n -&--f 4 . . . ...... i ' - I "" ' I I Jl r I I ' ' x v v 1 iL I "17 ' J c ' t i ."... 'n Benjamin D.Stevens QL.CIaim. ' V ,' I I im:Sa&&Q St. Helens Improvement Co. v x,-;' I i ' II l7 r - ' v r 1 v " 2 o o ' 1 1 J You Car " V5 E 3 nakeG00d"for Yourself With a Tract of Ten Acres or More of Farm and Orchard Land at WI1 w Where It Is- On the main St. Helens-Portland County Road, 2 1-2 miles from St. Helens and 1 mile trom the town ot "Warren on S. P. & S. Ry. and in the midst of a thickly settled neighbor .hoodot prosperous farmers. What It Is "Stevens Ranch consisting of .'(Hi ?irc r Columbia Co's., best iruitlaiul cut up into :tracts of 10 and In acres. 100 acres highly improved, crops now growing, the remain der all good land, almost cleared, ready for cultivation and a bin cron. What We Offer You- An opportunity to invest your savings where the returns are absolutely certain. An opportunity to buy oil' these .tracts on a small cash payment and long time and low "interest on the balance. But above all, we are putting in your reach an opportunity to "make good for your self" on the road to independence. The Prices are $00 an Acre and upwards. Considering the land, its location and advantages, we say "You Can't Do As Well Elsewhere". We could tell you a great deal mrre alout "Moiivluin View" but we would rather have you look it over for yourself. Cone to our office, we vi'il take you to "J ountain View" in our auto and we b:li2vi vou vill join the ranks cf our satisfied owners of "Jl fountain View" tracts. R e y There are only 28 tracts in ".I' The balcricc will soon 1 share of profit fro i A A S i - ST. HELENS IMPBOVEMENT '