i . . n r nrm. an fn converts 11 im" ... ...... ... Hh ench successive use or tne 1001 becomes tllU'KCr mill mert-ium iron. tho traffic to a greater degree. Sheep Worthy of Good Care. Thn common opinion that sheep should be kept aa senvengen,, mm hat thev will thrive best on the farm that la too poor for other kind of live stock, I twin brother to the opin ion that white beans thrive bot on a poor, thin soil. od are changed To prevent this waste the confer ence urge tho creation of a mall state railway commission to replace the present army of local commission, ers. more active nsslstHnce by the state for the trunk lines, and more ac tive insistence by the public on good roads. It ! propofed that prlnoner. In the state penitentiaries be used not only for tho preparation of road building materials, as at prrsent, but. If possi ble, for actual construction work tli ron kIi the state. It is proponed to follow the Colora do tnithod. lining tho honor system, nnd sending tho gang out with guards. The legislation recommended by the conferi tiro would provide: State and county co-operation In the coiistruc'toii and maintenance of in :i In hlKhuays and bridges. A tici.;ioinU'iil stato highway com n.lrslon of at le.'iht three competent meinliera. who eti.ill devote their en tire time to their duties. Improvement In such countle a elect to come undtr thi provisions of the law, of main, continuous Inter county highways connecting county seats and other lmiortant cities, prin cipally at thn expense of the state and county; such roads to be selected and Improved by county authorities, sub ject to thn approval of the atate high way commission and after Improve ment to be turned over to the atate for perpetual maintenance. Improvement, maintenance, and con trol of remaining roads (about 80 per rent of the whole) under supervision of county and township authorities. Effective measurea to guarantee maintenance after roada are once con structed. t'se of the state automobile tax, to gether with such other fund a the legislature may appropriate. In the Im provement of highways. In states having no such law, prohibit- ing the tilling of these birds under a heavy penalty and lrnprlHonment for violation thereof. If this were done, you would see a great improvement In crops and fewer Insects. Good enforcement depends largely on farmers. higher prices WEIGHING GAME IS POPULAR New Pastime In Franc Meeting With Much Favor Much Skill Re quired of Player. A unique game In which the de- MACHINE TO KILL SPROUTS eree of ,ki11 in esUmaUn8 th weKnt ui a uumucr ui uaiia uy uoiuiug mem ' in ttiA h.nil nn q a, a ,1mA nn a , l.i.l ah .- vub ufc II ..1 U VVU.IIIUIC. ..he ability of each player, Is meeting with much favor In France. The ac cessories are the balance device, shown In the Illustration, and two Apparatus Invented by fissourl Man to Destroy Second Growth In Very Effective Manner. i 0 I K, i The Scientific American, in describ ing a vehicle adapted for use on land cleared of timber, rays: This invention pertains to agricul tural machines, and the aim Is to pro- V Playing New French Game. sets of ball, all alike In size, vary ing but illghtly 'a weight In starting thi came the beam nf Sprouts or Growth Destroyer. ,he bajance Is locked In place In the ride a growth destroyer more especial- ' nnvr as the ordinary weigh iT 07, IIIMEIf is good for sprains, strains, bruises, cramp or soreness of the muscles, and all affections of the throat and chest Cot Entire Refief R. D. BuacoYNB, of Maysville, Ky., RR. I, Boa 5, writes: " I had severe pains between my shoul ders; I got a bottle of your liniment and had entire relief at the fifth application." ReEeved Severe) Pain la Shoulder Jndeswood, of 2000 Warren Ave., , writes : "lama piano polisher r occupation, and since last September have I with severe pain in both shoulders. Id not rest night or day. One of my friends told me about your Liniment. Three applications completely cared me and I will sever be without it. Pile 25e., Sue., sal $1.00 at All Dealers. Bead for Sloen'i free book on horses. Aidreas Dr. Earl S. Sloan. Boston, Mass. su.......te-7 Vw ReEeved S A Mr. J. TJne V IX Chican- lu- ' 5 by occupatio suffered wi la1 ft I could I rX 'i friends ly designed for use on land that ha been cleared of timber, to destroy the Ing balance, and each player take a set of ball and proceeds to place Personal Investigation. An old woman walked Into a back !n Inverne, threw down her deposit hook, and said she wished to draw ill her money. Having got It, abe re ared to a "corner of the room and ;ounted It . She then marched op to ihe teller, and exclaimed: "Ay, that'll Joe. ma man; jlst pit It back again. . ., w " J " . , , , , , . . I J UO, Ul. UJMU, JlBfc Ifc . .av.u. sprouts or returning aecond growth in xm- a ,,me;, ,n ,he dePff- only wanted to e If It was a' a .... ,im. ,i ,fi , 'Ions In the respective pan. The ' " ' Z IT a very simple and effective manner. ... . . . , ... rlcnt" Dundee News. For this purpose use la made of object of each player Is to place the wheeled vehicle adapted to be moved i flPvlet f ,hf balI ln th dePrf- aioiia mriufvi iruiii me center ui me I balance. After the balls are In place. f thn lienm Is relenseil nnil a hand nn op of the balance registers the win ner and the number of points his side outweigh or outbalance'' that of hi competitor. Thus the player who can estimate most accurately the comparative weights of the ball by simply weighing them In hi hand wins the game. over the ground and provided with revoluble henter. havtne ftpvthl nrma adapted to forcibly strike and cut off ! ,ha '? released nnd the growth at. or near the ground sur face. The Illustration shows a section al aide elevation of the apparatus. Effec of One-Year Rentala. It la just tii Impossible to maintain I'se of state prisoners under state ,0i fertility under a one year renting direction on an- honor system, ln lystem In farm management as It Is actual road work when practicable. . ,'or water to run uphill. In the first Payment of all road taxes in casn. Compulsory dragging of all earth roads. in the second It is counter to the law I'roper construction and gunrdlng of l3f gravity, the one being Quite as crossings at railroad and Intersection much ln force aa tho other, of street and highways. j The "platform" of the conference In ; Increaslna Butter Fat Content. elude resolution In favor or federal nutter fat Is not fed luto the milk. ' ebrationa of the poet Whlttler be was aid for postronds and national hlgh-.but it get8 there through right breed- ', visited by a celebrated singer. The ways, and calls attention of Illinois )n(r Rlcn fee( improve the flow lady was asked to sing. and. seating ae It la against human nature to do 1 WHITTIER'S DOG QUITE WISE anything but skin the land to a finish, i Canine Gave Evidence of Much De light When Visiting Lady Sang Ballad, "Robin Adair." During one of the last birthday eel- Garden and Farm Notes Rush the plowing. Prepare for tho fall rain. The onion thrlps la a bad pest. Slack fence wire Is slack farming. Rhubarb I an easy crop to grow. The crop of potato bugs was light Matter of Painting. If the painting of the farm build ings has been neglected remember that weather-checks mean docay, and that painting Is not a matter of looks alone, but of profit or los. congressmen to this position. It was ' of mlIki but ot ,he qllanty. devised by tne committee neaaen oy V. Q. Eden of the Central Truat company, president of the association Jesse Taylor of Jamestown, O., told i the the convention the difference be tween hauling cost In Itelglum and America, 13 cents a mile, meant a waste of $137,600,000 In thla year' fnrm crop alone. Think about It." he said, "and then do something, work for local aid and state and federal aid. Joe Cannon be lieves In federal aid now, because he's this year. hoard from home, and If he can be re- Don't burn that old straw pile to get cued by the folk at home you ought It out of the way. to do something for the other sln Potatoea infested with rot are a The farmers' viewpoint was present-' Joint grass may be killed out In the ed by A H Grout, head of the llllnol beet fields by clean cultivation. Farmers' Institute; labor's, by Edwin As a rule, we do not make as good n wrlaht. state federation president: use of our pasture lands as we might .... v. .,.... h it F. Harris and ; It Is Important that an alfalfa neld John D. rhllllps. old and new heads of , where seed Is grown be free of weeds. the state association, and H. IB. uraai, u win j..; iu " v.. ... their good roads chairman. the Darn Derore coming or com . The state and county agricultural Pruning Grapes in Fan. Mn of vaue ,0 every farmer ln rsrnnes are pruned In the fall; us h ..,,. .it. half to two-third of the new i llw .... nrA la not avallahle allaaa .mwth Is taken off depending on the . nn,t .nlllnir croo will be abso- system of training that la usedand lu indispensable. In northern states the piani are laiu j,efore you f Jour stave silo It on tho ground and covered with earth I should D0 panted on the Inside with In much the same way as raspberrle coM ,ar thlnped wth gasoline. " Improvement In the quality and con Fall Road Work. I dltlon of wheat la not the only benefit How about the fall road workT i der(ved from stacking the crop. There I no better time to fi i dirt , p,,,,,,,.,., who do not have silos road than In the fall. You will be Bnou,d not iot a iarg8 percentage of herself at the piano she began the beautiful ballad of "Robin Adair" She had hardly begun before Mr. Whlttler' pet dog came Into the room and, seating himself by her side. watched her as though fascinated, listening with delight unusual In an animal. .When she had finished he came and put his paw very gently Into her hand and licked ber cheek "Robin takes that as a tribute to himself." said Mr. Whlttler. "He also la 'Robin Adair.'" The dog, hearing his own name, evidently considered that he was the hero of the song. From that mo ment during the lady's visit he was her devoted attendant He kept by her side while she was Indoors, and when she went away he carried ber bag ln his mouth to the gate and watched her departure with every ev idence of distress. using the nignway more "-"" and aprtng than during the next 12 montha. Use th Fanning Mill. A good Job one of these dry days of autumn Is to run your seed oats and .h..t throuah the fanning mllL In faot no seed should be planted until It has passed through the tannine mill the corn crops' value go to waste. The potato digger works best In a loose, mellow soil and the ground should be free of stone nnd stumps. After the manure Is made, the soon er It Is applied on the land the more value the crops will get out of It The cutting of an alfalfa seed crop Is usuelly done with an ordinary mower, which may or may not have a bunching attachment. Naturally. Tommy bad been given two new pennies one for candy and the other for Sunday school. By and by he came ln from play and said: "Mamma, I lost one of my pen nies." "Which one, dear?" she asked. "The Sunday school one," he replied. No Maltese Cats In Malta. There ar a few of the so-called Maltese terriers In Malta, but tbey sre not of pure blood, and the puppies which the street hawkers offer for sal to tourists are more or less mon grel, with a strain of the old breed. The Maltese cat does not exist in Malta; at jeast not one has been seen here of the color called Maltese ln the United States. Maintenance of a Microbe. A country school teacher waa cash ing her monthly check at the bank. The teller apologized for the filthy condition of the bills, saying, "I hope vou'ra not afraid of microbes" "Not a bit of It" the sehoolmarm replied. im sure no microbes could live on my salary." LIpptncott's. Cro ss a Signature. The crosa wa formerly a part of all signatures, made as an evidence of the subscriber's faith and not of inability to write, aa it is now. On Pennsylvania Farm. Here I one of the stories, says the Americus Greeting, from the old man's row ln front of th barber shop: One man laid back ln Pennsylvania they farmed the land where the hills were o steep that when they planted pota toes one man had to bold them ln a furrow while another man covered them tip. When they dug them ln the fall they were simply allowed to roll to the bottom of the bill before an attempt was made to pick them up. Money In Butterfly Farm. An Englishman operating a butter fly farm Is said to sell to museum and collectors upward of 60,000 specimens yearly. He obtains a high as $50 for exceptionally fine ones, and his net Income Is said to be fully $2,500. ii DEAD SHOT DR. PEERY'8 VERMIFUGE FOR WORMS ROMAN EYE BALSAM For Inflamed Eyelids Prprxl toy Wright's Indian Vegetable PILL CO. NEW YORK Went Broke Early. "Say, Jimmy." said one small boy to another, "lend me a cent, will you?" "Ain't you got no money?" asked Jimmy. "No." replied the other. "I got up so early that I spent it all before breakfast." Easiest Way. Teacher If you were getting; din ner for sis people and had but firs potatoes, how would you divide them to give each an equal share? Smalt Sadla I'd mash 'ens IMPORTANT! tar the protection " will not allow our of the public wa have J ' " " 'a. good name to be Jeo- brought suit against f ' "v pardixed by men who a firm of dentists I -' h,T" BO "nnactjon near our office, to I k ?J wfth this office. W prevent them from I I f j,ay 3f I have only ONE of-' placing our name la ( Vs?- flc' and that 1 h large whit letters on W - I j the FAILING bufld the front of thalr I ) r'l . ''I Ing, southeast corner building. Itha.Uk- V '7 Third and Washing en u 25 years of eon- v , . r-wn tea .treats. Tha en aciantions. painstak- 1 ' a ;". true. Is on Third St, Ing and skillful work sTS. 1 , to make THE WISE " ' DENTAL CO. known J , Hm P""1" " thru'out the North- J V'";'jKrV our floor. Do not be west aa absolutely re- 1 ' - V- misled, nor forget liable and at the top a.a.J these Important In- of the profession. We DR. W. A. WISE stractions. la personal attendance. Ask t. sea klam. so that roe can be rare ron are la the rurht place. mm VF Our Interchangeable Facing:, a "Wise" Idea k Sit THAT MPT UPf PLATES. WITH FLEXIBLE SUCTION The very latest la mod era aeaUatrr. N Saor falllnc plates. Our Bridie Work has barn broua-htte the hithrat .tate of prrfctinn. The teeth en this brHir are iiiterchansrable at will without mnoving frum the mouth. We Give a 13-Year Guarantee. 25 Trs' Active Practice la Portland WISE DENTAL COMPANY Fatlias Ballalnc Seathreat Comer Ttilre aed Waaalaatea Hta ENTRANCE aa THIKD ST. fkeaeal Mala M2S) A StX. Pertlaaa, Orezea. . I '"W paier. r