v-Jregon lviisi FouiwUd ISai literal at the Ponluflice at Si. Ilrlrn, )rr(oti, rcnml-cUol llinll ninltrf. i fThe Mitt Publishing Company i SuacirrinM Kitm Uityras tl.Wli ii month. .75 k.lmUinK rate. mmU known on BTI. .tlon. IK1 notice. 25 cnt. prr 11m.; County Official Paper Since the days when George Vashington was the hero of the fftmencan Revolution and was Jrst in the hearts of his country- ten, no man has had so firm a old on the people of the United ates as has Theodore Roosevelt day. He has the making or qn laking of a President in his ands. lie can name the Kepubli- n nominee for this office; he n have the nomination himself f he wants it and if he should ukeithecan be elected by as i'rge a majority s he received in m. Taft and LuFolletta. the ading candidates for the noitii- Ytton at present, are anxiously jriting some word from Oyster i 1 before their respective plans Vmpaignare fixed and if it ttiould bo happen that he would i'cept the nomination if tendered ) him both Taft and LaFollette ould quit, and climb into the oosevelt band wagon. If, however, he should come klit in the open and endorse either pre of the leading candidates. 1 . . - I would mean at least th Jimination and probably tlvq ucuon 01 mat man. IThis situation leads to mucl y 51 Ha x6 lbs. Frujt Sugar 17 lbs. DryGianulated Sugar Pure Lard. 5 lbs. Pure Lard, 10 lbs. Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon lb. Sugar Cured Hams lb. Dry Salt Pork lb. Smoked Salmon lb. 4 lbs. Head Rice Don't Forget That Goods, Boots and : r if- hp 'dilation a to the plans of Mr. Roosevelt anil gives a chance for us all to make a guess as to the final outcome. Among his other qualifications Mr. Uooaevelt is a l'ust Master in the art of Politics and it i hard to believe that his nn-irmm in not 111 read V made UO. 1 ,,t,;. v, n,,atinn fmm nil angles and taking into considera tion thA tmof tn'rformanres' and ... ,, . .. laWMiwiiwui ini-cvi un.uuu, ,i prediction that Mr. laft m u. ....-.....-, - ',,., k, fm- Koosevelt plans and w,l. rh I nominee of the Republican party. :and settled in Virginia. Among There are rumors afloat nearly, . tpn(i a hill of every day concerning the candr dacy of certain persons. for near- ly every office to be filled in Col- j umbia County. As yet we can ; not find anything definite atout: any of them as no announcement i have Keen made ana noway, seems ready to make one so far. ! There is one office however, for ; which only one name na.s ever -been mentioned and l ''" it eems likely that be mentioned. Theo' tv Clerk has been fi' ably by Mr. Laliar. not apt to have any o4 Vernon ia is thirty St. Helens, both " County, yet it tak four days to gs place to the ot" serious handicap of Vernonia an. should be tak Office Departmf service. It is als portancoto St. residents of thif lend assistc Vernonir Ea S S "Sf $1.00 1.00 .75 1.45 .iS .17 .15 .15 .25 6 lbs. Broken Rice .25 3 cans Carnation or Sun Rise Milk .25 3 cans Tomatoes .25 3 cans Corn .25 3 cans Beans .25 4 pkgs. A & II Soda.. ;. .25 3 pkgs. Lilly Gloss, Corn or Celluloid Starch .25 4 pkgs. Saratoga Chips 25 3 pkgs. Raisins 25 We Carry a Full Line of Hardware, Cutlery, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Men's Furnishings, Etc. J. fe ONE V W-yV. men who are learning to cook. Evidently getting ready for the time when woman's suffrage will be in effect in Oregon. County Treasurer A. T. Laws has received a copy of a will made out by one of his ancestors bearing date May 21st 1729 and it is quite unique in that it dis poses of slaves lorn and unborn. This seems to have been the custom in those days and was nothinur out of the ordinary. Mr. ny toy back to 1G7G when his ' f ' . x. . . chattc,3 which we . thrmltrh the k;ndness of , ..., Th eWill of the 0jd , , . . bse. . T, bj of sale dateJ jn 16?J A D is a3 f0now3. ..Kliz.lbeth Awi r-i from . . (, , , . ,y .vant .... ...... , ock I 1 r Everything Phone 17 PRICE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gilkison are in Portland a few days. Mrs. Emma Smith visited p.t Soap poose Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jno Maree are visiting friends at Honeyman. Cora ('owen tk in the leap year party. A merry sleijrh party came through our town Monday night; the way they used their fire arms and singing and blowing horns they must have thought it was new years eve: they left twn at midnight and the band played Anni j Laurie. MALARIA headache, biliousness, In digestion, rheumatism, pimples, blotches, yellow complexion, etc., are all signs of poisons In your blood. These poisons sr be driven out, or "iness may result of them, u' 2 pkgs. Force 3 cans Sifting Top Lye 6 bars Sunny Monday Soap 2 ioc Bottles Bluing 1 large Bottle Catsup 2 pkgs. Malta Vita All 5c pkgs. Tobacco,'. All ioc pkgs. Tobacco, CofTee, 25, 30, Try a can of Fairmont Coffee at You Need Wellington Call Us Up QUICK SERVICE Mortar Blocks and Cement Bricks The Cheapest Material for Building Mortur Block-", size SxSxlti iaihis, 22 cent each Cement I'.rick, $30 per thousand Come out to Watters barn to inspect our work ESTIMATES FLRM5HED. CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR ANY KIND OF BL'ILDINQ ABBOTT & CHITTEfl i.T. HELEN5, OREGON T I 0 .25 25 25 .15 15 .15 6 for .25 3 for .25 35 and 45c .45c Dry Etc. .1