The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, June 21, 1912, Image 1

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NO. 43
. G B. Milloy and Burt Weal
came down from Scappoose last
Monday evening In Mr. Weat'a
fine auto, and ordered the print
ing for their L! Fourth of July
celebration to bo held at Scap
wv, this year. The celebration i
Shipping Notes .
Th Barkentlne Kohalu after 'a
run of 11 day from San Francisco,
reached St Helena en Twwiluv
She haa benuii loading her carjro of
one million fct of lumber for Noii
nien, Colcdonla whieh In u ni-'w
inir, with a rhort turn at St. Hel
ena Skating Iiink on skates, U a
moat pleasant way to apend the
summer evenings
In the absence of the pastor Rev.
D. A. Wattors of Portland will oc
cupy the r-utpit of the Methodist
EpiBeopal church. Rev. Watters
Rev. A. A. Heist is taking a
vacation and i rusticating in the
mountains over on the Nehalem,
thia week.
The Episcopal Sunday School
will clot for the Summer next
Sunday. All Sunday School
pupils are requested to come next
r I'trH'h iiort that la' nmi.llv J, nil,);,.,, ha cn fif I'm vr-tnmn ,.,a,..,!c...,i i.,.;,.
HiMiilf; - ...W.M.I L! L'ftLi LI M ( .-jLJIIIJcIY .J I i VI UIJM Vll'.il LUIUA
...ill insist of patriotic exerclHCi ! I ' Cuiimereial importance. Thi i of the Orri;on conference ami an I ,.uf
in the forenoon ana aiwrta in inei -'mi wgu r lumber j,l.iHretiiinj speaker.
,ftom.H.n. The races will le ; M t th,n fn,., St.' II,;lenj Mm. Myrtle Swart'z, of June
held on the road in front of the'Lur th put f,ur m.mtU' fUon (3ty. who ha. lecr. villin
West place, which U recognized I Tlw UrtUah Shi, J v left' with her mother, MrvCraV
M beinif the best pleco of natur. j San Frandw, ., u, Ida, bound for,' St. lUkm for several dny'Vc
I road in the State, and a basket ' St. Ildciw. In order fc' nv lime. turned to her home last' week
. . . a r. a 1 1 a
dinner Will 1)0 new. in mo nvai
. Grove. The St IlHera Band will
furnish t ho mutdc and the -Mod
Men will give a bi;f in I ha
evening. Entertainment will be'
nroviiltd for everybody just to
suit, so everybody is cordially in.
vited to attend. '
Highwaymen fit Work
Last Saturday night 'at Goble
four men were held up and rob
bed by two highway wen.' The
men had just drawn checks frm
the Logging. Co., for their
month' wages and had gone to
Goble to get them cashed. One
of them received 101, ot.o of
them $W) and the other twoj
about $35 each. After a little
white in Coble they started tack
along the road to tho camp and
when a few hundred yards out of
town they were confronted by a
jfun h Ul in the hands of a high
wayman ard ordered togiveover
the mor.ey, They started to pro
test when suddenly another wan
appeared with a pieco of gas pipe
, and laid three of them out before
thy realized what wf.3 banet
tag and the fourth on a held up
' his lands In the W STttre of the
gun nt his head. Tho money was
then taken from each of fhen
together with time watches and
they. were left there; three of
them unconscious and Ii ether
one under orders to keep mill.
He did so for a few minuted then
cave the alarm and search was
made for the robbers, but up to
date no clew has been found.
The case was not reported to the
iheriit's office until Wednesday
but active, work ia iiow being
done by that cflice to pick up the
robU r.i. .
... . t 1... . nrt... ..v - ! .1 I H .. I. - .
, . ... ' nil I
uie Dimmer (.. VV, henwlck. the will upend several weeks there
should arrivo today n1 will immed- ; At the medicine M.ow held last
ZZ 7 r - h t"'rar'' "V I" 'he City Hall, a diamond
lumber fr delivery to AuMru!,a. : rinJr WM givcn to th(. ywurff ,a(,y
The Bteainer Klamalh rIiouM or-, receivinir the hiuhost nnmW of
nve la the river today and after votes in some sort of a voting
dweharging her c-arKO of 1 ortland ! conU'st. IJulo Miss Gladys Lake,
freight, YflW come to St. Hdns on was the happy recipient of the
Sunday to loud fur San Pedro and ring.
j testers, aro out crmotmcir.g
The Jj'riiish Fhip H.iltlo Abbey ! thnt a t;i!i g-imo will bo i luyc-1
ha l ien churtert-d t transport a; on the St. Helens gr mnds next
c.irj;o of lumber from irt. Ik-Una to)fcuday between the Ho:i!t;n f:nd
ii due heiv ilwt;t ; (loble profe:.sio?ia5. :. ; InvitaUon
Jjly 4th and will take 1.200,000 foeliis trade to' the people to "Coma
of lumber,
Local Mention
to I
Mrs. Joseph Josephson
Dr. Lowe n jrlusjHS aru dwi th
ey trin, and head aeht;s.
Mias Oiive LaHare is spending
a few wef ks with relatives in
Work on tho two story brick
building of II. Morgua & Son is
progressing rapiidy.
Mms Virginiii Johant?f;n is in
St. H-tetn t'.;ii week .jfittcnding
tho Teacher' exu'iiitntion,
Mm Ada George haa been quite
sirk the pnet week, but. U now
much improved.
. Se? ours 1 -I.-hrd Vuv.A D.ury.
Mr. and Mm. Ci. U TartK.ll of
Yankton were St. Helens visitors
thi week.
Bi-rt Timnions ii building a
new cottage on Winter Street be
tween Cowlitz fcl.d St. Helens
Miss Dorothy John returned
Monday from Portland where she
vj;s Ihe giiot of Miss Hilda Cliff,
during Rose week,
Mayor and Mrs. Martin White
visited several days h 'Portland!
last week, guests of Mr. and
Mr.. Josolyn.
Mrs. Joseph Joseph n, vifw of
renneiRhUrhood. died at Seattle 1M',ot,ino nt lhe
on Juno 10th 1012 after mi rper
ation. for the removal of cancer,
from which she never rallied.
The l.iy was brought to War
ren where burial took place on
June 12th. Mrs. Joxephyon waa
a much beloved woman in the
neighborhood and leaves, besides
her husband, four children, two
sons and two daughter, all re:J
dents of Warren. Deceased was
61 years old aod camo to Colum
bia County from Finlund several
yeara ago and has been a resi
dent of Warren for about C years.
out and see a good game for a
The excursion to Portland last
Saturday nttfht given by Capt.
was a decided success. The boat
carried a full capacity list, ac
companied I v the St. Helens
B tr d -hicli uiacoursed music all
th wr. to Portland.
Th'! regular examination for
teachers is Wing he! 1
Court lloinr this week where
there are twenty-two cpplicants
trjdng for Siale paper?;' . Super
intendent Coll lr.. is l eirg assist the w rk ty Prof. J. P.
Wilkersen a,d Mrs. Collins.
('. K. Ivke, Columbia Ct tinly
rr.U'Gi: i; fc,:o:;trr is busy fret
u' ; twi:....;.or hi i xbibit for the
Stvo Fair. He is gathering a
hne lot of wild Qjaies together
with grains just at present
Later he will make a trip over
the entire county and will en
deavor to 8ocure the finest col
lection of Columbia County pro
ducts ever gotten together.
Constable Fowler of Rainier
picked up a crazy man at that
place last week and brought him
to St. Helens where he was kept
for a day or two. . Upon looking
over his papers it was discovered
that he was on parole from the
Tha Hull haa confirm 4 tha mbI
utlon of 3. R. Woodford ft poatmaa
tar at Mad ford.
Tha 4eh annaal reunion of tha Ore
gon Ploaaer Aaaoclatloa was bald la
Portland Thursday.
Tho annual meeting of tha Clatsop
County Sunday School .Association t
was held" at Antorta.
Fourth of Julv ' in a'jnrotjriate Mabel Miller has been nominated aa
m.nn,. ol. ' Ta,u;inn ,l")ww,"(!r jacksonrllle, succeed
,i. . a ' Aiu. r.,U I ,as Joha whoa, term explr-
t:il '3 U.iy.1 rJJVI I'll! 'Itil, Willi 0(j
and Gib. anl Win con&ist . ot aUj . Cwiba throughout tho niamata eotto
kiud.4 if-f races li'nd COi; teats, bill f 'T will lo better thla year than stbt
ramfs motor boftt races, - in fact' Wore ln. tte oltory of that part of
something to occupy every min-l
me oi tne time aunr.? vco mree Mng Kt 3a mUea m boutf Mrs. Mary
daya. An oratok will be on hand j SUopUord, of Oregon City, was thrown
to instill - patriotism into the ret and lnsUnUy killed.
v,mr nr.,1 iM flnl othr r,atrio-! Articles of incorporation for tho 811
r I
tic exercises will ne held. The
prtic9rmnnrfBiii nnnrrTTgsiiiiiiiiiiiriiiTi r
the country,
Struck by the Shasta L.: Tilted trar-
citizens of tho entire county are
invited to attend.
Give our milk ard cream a
trial -Island Poitt Dairy.
The ue 'of fringes, correeUy fitted
xhi-H, the only i-medy for le
fe"thv piKlt. If you need medi
cine, glasses won't help you. It
vu!d be well to. learn what you
nee.!. Ur. Lcwe can tell you what
you nee'l. 11 is more than 20 years
experience coupled with education
in the best schools makes him a. safe tor you . to consun aooui
y oa iu I . '.- tr. a
on tho Steamer America ! yo"1 eyw.anuK'r.
go irorn nouse yi nousc, uhbuiv
him at St. Helens Hotel Wednesday
June 26. Remember tho date.
Letters unchiitr.cMj in the St. IIcl-1
a" the I ert 'rf!' "1W or tn0 weuk er.d-
utg June iMn, yjic: , j
J J Judl, . S 'letters. . " !
n.irry ria.ran, 1 Jotter ;
Liters vr.eI.ioi??d t-y Jun-r 29th
will be sent to'tiw Di--J-Li.ttcr office.
- II. C. Cray. V. SI.
A ?tlessae for You
About six weeks ago when we first
put Mountain View ua the market,
we told you through our advertise
ment that considering the many ad
vantages to be had, line land, close
in, near to schools and churches,
close to markets, easy terms, long
time and low interest, -that -we
thought tt WB3 only a ahort time be
fore every one of the 23 tracts in
Mountain View would be old, for a
great many people are looking for
just this kind of reposition. We
didn't miss our guess ' either, for at
this time, we have sold 15 tracts U
15 Sensible Investors and several
more tracts are spoken for, so we
believe that Mountain View will all
be sold within the next few. weeks.;
Now. if you are not one of those
15 Sensible Investors and you have
'-.cell vi:;Hrv you knew oi :onr-
li;u' where you could invest a fw
dollars each wevl:, know that it was
absolutely .safe a:vl would return
ruod interest,- re would iidvi.! you
to come to our office and let us talk
Mountain View over with you. You
,, 'il! i :vAc) nr mistake In investing
hetv for ths' --property will never
be clicaiter,' in ff.vt, la the 'next few
years it will ba double what we are
now r.?kinK for it". Do you knowof
a pu-r-'J of good land that you can
buy Now at tho same price you
could buy it Two Yean Ago? Vc
do not think to. Two years from
now, tho same property you can buy
now for $100 per acre will be sell
ing at $200 per acre. Now we want
you to see Mountain View; If you
will come to our office, we will take
you to the land in our auto, we will
how you the f.oest farm in Colum
bia County, we will show you how
easy it is to become the owner of
one of the fine tracts; we will make
easv terms for you, a small pay-
l . If... I.. Mrthr . m . i .-iM .. . i
t,. . . . . - -- : ncnooi nouse iasi woou., :.' n3 earrviotr "cu n numuer oi i ment down, oaiance .n long time
wuoumnj vnai no IS just R3
. Roller . skatinc is e:;cellentj Asylum at Stellacoom. Wash., so
sport. Good fl xir and rood sliaLcs j ta.i autboiilies there were noti-
t. Helens ! f,ed and an nttendant came after
Kink. , him.
Gu. Lanffc, a piwiJtont fatm-j "Win Ono' is. the name .' of the
er of the Seippro'e eountry was j Sunday School eia a ' by
Lei- ,4-uthte-n of ti.e youaj: married !a iies
One Sided Game
Tiie ball same last Sunday be.
tween tho White Sox and the
Studebakcr bunch from Portland
and wa3 very one aided affair.
The Portland boya never had a
chance againBt the penant con
tenders of the Lower Columbia
River League and tho final score
was 14 to 4 In favor of the White
Sox. Virgil Stevens was the run-;
ner for the St. Helens boya and
trarasctmk luir.es3 in St.
ens yesterday.
'C. Ve!t:e.'..!;iy Jure 'ZR Dr.
Low e. the well' known eye ttpeeial-l-l
v. ill be at St. noW.s
Thurs-Uy the 27h t li-ii u -r. '.'
member tae dates.
Mrs. C. N. Da Pull of
At f
Hiinift Street Aberdeen. vm
of litiulton. ' '- " ',
j Tl-.u bunitu .Vi meetings an? held
the jli'sit Tuesday afternooa m each
At tho future ' tiK'titinifS, work
aii v, -f Ujo t'aufril;o:iu! tine v i!' K-
i UJ.i'U uj. Oir.ciuu t-f tho ci.v'j art
t5C.Si '-'''f. l-'iuk, 1'fes.idenl; 'Y.x.w i'le'p.
t r . ... ,
t-h ieaciier; air., i.w. u."creiary; an,t
1 vllt!ntr with her rnrcnts. JTr.!-M Kenkv. Treasurer.
and Mrs. I. G. Wikstromof fcap- Quite a number of St. Helens
Abe Neer. of l.n olJe.4
pioneers of Columbia County,
and a resident of Neer
City, $3 attending to business in
St. Helens tod ,;y.
Tho fine new two atory slcne
bank building is nearly completed
and is the finest fire proof building
in tho county. It will be ready
for occupancy about July 1st.
The regular annual election ; rrrrosontor! and his always teen
I school oUiccrs was Held at IIC 'trented due while there, as well
! people bad .made aromseinenta
i. ...t. '.t o ir..i.,.,
tou t to tho lloro Show at Clata
kanie which atarts today but the
rains of last two days have dis
nrranneJ all plans, by spoiling
Uhe roses and ns a result St. Hel
ens will not be represented. This
stato of affairs is to bo regretted
as the Rose Show nt Clatskanie
has become a county affair and
'St. Helens has always been
'at which time Dr. I'd win Rofca liz,3 annually.
Since writing the alove article,
Mr. Martin White has made a
no waa last yeaf when ho I ,.,,.,,, i,irectorand Mrj. 1;
ucioated every team that came
Sunday ,,fT Dr. I-,wo's gbsei do not need wnau election offeses and has
,-AhocroaI3o a fast KoliiriThc'r,,'",l"!on- . .,, f! If yoa don't know h0,M,-ol!-'
"rogation, and the result' of ! Mr. and Mrs. trcT of sklU) Cj;ne 0ut to the. Link
ttistramewill bo watched with Deer Island, were Luaincaa visit-, amUry it you will be delit;ht
mideraUe Interest m botho In SL Helens yesli rday. I red L .
game ot .Ve ulOoTw 8honU
AT"tn.e rcentngc column. " f h, ,ol, wMxig from W to C pound,,
excursion u-i'i i,.. ut andis getting.
10 o'clock on tha steamer Charm I A short walk along a ahady;
1 r Clatskanie. I road during tha cool of the even-.
Po'v.U Harri s, ..
rer Fall Timber company, wlta f(5,-
000,000 capital, were filed at Salem,
Tbe principal place at business If Port
Heavy rains In eastern Oregon have
done much damage to growing crops.
Cloudbursts bare added to tbe trouble
and railroads have suffered severely
from washed out tracks.
The bureau of statistics of the de
partment of agriculture reports that
crop conditions are particularly favor
able in Oregon, tbe composite condi
tion of all crops being 108.5. "
Tho directors of the Clackamas
Southern railway have entered into
contract with Archie Mason of Port
land to make the grade and build the
bridges between Oregon City and Mo-
la 11a. . . .
A stay of execution has been grant
ed In the cases of Charles and George
Humphreys, sentenced to death for
tlie murder cf Mrs. Elizabeth Griffith
of Philomath. The ceso has gone to
the supreme court on cppeftl.
Dr. J. Dillon. PiaT.oaooi:, who was
ditpOH seated of the pjr;Ju:v ot super-
IrU'iKlont - nt the. 2:.c-ra Oregon
Ernncu Insane' Asylum. I:as made ap-
p!;tat!oa to . memt)er3 of the state
beard to be relusiated la position.
Tbe Kicaath Falls Coaua?rcial club
k Etiirto.1 a, niovem.-ut to build tip
U.e crtdlt of the city, which is below
fr. The adstintiaration U. in a bad
way on. account or the. ifal tangle
foTlf t-.-ia;; ihe aUopti.)3 of t-K churttitJ.
I'c'ioan Ioi'ye, tho UiO iicru tiiiiii
tnrr home tiid tiahlus-an l limiting ro-tr.-at
of the lale 15. Ii. I tarriimtii, on
I'i'prr Kl.'iuiath hike was transferred
ty Sirs. Hurrlman to the neischacker
interest. The price was not divulged.
A co-operative tncat-pacUng plant
to rroilde consumers in Portland and
Sua with meat and meat
products at wholesale prices was
launched this week in Ashland, by a
number of prominent capitalists of
rout hern Oregon.
A tour of Coob county Is to be made
this month by Professors II. S. Jack
Ma and If. F. Wilson of the entoniol
osy department of the Oregon Agri
cultural college,' accompanied by F. C
ltchuer, superintendent : of the new
southern Oregon experiment station.
Frank SpUlmsn, a rancher, ased 30,
Is unCcr arrest charged, with the at
tempted murder of Charles Klrkpat
rick, who was shot on the night ot
June 4, while walking on the street at
Oakcr with Mis Itirdie Husk. Spill
man was a former sweetheart of Miss
rr-nd on the chewisg of Jfedford
thf, !iitrstto commerce
cw.ii-.-ttEo tis order. --a a reduction of
frcm 11 tv 1- c: ts rer 100 pounds In
tiui.3 r .ea one ta four. Inclusive, on
trojfic over the Southern Pacific from
Mediord t: Duntuuir, Cal., and Inter
venlns point?. - :
' Hood lUvc r will vote ou the lefuo of
f 90,000 woitlvcf t'o ttls foi- the purposo
tt roi.j:.nK-U:!-; a ir.mi'clv.l water ffja
tc.a to taJ-w.tho plst-o cf tho system
rticntly- purchased by Ao city frcat
the Pacific Pitt-cr & L!5ht cempeny,
which has heen- found inadequate to
supply the ncc-Js of the- town. '
A prorri; rcp't-to In lectures by
prominent nr.thoritloM xoa ttihjccts
teeming with Interest to the mottters
ind teachers of Oregon, was announc
ed by Frofc?uor Joreph Schafer, di
rector of the summer school, for the
Mothers' Congress, which la to be held
at the university on July 2 and S.
President Crooks of Albany college
announces that $100,000 has been se
cured to Innure a 1250,000 endowment
fund for- the Institution. James J.
Hill baa offered tbe college 150,000
upon condition that tt secures an addi
tional $200,000, The campaign for the
ad littonnl f 100,000 will proceed active
ly. ; - "
ITnlted States District Attorney Me-
with a low rale of interest; wo will Court has f.tcd n suit -In tho United
sko.v you where n small amount j I tates district court In the name of
mjw investwl In Mountain View will tho government against Wlllard N.
brinffyou handsome profit. 1). to recover $133,000, alleged to be
. . .. . , , .;ths value ot nine claims In the 8llets
this worm taKintf tnc I'vuoio ana
tiino fpv a trip to Mountain' VieW.
. , ....... - - . - -
The Most lleliuhle Remedies
on the Market
KJ.9SLltJ2Xj,.i iSSAHLmaiaa so tat ioaostBsssstfleststat f
Allen, Feltbn: & Quick
Subscribe for The Mist, $1.50
The initial cost of installing a culvert
is about the fame regardless of the ;
material used, hence the material that
.will last tbe longest is the most ecco-
- - . - .
noiuicai in tne long-run. - , j .
lsMorcid Ccncrele Coherts .Will Last, Always ;
Do You See the Advantade? '
''-. .
Don'j Autocall the atteution. cf of your Supervisor
- , to the superiority of - , . ; ; v i
Made by the , "
r, iLeem-; 2C7 Oak St., Portland, .Ore.
' PHIL EASTUDAR, Manager ' , ;
will be ;opsn;;, :;-;::
Sunday, Tuesday, ;
Thursday, Saturday
t Helens Mil! Co.
electric lightings
- (Saves Your Eyes)
Steam Heatings
3 Lath
(Prolopss Your Live)
ultr.n rre-rvntion thst came into the
Jones .by' fraudulent j j
i -'1
by tho Ilrooi.t!-no'lcrt.on :ind Scaft!on- j $
pocf.ssioa cf
Now call at our, we will tnkei mm
you in our auto and show you titori 'Aunounttnent Ima Just'.trca r.waa
in niw hiilir thnll . pnil t.tll vnn in n
week. Tina U an invitation to you Lf ft.a ct Oromoil uinP, tUal '
and wo know wo can show you where j a nill to cast twv.csk) t. ill be built f
it isyour opi'ortnniM'.
St. Ili'lon.-iIinjirovti.T.ciit Co.,
nt !" net, c3;.trc:icti'ta start rtthln
IS :u(.:,rb:, 1 L tlr.-..t v.'ltt have a tain- i -
i p;oyia2 SCO laa,
Orders Tahcn'for Up-to-date Clothing
CUanuig and Fresilns a Specially
Ox the Strand
i 'i i " i i