0 R ft - L hIkkv ti nt 11L, ,.. i . . n.tnn nilFiT... ". .. '. "n ""'. iron L- U aujusi tr, ti MM PubUlwi'K Company .-.I ,-I.M ''"" '" .1 " H.I.U H. lrli.. OK.IH.U P' of )( luH. ..I " 11 I IV'J Si-wen""" KTK!' . .....I- known " M'l'" ! mid. till" VS. Ilk ,i, I., . him! kills will I... th, ,,t,.ri,f .ruction t these fuii i. Is't t iii u fine race? Nw tl.m yu u,. fairly ml,, t1(, RUII1L, Hh(nv ymjr grit and stick to it to the end." ""h U-tt.-r version. t : 1 1 , "ikiutii incre were lio I ' IH. tl,o f .,, producer, will t falling Mow 70 Jt !? tolh" 't to t,v Hul,j.,-tH nro c 'hk in,. r(.rtH iold inoiit H'.rikinir Trenholm V iliiarn There were 115 anolicants: thow in mure than conditioned, imd Mult lOlllllh M 11V eooililoti. tin, Y.HI)iin:it i..n tin.. Cert-July i(;.7. 'II,,. members of the examin- I!. Wilkcrw.n, I M. Nash, K. S. Fax n, anl Supt. J. II. Collins. Mr. it in It,.. ....,t .. ' ....unuctis iiiu ever oeen HwnKaHtof Chicago that cn equal the I'ortland production. I Full rehearsals start,! hint Hasworth has his ..,' M.i-Dl. ,iUU Iumik.. i.,.m t..,i.....i " I . . fJ "u w,u cnimue until i'""imii in nijvv colli ,unty Official Paper ri v. ' m to Joe Land- kIMUIV a til. ...I. I ... 1 :.m I. f I III II" lit .JUMf. euving It ron Campl lcu.t last Tin-day whei . ... iiiitui him. -iir jenum- - ' i ... i i.., it . anivoumr in.oi of thi nt.v; gUmltrruv' dad pl-'aded ...the crime t'l iiimumi.. j. by falsi' JT' l.'Msrs and tin passing sentence u...r .i ...i. ..I .I'lim tmiihiii wir iu 1 J '' v . i iii , j nrii e Wiai mi"""' ' ,......l unci Mt-srllti'd t( young man t'i''"' .ma nf his l;i: cril s. aihico. Iii-''' "1""' 'I'1 .i . . i i . ,1 In 1 1,. noiiiu MriM- i. , jp of cvrry and y'UHK - l. I.. I. 'i.l him tit In H.iiin i'u ,.f man ami tfinptn- This partifui;!.- viiii man, . .. .i i. .. i in L 01 Br. " " " '" nJ baby t"!'l tin-rourt that in hard rnvuni! lancru dii'l was in iirj;iit f money. I'u! ratln-r than -n his piiri'i t h-1 t,MI thi r, i:rw i !' rii-il to . . I.I :u,.;lai:i It. i 'us r'-siiu-u larfst Bi.'i I'.iDr'iwiii run- . and hr i'.'- - -'li' ff:om t" t lr ji-ars I ,T over him and will rarry for tS.i' rrst of hin lifr -.1 of a iniivp't. ImiIv up it bivs ami l t it U? a U s- j. fortably hn-ated in his new home. The Kev. Dark irave us anoih. er of his excellent sermons hiHt satitrtJay nitfht. L. 0. Hih and wife of Houl ton Hnd a party from Portland were Sunday callers at Trenh- Im. Last Friday fire Kt into Mr. !' r hliihhii'ir arid npread to the Cooperate Co.. mill whiihi '"is burned to the ground, and tiu-n it rauifht in th ilum i.;..t. un- ..la.. I... I I, ... . .. In,'t Howell ...... i.uiiii'ii. jnii ny i no heroic work of the Fire Depart ment the fire was checked be uie day of the performance, when they will end with a u,..ir,l midnight dress rehearsal, with fvery iKht and every effect working. I he show promises to x the Kreatest thinjf ever seen in Portland. Eighth Grade PupiU Xoiippoime. WultiT UichardMon. Valili-7. White, Willanl .luhnson, Victor I'ayne. Ken- - Jupcnnti'inli i.t I.. K. Al- hii a'Klr'"s' 1 a letter to find k'tIh of Orr'i n w ho oi ti in'. iim. i.fir. raise so-i.e chickens. orsew, coin or carpi'n- Lheir !ical fairs or the it, in C(iimi'c;ion with the l'i!e wide tcri.'S of nri'Mil- industrial contots this The younjr .jd are re- that their nchools are 1 1 hot and ti iiiptinir sum- ijprnaehiii, and that the t!h in ii i.-.cs and in it tultivnh' n will con- f hilf as ti.cy Jin- now al- '! run It, r ,,f cmtcht- t'aim t!.c::i i; av ltuw In his let;, r the state rdeiit sa. : 'kh'AjIs ar- now rliiine- - - rt i'cf you will 1,,-ar the eswimmii p.,,, and the j.,,.,., v,,i. r... ti.esc rails St. Helens. Dorothy Jhn, Waldi-n Ihllard. fon. it ot into the business part ' H'Z' Tu K,"M f our thriving city. lhx"n' K,M Drt,w- Warr " Thorp. We are sadly in need f rain at! , Deer Island, 'his writinjr. in fact it is so dry1, K,-,,n. Mia Ka.ey, tlonald hnl the wagons LreRoinr around ;"nUa,r" K",K'rl ,,a,m11' "iMt- :"- Mth their tongues out. and the1 , lat.skanie. :.-hnsto U soaked over niht ' . , "r,i Kil''". Tillie I'ullia.n. t.ef.ire it is wet rnotu-h to make ar'1 Ij"r!M'n' 1ur"'rt Ander-'-monade. Th.' fish kick up such ! "'n' Al,,,a K"n.t i dust that'the creek has to I.1 . K:,mi, r- .oiihiance .lalin. Hor-nce t lippin, W'iliiur Smith, XeU Johnson, Krnest Anih-rs in. Robert Maitnuscn. (lobli". pHnkled In'fore we can y.n fish njr A spark from a man's iipe t the biV pond on fire, and be. fore it could be extinguished it hud burned over live tun of craw- fish, and the ground is so dry and hard, that the pi-ople are uullintf up the ijrcy di'er holes and are selling them for as pipe. I'ora Alexander, Helen Milne. IJuiriry. Dixon, Kllina Tinnola. Wiil- I'll. lain JohiiKon. Margaret Derebery District 27. .... . . I Harry Viih!ren. Iiistrict ith over one hundred spot- iiuiim.n itrn h . e.ectnc s.-arcniivriits ami Iurnine Potter. loHon HihmIs tK-ini; osi'ii in Vernoiiia, 'XI i ' itKoM w i; r I'ar ;. . . Lfi: 1. d nature nit do not ;o 1 otir 1 iii it the great rrliict in of the "liriile of the Co Is" at the beL'innimr of the Uoso Festival at Multnomah Field. Portland Saturday, June s Monday. June 10. there will be consumed enough electrical ener gy t run th- whole lighting ind power plant of this city for three days during tlx', two per formances. The eruption of Mt. Hood will be the result of the most daring lectrical effects ever used in Oregon, while the scene at the torture fire will U realistic to very detail, as the (lames and fire arrows t'ash auut the vic tim. Io illuminate the great Multnomah Field will require a tremendous quantity of current. nough Is-ing consumed to run very trolley car in Portland for five hours. Five hundred Indians will be shown in tribal battles, while the anro of the Indian maidens im forest leaves, of which lo car loads tirr being obtained, will be one of the most striking rights imaginable. Sixteen cars of fir troughs will be drought to Port land to give the true appearance of the woods. Miss MaU l Ferris, w ho pre-j sente I "The P,i it!ge ol'tl.c timls," Palch's story of Oregon's Indi.ui , id.ivs. :it the Vi-'Iori i Centennial. 1 ! us uii;'i it : :i i e,. ar d Mamie Smith. District 4", Yank ton. lU-ssi.. I'm "rson, Kist. Ib nry I luiuiin. Warren. Ha.iy Iaind. Warren. Iyd Duncan. Warren. Kinil Hamnieilx'ck, Warren. Myrtle Dennett, District 64. Report of tha Condition of No. 73 The Farmers State Bank, at Scajipoose in the State of Oregon, at the close of business April lnth 1012. RESOURCES. Dollars Cts Loans and discounts 1G028 37 Overdrafts, secured and unscured.. 8 74 I'-onds and warrants 8'J.52 00 Banking house C2T0 00 Furniture and Fixtures . 2dr,.3 82 Due from banks (not roserve banks) 109-1 41 Dues from approved reserve banks GOO! 52 Checks and ether cash items .rG 75 Cash on hand. ..2212 18 Expenses- 2180 r.O Total 4f070 29 LIABILITIES Dollars Cts Capital stock paid in. 12500 00 Undivided profits 1557 13 Individual deposits sub ject to check 2.r.32 64 Demand certificates of deposit 1315 17 Time certificates of deposit 4009 00 Savings deposits- .212fi 35 Total 4."J7o 2'ji STATE OF OREGON, County of Columbia ss. ' I I, 0. M. Washburn, Cashier of the aliove named bank, do solem ly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, (). M. Washburn, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to ttefore me this 25th day of April, l'Jl2 J. (1. Watts, Notary Public. (V-rrect-Attest: J. G. Watts, Asa D. Holaday, Director iiiUk.itLULUil.L.Uil WHITE & WHITE Dealers in General Merchandise Still in Business at the Old Stand Our Store Building has been re-modeled, painted and generally improved and we are now carrying a Bigger Stock than ever before. ALL LINES COMPLETE WITH GOOD GOODS WHITE & WHITE Hoiilton, Ore. Professional Cards DR. L. GILBERT ROSS PHYSICIAN 8, SURGEON Om, MiKklo HMg. Qt Tlp1nc H.iih Fnoi.f. wM. ilClCnS DR EDWIN ROSS PHYSICIAN S SURGEON St. Helens Oregon DR. R. L. JEFFCOTT DEN TIST St. Helens Oregon E.A. CROUSE DD E. W. KETEL CROUSE & KETEL Have Opened Shop in fa Morgus Building on Columbia S , next to the St. Helen Hotel, and arc prepared to do anything in the building line. Jobbing at Reasonable Prices E. A. CROUSE Plans and Estimates Furnisned E. W. KETEL A SPECIAL INVITATION. St Helens, Ore, 1912. Mr. Wage earner ; You are cordially invited to call at our store and Inspect our large stock of general merchandise. Then cake known jour Tants and we will quote you prices, quality considered, that cannot be duplicated in the city. -Give us a trial. Yours For Business. The Social Hygiene Society of Portland Affiliated with The State Board of Health ' Vfers to parents free of charge the following circulars on SEX HYGIENE CIRCULAR NO l.-The Need for F.ducation in Sexual Hygiene. C1KCUI.AK NO. 2 - "The Four Sex Lies." CIRCULAR NO. .l-When and How to Tell the Children. CIRCULAR NO. 4 -A Plain Talk With the Girls About Their Health and Physical Development. CIRCULAR NO. 5-Hooks for Use in the Family on Sex Education. CIRCULAR NO. 7 A Plain Talk With Younger Boys (boyslt to 13). CIRCULAR No.s-A Plain Talk With Older Roys (hoys l.i to lS. CIRCULAR NO. t-Scx Hygiene for Young Men. CIRCULAR NO. lo - Sex Hygiene for Young Women. Order cart fully by number and enclose 2c stamp for postage. The Society also recommends and offers for t-ale the following books: From Youth Into Manhood tfor boys 13 to Is), postpaid $0.55 The Young Man's Problem ( for young men) , postpaid 12 The Renewal of Life tfor parents! postpaid 1-35 The Roy Problem I for parents', postpaid 1- Address Department D THE SOCIAL HYCIKNE SOCIETY OF PORTLAND. OREC.ON :;; Y. M. A. Ruilding. T. S. WHITE FUNERAL DIRECTOR I.ICKNSKD EMIIALMFK Houlton Oregon V I-I. MORGUS tt SON DR. ALFRED J. PEEL PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Rrtllk Kuilillui St. Helens o- I o o I a a I All Work Guaranteed. Estimates Furnished. R. CONSTANTIN Plumbing and Sheet Metal Heating Work St Helen Oregon DR. H. R. CLIFF PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Plume Mnhi f 4; A l.'U: Kf. K. H.i7 Portland, Or. Ill:: ti. HIT Srlllng liulMii'K Patronize the Mist Advertisers GEORGE H. SHINN ATTORN EY-A T-LAW St. Helens - Oregon Af. ". MILLER ATTORN EY-ATLAW St. Helens Oregon R. E. PHELPS CIVIL ENGINEER A SURVEYOR Houlton Oregon y !! u.-l .lib you rii-g.-et ywr ! i"'al on you. Stand I you have started.! ('f contestants mav ! hut the value of! illgmw greater, for! lan.bs, gouts, and Riven for thebt veir-i '? fatten in.'. Hum,. !.. i are getting morel that thousand dollars ! Uminif no liU-.. o,i. 'of Mitlas. At least r,ah and en m prizes toll ,f Oregon this year. y would iii,.. "ie schools in the oth- nre doing, y,,,, , "this fr,)m the fact ' to bo over H By ' April 1-t. 1912 PRICE LIST Subject lo change without notice COLUMBIA RIVER POWDER COMPANY Rainier, Oregon Agents for DuPont Powder and Dynamite, Caps, Fuse ' I' O V, any point on the Columbia River in our territory carried by the LAUNCH DU PONT 50 Pound Cases net Weight IIKIUTI.KXSIC.MI-IM. KKD CUOSS 2 Clrl, i ' IIKKtTI.Ks N. ti. '0 per cent X ' 0.e. r C. 1 to 10 to I" 100,000 Fruit trees., Write for prices. A. Holaday Scappoo3e. Pale Faces Pale-faced, weak, and Shaky women who suffer every day with womanly weakness need the help ot a gentle tonic, with a building action on the womanly system. If you are weak you need Cardui, the woman's tonic, because Cardui will act directly on the cause of your trouble. Cardui has a record of more than 50 years of succe It must be good. Miiwww m www DYNAMITE TOWDKR ComIBM RIVER POWDER COlWAriY DEALERS IN DUPONT EXPLOSIVES A ALL EXPLOSIVES DELIVERED IN S TON LOTS OR MORE TO ANY POINT IN CCLUMBIA COUNTY ON THE RIVEP RAINIER, OREGUN I! PETER G. PAPPAS !2 5 TABLE DE' HOTE DINNERS On The Strand 1 . .- -"-r?j!riic.' India Runner Ducks St. 00 pr tttting, 13 eggs. SS.00 per 100 Day Old Ducks 20c each Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds St. 50 per setting. 15 eggs W. C. MORLEY ' HOULTON, ORE. BOX 97 WRIST INSURANCE AT LOW COST Our Sill ElMTIC WRItUtTI, HOSIET.KNKCABtaSTOCI(INSS rormtantlj worn, will rnr apralnnanrt I tnuw-lw wMkAw Self nieadarueai blink FkKK on requmit. I WOODitHD.CLAnKG&CO. liiilli....t. Orec'M I ToSUCCF SS LinJ STEAMER AMERICA Vjo Homes 1 njf, LrtvetSl. Helen 6:00 Arnvfg at I'onlitnd 10.:0 A Leaves I'ortland at 2 :W i'' Arrives St. Helena at 6:30 P. M. M. M it PyLK I MAG I AG TlAD KylUOAVIAIAG n. A. R0S5 OIiUABM PARK MAK S a I a a I a a s i:v! !!