WARREN Dr. Shelby of Salem was a visi tor at the Baker home for a few days recently. Mr. Newman has been aDDointed a road supervisor for the cominjr 1 w c Richards juror at inq County Court Proceedings W C Kilby juror at inq. Brown & Lowman of year. He served in that capacity last year and proved a very able man for the place. Miss Hannah Sandstrom has taken the position of telephone operator. She began her duties Monday, Jan. 8. Mr. and Mrs. J. Erickson Jr were Portland visitors Saturday and Sunday. Since the cold weather came there has been a good deal of sleighing. Messrs Newman, Calberg, Lund and G. Johnson are among those seen out riding in their sleighs. A party of young people con sisting of Misses Bertha Ream and Alice Erickson, Messrs. Guy Nelson and Fred Ream went to the St. Helens rink Saturday night? They reported a good time. Mr. J. -Erickson Sr. and Mr. 0. A. Erickson were in Portland on business Wednesday. Mrs. F. N Hoyt is suffering from an attack of rheumatism. The order of W. 0. W. held their installation of officers at Erickson's hall Saturday night. 8 50 6 Church News Despite the snow and consequent difficulty in getting out, a full house greeted the pastor of the Met hodist church at the opening number of the January series last Sunday even ing. Doubters was the subject discussed. According to the speaker those troubled with doubt fall into the three classes; temperamental doubters: doubters whose faith has atrophied by disuse: neglect of honest convictions: and the things they dont believe as an excuse for their present conduct. The Subject for next Sunday night is "Knockers" Everyone is in invited. Have you hea rd the choir lately? of Brown & Lowman C H Adams juror at inq. of Brown & Lowman J K Stewart juror at inq. of Brown & Lowman E 0 Alley juror at inq. of Brown & Lowman Mrs. E Lowe team for cor oner F H Sherwood cor. exam of McLeod J L Wooden cor. phy of Mc Leod F H Sherwood cor. exam of Buffman 6 Dr. A P McLaren cor phy of Buffman 5 J P Finley & Son burial of Buffman 30 F H Sherwood cor exam of M Birkenfeld Dr J L Wooden cor phy for M Birkenfeld 5 F H Sherwood cor exam of A Hendrickson 9 55 Dr A N Creadick cor phy for A Hendrickson 5 Bessie Hattan work in clerk's office 62 50 St. Helens Transfer Co team for school supt 3 J H Collins exp of school supt 73 45 J W Pomeroy fruit inspector 41 60 Hartman & Thompson pre on Bond 65 Columbia Co. A & T Co pre on bond 130 Glass & Prudhomme Co sup plies to clerk and treas 425 66 The Irwin-Hodson Co supplies to clerk 130 Comtograph Co. repairs to addinz machine 7 18 Burroughs Add. machine Co repairs to adding machine 5 30 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co rent & com 19 40 Oregon Mist Pub court pro & notice of exam 42 68 J A Collins postage & exp 4 20 Clatskanie Chief pub Court pro & semi ann report Clat-sknuie Chief puh c i1 for warrants Clatskrnie Chief sup to clerk A J Deminjr si'pto Treas et al II E LaHare p:st:i"c K A KotTer i l'.f iv;c s''p t court IvviM' K (mt:'ntin p!u:nbi.i:V repair J II Wt'-litif-'ton ! ti j.ir.k- r JL jail Joa M.i "'..!o & So l s ip to jail Cliff & Geary med aid to Hamlin White & White paint for jail Thos Isbister meals for prisoners St. Helens Mill Co. lumber to Poor Farm. A H Tarbell sand to poor farm J H Wellington range to poor farm Good Samaritan Hospital services to A S pence 8 40 Columbia River Door Co Cond. on Pagr 4 Sit Obcar Wentworth 21 05 20 3 r; 11 4 S.'i 3 20 10 50 47 50 27 65 5 50 37 50 29 95 CAKFL'NTER an4 BUILDER Ho-ifcs Quilt on the Installment Plan .'ass Work at Reasonable Price Fi.at I l ST. HELENS, OREGON Estray Notice Taken up at my place near Deer Island, one red yearling steer. Jack Appleton THE WHITE 54 67 Our customers get the benefit of no rent and cheap delivery: compare our prices with those you have Clatskanie Chief pub Deen paying. Wellington. notice 0f exam ANNOUNCEMENT w E VISH TO TIM IK OUR CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR LIBERAL. PylTROMGE THE PA&T YLAK Atib EXTErtD TO YOU OUR BE&T WISHES FOR A Happy New Year ve alo wish to Announce THAT OUR STOCK OF j General Merchandise WILL BE KEPT UP TO THE HIGH STjMMRD OF EXCELLENCE THAT IT HA& in THE PAT low PORTLAND DAILY STEAMER AMERICA I..vmSI. Heleni 8:00 A. Ari.vea at Portland 10 :.'. A. L-v Portland at 2:30 P. A.i. tea St. Helena at H:30 P. M. M. M M Str. Iralda C. I. Hooghkirk. Matttr. RAILROAD T1MK. Learas Rainier dalljr (titwpt Huo.1aT)f"r Pint laml, a. A. M.. ilirllci from H(. Hytrin al ipftvtw ror'.iaaa ai y m r Keturutuf arrllu at tit. Helena at it. M PassoBiors and Fast rreiiit. FOR PORTLAND DAILY PORTLAND LANDING. ALDER ST. PHONE US YOUR ORDERS Phona 52 FREE DEUVEll WCITY Houlton Market I'ontl.l. A Ilium, Plop., 1'u-sh :iiul Cured Meats, Poultry, lgs and Udtcr We Will Huy Poultry, Heef, Mutton, Pork and Val Your Patronage Solicited RMC.M I eV.Vi.fl. J. E. BLACK WIGWAM BAR i Choice Liquors, Wines and Cigars pSfW DOTTLE GOODS IN DON D WW M If you want a hlgli grade aewiug ma chine which U a World's Standard of Excellence buy the WHITE. The machine i un urpassed f ir i-imlicuy. durability and the character of ton w..rk it will do. It is ma.ie in two atWea, the Vibrator Shut tle and the Improved Rotary Shuttle. The latter machine sewa either a lock or a chain glitch. There are a number oi styles to cbooee from and the wood, work is the handsomest pouible. LOCAL DEALER J. Muckle & Son EXCURSION FARES ,EAST 19 11 From All Point on O egon-Washingon Railroad! & Navigation Company TO fAMKI C'hicflKO -72 00 Connril BIjIIj t0 IH) Omaha DO 00 Kansai City tk) 00 St. Jof.h W 00 St. Paul HO 00 St. Paul, via Council ISluflj 63 00 St. Lou it 70 00 SALE DATES Mar lit. 17. 18, 1!), 22, 23. 21, 25, 27, 28 and 21) June 6, 7, 9, 10, 12. lt, 17. 21, 22, 28, 20 and 30. July 1, 2. .1. 4, 5, 0, II), 21), 2(1, 27 and 28. Autruxt 3, 4.6. 14, 15. 16, 17, 21, 22, 23 28, 29 and 30. September I, 2, 4, 5. 8 and 7. Inquire of any O.-W. R. A N. Airen; for more complete inforninlion, or WM. McMURRAY General Paaaengar Af ant, Portland, Or The Houlton House Now Open Meals and Rooms Near the Depot Houlton, Ore. I - . i I-,, m DRY C00D& &00T& SHOES $3 tMTS yIMD PIPS (veady Made Suits for Men nrxi Hoys, Ijtli-s SuiU, Over coat. ("ajK-H, Owrskirtjt anl l'nleinkirU Al-MO A CoMI I CTK Ij.VE OK ClKN KHIK-S Flour. (Snow Drop) $l.'J.r) jht tuick Oajoiline 20c jer K"I. Coal Oil, 1.1c tvr Vinegar, ,'tOc h-t jral. TRADE WITH US AND SAVE MONEY F.J. BASEEL HOULTON' - . ORKCON 1 1 g YOU WILL BE SATISFIED 4 li l II i PETER G. PAPPAS TABLE DE' HOTE DINNERS I f On The Strand ITVV:Tc.ty We GROCERIES 'u e rarry the moat atii- k fil tirncrriri III the arc a little (iimv nn the P""it id ialilr. We prefer to lia trndi l.y rra u of tii.h ipial ity limn ly cheap i.rlcra Ui- t-einely low flnrra ill im.I buy tuple Ki'oda alivxl rre, etc. pfffl!trmmmmmmnrnntmnift!Fiirnfmmmiimmrmn r: Watchei n-L. 3 VON A. GRAY 1 3 All SC. H. JOHN & COMPANY '4 A SPCCML . TLATVRC i For the Next Few V(eeks Will be ( Watchmaker and Jeweler. Work Guaranteed. r THE GOOD HOUSE-' KEEPERS DELIGHT Menus Optical Goods St. Helens Or. 2 B. P Rocks? Yea, v kind. Cc ttr 'm, the winter layinpr 00 Each. i )ultry Far RBELT i a k isacli)N t full of KroeericH. 'Hie kimf ulu; ran dep-nl on when uncxtxtr-U'd KUOHtu un to Htay foi lunch or tinner. That in juHt th kind of groceries we supply. We have a complete utock f canned Fruits on hand eighteen diirercnt kinda to rhiMwe from. in 1 irul runt for fnmilv uu. irx, fene, rears or Apricots for 15 vill huy more 4 cIh. . pr ntiDr i'nniCDnflPDv ONERY iR People nfident of Our j Please You. i OF FOUNTAIN PENS n On Dollar to Firm -"fmvxt of 2ost (Bards ST. HELENS, OR. 3 uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin