The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 11, 1912, Image 4

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    Subuhmu -
w the circuit court cr the
btatb of oregon, for the
county of columbia.
Warrva Arthurs, Plaintiff.
6tolla Arthurs, Defendant .
To RtsJla Arthars, Defendant.
Ia tha nama of tha stats of Oriron,
you ars hsreby rfxjuirod t appear an J
answtr tha Complaint flleJ against you
asreiu on or bsfara tha 15th day of Oo
tobar, 191 J, that data being sis weeks
from tha lat publication of tha Snm
saous avartia, and If you fall to apr?ar
Msi answer th Complaint herein, tha
plaintiff will apply to tha Court for tha
tallef prayed for In (ha Complaint on
file herein to which reference la hereby
made and more particularly at follows:
for a decree diaaolving tha bonda of
matrimony now aiietiuo; between the
plaintiff and defendant and for inch
other and farther relief aa to the Court
may teem Just and equitable. Tbia tum
vona ia served upon yon by publication
thereof for not less than six successive
week In the "Oregon Miat," published
la the City of St. Helena, County of
Columbia and State of Oregon, and by
order of tha Honorable Jamea Dart,
Jodft of the County Court, of Colum
bia County Oregon, which order ia dat
ed thla 29th day of Augoet, 1912. The
date of the firat publication of tbia suin
moaa ia tha 90 day of August, 1912, and
tha data of the last publication of thia
Sammona la the 11th day of October,
1812. Morris A. Goldstein,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
627-6M Lumbermen's Bldg.,
Portland, Ore.
Notice of Sale of Tide Lands.
Notice labereby given that the State
Land Board of the State of Oregon will
sail to tha highest bidder at its office in
tha Capitol Building Salem, Oregon, on
October 29, 1912, at KMX) o'clock a. ru ,
of aaid day, all the autea'a interest in
tha tide and overflowed land herein de
scribed, giving however, to the owner or
owners of any landa abutting or front
ingon such tide and overflowed lands
the preference right to bay raid tide
land at the highest price offered, pro
vided such offer ia made In good faith,
and also providing that the land will not
be sold for, nor any offer thereror ac
cepted, of leaa than $7.60 per acre, the
Board reserving the right to rejfet any
and all bids. Said lands are situated in
Columbia County Oregon, and described
aa foliows:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of
the B. D. Stevena D. L. C, in Section
17. T.4N.R.1W. of W. M., thence
N. 63 degre-s B. 1048.0 feet on
bigb tide hne.
8. 45 degreea 09' E. 75.09 feet slong
low tide line.
S. 13 degree 38' E. 100.00 feet along
low tide line.
S. 42 degreea 32" W. 150.00 feet slon
low tide line.
S. 66 degrees 37' W. 400.00 feet alocg
low tide line.
S. 57 degrees 26 W. 300.00 feet along
low tide line.
9- 77 degrees 28' W. 200.00 feet slong
low tide line tn point of beinninz. con
taining 2,87 acres of tide land, fronting
and abutting on B, D. Stever s D, L, C,
In Section 17, T, 4 N. B 1 W. of W. M.
Applications and bids should be ad
dressed to O, G, Brown, Clerk State
Land Board, balem, Oregon, and marked
"Application and bid to purchase tide
G, G, Brown,
Clerk State Land Bond.
Dated August 19, 1912,
First Publication Aug, 23, 1912,
Last Publication oct, 25, 1912,
Administrator's Notice to
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Columbia County. In the
Hatter of the Estate of Charles H.
Crenshaw, deceeeed.
Notice is hereby given that L. R.
Rutherford, the undersigned, has been
duly appointed administrator of the es
tate of Charlea H . Crenshaw, deceased,
by the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Columbia County, and has
duly qualified for aaid trust. All per
sons having claims against siid estate
are hereby notified snd required to pres
ent the sarna, duly Ten tied aud with
preper vouchers, to said administrator
at the office of The Columbia County
Abstract & Trust Company, in St. Hel
ens. Columbia County, State of Oregon,
within ais months from the date ol this
notice. Dated at St. Helen, Oregon,
and first published September 20. 1912
L. R. Rutherford,
Administrator of the estate of Charlea
H. Crenshaw, deceased. fi t
Notice To Creditors.
In the matter of the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County of
In the matter of the estate of Monriiz
KJier, deceased.
Notice is hereby given by the under
signed the Executor of the estate ol
Mouritt KJIer, deceased, to the creditors
of, and all persons having clai-n. against
aaid estate to present them, with proper
Touchers, within six months from the
date of this notice, to the said necntor,
at the office of A. W. Mueller at Bt Hel
ena, Oregon, the same being the place
ter the transaction of the business of
aaid estate.
Dated, this 21st day of August A. D.
W12. Andrew K. Carr,
As Eiecntor of the estate of Mouritz
KJier, deceased.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, For Columbia County.
Io the matter of the Estate of Hiram
Holes, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that ollie Hoke
haa by amid Court, lxn duly i.pp iir.vJ
the administratrix 'f the e ul Hir
am Hole, dtct8ed, tud h i ii ily i, i ih
fied ss such. All pe.'sons Havi'go'a m
against sIJ Ks.ute sre htieby untile,
and required tu present tli n. Jul;
verified, t laid AJriinis't alri at t' e
office of DillarJ A Day in t. Helen, i.
the ullty of f uliUU'ria, St iti tf oreg.Mi,
within six months from tl e il.-te ol tli
Ik ted at St. Helens, ortirou, auj lint
publishei, August 23, 1912.
ollie Hoke,
Administratrix of the Estate of Hiram
Holce, deceased.
Louise E. Mosman,
Henry A. Mosman, Defendant.
To Henry A. Mosman, the aliov named
In the Dame of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear aud
answer the comphtiut tiled aijain-t you
in the above etititled Court and cau:e on
or before the ttth day of October, 1912,
the same being six weeks from tin .late
of the first publication of this tummon.
aad being the date bsett by the Court
for you to appear and answer herein,
and if you fail to so appear and answer
the plaintiff ill apply to the 2ourt for
the relief prayed for in her lompUinl,
to-wit: for a decree of divorce dissolving
the marriage contract heretofoie and
now existing between plaintiff and de
fendant, and that plaintiff's nmi len
name be restored to hi r, and for t-u.-U
other and further relief as the Court
may deem just and equitable.
This summons is published once a
week for six c uifecutive weeks in the
Oregon Mist, a newspapei of jt r.eral
circulation in Columbia County, Ore
gon, by order of the Ili'n. James I Mi t.
County Jude of raid Columbia C inty
Oregon, the date of the first public ition
thereof ia September 13, 1912, and the
date of fe last publication there.l wi'l
be October 25, 1912
Dated Sept. 12tn 1912.
W. A. Harris.
Altornev for l'lainliff.
NoUce Of Sheriffs Sale.
R. W. Foster Plaintiff,
Anthony H.irdy A M.ij.Se Hardy Ihr
f.ndants Notice is hereby giwn that no ler and
by virtue of an execii'ton, Jndje:::ent,
and order, of sale Urued i titof tl.e alxive
enlitied Court and cause, to me A r ct.-.l
and dated September 12, 19!2, iu ftvor
of R. W. Fister ai d akaii st Antl onv
and Maude Ilardv, for h. sum of f-HM -00
with interest thereon from tin 1st
day of June 19.0, at the rate of ti p- r
cent per annu:u and $10UO) st'orut-t's
fees and the further sum of Tis It) c st-.
and costs of and u pon thin writ, roiu
manding me to sell the M-.wo de
scribed real prr.perty situated in (.Vlum
bia County, Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at a point .H.S feet t a.d
664 6 feet muth, variatirn 21 de
grees 30' Eist of tbe q iarter 'tcti'.n
Corner between fectf ns 12 au-1 1J, l vp
6N. Han.e 2 Wtt of WiCi-miette M'-ri
dian, th nee West ti2j 15 f-et par. I e!
with the North line of f'.lo k 2 of tt e
Town of Rent) n, theme S utl. 0 !e
grees 22 seconds 49S.57 feet; tliei ch
Eat 1107 feet, more or ls. to the W-t
bank of the C'oium'.iu Kiver; tl.ei ce
Norherl) followii.g the u.ea. dcr 1 ne of
said river to a point ; then, e West till Ki
feet North 19 degree? 10' Ea-tfrniihe
last mentioned toint; ihence WetUl -96
feet, more t r les. to the plao i t be.
Kinninz, together with nil tide l inis ad
joining said property. Except ng a. id
reserving Lot 4, Bl :k 1 r.f the Town ..f
Reuben. Also a etrip of lard 7 ) fret iu
width extei.dii.g parallel witn Mam
street from the Town of lifiibeu to the
harbor line, tne South west corner of
said lirip being Identical ;th the South
east Corner ol L'-t 4 in Block 1 of ttie
Town of R-uben .
Now therefore, by virtue of said exe
cution, judgment and tinier find deeie
ana compliance with the cr muinr.ds of
said Writ, I will, on Saturday I ' e I2'h
dav of October at the hour t f 10 o'c o k
a. m. at the front d ,r of th t.'o'.-rt
Houte in St. Helen.,'P.M-ll at pub.
lie auc ion, sunject lo edemiiti' n,
the highe-t bidder for c;i h, all t:,c ri'' t.
title and interest which t"' witl iu rain
ed defendants or ei'her o! them l.ave or
had on the 1st day of June 10, in and
to the ab ve te rild prop. r-.y and
every part thereof to mt sfv sii 1 m u
tiou, judgiiient, r r.ler ai.d tb-cr , lo'tr
est, costs an I act-ruing c.-;s
lM'ed this 12th day of Se'eniber.
First Publicali ,n September I9'.2.
Last Publication October II, 1U12.
A K. Tnon.p '-n.
Sheriff of Columbia County, ore n.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of ti e estate of Davitl II.
Notice i-r hereby Given by the nnder
sijrned as the adn inistra nr of the es
tate of liavid II. urittam, decea'e I, to
the creditors of, and to all perrons hav
ing claims agiinst said estate to ye-ei,t
tl. em, with proper vouchsr, within tix
month from the date of th s n' tic, to
the said administrator, at the ofilcr ol
(J. M. McKride i t St. Helens, Oreg n,
the same beinjf the place f ,r tr-ns. c. ion
of the himiness of t-ai I estate.
The date of the first publicaii -n of
this notice Sept. tuber 13, id 12 ai.d t le
last publication Oct. 11, A2.
Emma A, liritbiiu.
An Adniiiiistrat ir of ihe estate o' d j
ceased, iMtvid li Priltain.
Bt. Helens, Oregon, Sept. 3'd, lHi2.
To the Hon. Mavor and t it v (
of the City of St. Helens :
We, the undersigned propeity owners
ao most respectfully petition yo ir Hon.
body tbatyoa proceed to have ( asenan
street improved fnm lh- Nortn line of
First Add to Columbia Park s ttli t j a
lint extended from a point li fe t sou h
on :h'- s:rtet Hue from the southeast
oo act of 1j1 12 in block 2s to a point 3ti
tei: i nth on Tie street lioe fiotu the
no '.Invest coi ner of lot II l i bio, k HI,
th a me IxMiig the north tide if .Nigger
Ui -vk t'a iyen, such improvement to
A) i-i-t 1 1 made l acuty CIO) text In
vu !tli mul charged to Hie abutting prop
eri v :
J. n. luHlfrey, .
1-. I. ltallaKh,
k L. Jetteott,
Wm. M. it. as.
Edwin Koss,
Fannie V. Koss,
Flora M. Owen. (3-t
in the Circuit Court o' the State of
Oregon County of Columbia.
Henry Fltckenstein A Company, Plain
tiff. v.
Mike Hanson, Defendant.
1o Mike Hanson:
iu the name of the State 'of Oregon
! you are hereby required t ) appea' and
auswer the complaint liied againet you
in the above entitled action on or be
lore six weeks fioui the first publication
of this eninmons, lo-wit: on or before
the 1 4th d it of Oetober, 1912, and If you
fail lo appear or answer, for want there
of, the plaintiff will take Judgement
ag:iint you for the sum of $80.00 and for
the cists and disburse! lie lit of this aol
ion as prayed fr In tie complaint ou
file herein to which relereuce ia liTeby
i his summons is served upon you by
publieation thereof for mx weeks con
secutively in the Oregon Mist, by au
order from Honorable James Darl,
County, Ju'lue of Columbia County,
State of Oregon, which order isdated on
the 27 lb of August 1912.
V. P. Adams,
Aitorney for Plaintiff
20-1 Secoi d Mreet, Portland, Oregon.
The date of the flrtt publication h-reof
is lb Am:u-t 30, 1912, ai d the da'e of
th last publieation is the 11th of Octob
er, 1912. .
Sheriffs Sale Escheated
State of Oregon Plaintiff,
V. B. Peebe, ss administrator of the es
tate of Anton IWring. deceae, and all
pers-.ns who claim to be heirs at law or
next of kin of Anton Poering, deceased,
and al! persons claiming an interest in
the estate of deceased, Defendants.
Notice i hereby given that under and
by virtue of a judgment, decree and or
der t.f sale rendered and entered in the
above entitled Comt in tb above en
titledoause on th 4'h day of Jun, 1912,
and tli'eeting me, as S' eiilTof Columbia
County, Oregon, to sell at public auction
tbe herebufter described real pr i erty,
the oame biing the property of Anton
I'o. rin.', deeeasetl. aud which was by
sai l j itlguient and ,!rCree e?cl eafed to
th' State ot Oregon. In. w it ;
S V V ..f s W V id Section 10 nnd W
of NV ' & Nrt i4 of SW 4' SectiO i 15,
Township 5 X R ,1 Wct W M.
Now Iherefore, by virtue of said jud
i.,ent, decree ai tl onler o f sale 1 w ill on
S.nurdav th" 2i d lay of November, 1.M2.
nt tbe hour of 11 o'clock a m at ihe
front d"Or of the countv court bou-e In
St. Helens. Columbia Countr, Oregon,
s 11 public auction as by law provided,
all the right, title and Intereat of Anton
Ioeiing, and of the abov-- named defend
ants an I each of them in and to tne
alio.e 'eiTile. real property and every
part the'eof to satisfy said judgment,
or.ier and decree.
Datwl this 5th daj of October, P.H2.
Urst publieation Oetolxrr 4, 1912.
I.nM publication Noveinr 1, VM2.
A. E. Thompson,
.Sheiiff of Columbia County, Oregon.
And c Hendricksen, PI untiff,
( 'hr'a'ina Marie Henilri.-k sn. Defendant.
To Chri tina .Mari t Ilendricksen. le-f-ntlant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
joo ft hereby re'pired to appearand
anower the eiiinplaint filed stains' jou
in ihe above entitled court an 1 cau-e ,,n
or before ihe 2Dd day t,f November 1012,
tbe Minn being six weeks from the da'e
of the flr-t publication of this tum nons,
ami being the date fixed hf the Court
f'-r you to appear and answer herein,
and if jou fail to so appear and answer
the plaintiff will apply to tbe court for
the relief prayed for In his complaint,
tn-w it ; for a decree of divorce dissolving
the marriage e intraet now existing be
tween p'aintiff and defendant, and for
such other and further relief as the
court may deem tquitab'e.
This summons is published once a
week for aix contecutlve weeks in tbe
Oregon Miff, a newspaper of geneial
cirt tila'ion in Coiumbia County, Ore
gon, by or ler of the Hon. I)art,
County Judge of Co'umbia Comity Ore
g on. J'nted this 20th day of Sep' em her
' Howard M Broancll,
I Atty. for I'laintlff.
I Iinte of first publication Sept. at), 1912.
i Iiute of lat p iblici'ion Nov 2, 1912.
i F'rancis Brnokman, I'l. iutiff,
Uiis Brookman, Itefendant,
i 'I'd (ins P.rookman, I'eftndanf.
, In the rame of the State cf oreiron.
yon are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint hied surainat nu
in the above rniitl I r,,..ri anJ ('aiias on .
or lfore the Snd l .V.vcu. l-r 1912
I lie ame I it Mx e. ks lio i. me uaie
of lirnt iiili.-il "i of llii "iiiiiinoiiK,
ml Iwlnir t! d lie lle I bv l'. Court
for vou t.i apiie.f an I it newer heieiu,
anil if von lail to a "ppfur and ansaer
th plitintif wiliitp. lv l.i the I'iMiit for
' the relii l r:ivd lor Iii eoinpl'ii"'.
I to- it ; lor a de ree ol d.vo'te IimU ing
the inairiuite ct'n'iaet now ex tmg be
l tw. en hImi Kill end tie cnditnt, an I lor
niav deem equitable
This suiriiiotis is puMid"d once a
week lor six Coiifeeul ve weeks in the
Oregon Mist, a tiewepaprr ol general cir
culation in Colu in lU t'oiintv. oiegon.
by order ol the Hon. J une larl. Coun
ty Judge ol Columbia County. Oregon.
Dated thla 20th dav ol Sept. 1912.
Howxid M Urownell,
Attorney I r Plaintiff.
Pate of firt pnblieali on Sept. 20. 1912.
Pate of lat publieation November 2nd
Notice of Final 5etUement.
In the County Tour' "o- the Slat- of
orecou. For 11 nn ' i t'ountv.
In tie M iitrr ol'b . K-t 'e -I
Notifeu'l.erebe ' Ti nt Kiank
Brown the alminia rai.. ,. Die e-lt
of M . A. Kale. .le.-e,.. d. In- ien l.-rrd
and .reaenU.I lor aetilem nt. and li -d
in raid t'ouri. IiU tinat Aeeouut ol hi -
adrnmi-trittion o! hi.I .state. t.g. Hi r
with a reiM.i t thereol, nn.l th .t 'aiur l iv
the 19th diiy ol ociol". 1912. at
o'clock In the loren 'on of eaid dilv. n'
the court-room "I e.ud .our. at l!i
coiirt-ho'tse in the Ci v of Helena, in
aid couiilv ol Colniuliia. slat.- of orec 'ii,
has been lixed by Hi- Con t ai the time
and plac for the s- tlemenl of md 'hi a I
account and the hearing of laid leport.
at nieil time anil p;arr n
tereete.1 III aaid estate mav appear and
til his ex, enti n. iu wiiting, to s.od
account and contest tin' mr
Frank I'.rown,
Admlni-trator of llw estate of M. A.
Kale, deceased.
Notice to Creditors.
For Ihe District ol Ortgon.
In the Matter of E. V. Root
Iiimkrupt ;
No. 2171 in Hankruptcy.
Notice Is hereby triven that on theCiUh
.lay ofS. pt. A. I). PJI2 E W. R'V.t of
St. Helena Oregon, the bankrupt lave
named, was duly a.ljudi. a'e.1 bankrupt;
aud that Ihe lir t meelii g of hiac edi
tors will lie held nt the ollices of the nil
dersigned. Rooms U-2 .1, Fi'iilon Huild
ing, Po'tland, Oregon, on the ih tlav
of October, I'll 2, at 10 a. in . nt which
lime said creditors may attend, prove
Ihtir claiuu, appoint a trustee, examine
the bankrupt, and transact such ..ti er
business as may pioperly collie before
said meeting.
Claims must lie lesented in form re
quired by Ihe Bankruptcy Act, and
sworn to.
The aehedu'e tiled discloses no a-etr.
Dated Sept 2!rd, I'.'!2.
Chester (". Murphv,
Referee in Binkr ipt y.
Delia lloilan.l, PUinlitr,
Roy lloi.and, I t f -m!st,t.
To It-.v II .Hand, the nboe de
fendant :
j Iu th.- intue of th Sta'e of Ogoti,
I yuil arc h-rel,y re-)tlirt .1 ti uppiar autl
I answer the coinp!ai..t fill (I Hg.iii.ft you
i iu ti e a'.-ve entitled Court, on xr tef ie
' tbo 15th .'av of November. P.II2, winch is
six weeks after tie 4th day of O, tol cr
1U12. the data ordered for the firat
pL.Ul c.tiou of taiiim im; and if you fail
to s; aup. ar and answer, pfaint TT will
apply fcr Ihe re.ief prated for in her
complaint, to it : For a deeree tl i - solv
ing the marriage contract beie'ofo e
and now exls i.,g between the plan, 1. 11
and tiie defend iht herein, and f ir such
other and further relief as the Court
may re m up, table and ju t
Thia summons is published by order
of the HonoiaMe J. A. Eakiii, Jude of
the s ove entitle I Court, made and t n
lered on lbs i'hd .y ol October, l!12.
WlMarr Henderson.
Atiorney for Plai.iliff,
h.'l Lumberme .s I'.nil ling.
PoitUnd, Oregon.
First publication, Oct U t 4, PJ12.
Last pj'.lie . iiii, Novcm'i'r 15, lrflJ.
Notice To Contractors.
Notice is hereby ulven that putsuant
to Ordinance No. piOoflhe Ci y of St.
Helen-., Columbia Countv, Ofeg n, pais,
ed September il, 1102, an I approve I by
Ibi M.iyor on the ssun date, provilii,)
for the improvement of Can-nan Street,
in ihe City of K. Helens, fr in the
Northerly l o in lary of Willametie
Stieel to tlii Wi s erly prolongation of
the Northerly ooundary line of Lot 6 in
lib k 1(1, by grading the same, ticco'd
in t lo plans, profiles and specifications
on file in the City ilccordi rs cilice rf
said City, for (he Full width of s:ild
That the nrider.iifhed City Recorder
will receive hi Is for tbe above work up
to 7:30 p. in. October 21, 1012.
A Certified Check of 10 er cent of
amount bid must accompany Ml bids.
The City ('otitic. I reserves the rixht lo
reject any and all hid.
John i-l Gig", City Uicinb r.
In tha Circuit court of tbe st iteof Oregon
for colniii1)!
chasoieCe Pott. .
Ray Oe Pott, Del n lent.
To Kay Oe Holt, defendant alrove named:
In the Name ot the' Mate (.f 0 ('iron ;
Von are hereby required lo appear and
answer tbe complaint Hied against yvu in
the above entitled snif, on or befoie, the
15th dav of November, 1912. which is the
time pre'ciibed for answering in the or
der of publication of (hissumninnsanil if
yot fail lo appear and answer. Ihe plain
til will apply to the court for the relief
demanded in the complaint ou Hie here
In, to-wit, a decree of the court diisolvlng
,n j,,, , ..'inatriintiiiv heietofore and
,, , xi'inu Irlweeii iln i.laintUI "
,u-u-iixiii lu-iem on hi grniii.i
d.'eri. d pliiiniltl wi'hmit (usl fane. ai .
H. alinl wisll. will and tfoiisrii'. hi
IMitUn '. Oieg. li. iuth. u.otith ol Ma.
I. lll, ev.r eaid tlin tin
Ki ove n line I deletiditut hat lived apa'l
fr. m the nd bi'utill w tlioul Just r miv
ranee-ind igam't li. r i-h. will and cm-,
sent. '
rii'.uiii:lioiawa pul liehed bv the
outer ft tl.e lion. J. V r akin ilirul' judge ieeint fun it which older
tiled the avof Oetob'r, l-ili. llieort i,
ol tirel pil' bcatl .iioHhiBMimnionle'ng
0. lob. r 4. I ill'-', and -late ol last pubiictt-j
U ii tl ereol Unng itsmtwr i.i. mi.
J. M. Long.
Attornvv lr i'lainlirt.
ft.M tienrv Hldg.
Portland. Oregon
Notice to Bidders
y.nili-.l bi.U will W ri'tvivinl for
the r-rvotion of u two story cnncn toj
buiMinjr known as Miisonu Mull, up
... mi ,),,, incUulinif Octoln-r Ifith.
j.jj.j , uivonlimr to plans ami i on lil III . otVuv of K.
I K. (Juick. trustoo St. Helens. Oil'..!
I ()Iuv f K- Kroner, lll titivt, t
, .( j,, , '(,rt,unl. Oro.
., . , , . . ..n
I Kijrht reserviil to reject any ami till i
,i,s. !ids a.l.lrosse.l to 1 I'.. Quick. ;
' trustee. St. Helens, Ore.
W'l, It.., .-L .,i-a clwllllil Vote
. , ,
the StK'lllllSt tk'kot. I lt WOTiIS
worker or working class in
article includes all women
men who do useful or productive
work. Such as furmcrs. in. r-
hanics, Inluircrs, of nil
physicians, professors etc.
The Socialist party stands for
Justice, eijual opportunity i to
all, prorfss, and that all useful
and productive workers arc en
titled to the full value of their
labor less the necessary expense
of the Social System.
To recognize women as citizens
and allow them the use of the
ballot the same as men
For religious freedom of all
... , , ,
rur luajuiuy rui? iinu eni"uv-
. r n t ir... T.,f
uiriii. t'l tin lans. iiwn.
Wilson and IltMisevelt each have j
nrodueod letters and other evi-i
dence against each other to prove
that they when nominated by the
support of the trusts ami coror
ations, and their political party
supported by campaign fun'!;
contributed by the corporations.
Now! We Socialist know that
these Honorable r.-ntlemen are ; the Socialist ticket eith- r before .
telling th? truth; furthermore !' after b.-ir .I.tu-.I to ilu-e;!
the platforms of their res, active l"' anyth;:i,' n.:itr;.ry lo the;
parties plainly specify 3 that thev 1 by-laws or i l iilortn of th So-,
represent capital and capital re- j I'i-a I'.irU ; or s-he v l.ich-i
presents corporations, trusts itndiPVer it may U is immediately
monopoly. It is impossible for j I'ec.iK. d a; d expdte.l by a direct j
a political party to represent two, v"' t'o-' S'cialis I'.iny. j
epposinj? forces, and do jtif-ticcj Fifth, the S n'ialist I'.irty tic-'
to both. Without beitiK' inll ten-: matnis a ibdaiieil report f all
ced by the force that ha:' Ihe bij?-: Socialist olii.ials to be cent to the!
Kest Bank roll. 'party organization; and if the re-
No! One can any more rcpre-i l'rt of their work should prove
sent capital and labor, and do unsatisfactory; a recall of the
justice to both sides; then law- official is immediately started,
y era can represent both sides of! Willi these pofek'ards it is al
a case in court. j most impossible for a Socialist
Working men am.1 women, j oflicial to do anything contrary
after pivinx: this subject a thor- to the Socialist Party by-laws
oup;h study; you will come to the i and party platform: without be-
condition that it is just as neces
sary to elect men and women to
office that belonjr to a political
party; that only represent your
class; as it is necessary to have
a lawyer that represents your
side in court only.
Therefore workinsr men. If you
want to lie represented by men
that stand for your welfare; vote
your ticket and not the capitalist
ticket. Workers, the candidates
on the Socialist ticket are nomi
nated and supported only by the
working class and when elected
to office, are governed only by
majority vote of party member
ship. No one man's rule or dic
tatorship in the Socialist Tarty.
The only steam roller we have
in the Socialist Party is majority
Workers, If you wish to vote
for a Rood man; vote the ticket
that represents your class.
If a uood man in a political
party that represents capital; is
good for the capitalist to the tune
of billions of dollars of profits
ana millions of dollars of cam
paign funds; taken from the pro
duction of labor.
Then a good man in a working
cla?s party otiRht to be a good
representative for the welfare of
working men and women; when
Koverned only by the majority
vote of a woikinff class party
Workers, remember thii that
all caddidates on the Socialist
ticket from president to the low
est office stand pledged to work
and vote for nil .u'J
u.. , .,
are benencinl fn tb .
Class. I
vv aiiu v 1 1 kiii ir '
Columbia County Bank
4 Par Cent Paid oa Saving a Acceuale aaal Tlasa Certificau
Unltad Slates Desweitory for Pul rsjss
Wm. M. at)S. Preheat. L. R. Kb I IIUPORO. Vl .-.,-.,
A. L SruNE, CeektM. A 8. AIJ.CN. Asslrtaat VmAtm
'p() t)u, xum. r 111111. W llO ifl
, , nrmlurlive
CHUl'iif tliH I MO .roIUPVl
or useful NVurk U'loflUS IHitllinjr.
, ,
To the iiKtn vr woman who Jot a
, .. tuoftll work; lx
I! ,, . , .'. . , .
f IiMlKr.-t Ull lliul tneir idimi 'i"
j That all governments owwthu!
, nn.l..ri-ild. liirlif fit avert'
, , ... .
, urnl llllltl. Illl pHVlleRO U) Work
ittnl j)roilii',
a livi,...-. without
. i . i. . . . .i...:'
1 (iiviuinje t'.p tno pr.nucia nt im ir,
lulior wit U any coi jioration or in -
dividual, f r the priviiire of
j mukiiir n liviny
How ace the S-winliMt ifointr to'
chiinjre the system so that every ,
man and woman jft'tsj I ho full;
value of tl.eir labor. J
... . , ... :-...,
I'.rst. by electu.,r majority of I
work ink' class men t ottico; and :
thereby Kttinjr a control of the
reins of the government for th!
workin"; clas.4. '
Second, by the rh.nnjrinsr of the
capitalist system to a Socialist
jfystetn; i:i the v :iy of cll-ctiv.
owner:. ni) i i '..i means oi pro-
;d.ii' i!;ti iVtiiun, transporta-
iti .n und ec;i n,:.:i bv the Nation-'
al, S:ate r.n ! t:i micipal trovern-1
ments. !
i nini, tri i; .hi men eiecteii to
.lllce are cr leretl as servants
of thf wo:!
be lH'i'. Cl'i.e bv
V !.'
majority vote .f
the working class; party mein
Ix rship. viz. The Socialist Tarty.
Fourth. If any candidate in
'mk detected, recalled and ex
pelled from the Socialist Party
forever. There is only two things
that the S want to divide
up, und that U the work and the
For further enlitrhtment in re-t-'ard
to whether it is for your
welfare or not to vote the Social
ist ticket; rea l the Socialist Party
platform and .some standard book
on Socialism.
Now, workinjc men if you think
that with all these Kafecuards
and all others that may be add
ed to the Socialist Party by the
majority vote of the Socialist
Party membership is p;ood enoujrh
to safeguard your welfare, then
vote ror Kugenc V. Dels for
President and Kmil Scidel for
vice-President, and all other So
cialist candidates; as they are all
governed by the same ridged by
laws and regulations.
As a last evidence to the pub
lic that the Socialists are not
arraid of public comparison and
the closest scruting of the So
cialist platform and principles
Dy tno public.
We do hereby challenge t ach
and every one; Kepublicnn, Dem
ocrats. I5ull Moose and Prohibi
tionist to a series of len public
ueoates; to compare their plat
form:) ar,d principles against the
Socialist platform nnd principles.
For aria.igon.ent of debates ad
dress 0. Henry Oleen, Columbia
t'ily, Ore.
ttr.. i . 1.
.. "''"rpaicattheMwt odice
all kin,!., ,f tvtH.wri...r
i . . ...
u " pa,Kfr blantu. Ii'M-al backa
If You Mean Hutineu
ta liigh time you c.,ul4 , . .
U.k In whirl, ,.,, U enlered .k.
sume you lu.i.t v. M,
keeping, tiel on, bv o,,,,,,
aivotint at tbe M
A a little as one dollar w.n ... ,. .
B tbn mr you begin ihe
..... . "'naiH
llUll Law.
Ill be able to r.nliM,OUf ilt
Some of the Illation Ar
complishcd During HU
There has boeu a system
tempt for years tin 1'ia part of as,
I of tn. m ?eV
and misrepresent Preald.nt Tsft n.
- r.tSSUBJ
j result has been that ths people ktis
"uipresaion mat tins basks, i
uo Doming administration. TVs
truth of th miittr la iK.r - -
Btnicuve pror...ive legi.i.tio, iu
bu accomplished Prtsidsst
Tart than was evr accomplishes.
--"Iniairallon tsfore.
For the benefit of our readers u
,n Ju(Ue ,o h pro(()noU
M(a out below some of ths muj
thins he has aooompUshsd:
lie put tha pturTi.- rtssartauel sa
a parli'S baala fur ths lul Urns villus
lb ntsntorv nt Itia prii gsaanika.
Ma Haa altlolta.! tha hharmi asQ.
trjsl law without faar nr fatar.
la vato4 lha lia.nm.-rall waal, ast.
tun art fraa llat hula aa uafslr, as
a lfnlian ae4 daalru. Ilva ol laa a
ruill-4n iirlnrlpia of irtia.-ilaav
Ha abr.aia. tha diarrlmiaatfaf
paaaport Irvaty wllh Ruaala.
Ila rall,.-.s ,r., Mt(lsf
rata Inaraaaaa Intu atTael It ami ts
I.ruval ,.f Ilia lltlaialala V'uaMaari
Ila has ruahad lha I 'a hints Canal Is
aarly cunplatlun srllh.nit klal of aaa
ul. Ila has daatmra' vails
slave traftla
Ila baa aianaj lha Mil fnr aSralssMl
of Arlauna aiut Naw Mailra la lUla-
Ila has aalakllah.! lha Huraaa at
ll.,a In lha II va M mlaars
Ila haa sslrn1''t "'.r fois'fn star
kala for tha battant of Amsil.aa esat
tnl an.t lalKr
Ila haa alMtllahaU lha st.amsrul ST
tan, tit luoaaa lit Oil" fvutllrr
Ila haa aul.niltlr.1 Iho Inroma Isl
Bilirii.lniart lo O.a 'i.ltll'lll la Uw
alaia lr'alaluraa f,r raiin. aiion.
Ila haa afta. I4 a.tri4 l"Slf bv
ap-(l..r lataa fwaaed lv i',.f,aa
Ila haa aalahllaha.1 rnrans lu ca
plata IrrlaaO"!. ,.r..).ls In lha X
Ila hns ll.I.Oln.. at. I Sllanaal
llm nn-ituiY im.ii.-v In China
Ila Ima inaltitaln1 (wa.-a la Cuss
an.l M..ulh a.i.l Calilr.l AmaHca l
' '.-...Ily watnlt'C, llh..ul lnlrav
tlon. . . , .
.... haa"l "l rhsai
(utarnmaiil l.usina mathnla by ss an.l arft. I n. t (,,mmla
alri of o..llara lo Ihs
. an ,pla ann.lallv
Ila haa tit" I-.I arl.llnillon trsSBSI
Wllh (iraat llrllain an.l Sranra
Ha valo-4 lha Artsona stala."S
ha.-auaa of lha ra.-all of JuJsas ssstl-
" l'? lnalll"lr.1 e .n t.liiial BlfUaSa
f..r lakli.f lha lHh ransua.
Ila haa tnil4llt .
and srai-rirn-uui.a ,
haa liaratatantlx laborwl far s
narrate boat .
Ha haa affaelarl a oaar traal tt
Japan. .ndl., ra.ial coi.lruvsrslss sa
tha J'arlno (?.al .
Ila haa furlliar sstandaj! s asIW
a,llanra art fur lha bansrH ef sisni
"'fla'h.. atKaassafullr f.M far .
publl-allun of rampalsn fuaJsaaass
pan.llturaa. , .
Ha haa h-rlllr Ind-xard JfJ:
auninilaalon's rai.ri an.l W'paiea pa
,h,UMll attllihiyars' llsl.lllir
Ila naa iw,.
aarvlra. r,.rn..ila a as
Ha haa
lha castas ..f dullais tu h ,"",
Tr.."m'r?- th. Caort af
ia naa mwi,,,-,, - - . fh
romntarra In ravla "n'ns Of "J
Inlaralala rnrnntarra ( """"'"?! IhT
I., ramarlr aaaapai aims u-la)rs la au
"'.Thaa aalahllshan a a-
tariff b..rd tn r;ior "'Vinaw
anra In tha coat of prmlucllaa at aoaw
an'l abrnatt. tal
lo tha t nllad Hlal.a n?'?M 4
II. haa transf.H-m.-l a "
161 000. (XM) of trta pr.T.u
ir.ilun into a ID.Ik..W' '"Trtnu
II. haa mana a ' JJw-rar-orrt
for nonpartlaaa Judlrlai ar
pnlnlmanla gniar
Ha haa brmisht tha rall"svlsisM-
furlhar mntrni or m -)Wrt
mailt thronah aslanalon of Ihs pa
of tha Inlaratala Coiiimart-a
Ha t.rniht tha
uccaful las "
panaallnn ant to
ha Htiprama t'ourt.
nrl bonrla mmmlaalon m
Ila haa aatah.l-d Oia '""r:.
Ha haa nrim
nilaa In all daparlmanta w
'"ffA'S ....n...hr1 1 . CjuH M-
toma Appaala, br whk undsr hava baan stoppa-r
Ha .utraadad In aa.-iirlnS:
an l naa bank ayalam 'h"7DUttia
mllll. "is out of old aucks and puts
to work. . ... kaaw-
lla favorod Borah a I 1
Stand bill. . .. . ,,-kM. aHsT
II. ha. ahlhltad "."isd
of .l.laam.nahlp In
cat. and provoklns B Jut f
kaaplitf tha Vnll.jl Hiai-a out
atpanalvs an b'""4 .Z! ihs r
tl.a aama tlms malntalnlo U
of our nation.
of l
tha serviced
MSVUkf SV'W'SSiH -" - - j
representative In St. IWeni
surrounding territory, tolw-ai-
auliHcrlption renewals, and to
tend circulation by filial meUio
which have proved unusuany
- . . i ,r.,mlsioll
ceMsful. .salary ana .
Previous experience desirable
not csacntial. Whole time or
an ...!ih refureK'
unit, nuurt'nB,
Charles C. Schewer, The CMV
tan Group. 381 Fourth Ave. "
York City.
Faay Shoe. For Mcn-Jiwt
you have been looking fr at
Whlta & ""