S NOTICE OF I ".v.i-nw rO AITI.Y FOR 2SsK. To ill pePKU cr .' jt.iird unit the legal roters now reidiut in Sttiipooe . Precinct. Columbia Coantv, On'iion, iu I particular: V.tii anA it vrtll Will llVase t.lke nntiitu lku( itin I'itli jlrtW I if .1 .4 111111 1' V ! A. D. 1912. II. A. Killers, will apply to the Honorable County Court of Colum bia County, JiUte of OreiMu. for a licansj to tell spirituous, mult and vin ous liquors and fi-rtuonted cider, com monly known as hard c.der, in lns quantities than one gallon in 8cappooe Precinct, Columbia County, State of Oregon for a period of one year which application will be based up. n the following PETITION I In the Couutv Court of the St.ittf f j Oregon, for Columbia County. i In tne mutter of the applirttion of H. ! A. Khiers lor a license to sell spirituous malt and vinous liquors ami fermented , cider, in less quantities than one gallon, in Scappoose i'reciuct. Columbia county, Oregon. To the Honorable the County Court Of Columbia County. State- of Oregon : We the undersigned petitioners, who are legal,'voters of ScHtFOo,!e Precinct, in Columbia County, State of Oregon, and.have resided in said State for more than six;month last past nu are now actual residents of said l'recinit, Hnd have actually resided therein more than thirty davs immediately preceeding the dateiof the pigling and ulinu of this petition, and who constitute an actual majority of all the legal voters of said Precinct, mist respectfully petition your Honorable body, and ask tiiat a license to sell spirituous, malt and vin ous liquor and fermented cider, com monly known as hard cider, in less quantities than one gallon, in Seappoone Pretinct, Columbia County, State of Oregon, for the period of one year, be granted and issued to H A. Khler-, a citizen and resident of said Precinct. M B Beaver, A Barber. Lewis Sniiler, Geo Frake, Clarence J Overton, Hkm reich Krimsou. A BiowninfT, John X Johnson, M Bohman, Autou Firbal. j L Louh-gnont, John Kostuha, A'i(M-t Stasna, John C Adams, Chas M O Counor, A V Batch, K !nider, 0 L Smith, John X Callahan. C.J. Samls trom. Dennis llalrh, K A McKay, Theodore X Ask J B Eraser. G E C il dwell, Thos A Clouiuger, Dan Bal.-h, Louis Furrer, Chas ("rant E D. McK y, V A McKay, Geo Vollans, R F Kei o. L Copeland, R A McQuinn, Martin Kaufman, John Uuggler, T C Barn tt, John A Hatt-on, Felix Hansen, i C Hirumopd, H B Moodv, Cieo H Hn'ii;l ton, K H Bushman, J C Bates, G A Platz, D K Freeman, J D l.vnch. P Louisgnont. E T Uore, M L White, K F tirewell, T II Parks, H WW, J W Oaken, G W Morris, V T Grwell, H A Ehlcr., JHFIynn, J J Havlik, A Kuiotra, Chas. Koutek, A Kontek. VV Stotten- ocrg, is nenningsen, jas isnvaa, eo Kanisey, S XNi-tnann, Icole Sauser, Mi BGrewell, E R Bird, Henry Yandrr most, V H MiTaggart, Henry Newman, Mike Hanson, Win Hobh, Chas Kasky H White John Price, I N Dean, Eran-es Kosher, J M Payne, J Hyde, Lon K Me Kimller, Ole O Jacobsin.Iisac Adams, Wm Heckel, lik Perkins, Tomv Km nier, C Kabiusky, Frank Smith, l:rt Braim. Peter Mayers, Andre- Hum ric kson, Geo M Bates, OliverC. Cloninger, Mitchell Cloninger, Harry J McGregor, K McConachy, L W Brock, II G Price, K Messenger, George W Price, Ales White, Frank White. Frank M Price, F View, C L Crain, A View, J Setvin, Yosef Cibolec, Alois Jakubec, F Novak, C B Hayden, R A Miller. W C Wode ky, Felix Carowski, Frank Scott, Torn Grant, W R Coleman, Grant Lynch Orville Garrison (i F Merrill W leU Hans Hansen F D Kanitneyr W II Shatto F Kamtnever W F Kickert Jaiiua X Ziesmann Adolph Zinsmann .los Trukositz J Tmkositi! II W liabi' skv G C Rabinaky G H Siercks Bob Itt-ed Joe Adams J L Morgan Anton Mnek AbelJouhert Ja Grant Herman Sch midt J W RichariUon B J Hawkinson Chas E NicboNon H E Ceareart J M Richardson John Nelson C Andrews I' C Fay O Blaufu Crit Hansen Ernes' Zei-man H N Stanton To Has -on K) I Crftnford Cnas Fos I) McKay Alexandra ab e J X Ask V Kowalewski Joi-ef "Li-ltnirltt ' Court u my ? II It Is very for one medic ' wrong one g -reason wo ti t careful t . - ii L i : i'ic t BLACK Liver r.Tc Otc, tTSS The reputation of tK old, relia ble medicine, fjr constipation, in. digestion and liver trouble, i firm ly . -rblirhed. It doc rot imitaie other medicines. l ia better than others, or it would no. be tho fa vorite liver pewder, with a largf ale than all others combined. SOU) W TOWN ra In the Couutv Court of the Statu of I Oregon, lor Columbia County. I In the matter of the Eftate of WiUia i. Grant. Deceased. Notice is hereby giveu by ihe under sinned, the administrator of the estate of William Grant, deceased, to the creditors of, and all peisons haviuir claims against said estate, to prese t (hem with the necessary vouchers, with in six months from the date of ttii notice, to the administrator, at hid rei. dence, in St Helens, Columbia County. Oregon, the same being the place lor the ttansaction of the business of i-aid es tate. .fames E. Giant, Administrator of the Esta.e of Will's u I, rant deceased, l'ated at St. Helens, Oregon, Iiec-tnber L,-Jud It'll. SUMMONS b -J ;kr (or Si'li'jnn W'F.KillT, ji Farmer's SALE , Tcb. ,S, 10112 ::sv farm i mile north of will sell to the highest i li is imported percheron r.,,f.?tonnl Cords'" jlt. 1 . till MKIII Itl'-" PHYSICIAN , Sl'MiKON St. Helens, Oregon (H i.ti i Mmkle Ibill.llnw'i 1'U phones 1) II lttl IN I'HYSICIAK it SUROl-ON tr iiKi.rNs : 'iHK'tc iMS T4. Atii: 66227) . 0 Vi'.AKS i orse Company tt, B'JRT WEST wfj Allen &Fekon Til Hi m i REAL ESTATE DEALERS CITY AND FARM rROI'CIVTY SMALL ACREAuE ORCHARD AND TIMBER LAND ALL KINDS OF REALTY TRADES LIST YOl'll rjiouKiirr n vr ST. I1FI.KNS v. . ' OKI'. ile II I (i Wikstrum II Enscheb-ck Win An- I Coltimbi.i t . :n deron F A Wiks-trmn C E Wiks'rom d.-ted t!ie Uih A HaiiKerud N A Camfron Paul Meier R M Johnson I'ieter Moren R E Kav mond J Sclimidr H Davis E Martv (-red Pieren J N McCallnm J II Rilev J M Fry George Shatto Lonis Millar M J EnglertCG Couch J I) Mi Kay M I Bntler.FLCooner. Wm Holland, V C Campbell, R I Rubv, L M Grant, Claudie C Oiler. G Yermi. I, Itufcr. Thom Hanigan, F Uhlman. Edward M Payne, Fred Peterson, E Cloninger. Iu the Circuit Court r.f the Stale tlregoii, for Columbia County. Charlotte W. Kingsle.-, Plnintill' Mary R'e, wife of Jonn II. Watson, ceased, the unknown heirs of John Walt-oil, Oe eased and a'so all other pcrtoi.s or .iriies unknown claiuin i anv right, tiile, state, lien or interest in 'he real estau- described in the c ituplanii herein, defendauts. To Maty l!oe, wife d John II. Wat son, deceased, th niikiiown heirs of Jijin H W atwiii, deceased, mid al' all other pernors or pnrties unknown claim ing any right, title, estate, lien or ii.ter est in th r-al estate decri!d in the -omp!aiut herein. In the name of ih State of Ore.'' n; Y'ou and each of von are liereby rttjuired to appear ai d ana ci ihe cotni'liint til d airin-t ton in the acove -milled suit on or before -IX iU ween- from tho dale oi .he lir t i-uh liciition oi" ibis (-utiiii.on", ercm-tv- oi the day of Niid nrat puMn .1' iou, towit, on or Itf ire the '7t'i day of January. 11)12, and if yon (all to so appear an answer, tor want thereof the p!a n ' iff will apply to the Court for a judgment by dciauit aiainst you and each of von, and for the relief as prayed for in 'be vuii.l luii't, l iwtt: fur a dn rie d this Court desiring ihe plaint ll'in re in to l e tli" owner in fee simplo' ih" rtalpropeitv devrihtd as the Souih i hall c.( the outheast quarter of s lion rbirtetn (l)and the Aet half of t e Northeast (iiartfr cf siiiou Twi-ntv four (24 all in Township Seven 7 North, K ine Kive (5) w- i f theWill aniettt .Mci.ihiin, in C !uuivi!;i Cut. t , itate of Oregon; and f or ver quisling' the t tle of ili'- plaintiff and barring m d ! enjoining you", and ejeh ol you, Iromat! any tone hert-ufer s.-tlin u; or h-h rt I in any ts'ale, ri.'ht, ti;le, li-n ir iirer. ; en in or to sird reul property .-ibovf ill-. I sc-'lx-d, or any part or portion tl.er i.f, ilud for mch oher and further relief as I to the Court nay tn m n e taint Kiiit able. . ! Thi su . n in. i. s ii . rvd iikjii y n, ai.rl po h nf y. ii, l.y piibli a ion mi'hc cordii' ce wit'i an i nl'-r ot the lloror- A. Kiiki'i, ,lu oi I ncuit f ti.e iate o! ' ' i n -. n- d iw An Infant Industry IsoniH und we h ivi" e-talilhnl ii r-elvis ti . till ; ai one of the Home I:i I latin's of the lit), und we s'rive :it a'.I liu.rs to nl-H I atr li- by c.in lot work rum t delivery. li v u : ti' not o:ii tr ii". St. Helens Laundry and ft- t 5 Columbia ii i STEPPING STONES TO WEALTH r. mii.i.ki: ATTOUN'liY-AT LAW St Helena, t t . II DR. U. L. Ji:i-i-cvr r DI'NTIST S,.1II1IN OKC'.CN 1 S. YVIIITK Fl'Nl'K A I. PIKKCTOK I It t N -r 0 KMII I.M R HOl'l.TON, OKKCoN Dr. Ai.i-kki) h I'i-ki. I'HYSICAN AND SL'KCEON Uin l niuls! k. : : S- H'1, Oie ) It It l 1 It K riiy-iiciaa :iu 1 S;'rn-t.n 1 1 i:t to 1117 SVIIin; llni'ilii. I'ortlrinil. ('rt'K' "i. ri.ones Mi n -!.' i::, !:.. 1". it Claudo il. Johns Attonivy and ('ounsfllor ut Ijtw Tract ct' in ;i!l Courts Clit'Uanlc Oregon IC.KORGH If. S11INX j ATToKNKY-AT-I.AW l.rKH Ii 1. 1 ! MS'. Si 11 ki KN. i liu.r.m IOOCES ST. IIRI.KNM CAMP, Nt) w, Wt.lnei.lnvp. m A- I.AKK r. H. K. I AIUKK.CW, HOI'LTON CIRCLK NO 47ij.mIL l I fa ... . (nurth Tuixtny MrriuMtii m till lilt ll Hi I likllltrtsi 1. ft., tiuardiun Neighbor j An, vv j la Cli-rk. 4 V A 'V AM. Meruit.. Saturday in each liiosth. yJ nroiiirra ciiriiiuiiy wclCogied, Clark, Mauler; It. li. yulck, Snu, (i it I'M 111 iiiwi i.-u-ru , . .. ........ iu.u,.iir,w No, l'roihciliiHMl of AnierirsB ymj meet the second ami totnli .....l.u ..I .. I ton, Ore. Visiting uiriubrri rirj I'.. r, lin.'Miri, lioilortlll XVtn MII'AJ: 'J'.la'TKh NO, 0 J MecU in Slaaonio liall .h . anil fourth Sstur Hvo. -acbsu til HTRCDK COI.L1.V8, W lKlINK M. DAY, Secretai? h'olt SAI.K-liloOct'iliir jwl ft ' in lofiv; is to 21 inchet it cumfYn'tici'. In tho city ofSt.i ctn. Cull ut tli'H oMicv or m H I ttc-n. St. IK'iin.s, Oto. I MHt n.-I.f.,utu(.'iMMithrNr mchw ilw-lliiijr; uIko thrco gi j tt-U. Allen ft hi i For Salt-: 20 am, on Kwtad my plaiv on Illuchclor Flat. I U'M'I. livinir atrcum runs throcgt etui. UnCottnty Komi 2 milet !' i ll-iultiin. $2tMH). otit half tluwn aiuv on itJty trrms. ! Wm. Situ,' 4 t .Methodist Kriropa Chunk ll , oil I' iii : he s!ei' '.v id. r.v: to ihe snin' k. l .i iv n an, uoinan un li hiM -.: e:l- hueiass and imtcp mlenr I I t Week's Granite Co. i. li lay S. huol 1 1'rriu hll.tf i l'..w. rill l.eatfli Mi I k rr . e ThursiUr Wm. M. ROSS.Prttidt-nt. A. L. STUNH, Cuhlir. I e f utu re. Thrift in your tmains W"bl,li in old Tcpi'i-it your s-ivm u with m ,nd y ill will I'm. I III in t funm iitinj; nl a r.ipi I rale a ml at mi. n K ynl i .u-ic-t while Bi' l un. uhitiiiK County Bank L. P. UurilKKFOKJ), Vi.. P...,lnl J. S. . I J.F.N. A.. .:,,! C..l.,.r CORDIALS WINES CIGARS WHISKEY tv. wh rh mi d i r Ur is lay of ll reint,e I'll 1. .in I n liii h T-'i 'ir s iha lids snmtii ! a he 'iil.'ii-he i in this - M-pipio . u - each nceK for six ( con-eeu-.. e u.-ks and lhat ih flrtt public, ion li n.i.d on the J5 h daV ol Iiecemln-r It'll. Tate offirt ui.blication Ivremier lo 111 1 Tinteoflist piiMitation Jiuiia v :'i MIS. Wilbur Sp. r cer fk Diohle and I! Ii. llerketi, Attorne)s for pli.intifT. Special Holiday Goods NORTH FACIF1C BEER j lOLUMBIA EXCHANGE II. ESTABROOK, Proprietor COURTEOUS COMPETENT CATERERS S 7.10NUMCNTS J t Lowrtt Price, in Portland t T Designs by Mail J X 301 F.u.lh St.. t..r U U:.n.l.i. f !Ki-I.r. .. lili-.l I.) liARL PHRRV I n.mm-, ,i i rT tTWM NEW LINE to TILLAMOOK via the Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the Statu of Oregon for Columhia County . In the matter of the estatnef M. A. Kalt). deceased. Notic is herehv (fi ven that the under sizned has bel "ul- npiomied adtnints tratorr ,f m. V dc-. e' "our f In the Cmmiy Court i.f the St Oreone lor Columbia Cou..'v. Title- of tha E-Ute i f ite loh-i j J"n'l. from I'a;; tsuppiir-.s t'i poor farm ( j ! I G Wickhtrorn rock to poor farm Fairbanks Morse & Co I!ai In I! o M.itte- of ll llird'ttll. dei-tased No.ice is herehy kivr.i ilrit K. I-;. i in 1 1 l. u ti t.i .;-",.. .i j ' i .. nit i tiiin, M'l.'iiiiii , HII- ... mini-- ii -V :h estate of J, hn i ' u',! All( ' V 1 l'"""'y ' "rt i Iwrr,an Lml ' ' Hi t' i t.-IU'l hi l ' --ii I ci :' t Ikii jr. Ci J-'ii-, O H Wonderly '"I Disf SppSMBSWSWSBSMBlSjsssaMBSIBSSWiil J Martin Aamandt 2 ') '.)" Will H IJllS! j;, I list, i. l.l 20 V I'rinKlo j John (I I'riiiKlo I.", ! 7o A I) Hail id 2 .".0 City Mills - "0 J F ns :! 12 5(1" , ? . and I Pacific Railway & Navigation Co. '.'liV Tr.i tu will rim on ih.- fo!;..in . I.V I'.T I III l.v. ill I lior.p A' ' n Ii in!. 'Mr. . ok ,.k .... v. .. 'Illli .'I . . h t ki-N i I nil I W I .'.V.) . . n.'iO V. M I '-'I V. M " hi I'. M !-' - ' . V M !.'.:. A. M. lo A. l . It:li'i . M I p. m :I0 I'. M, VV p. ah for any Orrgon rVJ Laws l-for lill. Alao sul M , JmirnaU IsiC ami IMi Al-oCo ' lonriiui of l oiinrll 1K.M, Msni'si : an lllvV.. an lCiklu of Civil bun snd (irnrral ts If'!'.'. ll A' , M 1-1hi. U riti list. A. Hieuil tic 1'oitUi.d, Ore. ttrsiNEss HorsE For i The store building known j Half Way House near the H ' li-.-- Stat iou ; also have iwrn ! riis. comriHwles, a show . snt I few other nrticIoH for I i . n r.. t-iieap. inquire oi n. r. nv lnohiu Fruit trif.. Wriu ii ifn. A. Ilnltnlay Sfninia lIut'SK Foil Sai.k-A K'hwJ !' ii iu.' with out uit' of land; i l-iirinjt orchard, all kimlioff For mle cheap. John Mctjuert. lloulton; Orel WANTED AGENT To handle bent Autoinohil in America. Kxclusive in Country. ISuilt hy Old Tim, Mumifiicturor. Life Kuara 'ii nun tlli. lj"ni; " Nodi iiosit required. I'rcfcr A now ia ImsincsK. hut will f"r' live pc-opli! who will enter I'"--' riiin agency includes a wn CorrcfiMinilcnce SjiIc" fjuycNt dirtcount ever ollcred. lirect with Factory. Addre Alananer; f.'.M) Va.ih. St., T"r l )re. "tt't ii or ts. .:.. ,, e:.vti. u, i nva mav he had and nirilii l i 1 inifu cri via TIia mMtT On ' IT I, IT I, ., li,.,!.,., ., " tff.lin. tw n.i.,r,.a nml ft hpfi t( ir ill uii wimiuu v y iil 3 i ivj vn.- - - ,"lt l o .r-ii juifi sthoole! and cared for in JZ .... j lorslitfht services rendered,. For particnlarn adJress ' (ianlner, Supt. Hoys and Aid Society of Oregon, Port Oregon. N M. SCOTT, rl Patseniier Agent, 'orllantl, Orpgon '"rsriTa:i i J-EW S.J. MACE 5Tlc War headquarters for