The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 01, 1911, Image 1

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NO 41.
r. ir"n:. - '
on aiouuay. i
V llaxen anil wile returned last
Friday from len days trip to Shipherds
Hot SpriniC. on Wind River, near Car
.t Wash. The hot bathi proved to
M wry beneficial, particularly so to
Mrs. Ilwrn. " u"ring
titb rheumatism.
ton HAI.K-One B X 10 t tt, good a
oc lor ViO Apply at this otiu.
Mr. A. M. Campbell, who recently
psithasrd lb A. p. llarrlMii plaee
L.. IVarren. has bswn rrcallert to lilt
rtr home at Prosser waahingion
twines maltiTS which Will claim liii
titration during the winter making th
risBeesvary. Mr. Campbell Intends
Lrtoming to this county in the spring.
Chu. J. Wsllis, who own a large
ttxn near liniiop, m.
L,t on buinea last Monday, Mr,
lKsllis rep-rls large numbers o( settlers
locating In tb Yauktun and Trenbulni
N. 0. Larabee and George WIIon
!roa the Trenliolin neighborhood called
ki the' Mint onlua on Monday. Thee
h-Btlsmen speak with enthusiasm of
Ui wonderful development taking place
that seetlou o( tbe couuty. New
Ulitail new acbooli to car (or the con-
rotly increasing numbers ol new set
lira. Omar Krlckaon of Warren, and
V a Berth l.ewison ol Quincy, vbdted
r:tsdt in tliia city lat Friday.
Mi( Beryl Muckl rvturncl Friday
"! art-ka visit In Rainier.
Jin llert Taylor, ol Kalams, visited
ih Mi-i liesiie Hattan over Sunday,
tin. David Ivia, o' Portland, spent
t seek end with lid mother Mra.
Mr. anil Mr, Anhnr Moullnn and
a, ol I'orttanit, visited at lb home of
a ! t res Italian nu Sunday.
The Misses Allen. Alir Quick, Eoge
t IVtniig and Dorothy John went to
rt!ad lat Saturday to are the play
Miry Jaura IV, at tbe l!eli.
Mr. ami Mr. Fred Lowe, of Portland,
rat the week end with Mr. Lows' '
trr.Mrs. W. A. Ketel at lloulton.
The Ijidirs Aid of the Methodist
.arch served Unlit refreshments at the I
Jilil lla'l bat I'ritluy evening taliich
kiW the Aid 22.
Mrs. M. Richardson and Mra. Sirah
usltoii, ol Portland, mother and
Hrr ol I). W. Hichardaon of thia city
visiting at the Richardson home.
Mn. Ed Joslin, of Portland came
en to attend the funeral of Gladys
erl, Snd Virgil Hattau and Jin
fwkle returned Iroin Aberdeen where
7 have been working.
Mrs. I; . A . Crouse attended tb (air
Attori thla week. .
tinstave Lang, Supervisor of road dis-ll-tXo.
1. la completing aline piece ol
N work along the opp.r reach of
ten Canyon.
L Rd'iivo was a bolsnes visitor to
Mle. Astoria and Clifton thia week.
RuaaiH-o sells considerable of the
'V Hint be raises down the river, and
nw ennaui-d in conducting a (arm
it Is inniewhnt in the nature of an ex
imcit at Clifton. He la doing tbe
r for a Portland real eeliit coin
m that have eotue KKX) acre In that
(libnrlKKHl, their land being aouie-
ht like that at ClaUkanie, but more
ny. Thevdealr t) find out what
Xtahli,a are beat adapted to that 'a -
and tliHn colonize their land.
A Astoria Centennial ha been ome-
'Mola iliifHpoinlment to thus" of
'rection who have vialled it. The
''rtMi.gwa aogixxl that peoplawont
'Petting to ace aoniethlng like jhe
'' nd Clara Centennial, or the
' big worll'a falra. The citV of
sln' la a live pUc at tbe preaent
m. ml there are rnall parte ol an
unary unii 0n every corner. The
f0"1'"! are lorateil on top of the hill
I"0"! mile (mm lha ntv nf the
"inc tiart. ami l),.r l tin nr line
' All who wlah to aee the how must
''r walk or pay twenty fiv ceiila to
P In an automobile. At the ground
I very ,tlle In the way of
Columbia and Clataop being
ly CMintiea rroresented. ltealdea
'"'there are a lum ln,1iwiUI kthllilla
MPooriliapa, of fihh and lew
"snta. Tilpr. i, ,,,,-ii-n, .nnii.
"Olnone leature of the whole h w
11 h well worth seeing la "The Bil.lge
f tlia ri...t. t ... ... . .
ii ii pni on at tno luir
"""'I In the nt.1, .1. .n.l U
lH really flnft Ntt wek be
eek of h tb regatta
Viii t- .
f" m tiroDreaa.
and thia ii well
,on teeing.
rlunduys Oregoiiiuu contain tbe
announcement of the marriuge of Mia
Currle Cobb and iltm Itunyan, at
Caatle Koc-k. Wm-hlnifton.
Mr. Kunyan I the Northern Pacific
teleuraph operator at Klilgefield. Mia
Cobb attended school in tide city for
several years; the niimy ftienda in thia
city extend lo the tiewlywed their t ent
wiahea for a happy aud prosperous
married life.
Narrow Escape
A narrow eacatie from seii.uw reaulta
in an atvident which happened In Dutch
Canyon, near CuaUv Ijing't place,
weal of Kcappooae, is reported by L. It
Rutherlord. Mr. Rutherford, acciiu-
panie-l by bis family in their auto, waa
clltiibllif a tbght grade In the road ; the
YioiH niade by the engine, and the un
certain liiiht, prevented the detection of
a ninn drlvit g a team in tbe narrow
road ontll the two vehicles were Very
rloae together; the team liecoming nn-
managnhle, backed over an embankment
aouie 25 feet In belgblh, the driver how
ever saved himself by Jumping. An In
pection u( tin leiim and back revealed
little damage. Witt set of tL accident
blame the narrow roads ra her than
atlni hing any blame for the accident
to Mr. Kutberford, who I known In
hi community aa a very crtful driver.
Letters unclaimed at tbe St.
rre.. l'oitollli-e for the week
Aitgnst Hill.
J. W. Auiiuame, Italian; P. II. Ander
son, v.. IWxliue, him Du-etlberry, win.
Lake or Sakes, John McCnuley, Clinton
Mason, one letter.
I-ettcr unclwimed by Septemlier I'tll
will be sent to tbe Dead Letter oflice.
M.C. (.hay, P. M.
1'eter Felton of this city left on Wed
nesday for Stanton, Mithignti, where he
will visit hi mother.
Theodore I'.erg aud A. fl. Stewart are
each building modern six room bungit-
is on Chuicli hlrect, in liailioad
Tbe big Norwegian (learner llnrik
lbtun left the dock of the St. Helen
Milt Co. last Monday evening 1 1 co to
the Hammond Lumber Co. at Astoria,
nd fiuUh loading. When she bns on a
nil cargo of over three million feet she
will leave (or Aui kland, Australia, lo
carrying mail and passenger, as the
Ibsen l one of tiff regular boats, and
one of the fist ones. She belongs to
he Frank Waterhotl" Co.. but w as (or-
merly tha property of the Portland an I ic Sua.nshlp Co., and Was ono of
tin Oriental liners. The Ibsen now
make regular trips between Australia,
Puget Sound and the Columbia Kiver,
touching at New Zealand.
'The steam Schooner Aurelia, which
went aground nenr the mouth i f the
river lat Monday night, while enroutft
from San Francisco to Portland, with
cement and a general curg , was to have
taken on a cargo of lumber at th s place.
It I probable that she will have to go
on the dry dock before coming here.
Mrs. Ja. Dart and Mi llerlha Dart
returned last Tuesday from their Seaside
home, where they spent the summer.
Mr. John Farr, of Warren, was a
btlisnesa vi-itor to the county seat on
Tuesday lat.
(iustave Lantr. of Scapooose, waa
attending to some of the olllcial business
connected with his ollke as road super
visor this week.
Beans For Canning
The best variety, the Asparagus Uean.
Phone or call on L. Uoco, St. Hel
ens, Ord.
Mr. I!. I. lUllftgh is over on the
head waters of lha Kalama Kiver some,
where this week, catching big trout. Or
that Is whiit he went after, and we sup.
po-e ho is catching them.
The regular monthly term of the coun
ty court will commence next Thursday,
and there la considerable Important
work on hand for the Judge and com
missioners to handle. The work of th e
county court1 haa undergone Rreat
change in the past few years, and there
is certainly a lot more ol It than for
merly. James 8 pence of this city and Cora
Iloaser, of Portland were married in
Portland last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.
Spence will mak thoir future "horn In
Ht. Helens. v
Kugene Whitney formerly a resident
of this city now living in Vancouver,
Washington, waa in town the for part
of the week.
K TC. Howes, of San Fr inclso, nirni
ber of the firm of the Howes A Andrews,
was a visitor to this place on Monday
hvt, and was very enthusiastic as to the
future of rH. Helena. Mr. Howes and
his partner have fleet of some ten wind
jammers andtwo steamers and he Is one
who should know what he Is talking
about when h praises the .hipping
P. Jucobson returned last Tuesday
from an extended trip through Lincoln
County, He visited at Alsea, Newport
andaeveral other of the coart cities,
Rev. Merrill will preach at the Free
MethiKli-t Church in lloulton, morning
and evening, Sept. Urd.
S. 0. Roper. Pastor
Talk to Ross about the Kiverview
section of Columbia Park.
Mr. and Mr. Karl A. Ruhl, of Port
land who have been visitsug Mr. Uuhl's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Ituhl of
Ingleslde Farm, for two weeks, left for
their home lust Saturday morning.
Sportsman Beware
Columbia County sbortsmen who pur
chased their hunting licences early in
the season will do well to post themselves
on i he game laws ac regards open sea
sons. The first licenses issued do not con
tain the information that China Pheas
ants were, by an act of the last State
Legislature, placed on the "taboo" lift
until 1U13.
Pleasant Surprise-
Mr. Oeorge Lemont gave an informal
reception in honor of her husbands 68th
birthday on Friday evening at her beau
tiful new home, Uose Hill Farm. Mrs.
Lemont invited all the; older residents
of St. Helens and th -ir families, and
those who acv-epied ber invitation were
delightfully entertained on ber broad
verandas. An elaborate supper was ser
vod late in the evening. Those who
accepted Mrs. Lemunts Invitation were:
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Way, Miss Frankie
Rice, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Swltzer, Mr.
and Mrs. W. 1). Dillard and family, Mrs
A. II. George, Misses Ada and Lulu
iieorge, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Johns, Miss
Dorothy Johns, Martin White, Charlie
lllakesty, Mr. Fnllorton, Fred Mo'gus,
Morly Morui, Dr. and Mrs. I'M win
Ross, M". aud Mrs. Jacob Cieurge aud
Maik lirgele.
Mr. TedJy Berg lias a force of carpen
ters buny on a comfortable seven room
bouse that be is bnildiug on his property
.5 Itailroa (Addition! Tbe fict that in
addition to Ida Ii tilroad Addition prop
erty, Mr. Hcrgowns other desirable lots
in St. Helens, goes to show that when
he comes to build his own home, he
thinks Railroad Addition the best home
When the senni sclionier Cairo of
the McCormick line was raised on the
Oregon drydock it was found the injur
ies she su-Uined by having strut k Fox
Rock oiri'ape Hlauco, August 3, con
sisted of her I ning htr forefoot and
about five feet of keel. It fa estimated
that it will take about Ave days to make
the necessary repairs.
TheCasco finished discharging the
curgo of lanlmrk she brought from Foit
liratg. Ca!.,and she shifted down to the
drydtak. She bad been leaking freely
since her arrival in port a few days ago,
but the pumps were adequate to keep
ber free of water. She has a wooden bull
aud she struck the rock bow on . At the
rate she was leaking it had been feared
that a longer section of her keel had
teen torn oil.
Notice is hereby given that there has
I wen left at Ihe Livery Stable in St
Helens one bay twnv about 8 or 0 years
old, weighs about 800 pounds, and with
white strip in face and branded GO on
left bin. It was all saddled ami bridled
and was left at the stable Sunday Aug.
27. Owner rail have same by calling
and paying charges.
ST. IIki.kns Tranni'Hk Co.
The schooner Irene is londinj here
this week, and will leave about Saturday
with a cargo of (00.000 feet of lumber for
San Pedro. Part of the cargo was taken
on at th mill of the Columbia County
Lumber Co.
The King Cyrus left here Tuesday
with a million feet of ties for San Tedro-
The long r you put off buying a lot
in Railroad Addition, the more yon will
have to pay for it. When the new depot
la built, these lots will be worth twice
what we are now asking for them. We
have some sightly well drained lots as
low as lOO, just 10 down and the bal
ance in easy payments. Dont wait any
longer, but see our Sales Agent, A. T.
Laws and make your selection. If yon
desire, we will help you build a borne,
and you can pay for it with your rent
St. Helens Improvement Co;
MIZIVUI O'.l.vlTKh, NO. SO, O. K. 8
Meets In Masonic 1111 .be sea n I
and fourth Satnr.iavsoi each month
IRENE M. DAT. Secretaiy.
Notice Is her.-by given that a special
election will be held September 16th,
1011, in the City of St. Helens, Oregon,
and certain district on it's northerly
boundary as bereinafte'r described to
vote on the quetn of annexing the
ollowitig described and bounded terrl
ory lo the City, to-wit:
fleginning at a point where the center
line of the N. 1 ':. It. Co', right ol
way crosses th" r herly line of the
II. M. Knighton ' I.. C, in Tps. 4 and
6 N R 1 W W M. i'i ;ie northerly foil
owing the cet-r lt:ie of said K K right
of way to a point du- west of a tract
of land describe i in book 11 at
pagj 059 of Record of Deeds for Colum
bia County Oregon, thence rasj to the
southwesterly corner of said tract, thence
Bf DO degrees 15 minutes, K 6 chains;
thence N 50 degrees 45 minutes, 18
73-100 chains; thence 8 8 degrees 50
miuuUs E IU76 8-10 teet to northerly
line of a trad of land described in O
at page 3H2 Record nf Deeds of Columbia
County, Oregon. Thence N 71 degrees
30 minutes E to center of Columbia
Itiver, thnce 8 17 degrees 10 minutes
E 10 chains, thence S 71 degrees and 30
minutes W to N E corner of trie II. M.
Knightan D L C. Tlience S 71 degrees
30 minntei W following northerly line
of said H. M. Koigbtou D LCtotbe
plafe of beginning. -
The election to be held witblo the
City of St. Helens, Oregon, at the City
Tne election to be held in said pro
posed territory in the blacksmith shop
in Railroad Addition.
The polls will be open 8 o'clock A. M.
and closed at 7 P. M. of said day.
City Recorder.
One working teim fr sale ortr.ids
f or lots in St. Helens. Inquire at tbe
Mist ullice, St. Helens,
Capt. Mitchell, the genial master ol
the schooner Irene now loading here, left
suddenly for I'ort'and Monday. When
he returned to St. H-lens Tuesday after
noon, he immediately bought several
hundred choice cigars and began pars
ing them around to his friends, explain
ing that the cause of his smiles and
generosity was a fine baby girl that ar
rived at his home In Portland on the
night of the2Sth. Tne Irene will be
loaded the first of the coming week, and
it is a safe bet that s ie wiil make a record
round trip this time as the Captain s:atrs
that he dots not wish to Ul ike such a
long trip that the baby will forget him.
A crowd of Scsppoose people attended
the dance Satuiday night at Deer Island.
Julius Raasell and wife returned from
the seaside where they have had au out
ing for a couple of weeks.
Dr. Hat Hold is rtiil at the hospital but
reports that he is getting ailing nicely
and will soon be home sgain.
Miss Tidcomhe and Miss Mvera re
turned frojn their outing this week.
The new bank will soon be completed.
Mrs. Chas. Bnshraan is on the sick
lift this week. "
Miss Millie Grant is a Portland visitor
this week .
MissArdalh Hagey has been nisiting
at Prindle Wash, the dast two weeks.
Maud Watla returned from Portland
this week.
Mr. Grant Watts and family have
gone to the seaside this week.
Mr. Wilson the druggist was a Port
land visitor Wednesday.
Horn to the wifo of Mr. Campbell a
son on the 27th.
Mrs, English Visited Portland this
Klmer Olson has sold bis reridence
and two lots to Jim Andreas.
Mrs. Hunting lias moved to the camp.
Mrs. James Walmsley is In the East
visiting her daughter who is very HI.
Mai ion Gilbert and Bob Cooper went
to Scappoose to Kthel Smith's birthday
Mr. Paiker.the lloulton minister, will
preach here every two weeks. He was
here last Sunday and his serin n was finj.
lloulton should be proud oi him, we are,
and we hope everyone will attend next
time as we know they will not regret
their coming.
Clarence Gore's wife, ol Hudson, came
up for the dance Saturday night.
(Ins Johuson was a Portland visitor
this week. '
The dance Saturday night was a success
in every way, a good crowd, good music
and a good supper.
Ray Galteni of Mayger was in town
At tbe residence of Mr. and Mrs. Van
Tassel, Satnrday evening, Aug. 20th
before thirty inyited guests, Mrs. Van
Tassel presented some of her piano
pupils in tecital. Each pupil was well
received and complimented on tbe mus
ecul interpretation of each selection.
Mrs. Van Tassel's entire class are pie-
parlng for a public recital some time in
September. Following is the program
which was given Saturday evening:
Past 1
1 Spring Begins Duet
Misses Madeline and Mildred Allen.
2 Shall We? Waltz
Miss Olive LaBare
3 Canoeing Song Vocal Duet
Misses Iva Wilkins and Mabel Craig
4 (a) Sparkling Eyes (b) Dance of the
Frowsy Heads
Master Cecil Ross
5 Russian Intermezzo Duet
Misses Iva Wilson and Mabel Craig
Tart J
Turkish March Duet
Miss Iva Wiliton and Mrs. Van Tsss;l
(a) Murmuring Spring (b) Pierrette
Miss Mildred Allen
8 (a) Foagotten(b)Out where the Billows
Roll High
Mr. Van Tassel
9 (a)Au Printempo b Mid Summer
Nights Dream
Miss Madeline Allen
10 fa Melody at TwilightbFirs Laddies
Mrs. II. Van Tassel
11 IlTravotore Duet
Misses Mildred and Madeline Allen
The Oregon State Board of Health has
is'otd a bulletin on "Salmoning of Dogs'
wbit h contains much information that
will be of interest to owners of valuable
logs living adj.vcentto the Columbia and
tributary streams where many valuable
animals are lost each year, principalis
through a lack of knowledge of proper
remedies. The report is much tno vol
uminous to permit of a verbatim repro
duction ; the cure, however, as reconi
mended by the board' is as follows:
Two grains of calomel, followed by three
grains the next day, with plenty of wate
will be found to be very efficacious.
The efficiency of calomel as a specific
for salmon poisoning has been repeatedly
verified by experiments. Reports show
six recoveries out of eight Caes, the two
that died having other complications.
The most effective time for administer.
ing the calomel is about the third day
after the first symptoms have been ob
served, nr after the dog has appeared
very sick and vomiting.
Around the World in Sixteen Minutes
For the purpose nf determining the
lime it would take to accomplish the
feat, the New Yoik Times the other
day forwarded a message of nine words,
around the world by wire.
It took exactly sixteen and one half
minutes for the message to make the
jnnrney of 28.613 miles overland and un
der the seas of th two hemispheres.
In that time it passed through t'ie
hands of eighteen different agencies,
operating land and sub-marine lints in
the new and old world, traversed United
State', and touched at the Hawian
Island, Guam, the Phillipines, China,
two parts of India, Africa, Spain and
the Azores. It flushed along the liottom
of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian
Oceans, the Red and Mediterranean
Seas and Suez Canal end from Madras
to Bombay buzzed its way through the
primeval forests of the man-eating tiger,
p inther, boa constrictor, and pytb n,
over tbe GoO miles of land owned by the
Indian Government. v
The experiment has a special sig
nificance in view of the f.ict that fifty
four years ago this month, Cvrus W.
Field saw his dream of electrical com
munication between England aud the
United States realized in the successful
laying nf the first Atlantic cable and the
transmission of messages between the
two widely seperated nations. That
achievement, following the Introduction
of the land telegraph of Professor Mo se
by thirteen years moved the world for
ward a thousand years.
The City Council, the board cf county
commissioners and t committee from
the commercial club, met during the
past week to devise ways and me ins of
constructing a fountain In the square
fronting the court honse.
The city Marshal arrested a large
nuuilier of stray dogs on the strand.
The fire departm nt clipped three
hours from a forniei record tun from
the city hall to the school hoiisn.
The St. Helens base ball team have
acknowledged that Hainier has the
Championship team of the river.
Bnl Remember these-things hnvent
happened yet.
Resolutions oi Condolence
lloulton Assembly of Dnited Artisans,
Aug. 25th 1011.
To the Officers and Members of Hone
ton Assembly of Unite I Artisans:
We your committee on resolutions of
condolence, most respectfully submit the
Whereas: The Great and Supreme Art
isan of the Universe baa in Hit infinite
wisdom removed from u on of onr
worthy and esteemed member, Brother
Ernest H. Wicks, therefore be it:
Resolved: That in bis death we recce
faize that lloulton Assembly baa lost an
earnest and attentive member and thla
community an honorable nd much re-
si'ected citizen.
Resolved That the removal of such a
life from our midst leaves a vacancy and
a shadow that will be deeply realized by
all the members and friends of the
Lodge J
Resolved : That we tender to tbe be
reaved family our heartfelt sympathy in
sad hour of affliction and griai ;
Resolved: That these resolutions be
spread upon tbe records of this Lodge,
that a copy be sent to the bereaved
family, that a copy be furnished our city
paper for publication and that the Char
ter of this Lodge be draped in mourn
ing for thirty davs.
Fraternally submitted.
. Lizzie Roberson
Katie Mathews
Leota Ketel
. Committee.
Dr. L. G. Ross left here last Monday
for what he told the editor was to be a
couple of weeks vacation, bnt only a
part of his statement was correct He
waa on his way to Livingstone, Montana,
to meet Verna Rudig, and commence life
as a benedict. They were to have been
married on Thursday afternoon, and
after a trip through Yellowstone Park
will return to this place to mak their
future home.
The following was wired to Wm. M.
Ross and received at 2:20 Thursday.
Livingstone Montana, 1 :20 p. m.
Married at noon today. We will start
on our trip through National Park next
Monday. Will be borne Sept. 15.
L. G. Rose.
County Judge James Dart performed
a couple of marriage ceremonies daring
the past week. The first one was for
Grate Le and John Calvin, on Satur
day last,and the other was for Mrs. Julia
N.Paris and Geo. K. Haviland, on
Tuesday last. Mr. Haviland is a resi
dent of Multnomah Couuty.
Mary E. Gal I ten and Henry H. Cain
were united in marriage at the residence
of C. T. Cook in Rainier by Reverend
Cook on Wednesday last, in the presence
of Paul Dorg and Mrs. Maggie Borg.
County Clerk H. E. LaBare issued a
license for the marriage of Sinna Jo! ma
and Axel Lahtl, of Clatskanie, on the
24th of August.
The Farmers State Bank at Scappoose
received what is probably the largest
deposit of pennies ever made in this
county last Wednesday, when Mr. Hola-
day, one of the officers of the Sunday
school at that place brought in a couple
of stockings full of coppers. Ia all
there were about 5000 of them, and Mr.
Washburn, the cashier of tbe bank, says
that it is the largest number of on cent
pieces he hss ever received at one time
during his years of experience in tbe
banking business. The Scappoose bank
will be located in their new fire proof
building some time during tbe coming
mouth. Mr. E.E. Mason, of St. Johns
s the contractor for the new building
and Goodrich & Goodrich are the 'Archi
tects. When finished it will be a struc
tcre of which the rapidly grow log In
stitution can well be proud.
Death of Mrs.S. G. Roper
At about n n on Monday last. Mrs.
S G. Roper, wife of the pastor of the
lloulton Free Methodist Church, passed
quietly into the Great Beyond, Within
a few minutes of the time of her death
she was talking with people at her bad
side, and then! fell asleeo. never In
awaken. The funeral service were held
at the Free Methodist Church Wednes
day morning, the body beinor taken ta
Greshamon the noon train for Interment.
Mrs. Roper wss fortp one rears of asw.
and a native of Colorado, coming to
lloulton with her husband over a year
ago. .Besides her husband she leaves a
grown daughter, seven sisters and one
The steam schooner Yellowstone ol
McCormick line Is loading at th mill of
the Columbia County Lumber Co. thij
week. The : Yore mite will also lie here
the latter part of the week to take on a
paitial cargo of lumber.
Mr. C.W. Parsons, tallyman at th
mill has bought a tot in Railroad Addi
lion and is making plant for the Imme
diate erection of a home, thereby escap
ing the monthly loll to the landlord.
faclUUeiof St. Helent.