The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, November 10, 1911, Image 8

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    3. t. Kef lan Sup oi Koad Dint
l'O 4 60
t Aolikei Sup o( Road Iit
No 5 So
O E Wonderly Sup of Road Diit
No 6 "I
Wm Roberts Sup of Road Pist
No 8 - Jii 25
T B Mill Sup ot Road Din j
No 14 27 0-r I
Geo Ohxra Sop of Road Pitt
No IS 20
Johnson & Son Livery hire to
County Court 12
H M Fowler Deputy Sheriff 4
H SI Fowler Deputy Sheriff 3
Oregon Mist Pub court pro
and supplies 23 82
8t. Helena Mill Co Light for Oct 27 30
Henry Wattera Manure for
Plaxa 2 50
John Farr Commissioner 24 20
WKTichenor Commissioner 87 35
District Road Fund Bills Allowed
Dis't No 2
E M Newman
C Jobnaon
Q H Ekstrom
H Tarbell
Guy Nelson
P H Lund
E Rylander
B Fallerton
Dis't No 3
Du Pont Powder Co
Steve Lara pa
Sherman Bros Lmbr Co
E Galuti'i
38 10
14 05
8 !H)
ti 25
11 85
H 25
11 20
244 56
13 15
92 20
20 32
40 33
12 50
E Felton
J Woodard
ValToline Oil Co
A Mclntyre
Geo Wilson
C Wallace 12 50
A A Smith.
C Lope
J Bnrdahl..
A Popejoy..
H Cade...
15 75
42 25
9 75
27 60
9 40
Dis't No 4
Fred Gill
James Gaiitens
Jaa Walmeley
C Lanbe
N Pinckney
Lindbaum 28
J A Andrets
John Burns
1 90
6 15
2 25
16 94
E Cram ,
Ben Lee
F Lanbe
JG Watts
Edmund Oleen
Newell Ward
Dis't No 5
J T Woodard
FM Daniels
Fred Stuart
E Felton
Ernest Wasser
Geo Snyder
W Lengacher
Stanley Hubbard
Jay Archibald
S L Malcolm .. ....
Chas Link
12 50
11 25
31 50
37 60
22 50
22 50
21 25
22 60
27 50
J Burdahl 33 25
J E Truman
' Jalien Waeeer
EA Blake....
C Mackinster
Clay Hubbard . .
C C Fowler
Jay Archibald
Al Hunter
F Bishop
F Mackinster
L Archibald
C Lope
Road Dis't No 6
Sid Thurston
M Hutchinson
J Burnbam
Felix Girt
R Brunner
F Versteeg
Lowman Lbr Co
JC Girt
Loren Ktohman
F Burnbam
E Birknell .
Clyde Urie
O E Wdiderly
1 Road District No 7
Wilson Lowman
Road District No 9
J8L Smith .
T Seppala
Jacob Maki
. 23 40
. 20
. 20
. 17 .50
. 22 SO
. 25
,. 15
. 21 50
. 6 50
. 22 50
. 20
. 32 3-5
. 10
. 6
11 50
18 50
12 75
2 50
20 12
10 02
10 ti2
I Columbia
Wai. M. ROSS.PrwaiaUa.
A. L. STONE, Caafcia.
Oregon Lbr Co 10
J Kuud. 13 12
1 E 1. .vet. re i 2 50
Jiwob Like 5
Cieo B Couyt 12 40
Rent D:tri:t No 10
trick f riikt.n 12 50
AdolpU Ti ,u 38 50
Koti Distiict No 13
DC Mill 2 50
Jess Craven 4
Kul Seusra in 4
L K Mcliee 62 50
Martin Aitaixdt 2 50
Au-liii lkivliig . ... 5
Casper Lib?; 12
Road Dis't No. 14.
K A GesHcll 18 '
J. Purney 5
Thoe. l'ettijohn 5
G Mills ... 3
Brick Erickson 10 25
C Reed....
P Olson
C Claude
V M Beegbley
C Eichuian ,
C Hanson ,
W Hall
A I) Hall
A Schilltpwit
J Reed
J Emuioua... ' 7
TB Mills.... 8
Road Dis t No. 15.
Harve Ctiriateusen 10 25
Frit Braun 5 90
Bill Brauu
Ri J Dis't No.
John Suiub
Robt. Christeuaea
Fred Cbhstensen
Earl Dallas
Peter Bergerson l
II Wilson :
22 75
11 38
5 38
Cass Bergerson 9
J P Sbeeley 27 25
MChristeneen 12 38
Ed North 1 27 50
Cbas. Smitb 1 50
J R Dallas 11
R Wildman 5
Lester Sheeli-y 6
General Road Fund, Bills Allowed.
Geo. BConjers 18
EdKeelan... 25
Ben Lee -j 15
II Bennett 1
R Hedlund 3
J Loberg 13 45
S Willburn 20
E M Newman 41 85
John I'.runetto 3 75
Wm Gabrielson 8 75
BenCopeland .. ... 8 75
C T Preacott 46 60
Fran s GlinieckL. 4
Fred Adams Jr U 25
E M Newman 27
M Gabrielson 2 50
J Nystrom ... . 15 95
V Gabrielson 18 45
Guy Nelson . 20 85
F Anliker 48
E M Newu-an 5
Roy Cofelilid II 25
R E Phelps 40 80
Austin Dowlfng 5 60
Blocks 14 & 15 on North Hide of Nig
iter Creek will l placed on the market
by J. B. Godfrey, building restrictions
will be placed at 11200. and 15 feet
from the ftnet line. For lota in these
blocks see J. B. Godfrey or Geo. H.
For Sale Real estate, with or without
improvements, city or farm property,
terms and prices that will stand investi
gation. Homea m all parts of St. He'ens
from $100. M SIOOO. Allen & Felton
FOR PALE One team, 1500 lbs, wagon
and harness in good condition. Alsoon
1100 lb borae cheap. J. H. Lockrniller
WANTED Man to cut wood on share
luxation one mile N. W. of 8t. Helens,
Address C. 8. RUHL. 8t. Helens Ore.
For Sale -
New 8 room house. 6 choice Iota for
irarden, bearing fruit trees, fenced, im
proved with elertric lights and aidewalk,
three l.lrcks from Columbia River, one
block Citv park. St. Helens.
Trice 2o)0.00, a fine home,
John Rubers
Registered Airdale terrier for sale.
Harry D. Bnrrows,
R. F. D. Ni. 4, Vancouver, Wash.
'0 make your first deposit jou will
meet many men f ound In the tame
dinction. Men whose company yon
wiil be glad to tie in. They represent
the most progressive bueinesa element
in the commnnity. Put yourself in
that class by starting yonr account
today. The amount doesn't matter.
S art with what you have.
County Bank
M. WASHBURN, Vise Praaialaal
S. ALLEN, Aaaiataa Caafciar
Pro f e s I o nal Cards
j)tt. l. c:lmk.u kosh
St. Hi lens, Oregon
OPLtri Vui-k i Building; both phones
St. Helens, Oregon
DR. R. L. Jeffcott
Dr. Alfred J. Peel
Bank Building, :: St. Helens. Ore
)R. H. R. CLIFF,
Physicun and Surgeon
1113 to 1117 Selling Building
Portland, Oregon.
Phones Main 433; A-1233; Res. K. 4t57
Claude M. Johns
. .
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
Practice in all Courts
St. Helens. : : 0com
W. OF A.
Meets first
10999, M
and third
A. B. LAKE, Consul
E. LaBARE, Clerk.
Woodcraft, meets the second and
fourth Tuesday afternoon of each
month at Houlton, Ore. Minnie Kelly
Uuardmn Neighbor; Ann Van fiat-
ta, Clerk.
A F A A M. Meets 1st and 3d
Saturday in each month. Visiting
brothers cordially welcomed. U W
Clark, Ma.ter; K. K. Quit k, SecreUry
Brothcrhooil of American Yeomen,
meets the second and fourth Wed
nesday night of each month at Yank
ton, Ore. Viaiting members welcome.
E. S. Hikson, Honorable Foreman,
C. E Lake, Correspondent.
MIZPAII Cliii'TEK. NO. 30, O. E. 8
Meets in Masonic Halt the second
and fonrtn KatarJavsoi acli month
IRENE M. DAY, SecretaiV
A Photo studio will be opened here
about October 8th in the Dr. Montgom
ery Building on Willamette htreet, where
first class photo work of all kinds can be
bad at reasonable prices. We kindly
request the people of St. Helens and
Houlton to give ua a trial.
Open Sundays 9 Mm. m. to 4:30 p. m.
C. 8. Reevea.
FOR SALE 'Jood 5 room house, good
location, close In. on cash basis, on in
stallments same as rent, a snap.
Allen A t el ton
Houres for Rent Allen and Felton.
Two fresh milch cows for sale. Inquire
of Frank Clinieckl, St. Helens, Ore.
We have-moved onr transfer liusineas
to our new barn nst across from the
school home where we will h- glad to
have you cell on ns w hen yon wish a nice
driving rig, tranfor or draysgs work
We carry in stock, brick, cement, Hand
shingles and feed and will lie glad to fill
yonr orders promptly. Ilione 15 or
leave orders at Fred Watkins and your
work will be promptly attended to.
&t. Helens Transfer Company .
FOR BALK Stock farm, 100 acres, with
stock and farm implements. Knquire
at this oflice.
Partner wanted for dairy and stock
biiainess with $1000 to flOOD capital.
Fine opportunity, for particulars en
quire at this office, liberal terns, it
Notice of Final Settlement
In lit County it nl ine Slat ol Onu'in, lor
Columbia ini it .
In the manur nl Ihe Stale ol J.,hu 1'rliiiil.
Notice U hereby ntvctl. thai John II I'rltntte,
the a.linlnt-tnil..r l Ihe elate ol J.Min I'nualr.
detvaitctl. haa rvttdervd and preecnliil lnr.elilc
llilil. anil Dli (I lit .aid rnilll, tita final Ar
otklllit ol III. atlu iiiliilrallou ul aald twlHli' : and
that aliir...,v. Hi .will ,t.y i.l tuooti-r I 'll, al
Iho hour ol -J o'i i I'. M al Ihe I'olirt- itmin ol
aid Court, at ' e Court houav, III Kl. Il'l
roimutila t'oni t lrvcttM tta U-oll ailolnU'il
by al l v ourt. i. , lua ol ulijivilona lo
ili'li Hual aru ; it Itm xvllli iua'iil Ihcrvol
ahtt-h iliv wi a t truM lor an. h tiarttiK aott
aoiilvmiMit, an - it -, rw Hor or oihvr I'orvttu
tulcrvNU'.l ihm.iI tai rav apiwar ami tllr liU
ot')tlloua ibi'lv.f or lo aujr arlli'iilar llrm
J. tin II. frlliKti'.
Ailmtnlatrairr i tnpaiitit o John rrliult'.
itn-vaatil. lialn.) k'l. .V 1VII.
lu Ih Cin iitt I'ourl "I lh Statr ol Oregon lor
the roulily oM'otuliilla. A. Uu.l, I'laiullir. it. liau M. Run.
To Ihe alwie liaineil tti'leinlant. Dan M. Kilat
111 the name ol Ilia HUte ol llrrtfon on are
hervlijr retjnlretl t, apftfar ami auawer to ine
n uiplaim nii-,1 in ine ainne eiiiium eouri aim
latiaeolior tH'for'ltie Wt h tlay uf Ihviiiiht.
Wit, that belnii Hi 1 ilay tle.l ly the rourl lor
von to appear, at I aimwi-r herein, anil tN'tiit
alx week Iroin he tlrt iiilitlt-atlon ol Ihi.
mimmoui. In o 'a'ltl whereof olanitlft tlt
apply to the eourt lor the relief deiuainle.l In
tlie roinpialnl. lo wit lor a ,le ree ol ill
Ton lorever ili.aolvlnc the marraice rontrarl
now exiRiltiir be! wean plaliillrt ami lelriioHtit,
on thaKroiimiaof liihiiinan ireatiueiit auit wil
nil ileaertion, aut lor iiin-n Miner ami mrtiiT
rellel aa to the i- rt may aeem pro(er. Ilil
aHinmon ta pitlllheil oure a w eL fr !
weraa by onter ol th Hon. Jaine. Iiart. Jiiitae
of the t'ouoty Couit lor I'ultiuitita Coiiuiy,
HaliKt th la XI th lav of l,toler. lll. illreillna
thai the tint pnlil ration maile oil Hie .Hnl
ilay ol Noremher. mil. aim ine laa, on the am
ilay ol December, lull.
.ii . n . Kr.r.rr.R.
Attorney for 1'lallitiff.
In The Cuilft Court for Multliomali
County Slut- if lri-gon.
In the matter of the KtianliHtialiio of
Kolanil M. lciiwooi and katheriue
L. IxxJiwotal. Minors
Notice is hereby -riven that pursuant to
an order issued out of Hlajiie Court in
the above entitled matter, on the 2tat
day oi August, l'.Ul, itoenalng the under-
ai,nen, as guarillnn oi snltl uiiiuirs, lo
sell the whole inlereat ol Kaid iniiints
and each of them in the following des
cribed real property, situated in the
County of Columbia, State of Oiegott,
to-wit :
An Indivlded one-eleventh interest In
and to the Southeast quarter of Section
Twenty-three 2:i). Township l our hj
North, Kaniie Two (2) Weatof Wills
tnef'.e Mert.tmn; the undersigned ns
such Btispt an, will from and after the
4th day of Dei-emlr, lull, proceed to
sell the shovel described property at pri-
vaie sate ai tnis onice in ine rpaiuuiK
Building, Portlsnd, Oregon. The terms
oi said sale w ill be raah.
Dated November 3rd, 1!11 .
SHniual P. Ixickwood.
(iuardian ol Kolsnd M. Lock wood
and Catherine I.. IxK'kwixxl, minora.
Martin iV Sheppard
42)1 Henry llutldinif ,
Portland, Oregon.
Attorneys for Guardian.
lata ol
for olnmtna t nnntv
Kmma koakl ulalrill IT. VI (larar K.aikl tlffeti
To (larar Konkl. the above nainiHl (lefeiiilanf.
In Ihe name ol Ihe Htate ot Oregon:- on are
herehy niitlrl Ui at.aar an. I atmwer the
complaint tlle.l affalnai you In llie aliove en
lilletl ami witnin ine lima liereitiailer atale.1
for rou to do or tha alalia name-l plalntirT
will apply to the Court lor ihn relln .. i,,ai,.r.
In aal.l iionililalnt, whli h la In inteitatu-e, that
the MiiiiU ,l matrimony exlalliw b..a....ii v,,o
aud plaintiff lie dlaaoliel.
Thia iilntnona ! inil,l.he. In the Oreenn
Mint oure a week for the intIimI of Ir (iV) week,
litiraiiatit lo an onl r lor Urn fmlilli-allon of tin-
atne made hy the Hon. Janie part the County
JmtHe ol Colillntila t:oiint, (ireiton, tlaltt
Ot-tober Vth A. !., Pill, atnt you nra re.pilritl
to aptiear ati.l answer aaltl rom.!aliil on or lei
fnra the liol .lay of aahl perlial t, al i (i.l a , ek.
from aall dale ofthellrnt niihlieaiioii of una
aunimoiiN. namely on or trre Kritlay Pee
Itral. A. . , bll or pUlutirT will apply to the
alMivaeiitlllt'd Court lor tlis nhel licniuforc
ihe date of the fmt i,ul,lratlon ofthlaium.
mom latK:Ui-r I ;th. A P., I'Jll
IlKW AKO at. HHllWNKt.L.
Atlornty lor tueplaiullit.
Administrators Final Notice.
Notice la herel.v alven that the iiniteralii,.l
administrator of the eat Alla-rl l aiuri-,
deceaaed. haa filed In the County Court ol Co
luinhla. County, state ol Oregon, h la ttnal ar.
roil lit aa anrh administrator, and that
me nun day of lh mher, A. I). Pill, at III
A. M. at the r,airt rmmi of al.l Court in o,
t'ity of Ml. Il. l. ii., haa la-en lUed lv the Mid
Court for the hearl riar of aald final account and
llie aellletnaiit of o hl..rtlonii llienrlo.
i.UMlaia lnije,
Administrator of the estate ol
Allien PaliKv, di i'i a-i .l.
in the County Court ol th Htate. of OriKon for
Coliimhla County.
Id Ihe matter ol the e.tale of Alfred E, Ananrire
Notli-e la hereby riven that lh. iin.l. ..i.,.,
haa hen duly a ilnled adinlnl-iralor with
the will annexed of lha eatata nf Alfred K An-urt-e.
dereaned, h" Ihe I onnly Court of Col
umlila Conntv. State of llniri.n and I....I..I.
Iiiallnil for aald Irual. All perwina havlna
lalma aualuat aald natatn are herehy nnlifl.-.l
and re.iilrfd to preaenf the aainr, duly vanned
and with proiwr vom hi ra, lo llo- undernlaned
at my olllra lu the city ol Ht. Ileletm, tin iruu
vi it ti I n an montlia fr.iin tho daft of tint notlrv.
hkkq ai ni. rteieni, ure. nepi. ir, i'in
W. a.iiakkU
A.lmlnl-trator with tha will aonaaed . ih.
eatale. of Alfred K. Anaor, deeeaned.
In the C'lrriilt Court of the Mfe. of (Irernn
lor the County of Coluiiihia,
Florence I.oiiImi ItiKn.a.i, I'lalntlrT. v. flair
Kldred Inifman, defendant.
Tot'lalrii K.lrel Ina-man. Ilefenftunf
In th. tiaiiie ol the Mtaie of tlreann vi,u ,.
herehy renu'red toapraar and snawerthn ram
plaint filed aval nt yon In the ahora entitled
anil within ten days from th.'.late nf iha
of thl. aiiintnona a,n ynn, II rvnd within Col
nmhla County, or II aerved within any other
rnunivoi on. .one, men wnnin twenty ilav.
from Iha dale ol aervlre. of the auminona ittion
you ; II aer ved hy puhllratliin thereof, then Willi.
In nil Wiak. from tha date of the firm Ioumim
of aald nnhlleatlon. and If von fall to an. war
lor want thereof, the filnlniifl wnl priaeed fi
take a derree and Judinietil aifaltit yon a.
raved for In i.laluilir. roim.ialiit. t afi. iM..
he tntida ol n.iilrltn..liy h, i, inti.ra. an. I h...
ematlna lietw.en i,ili mi and .Vf.-n.Uni tie
forever dlaxolved . I hat Iha, i.l .Ii. I Ir? h.. n
rare, rn.tody and ei u, allon nf ih.- minor rhiid
I oillae Jo.ephllle. aterlrien yeai , and I r l, li
other and further relief aa IheCtirl m.,t .1,
JuaMtlahle In Ihe pri'iul-a.
This iimm'i,i i -rv,.. ita.n aald defi udiiut
by ptlliltratlon tlien'tif for lx .uri'e.. e week.
In The Oregon Mi.t. a new-naia-r nf v,.,...,ui
rulallon. prime,! and .ui.l.i.-.l at ni. II. I. n.
f l....nn k. ..1 m M ....... ...... . .
" ".--r .,k,I,', 1.1 j
Kaklll. Jinlaeof the atrfoe I'lillllfl t !,,,,rl ,lu, ...I
(Xt.l-r II. I'Jll. anil I he defendant hy .nl.'l urder
lsre,iilreil In n.tmir mul an.wer within .i
weeka from tha dale ol the flr-l jiuhll, i
hereof. I)avt .V I anel
AtUimeja f,,r 1'l.ilntlfT
PsUnf flrat puhllratlon, Noveniher !lrd lull
bate ef last imbUswUea, tiaosaiber Utta ML
In Mietirru 1 1'uurl ol iliHtat ol ln u lor
lh,' I'oiinii ol i IniiiMa.
Lou It. ul. nil i!aimlit KlK' H. iili-on ile
To "lill"' HI, mil, Ul" alioie naMHl iteh-ll
" ,i I,., -i.l.. of llr.'a.ill ,.U
are herein r ue.l to appear ami aii.wer.l ie
...nipUlili 111.. I anulli-l "ii In Hie al.oe elill-
II..I .nil on or l loie e pliatnoi . of .1 wm k.
I..... i.i. ,.. Ilr.l . ill. Ill allon ol Hi"
.i. I., wit, ..n ..r 11. oe llie..'n.l 'lay
hi.. ..i,l.. r I'H I. .iii.l Hiai H V
full th ko an.wer
fur want llie I, t
imiiiI I. In re' .
to wil. it i n
of tlie iii..n Ii ami Ine -l I.
1 hi. .ili'in ..i.
J A. hiiklll In. K
Slate oloii on' ml Hie 111.
Ilia! .al.l n .11 t'
w k lor i in "
Mi. I an I l. .i.t I
ttil. .nun I
t,lMr lull am'. I in
I,,, pi. I nl l n win appiT t. "...
mil. .1 I.. i III the i'..iil.lall.l
Hi, n. e ami .I1....I1H
i.i j. t m.w i ii.tlna l'lwei ti
Iih I t.v of llie lion.
.1 l u. inn it lourl "I tlie
r Mi, l t.iinlv of I , .Inn. I, ia.
,1 . II.-... U', I'Ht. Oil. t'lH. K
II l,.. ma. If al l"al oni'l a
nine wwka III llie Droit,. n
u I thf Hi -.1 pill. II. -all.. ii ol
,ii. If n llie Mill it'll ol 'f
lh Ihi piii.llialltill
N't- .i iiH-r rni
Wl.lntrii prni-er ami liiol.le
AHoi ne lor riallllllt.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In ihe. Cuitiitv Court of tint tute
tlienti, lor I'nliiiiil.ia t'otitily.
In the iiiiitu r ol tin- Estate ut intla
McKav, lN-.-ei-ed.
Nntiie ta lertliy fivrt tlmt Norman
H. Mi-Kay, tho mliniiipiirnior uf the
eatuteol l iii'i lill Mi'kav, ilneiiartl, hna
rendrrml am' iernlrd for a. Itli nirtil,
and tile. I in aiiiii Court, his html account
of hisailiiin iitrntioii ot aaiil rlnte; and
that Saturday the I'ln il:n ol Dei-era her,
A. 1. l'.'ll, lit eli veil o clia'k III llie
forenoon of aiiiii diy, at the Con it riHitu
of tnid Court, nt the Court Hntue
in the Citv uf St. llidena. Ctiliuntiia
louniy, l)n goo. h:ia ln-rti appointed
nai.1 Conntv C itlrt, for the healing ol
ulijei'lioiia t ani'l linal account and the
aeltli-tiient tl.ervol, al wliii li lime and
place auv perni agneved tuny appear
and tile exreptt ma lo the said aciottut
and contest the i.iitie
Diited Niiwiiilitr IDth I'M I
Norman It MrKaV
Ailminiriit r , I the flute i.f III-
Cliida .Mt'Kitv, deceived.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the Cooiitv Court ol Ihe Slate
Oleifofi, for Co Ul in to County
In the lilHtter ol the K.stale ol M.tlroliti
M. Kay, Deceased.
Notice is hrrrhy uivrn that Norman
II. Mi'Knv, ihe Hilniitil-traior o the
ltati nl M.lliolll) McKav, i'citu-.I, tiaa
relnlrred and prracuted lor ettleuient,
and tiled In axid Court, lit tlnal ai'i-oiint
ol his silminictrntion of ai. eatme i and
that Satiinlay the '.'ill dav ol lri einlmi
A. D. I'M 1 . Ht eleven o'clock lu the lore
mam of Haul il.iy. at the C unt r.mui of
'aid Court, t the I on it llotiae In the
City ol St. Ili'lcna, Columbia Conntv,
oreKull li." lieen appointc! hv sal. I
County Court, for the hi'iritig i.l
jiaytioii to said linal acctiunl and
itllclli-nt ili. ri-of. at wl.icli Iiiiim
piace any pi raoti agnevnl may apa-ar
and tile eci-ptuns to sutd aicoiiul and
coutrat the aauie.
llatetl Novt-iiilr loth 1911.
Norman II. McKay,
Administrator of Ihe KaUte of Mal
colm McKay, deieaacd.
Notice to Creditor.
In the Couutv Court of the Stale uf
Oregon for Ciiluml.ia County.
In the in.'i'ti r ol the ciuu-of M. A. Kale,
Nottc la lierchv given that the umlrr-
igned haa laren duly tipiaiiiitrd a.liiiiina.
trator of the e-Ut.i of M A Kale, le-L-eam-d,
dv the Counlv Court ol Colum
bia Coittil v, Stale of Oregon, and U.a
duly qu tlllk-d lor said tin. I. All prraont
hiivli.K claims egmnat I e-t ito ure
llerehv notlli. d an I ri iUirrd in pil-rtl'
she anme. duly vended and anh ).i.,,er
vuui-l.era, to he n. I ti. i :i i a t ra t ir at Ina
rraidiiice in Yanktnn, Orriroti, w thin
Sis lllotltlia 1 1 .1.11 the il.lle ol nntice
Dated at St Hi Icna. Oieun. ,ov lllth
1'iiitik llrtiwn,
AdminiMlrator ol the estate ul , A.
Kale ilt-iva-c I.
lu the Cii'tllt f.
Unit. Martin, 1'ialiitifl Will,. i,.,... Coiiiuion Council ol the Cltyol IM He I
anawer lo tin- . ..inpUllit II I,, I aealn.l '..ii I," "P (1 S S AW I contlllerslioe,,r. ii, Iiuhi1).,i .,.,,, ,r i,., I I'etltlon
n.-rrriv I.-'HI mi I., ... . I
h. ail..,, hern,, ".,i ,7," ', ! "'"ll To the Hon. Mayor and Cooea
ai, hi-t. tn, i-UiinirT ,n ,,,,;, , ,.., .. Ci.uncil ol Ihe City ol S"t Helens;
hiTriti. ,,.ii,,. ,,,, ,,,,.' ',J,,;j,,"J We Ihe timleraignetl reaideali sX
Vi , , "i-trimi no. curt . i ii.k peorrtv owners of the I rupeny
nr,i.;k h,ree.
d, , rti..ii i.,no,i,i,.. i.t ti, ,, i,.,,,, " 1 Noiiliern Hounilary ol the CltT
" I'ltiiiiin. mi. i ,.,, i,,,i
u, r.-..,,.. I , .,,,..,, ., , ,, K
,1a, . of lniM- Martin, and (,., ,, ,,,.,
llo. .iiini.i.iiis I. .rw., ,, , , ,,,, ,.
I ..n II..T.M.I tor ,i.,t I.... ,!,. .,, 1,,.kt'
order of tl,.- ll,.r .,. A r u .
t :rv.?!'.''r'. : !' t. .'.t.'
Ihe l.i-l . ill, i .11. , ,,f ,
- - ' " ' i". ",.,t-r. i'j i a ,,,i i... .1
M ri i, ii,,.
nay oi .-ii.ii nin. r, 1 i.
Max ii. CI,,.,,,
Attorney f,,r l lalutirr.
111 the County tv,i,rt ol the Male of lir
f.oluii.tila i itniiiy
"on, lor
tt-.VV..7i"up "' ' "' K M
'lo A. Ii. tan.Ji.r., U'. Maii.lrn VI i a
,..ll II .'. .. . . oiler,-!,.
I Hi wit I.l I
. ,. ,,, ,,.,,, I(p i,re,.tln
In tha nam,. ,,,,,, s(nl, , ,,, ,"'
each of ion. art: llereh) cited ,") re..,n
apia-ar lu IhrCunlv Curl , f ,1 . J.' "
V"'l. aud
, . . , .... i ,..
Hull, tor the entity .
"i me tia!,. of fin,
llllltl' l.f I'nl . .. .. 01,
room ther.H.f .1 mi ..... ' ' "'Curt
iav ti... am. . ... : ' :.":"
i. u ..i .. 1 at
me n , l, k
" ' o.en a i'. n,,.,.
lo ln,w
- . , . no , , i
iri...rty ,,: mo, I .re,.,., .,.,,! fl '"' ",hI
to -nil; All linn
I.f i.i.
nr.ifM-rlv ol .i.l . lr"" or real
'.I Miiltiioi,,,,!,. Mat,.f ,,r , '":""
lol niiuihe, M,. ,,, T'"-',
CI, III KnrkWiH.I ', " ,i. ,ln,a ' 'J'';',' '1 1 " I , mere",,' ' """Ul ""' hil
wiltie,, ll.,r, , .
, tlf Ire Of II, e
"re..n f..r
"II III vi nun ,, H,e K,nl. (1(
f Cunt, , .
on i v anise. I it,,, j-.i. .,. r
I on. I 1 ,,,,,,
),,,, -j in eeplclnher A. I
., " K' ' "Mure, c,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,
M liltleeeei. of ..n,',; ' U"k
Inl.lNln d in a. e 1.111.
mutt made In II,.. i,." , "! ' "r", r
"I -rpletnLer. ,11 , .ni ?, V'" ' "
lh iilloil II. II,.. , , , "":'" k Pule u-t I.,.,.
III Bill, II ri, pieinlie, j,,, i ,,. "r"l PUI,
""fi. i ni.
"M.I.AKIi and AV
..v. tor Aduir.
lor I'nliiiiil.lii i
"inly, inn, I,.
:ldny i,f ii, i.r
t .. . e., , hwiii,, ,, ,....... ": '".r ""ie ,i
Wilkin,, ii.
I" that ol l.iieiu
W ltne,-e th
lame, li., i i... i . ..
i on nly
II... .,.':. """ '"e
olniiii.u I lointy, tm
a,.,. .,. ". . . ii
st; U. X, Lakats, Couuty Cl
In llo. name nl the MI.1...1 ...
herehy iruiilrtal lo ap,., ....iT?": ,
l.iaiui men aaalll.l )(, h, lh. " "ttt
' " "i or i.f,lla .r J
i,,r oie loioiifaliolt nf J
rou fall 10 a.i.,.r an.l . ; "U. J
lei ree Mill ll.b !iliJ1
lei ree iu iwtaki ii aaaliul , ,"' 1
aa apm'l l. In h - " "'ii,J
.. u-.HIDI. I
ii volutin ll.a 7
mi !,,, e,,l,, .l. W
l..f. n.i,i, .u l f..,,h. ,..,,.?
htl.l. end ti r uei
hi Htlii I ,,i.
..I l','. V.-'.",',"0"? Ur,, ' '" fMWI.
a new.,., " 'M
Ixai. 1
fin. II. I.e.! nl HI Helm
the alHite enllU. , c.
. in,..,,, t
nil. r,..L '.
llif.l I,., jui,, .. , ; "N J
al.ior ler rtHi,,!-, it,., ". 'll. ,J
i .iii,ii.ii,i urn. . ,, a,
wavka. ' aajaij
UA VI li ami FtiNUL
Atliirilaaar a..
I.. I. of flrat piihlloal.,, , hari f!
Pataol lut nahm-oiioo Not tufL!
Notice of Shariff. SaJ
i .. 1 1.. t 'i. ...I.
ii tuv niuii vuuri of ii.a fc.
Ilreon,, Lie- lh- I- '.
' ColJ
"HtfsTS j 1
A.Uat.ce Tlileaher Co a cornnriiy,
I . I. Ve it a nth. I'laiiuitf
iirima ami tula l.rirtu
lly virtue ol an eieciit0 jJ
ol ihHMtaiveeutiilrHl Court lniL?lj
entllteil ranu. I., .... i,
dutl'il lllH "rih ilav.if IW.J..T !
" , . . i IWI.
J....K--..,. i, , urcrca ami
rciitlvrttil afi.l hii....l . . 1
, -------- - ssa m Bfj j-.
stllil TMIIIUI till ll.a ?th .U- a
1UM. in hivor ol Advum, Thrwwl
- - i ...... it weattj-j.
tilatnlilU and (1,-Klnat J, . (mJu J
Viola GiiIlK Inseile. iltfesdaat. J
the all in ol 1 1. Jee TouiiianJ )iia u J
tli-d 1 Htv-twi dollars Ji aolfujJ
(fllW.tltii together w ill. Iokm
Ir .iu Hie fflHU day t.l September, liiaJ
the rateol M pr cent per aosiianj
t.-l.l I. . I l,M ... - .. .1, , 4
.... ... Hiui iimiairwtSMMj J
Una suit aud of coals uf and ntua ik. J
coiiiiiiatidttiit me to make ssltslilhal
i larn real propertr ta-ai
The N. K of S 'alT
loanalup 4, North ,f IUu( , J
oi tvi.iamt'iic .'teruiiau, cdoUuii!
A i o the following deacri!
e-iaic, wait; I oiiiweuclat a1 U
Sotitiieaat corner ol Ihe tiotibaj
quarier t.t .-trcnon aft, ToanaS.i
NnrtU ol Range 2. Weatof the .
mena .lieriuiau: luence ruaomt M
on the Section line uf asul NirUoi i
nala to a point; thence Norths) J
and paiailcl with the Katt h,JT
In e ol . South west quarter of m4 m
...... -i . . ....i... . ... . .. i
I . M.eiice ri sj a
oo-, lo llie, Maat Uiumhir line nim-Mi.,,
the I weat ttnailer of aaui Ke-iLna U ail
and I I., the ulace of beuinniiia I
All t l tf i forea-oiug destriM aJ
.erty being situate I in the Coast; i
Coluiuhla, fliate ol 1
.Now thereloie, by virtus oajJ, iuda-ement, order and ine'
Mild lu compliance Willi th cramst
uf aaitl wnl, I wi.l on SatunUyUa k
day ul Decent lirr, H'll, st lbs boss
o'clix k I'. ,M at the fiout djortlfa
County Court llou-e in St, Hen
Coltinu.ia County, Oregon, srlalaisr
aui'tioii laulijcctto riMempUua) a k
hiKhenl ImliU-r for Cadi In hand, ill a
right, title and llitereal which U nil
III named tlelendants or either ol tw
h.l.l on the I' M Ii day of Seplrrotef, IM
the ilutH ol the martaage hams as
cloaed or since had in or to th it
dewriU'd pioM-rty ami every partlW
of, to Biill.Hly said execution, j!a
ot.lci nod ilea Be, llitereal, COM kv
aci ruing ci an a.
D.itetl tint nth day ol November, IK
tii at publication. Noveuier 10, tti.
I.u-l publication Ilecellllan 1, 1)11.
A. K. Ihouipaoa.
Sheriirof Columbia CotiD'T, Onf
Notice of Petitioa far
Street Improvasneet.
Notice is liereliv civen that the kM
.on ul the Mat, ,,( ii,. .. .. ... ..... i l .l a. M
oliillilla C.,.!., .... ,.it uii.;!! oaa im. it (iieacuiru m -
dant. ' I a- ri a ait. I ll.ul ,.h f..n.l.v .'..wamhar ll
V:r .' V': V. wtn imi at 7 W :, h V M. 'me MUM sJ
lli-lt 11a. and Willamette Street twres.
reapet tiiilly a lnion your hoeiirits 11.ur4.iH t. be loiprovetluw
loilowini; -tieela and In the DtasaS
heieiiialier tleai:rilied; lleinlia-k St
lietween tlm .Sort tu rn boundary
City mid Willamette Street, sll sboUiH
tilaiu l;lin k :l ,, Cr.lumhia I ark Admti
and lina k 4 tilCtiluuibia I'ark S.U;!W
and Id a lt 4il, 47, tl and 1'nlow Sqiian.
thHtauid lleniltak Street lleai
ImiIihs laa dcclareil oien slid llislSfo
wiiy lor teams not lest 'H leet
he iiiade on surli grade as the Cos"
ahull diri't t J thit a sidewalk feet
i nd ol two ii ches cover on 4x ris
la along ihe Kaat or ""
ol the Street a may He deemed tb i a
suitable place foraame. Allf
liruvements lo l paid lor by the so'
tug propeity. And your petition
ever eaj etc.
Samea. J. . Cronklte, L. F.. '"'J?
lolin ti. I'ringle. W. K. K'tel, J- A.
.1. Sktira. Mrs. Harbara Wicks, B. W
't.intln, Win, M. Itoaa, Kdwtn
Wm. Itrinn. Hon I'ehon, C.
I'. .1. CUrk. Matilda J. ('!, ,
Klliettaoti, WihmI To. hy "
si .i.i.. i.... I.o.i.i llik. tlO I '
I'.lk 47 Klaiu II. I'.rltill. J . A. I!'
S, Montague I xi is II) A LI I1"1'
Il.ti ms.
Notice of Publication for
Final Hearing.
In ihe Cniiniv Court ol ths Hlate of 0rl '
Colli .uhla Cnittitv. . , IJal,
In ii, IT mailer of the satate of RacM "
-I i triaa
harehy alven that tne ' ' vA
Adinlul-lralnr i
I the eataie in ""' g , r-
ll. ....I 1.1... I ....till
,.n a.
lit ol n. I K.lHle, and that Ihe if
hail. I, i. lire o(,ald court ha, made ail oe
l oiiil .ikiiik the time of aald final J""".!
ald r-ll.-. ! held mi t ha 1 1 th '' "
emiMT .Pill ai iha hour ol In o elo. k a "
a "
Ihe l,,r. ii..,,n ,,f ihe aald day. In the '""uMil.
nl the ( unit, at the Court Home in "' (
ireanii. Cniinly, I and t tie t
Iroeliv llxe.l a, Ihe Ulna and plaee I' "J,
Inn iti. ii an I.l final ai rouni and ielin M
l.liiilni.lia.or. that ohjeellona, ll any
man., at .aid lime I.i Iha Mild tlnal sewa
pel l ll. ni i,f .aid Adniliil,raior.
William M .
aihnlnlalralorof the Kitaie of Kacjaia