The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, August 25, 1911, Image 8

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    This Space is Reserved for
Columbia Park Addition
In the Circuit Conrt of the tate of Ore iron,
for the County of Columbia.
Gnce Maybuith, rialntiff, va Charles Mavhaab.
to Chalrea Mayhngh, the abore namad de
fendant. In th name of the State of Oreavn roti are
hereby renared to appear and answer the rotn
plaint Bled aeainat you in the above entitled
Court and cause on or before the H dar of CK-t.,
1911, said date being-after the expiration of nix
weekafrom the flrat publication of thin autn
mona. If you fall to appear and anawer, the
Plaintiff will apply to Hie Court for the relief
demanded In the complaint, to-wlt; for a de
cree of divorce forever dinaolving the bonda of
matrimony now exintine between the Plaintiff
the plaintiff by the defendant for the period of
Thia aummona la published once a week for
" w eonaecutiv. weeka by or er of the Honor
able Jamea Dart, County Jndire of Columbia
1811, direction the publication thereof.
W. i,. Cooper,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
60 Chamber of Commerce, Portland.
Date of Brat publication Aug.. m, 191L
Oat oi laat pubUcallon, bet, 13, 1811
In the Circuit Court of the State et Oreion
for Columbia Cn'iotv.
Q. R. Anllker, plalruiir, ra. George W. Badger
To George W. Bulger, the defendant above
In the name of the atate of Oregon; yon are
hereby required to appear and answer the corn,
plaint filed againat too In the above entitled
lilt, on or Iwfnre the l"h day of Hepternlwr
Wll. the aame being lhrlat day of the time
freacribed in the order for the publication of
hiaauminona. and the aald period of time be-
I rZ 7 "" oay in (Its It ml ptlOJICa
Petition for Liquor Lions
In the County Conrt of the Btate of Oregon for
Columbia County.
In the matter of the application of Q. B. Mlllot
fora licenae toaell Bpiritaoua, vinoui and mad
liquors and fermented cider in Bcaupooae
precinct, Columbia County, Oregon.
To th honorable County Court of Columbia
The ntiitnMlntiAil , . .
...... v. kiii'jiirin ICKtii Toieraui
wappooae precinct, Columbia County, Mate of
Oregon, and conatittiting an actual majority
of the leiul iwtpM ni ..,,1 ......i.... i 1 i.
" - - " i-it- in..., aim ueiuv
actual realdenu if aald !cat.ik)oae Drecin-t.
and Having, actually raaided therein at 1I
thirftf nava (,ti ...... !...!.. . . . 1 . . . . i .
aigiilng and filing of thia petition, would rea
pectfully pctitlou your Honorable bcxly, and
aak that a licenae to aell apirUuoua, vlnona
and mall Ifuuora and formant.H l
pooae preunct. Columbia County. Htate of
Oregon, be granted and iamied toll. B. Milloy a
resideDt of aald precinct, for a period in one
W R RlevAiit it v i. - . ... . . . .. .
W kstrom. J.haa R Oateen, Inaac Adami, K M
Inhnuttt John k'rul rt.. ti. a bi.. ..,. .
.. .. m. . . irn nciaon
Joe H Haaaou, K A Miijulnn, W A Mi-Kay
Iiennla Balch i Clyde Hwlle. hi la. halter.
, " " iAJum r nrrer, font.
Spark., .eo W tlrant. J H Klley, K K Clonlnger
J H Kftflll ttm IhIhh Uuanae ta a( . i
Blltler. rKVVVhrm.n Ik V i V 1;
Iavi, H Ettnhelieck, John M RlaeniilaUiT
FWBoewl, fowph Novak, J T cloud, Henrv
Newman, ade Had h, Bnrt Went. Claiuie Wool.
I Jill I a Mtll-.r 11 IJ ..... n l" t. i . ....
mond, W Kowaiew-kl, 'if S htanuiti.'c K tM'r
.. '"" "", ".oiiie,i w Morrla, Roy
'rewell. Liiclua K Pitch. 1 M Pavne. L ,V
Payne, T C BHrnelt, H A Khlera. J II Plvnn.
a negeie. t Hehmiilt. Ini ii,.,.. r w
ion oimiaaiimmona, and If you falltoao ippear
piaintiir. will
and anwera ald complaint, the
rauae your default to be entered and apply to
the Court above named for the relief demauded
In aald comidalnt, to-wlt: For a Judgement
againat you tT'XI.OO, with liiterent thereon at the
rate of 10ter cent per annum from Mhv ji&in
1910, for the further attm of II vo 00 ai attorney
feea and fcr coata and 'liaburaementa: for a de
era of aale under foreclomre of the peraonal
property deacrlbed In the complaint, to-wlt;
on Entin and Boiler complete. 2 tumi.
Piping, fitting!, and belting therefor, formerly
known aa the Tide Creek Lumbering Comtwiiy a
y:,y HJKciiirr who IHaiimi ail thou
wo, iixiurea, neiia, caoiea, hirK'kf
blaekamlthlng ontlit, carriage, healbioeka
voger, aawaroor nanginga. ahafta, tKla, elger
raiue, ooaen, wreni nea. origa, aawteeth, roilera
pulleya aaw-hammera. canting gear, log-haul,
ifii, muit an nun maeninery aiieu m connec
hod aaif miii; And that you and all pertain
claiming nnder yon, iib-eiient to the eseru-
"n oi ai'i mongaee n lorc'io-i d of all right,
claim or euliy of retlcmption In aald premim a.
Thia mimmooa la published by onler of the
Honorable i. V. Campbell, Ju.. e of raid
f lrcult Couif, made and dated July 81-t Jan.
which order preecribed that aervireofaiimmona
in thia ault auould be made upon you by publi
cation once a week, for ai x cotiaecullv weeka,
which time will begin to run from the day of
the flrat publication hereof; and the time with
in which yon are r quired to anawer aald com
tilalnt ia on or l-efore the iMNt dav ni ti.. tiM-
prewrlbed In aald order lor publication, to-wlt:
September l.'ith lull.
The date of the flrat publication of thia turn-
warn mw m l" flHHl afcll J 1-1 1
Dangertleld, J D McKav. Chaa M i,v....
Bob Reed. Teo (hie x mark) Aak, Alexander
(Ilia X mark) Auk. Hclrreicb Krlm.on. (-o K
Prakea, Andy Oainea W TeU, (i (; Rabliicky,
Erneal Zclajnan; Max Zelaman. F D Kamnie. er
ErJw X marto Kammeyer, Olof riwaii-on-Win
D Sobaki, Hana Hanaen, lltidney (bin X
mark) Adama, J A Pender. Chaa Miller
Herman Miller. W H Mel
on, L M i runt, JfM A')ftmi, M R heaver J k
Tabor. H R Uini( L A Norter, H W K.'iiii,k
n ni ns.7, Andrew (n in a murk) Axt.
RhrKii, O L Loufllirnout, Feter Mtyvrn, John A
n Hi la. A lid row k mUra.n t. r ... i i,- . .
u'l'?- J"m Ur""' OMo A Maier' M "hn, W
Z'n, u.IJ!U'kn:1'Jnn (hl,X ark)Zel-man
B J Hawklnaon, J K Mcannell, N L Kill-. Fred
KKaTif fVVJt'L ,JJ1 !.',''. .Turner, l
v.; - . . j, w , i. ii id i, jtjg T tvam
aey, Clarence Batteraon. J H Car-on, Wm Aiid
araon, John Callahan Nela llenulugiwn.
Angnat Hta-na, A Zel-man, P C Fay, Herman Andrew llendrlckaon, Tom Callahan,
Hi hi X mttrkl Nwnian u i u i.n. I,
Nixon, I O Wlkrr,m Jolm C KVT.l
r. r; .Vl . n,l,lweip rani Meier.
Aiignat raihmldt, J K Mcyera, J C Batta. rf'
BKiea, .h IJi Farland, P rxiualgnout, A Firbal
Abel Joubert, Chaa (.rant. Fred Paen. John
Mo-irriaB, AnUin Peknln, Adelbert Matomck
Jo. Clbulac. ,oM Baua. L Coiieland. Anton
Kmotraa, C Belle. E T Oore. H T ijrewell
T Koaher, Cbarlea Bolrt, y W Morrlwin
ZU. T"'nnlitn, fnefhia
X marl) llarrla f haa A n.l .
Chrlatian Brlta. Wm T Mllette, j'Trukoelu
....-..,...., . . . i 111,, nu n II Kaa.
mnaaen. Chaa Burg'lorfer, A Browning, W K
Ham Bnih. C L nmlthT i.Vnn"!.:
tou'iS "' "'ver Hanwn, KC.rlaon
&eirvir..?we''-" '. r-E
Ntrrti gTo Who it Mar CowcKan: ffotle. .
hereby riven thai thw nn,i..i i - . ,
of Hcappoiwi precinct, Coluniola CViuntv ' Or
egon, will on W e.lnea.lay the nth day of kent
emlier, A. H.JJtll, alien oclock A. M. of ..Id
day, preaeiit the foregoing petition for lleenae
to aell aplrituoua. vinoiia ami m.ii
and fermetiU-d cider in Hrn.i.a
of Columbia f ounty, at Ht. Helena, Oregon,
and at aald time and nlaca. .ni :.w .,.! '
ItCenaf, la laaileH lAlh, n.i.l 1 . .
toaell.plrltiioiia.vtnou. and malt ll.iii.Ir. an.
rmenled cider in rKppiMjM precinct Colum-
fjTj TdnlI,.'r .""m """' ' one year
from the date of th laauanee of auch ll.-ena.
Dated thia lit day of Aug u.t A, I). Mil.
Accident Cautea Arrest
A fractured n'srht log, received
1 I it m .
wnen ne ieu irom a load or locrs
at the Hammond Lumber Co
mpany's camp at Oak Point last
rnday, is responsible for the
arrest of Georpre Savich, or Sav
ajre, who 13 accused of the theft
oiHim cash, and four rinjrs
vaiueu ai45, from Jim Wallace
an employe or the Eastern and
Western camp at Eufaula. I5ut
for the accident. Savich would
now be at larpe, with not the
slightest suspicion against him,
instead of being a county charge
in a nuspuai ai Vancouver, pre
paring to face a charge of theft
as soon as he is recovered.
Suspicion of the theft was not
directed to the injured man until
last Saturday, when "Bob" Mc
Donald of the Eastern Wear
( camp, in conversation with Dr. Y.
Bird of Kelso, discovered that
$225 in cash and the rings had
been found
Savich at the time he was in
jured. McDonald, who knew of
Wallace's loss, immediately went
w Kf ynj'rou icujfer anu aisc
ered that Savich had had time to I
work just four days for the Ham
mond cmopany between the time
he left the E. &W. and the day
of the accident He immediately
went to Kelso with Wallace, who
identified the rings as his pro
perty, while. Dr. Bird and' Deputy
Sheriff Ed Close of Cowlitz Co
unty came to the conclusion that
the hospital at Kelso was not the
proper piace lor the suspect.
Savich was shipped to Vancouver
ounuay aiiernoon.
Wallace considers himself just
about the luckiest man in the
logging woods of this part of the
country. He missed the money
nu me rings on Saturday, , Aug
ust 6. and hnrl crivon unoll hnnn
of recovering them as he knew
no one rn smaru'i-r H.'a
will be returned to him as soon
as the Pflqa crura i
. tv aw wut i ai tut:
jurytermjn September.
Mr. K. II. WicksUieU nFtha hot
dital in PortlanJ last Saturday nil w
buried at this place on Sunday. He had
been sick for a long time, and was taken
10 me Oood Samaritan Hospital last
September, Mr. Wicks has lecu a
resident of this place for several years
W6rking at Ilia trade oi blackemithing.
He was a member of the Oddfellows of
this place and of the Houlton Lodjie of
1 ..- ... . .
vuiicuaiuKaiia, ne is survived i,y a
wife aud two small children.
Mrs. W. G. MuckU and Mis Florence were pansengers on the morn inn
train luursuuy, bound for Columbia
uiauyg natters was taken to the
hospitrl in l'or t!and latt Wednesday In
what it is feared is a serious m,niliii,.r..
She had been irratiotal for several days,
and the e.uee hag not jet been found.
County Surveyor C. T. I'reecott 1ms
been busy duriiiu the past week dividina
the farm of Terry Usher, j tint beyond
Houlton, into five aero tracts. Mr.
L'xher haa a fine placu and Eve acres of
it would make a Dice home for anyone
J. J. Jasper, of Deer Inland, was a
visit irt. tlit county seal Thursday. im
has been bury for some time orkiiijr
at the Cana-irr School, in District No.
Ifieynow liav; cement walk arnnml
the school, tti ironndsare in fine shap.i
a heatinj; pi t installeJ an l a Quo ell
with ce in out curb,
Mrs. C. II. 'itiigH, of Yankton, re
turned home ja-t Wednesday evening
from a triptu Seaside.
TaJcen up
A black and white yearling heifer,
which strayed into my pasture. Owner
can have same by paying for this notice
and paying paiture bill .
II. A. Eitf.KM
. Scappoosk, Obk.
Mr. and Mrs. W, Ii, Ilillard and fam
ily left here at about ten o'clock Thiir-.
aay morning in their machine for a trip
w l oriianu.
Word wai reeoival Iihm t,.,..
morning that Chri-t Kastanl, who war
injured at the mill, an item In reirHril to
which win be found on the find, page,
died from the loss of blood and shock at
the Portland hospital at sotuu tiina Wed
nesday night.
Miss Kmma Jenkins ami Klhan Allen
were married at the home of J. W. Day
In this city on the 17th of tl.l. i.
Kev. A. A. Huiat ofllclating.
License for the marringe of Mary IJ.
Oallien and Henry II. King was issued
oy county Llerk II. E. Jji Bare on Wed
O. J. Lindb.m of Deer laluml ... .
cauer at me Mist office on Thursday, fj
The Bf. Hi.-Iens Transfer Co. ha- pur
chased the barn an.l two lots near the
school honse from Wilbur MurkU
will move to the new location some time
during the coming week.
MIZIA13 CIlAl'TKK. NO. 30, O. K. S
Meets In Masonic liall ilm arti nil
and fourth Ki.tur lavso. each month
IRENE M. DAY. Secret.. t
For Sale.
One team of good a mnd horaea. welirr,,"
2!H0 poiinili, ngfin i) an I K) years.
Wagon, new !ii Inch.
Harness new.
All for ym.
A (( ra.. Vmail O: m
Just Received the Finest Line Ever Shown in St. Helen,
PllalaOW CASRS. RprifJv to Worlr
Doilies. Table Centers, Scarfs, Dresser
ijwaiid anu i in udiiiuii ij lYiaiuii. l
prettiest designs you ever saw.
Get The New Silk Twist for Buttonholing
Time and Labor Saver.
Come in and see our new line of House Dresses,
Woolch Dress Goods, Ladies Long Kimonas,
irencli flannel Shirtwaists. A new line o
navy liianKets.
Straw and Cloth Hatt at Prices from 5c to $1.50-LeM than half pric
Jas. fluckle & Son
Department Store v St ' Hefenc
OI JQ1 JQprnfli ,J
1091)11, M.
and third
W. OF A. Meets first
A. B. LAKE, Consul
H. E. J-AIUUE, Clerk.
HOULTON CUCLE NO 478. Women of
Woodcraft, nieeU the second and
fourth Tileaday afternoon of ent-li
month at Houlton, Ore. Minnie Kelly
viuoi.imti eignoor; Ann Van f at
in, v.irra
A I A A M. Mrpta lt an.l 1.1
Saturday in each month . Vii 1 1 no
oromers cordially welcomed. IT
Clark. Master; K. E. Quick, Secretary.
tuLUJiiiu HOMI5STKAD No. Sl.Vi
Brotherhood of American Yeomen
meets the second and fourth Wed.
nesday nitfiit of each mouth at Yank
ton.Ore. Visiting mrmbers welcome
fc. 5. Hinsot, Honorable l'orcnmn
C. E Lack, Corre"indent
DR. K,. L. Jefi-cott
81. HWihNH imi'iiv
Dr. Alfred j. Peel
Bank Euilding,
Plants for S M-
DeiiDitra and ( elurv
St. Ht li na. Ore
Tabbagn, tOmitoi-H,
Louis Korasco, St.
Hi tf
" "r or (trl tow U SOCCUfl. m
' wuj Tuitii aaq n aj aaai ru
i.l1? 0.", C,1U toalsniry sa4 sasiiio
th loituatrUa. ana la aarv iu Ua samla htk
eouraas la Af rloultura, CIU snlnarta. Ilva
tnclnaarlng. Mtaoioal Ea(lorlDf . Mlaliitif
, foraalrr. DomaaVlix Sclaaoa aa4 sAta
maro. ruarmaty and Muats. fas CsUsgs M
B.ptambar IJ4. Oatajof tr. "w
"""i vaitauu, vrsgOO.
AVi. If 'It'll l),a4- 1 ST a a a
m.11. 1 a ijil; jv-si Illlll I fTiBr in I-1
, a - JaUaTfaB,aa.v7 111 11
iSIlrieX flir Itl ;. fa aOl.IIJ.1
A New Line of the De.t in Fi.hing Tackle Ju.t R
A ?nd V."-tf-'?to itock of General MeJchan
. .u,Ties, nay, uranin. Flour and Feed, Etc
tHt P0UtAR
oria Centennii
August 10 tm - n a a
-n .... w "-piraiuer v, mil
. v,Aii, ui uie it,
at our
for onr matchless rir.i...
-..r, wcause
t hey plewe all housewive, in puri,
hiKhtrrade. And a worn-n know! e-t
now money ran be saved In H.. . i .....
of Ororencs that last ,i .
the beat qnalitiea. Onr prompt deliv. r-
leaaiwiaiineai to t , ,i,i,. ....... .J
. ' .......a. iraus uoaluo onr very reiiHonablo
prices. Supse yon give us a trial
OIllMirtiiritfv ,.f . i:r. .r
ill...-- 1 I. " .i " 'r"Hie lO lOill III III. ,.,ww..a aaaal-l .
" flfOIBUM Die CMIIll, , II .1 -I"" t-f'tiHln.ll - .
Iirtiorani Ii.p ti . ' "'S wIiiih man Hal am. H
nnd navv .w..i...i.... " . ,e -"t'iined intrr-at tlmuiirhnuL 1
J'acilic l!c,Ht,, hial.',rc ", iM r''!r,' f,,'"Tk ' ftrt
for daily prolan,. '-"'M.nir., aKr,:olturl exhibits. Wstch pM
l,n r, t'lHt"0', ,:eat'' ,,ckeUlto .t Astoria
3.00 Clat.op Beach Rou,l T -r. . .
jW 11.11:. iff. i ' tuV, M -7
Colon..! Far.. t tom lh.
reniein ... i , . lj
Chlraw 1X1, St.
n . . "nT ptilllla in ,,r, it au.u.i T I
ound frin Far.. Fa- i- taiun.
I JkUl I . , M
Eastern poI""
H'pUmlier 4, 5, 0, 7.
Htpttinu., ir, , c.,.tolar 15 ltn ri,
ZX,:i to
General Freight and Pawenger Agent
ft . "V ' A ' i,
Fully matured at &
I'ne, n
IP. Ai:
'her .
'op in
in a or
" Hie ,
ing re
It l
'irt N
"I a
r. Rt
'II tl
( li
. ai
t Dl
IHllard' and Dir.
Box 97. . Houlton, 0:
OngniBnxiT, 0"'u"'" W".
11 ) '-,. .-. -w.
JLaa U-aisaV'