URKENT EVENTS Lingsof the World at Large L,,ril ftMume of Important Events pr.lned In UonatnMU rurm (or Our Buy Readort. n, Du.U. y A. Sargent, of Harvard, ..'vacation ''" mor" ,iarm Um" .. .1 i .ii,t.T rai'turnl tho flrt r?win the North lcillc Sacng-r- ,d meeting Seattle. fire on pleasure ,,"t in N,,w ,rk hrlH.r gave the load or passen- ,.t at'lire. )Ul Ulll lllltv unui- vrt t" hpvti been de I t...,iv more Cltie I ....-I .... ikihIhI aving bank h.ca- ,i, snioii them being WulU Walla, i. McGinn, at Portland, hold t a mn ran not he extradited from .. . , f tilitiiont In rrtp.n lor iion-l"1"" " " Tk-n..nv.T Kio Grande railroad II huve to ly large u,n r""r tini r taken illegally from government ,nJ niny yriir ago Avixlor At wood lt hi bearing in drkm-M while rtyintf from I.yon tuburn. Now York, and wa forced land to find out where he u During test of new electric fire um. inxtniltxi in the department of itir. lit Washington, tho building .emptied in lea than one minute, A man has been arreted at The !, dr., who answer perfectly the nitnin of the rontier wno neiu up e Shta I. united near Pram ;.w IS. rrrv of Agriculture Wilson u the luxt witness in the investiga mof I'r. Wiley' office, and declared . w.uld rather resign than go .rough another "bureau row." A htiUtorm In Alberta. Canada, ha -acticallv destroyed about 1.000.000 iibeli of wheat. W. B. llourne. a wealth resident Sin Francisco, ha purchased ujemtntc in Killarney, Ireland. The Colorado Medical association inimounly endorsed the work of Dr. Kiley V. 8. government food ex ;rt Anew strike order directs 100.000 iillrd railroader in England to quit tork immediately, and if obeyed it ill tie un practically every mile of ulwiy on the British lle. STATEHOOD BILL SIGNED. olnt Resolution, However, Eliminate Hacall of Judges. Washington, I). C.- President Taft lined the joint resolution for the ud- ilon a atute of tho territorie of rizon ami New Mexico at 3:(JH clock Monday afternoon. The resolution went to the president fter Vico President Sherman had Itlxed hi ainnature. Senator Penrose, Representative Weeks, of Massachusetts, and Itarch- field, of I'ennsylvania. the tlelt-i'ate f the two terri lories, and a number f citizen from New Mexico and Ari zona, witnessed the sinning of the icument by Mr. Taft. There was ut one resolution, so that tho presi- ent used three different pens in order that some of the relic-hunter might be satisfied. When the resolution wa laid on his lesk, ha looked up at the crowd round him and said : "lias anybody read this?" Nobody answered, and to make ccr liiin of it the president read the reso lution himself. Well, ncntlemen, it' done," h said, as ho put the lunt stroke on the parchment. 1 he resolution signed by the presi- lent provides that Arizona shall elim- nate the judiciary recall clause in its constitution. Old Santa Fa Makes Merry. Santa Ke, N. M. Immediately upon receipt of new that president Tuft ail sinned the statehood resolution, Miss Madeline Mills, daughter of Gov- rnor Mills, hauled up on the capitol statf a I a re flag with 4S stars. A monster non-partisan atatehood celebration took place at night in the public plaza, while the city waa lit up with bonfire and a great fire on the top of Fort Marry overlooking the ity. Among the iieaker were aeven judge of the supreme court, the gov- rnor and four ex-governor or JSew Mexico. Koiigh Kider George W. Arniijo presided. CONVICTS DIE AT WORK. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat New crop, bluestem, Pic ob. 77c; red Kuian, 75c; valley MilUtuff-- Ilran, $24.60(u 25 per U; middling. 132; short, $25.50 26: rolled barley. $28i.t29. Cum Whole. $33; crackeil. $34 :r ton. Barley New, feed, 25.E0(,i.26 rewing. :tl)(31 per ton. Oat -Old white. $25 per ton; new Hay-Timothy, valley. IlKc.il6; al Flfa. Ill: clover. H.60(i.9; gra t. $'.i.r.i)w lo. Krenh Kruita Cantaloupe. $l.25(.( per crate; pcache. GOcoi $1.25 box hutermelon. Ivtllc per pound jliumn, yic(i $1.75 per crate; prune turner Ih,i new aoolea. $1,7511.2.50 r ' - rbox; raspberries, $ '-'id 2.60; Mack rrie, $1.750,1.90: pear, $2n2.60 ''I: ('asnlias. 3JLe nollnil. Vegetable Itean. 5f.10c; cab Ket, $2 tier hundredweight; corn, ""i 40c per dozen; cucumber, $lio. 125 tier box ; eggplant. 10dil2c pe und; garlic, loin, 12c per pound; let- 'ur. $1.25(0,1.75 iwr box; popx-r, "alOcper (Kiuad; radihe. 12Jc pe ien; tomateo. 0c(n $1.25 per lox new carrots, $1.75 per ack; turnip, 125; beets. $1.75. Putatoei New Oregon, licillc per iUII(l. Unions -Walla Walla. $1.75 per imndred. foultry Ilena. 15(tl6c: springs Unl.ljc; duck, young. 16c; tu '"ys. l(o l'Jc. 'Iflt Fresh Oreirnn ranch, candlod, 'c -r dozen. Butter - Citv creamery extra. I and 2-pound tirint. in lioxes. 30c per P'und; less thun box lots, carton and "very extra. fork- Fancy, lOtOlOJc per Kund. el - l uncv. 12(0 13c tier isiuim Hops -11(11 contract. 4oto45c per P""d; lull) crop, 40c; l'JO'J crop, 30 '".'t'lC: olds. ''(If,! '.Tic Wool - Kastern Oregon, DdtlOe per Pniind, according to shrinkage; val 'y. lr.i. 17c per K)iind. Tattle Choice teer. $5.fi0(-f 5jr; good to choice, $5.2!Vo.5.50; chnirc cow. $1.50(0 4.75; fc'ood to 'ice, $l.2."xo4.50; gmxl, average pounds, $Ko 4.25; cionmon, $2.75 '"S; choice heifer, $4.90(o5; choice bulK $3.50(0.1.75; choice calve, 200 Pounds and under, $7.25(0,7.35; good choice, $5.50(0 B; common calve, 4,"5; choice stag, $4.50(0.4.75; ""l to choice, $4.25(0 4.50. ""Ks-Kxtra choice light hogs, $ f,rH-2r.; choice heavy, $7(d7.60: heavy nnKh, $11.25(0(5.50. Sl'eep- Choice venrlinga, wether, wsrsu w...,l i i or.,,1 ! r.o- choice O0VERNMENT PURE FOOD EXPERT WHO TESTIFIES IK HI3 N BEHALF BEFORE HOUSE INQUIRY BOARD. ' ' ' ' ' , ' . 5- ' ' . t - 1' , ' ' - , ' y ; V " " - J t' , jj. f'. ' "' INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE I) It. II. W. WILBT. TWO AVIATORS KILLED. LIVERPOOL IN TERROR. One Construction of Ruiiian Railway It Beiet With Hardship. St. Petersburg The Amur railway line i being constructed under dim- cultie of climBte. of oil, and alove II, of labor. Most of the workmen are convicts. They appear to have ifivcn satisfaction on the central and western sections, but in other places the state of thing that exist and has been witnessed by ex-Speaker dutch- kofT is almost incredible. At Kazlony. for example, the work is directed by the Orloff prison board, which ha no knowledge of the place or the people, and pin it faith to drastic measure against the men. If a convict is disrespectful the otlicer in command imp!y emptie hi revolver in the fellow' face. Triaoner wno are obviously ill are taken to work. M. Gutchkotf aw many uch work- men hard al worn, aimou" mr uffering from curvy in an advanced egree. The food i unfit for use. The prisons in wnicn me men m vm fined woulJ disgrace any other coun try. One gang of worken. all of whom were ill. had to do witnoui any .mu of warm food for eight day. 1 tie doctor reported in another place that one of the men wa dying of hunger. ZAPATA ATTACKS FEDERALS. Rebel Leader Aecuea or wiaainR Fait Promi to Surrender. Mexico City A fight ha occurred between the Federal troop ;.un.ier .-I ii, .aria .ml 'the follower of lirnriM m-h.- f - l-mi;no Zmiata. at Cuatlixco, accoru i,. meairer dispatcnea reacninK ing i.: . in I ncoiulilionai purmiuri wa demanded of Zapata by the red ..I ,m.,rnmenL hollowing an ... n .......m,.tii hftween Madero and .a put a. the latter apiared to helieve that the Fiileral demand would be withdrawn, in view ot hi promise io ubmit to disarmament. He ent a detachment of hi men to oppose the - i - f l!,...rt The lorces niei , ... .I,-oft..rn,Min. At the depart ment of the interior it wa asserted .i... o.,r....mnnt had been made uiat i'" "Pk " , , .:.u a .ml that none would WHO linj""" ' i mad... The opinion wa expressed that he wa deceiving Madero false promise of surrender. Plunge to Bottom of Lake; Other Fall Into Pit. Chicago Two aviator. William R. Hadger, of Pittsburg, and St. Croix Johnstone, of Chicago, both young men, lost their live in the interna tional aviation meet here. Hoth accident revealed the frailty of the machine in which the aviators were gliding about the air with scarcely a pause. Badger, a wealthy young man, came to hi death in a pit in the aviation field. There had been a flaw in one of the wing of the propeller of the Bald win machine he drove. Centrifugal force broke the propel ler and unset the delicate equilibrium of the machine, and Badger dashedJ inn f.t to the bottom of the pit. Hi nerk was broken. Johnstone fell 600 feet under hi engine and wa drowned. Caught under the heavy engine in the Moi- ant monoplane, he wa carried deep Into Lake Michigan, and hi body was not brounht to the aurface until an hnor later. Hadger lived three-quarter of an hour after he had been extricated from the wrecked machine. He did not recover consciousness. Thirty-five flyer have dipped and glided here for three days, and tni wa me ursi accident Three aviator fell but unhurt, GERMANY IS FAVORABLE TO TREATY WITH U. S. Washington Almost In the same hour that the senate committee lor- eign relation reported Wednesday to the senate it convention that the re- iated arbitration treat! between thin country and iireai un tain and France were "breeder o bitterness and war." Germany ihminrh its ambassador here, was an nouncing its desire to be a party to a similar arbitration compact United States. Cfirmmi made known to Mecreiary t- . ikmiih Ambassador Von Bern iv 1 1 , . " " r . stortT. it acceptance of the general principle of arbitration a lain uo . .. .1-. ft rornntlv SUD with Army to Try New Plan, w.-hintrton. P. C Concentration of tho army at large stations, strate gically situated for military purposes, and abandonment of the small posts, ia under consideration by the War de partment. The idea, which requires .... .....Minn of congress, is to con- UIU piiih-" , . utroct comi.act barracks, each to noli an entire regiment, near m -lir.r. towns. Most of tho officers are . ..... i i.Mwwh.tions within the IO linn n. , . i i .... ... r II... necessity of bUIld Cliy, oiivmnnK ' f ing extensive oincers Mu" Shark Gorged With Junk t l)..luware A curious assort '. m '. : i lii on exhibition .11 of it found in the stomach o ,.Ufiwi uhiirk. : ht at the mouth of Delaware bay . . . . 1 V' 4.(1 I t , : 9 lrki- ntonor furninh i.r. include one umbrella, one barrel . ... . iiiu nf steel and iron stave, ii....."j - - . .. on fll.'.in size JTlinir Wnlh.m nf nwnintainS. . . i . i -T, v-nnv iii"""- - 'i .. . . ...... ' .l.iiu ; choice two and inrees. l-'i.2r, .. , i noire iwn nm. i.tii.--i '''"Uitljchoieo spring lamb. $5.25i K'sid to choice, $5(((,B.25; choice iunk of different kind and enoug cloth to cover tho floor of a R1 kitchen. To DiTln 1, 000,000 Fire. t'...Lf,.r C.ermnnv The Opc ...;.. M...hin and Bicycle fnctory '. liomelheim was destroyed by fire, riuh..,l and many were wo perwom p. . - - injured. The loa 1 more than l 000,000. n the secretary' draft, recently sub ... i a aw Miint mm War n.t.wi hnwtwpr. and Count von Hern -...ir't.ii -uil fnr (lermanT to consult u:. nnm.nt further. He will re HID turn in October. Younc Gomel It Accud. It.vnna Following the revolve duel in the Cafe Cosmopolita between Miguel Comer. Ron ol rwio w whn onimeu ine mr, ores'sman Armnndi Andres, editor L'l 11 u an antl-Riiminiairui.it.il ..' ' ik.i nnblication assert that Lintit-i. ni.. t , friend of Comez fired upon th .i;. The wnlls of the Cafe Cosmo pelitun and the fronts of the adjacent building show bullet mark greatly exceeding in number the shots that could hBve Hissibly been fired by the principals. PEST WORSE THAN FIRE. Forett Suffer Million of Dollars by Intect Onslaught. Med ford Presenting the fact that nsecta do more damage in the forest than do forest fire, B. I. . Shannon, secretary of the Jackson county fire patrol association, secured the assist ance of the Medford Commercial club n working for the establishment of a ocal field station here by the bureau of entomology. 'There i more than four and one- half billion feet of good commercial timber tributary to this little valley tif 30,000 acres, to ay nothing or the immense acreage of yellow pine on the east slopes of the Cascade," aid Mr. Shannon. "Beside that amount there is nearly 2,000,000,000 feet readily accessible in West Josephine county and on the West Siskiyous. 'The damage done by the insects alone, now, in the National forest is equal to the loss by forest fire, and in private holding this is also true, There are variations of from 400 to 400 feet in elevation in this district and there is the wet, warm climate of the west slope contrasting with the cold, arid condition of the east slope, making the investigation cover a lartre field. An entomological station here would mean a saving of thousands and perhaps millions of dollars in tim ber destroyed in the Crater National forest and private holdings. NATION TESTING APPLES. Keeping Soldier and Mobs Hava Pitched Battles in Streets. Liverpool A reign of terror exists ere and trooos are pouring into tne it v to out down disorder. A specia: guard has been detailed to protect the anding stage of the trans-Aiiantic steamers which, it is asserted, the rioters have planned to destroy by re. Five nrison vans escorted by 50 soldiers who were carrying not pris oners from the police court to Walth m iail were attacked by 3,000 mem her of the rouirheat class in Vauxhall street. The mob threw missile oi every description and in defending themselves the hussars fired. At first blank were used by the soldiers, and then ball cartridges One man was killed and many persons were severely wounded. The troops then charged with drawn sabers and cleared the street. So daring were the rioters that one of them tried to unhorse an officer, who was obliged to use his revolver, wounding the man severely. Another less serious affray in wnicn the troops were again compelled to fire took place in Bond street. Only a few persons were injured. Government Experts Try Qualities of Fruit. Hood River After having spent Thursday afternoon and Friday morn- ing obtaining data on local storage conditions, B. B. Ramsey and H. J. Pratt, experts from the pomological offices of the United States depart ment of agriculture, left for White Salmon, where they will conduct the same work. The experts, who have been in Cali forna for the last few years working on system of refrigeration for citrus fruits, say that the government is planning to make extensive experi ments in fruit storage and transporta tion in the jNortnwest. xney win visit all of the principal apple sec tion of the Northwest between now and picking time and make a study of the different soil conditions of every locality. ADDles will be obtained from every district by the experts and will be subjected to tegta to ascertain tneir Qualities. This season's work, it is said, will merely De pre liminary. The experiments next year will be on a lartrer scale. The government experts inspected the Union warehouses and were pre sented with Yellow Newtowns grown last year. The fruit was in perfect state of preservation and of excellent flavor. NEW RAIL LINK SEEN. Articles Are Filed for Lin Prom Dallas to Toledo. Salem Articles of incorporation filed with the office of the secretary of state indicate that there is move on foot to construct a railroad line from Toledo, in Lincoln county, to Dallas, in Polk county. In event this railroad should be constructed it would give new railroad line from Portland to Newport by making connections. This would be so at least when the balem, Falls City & Western, which operates from Blackrock to Salem, through Dallas, completes its bridge across the Willamette river at Salem. The new company is capitalized at $1,000,000. The incorporators are C. R. Vrosno, Ed J. Avery and John Kenta. The road is to be called the Toledo & Siletz Railroad & Naviga tion company, and its principal place of business will be at Toledo. The company also desires to operate a sys tem of boat lines on the Yaquina river, according to the articles. Should the new line become a real ity, tourists from Portland could come . to Salem either on the Oregon Electric or Southern Pacific, transfer to the Salem, Falls City & Western to Dal las, transfer to the new road at Toledo and from there take the Corvallis & Eastern to Yaquina. PHONE WAR END IS LIKELY. Subscribers' Committee to Examine Company's Books. Enterprise The committee having charge of the fight against the recent advance in rates by the Home Tele phone company has secured permission from the directors or the rlome com pany to have a committee appointed by the subscribers examine the books of the company and from their finding re commend a reasonable and just rate to be charged for the use of the phone lines. Committees from Wallowa county and Union county met at Wallowa and agreed to co-operate in the examina tion of the books, and to work to gether afterward. The committee was authorized to obtain estimates on the cost of construction of a new line under the co-operative system, which information will be used both as a basis in arriving at a settlement with the Home company and for the con struction of a new line if nnaily de cided on. CUT COST OF LIVING. mmense Fruit Crop Will Bring Prices Way Down. Chicago Stop eating meats and vegetables and live on fruit. This is one wav to decrease the cost of living. Never In years has there been a oetier prospect for bumper crops in all var ieties of fruit, say commission mer chant. Price are to be slashed from a third to a half under those of last year. Here are a few of the predicted retail prices: Concord grapes, 16 to 18 cenU a basket: peaches, za cents a one-fifth bushel basket; apples, $1.76 to $3 a barrel (all varieties); pears, $1.50 a bushel; plums, $1.50 a bushel. s.ith Water street merchants esti mate th.t fully 10.000 carloads of fruit will be shipped from the Michi ean fruit belt this fall. Not only from Michigan but from eastern vine yards and orchards, come the same re ports of bumper crops. The first of the Michigan peaches, the early Alexanders, were shipped from Ludington August 4. fully two weeks earlier than in the previous years. This is not the best variety, Toko Travels to Boston New York Admiral Togo bade New York goodbye for Boston late Friday. He kept to his room most of the morn ing, but spent the greater part of the ftemnon at Governors Island, the .ruest of Maior-General Frederick D. Grant, and concluded his stay with a f.uir-mile automobile run up Proad- a. from the Battery to his hotel Broadway s rush-hour crowns gave proper setting for the trip, miral a party tnreaueu traffic without incident, warrior was delighted. The Ad through the The little DEER LAWS STRICT. Shipment of Game From State For bidden by Ruling. Salem Deer hunters from Califor nia will be disappointed to learn that hereafter no deer carcasses, horns or any part of the animal killed in this state can be taken into camomia. The law in this regard was recently construed by Attorney-General Craw ford, and every precaution win De taken by officers of the Fish and Game commission to see that it is eniorcea. Attorney-General Crawford a decision that the commission has no autnor- j ity to issue permits to lane aeer killed in this state across me line inio California. The only condition under which came can be taken out of the state ia for Dropagation or exhibition Already a number of applications nave been received for permission to take game out of the state, and these have all been denied. FUNDS RAISED FOR FAIR. Klamath Falls Plans Big Exposition This Fall. Klamath Falls That Klamath will have the greatest county fair this fall in its history is believed by those who re nromotinir the project. Several prominent men have taken hold or tne affair and promise to build grand stand, exhibit booths, stalls for stock and other necessary structures. Business men have been asked to . i i i ., raise Jl.oUU lor purses, trnu mirnuj volunteer donations of $900 have been made. It is planned to hold a four day fair, with racing and other sports. MEDFORD TO SHOW PEARS. Annual Exhibit Is Proposed by South ern Oregon City. Medford This city will give a dis trict fair October 3 to 7, which will be the beginning of a pear show that it is hoped will eventually rival in im portance the Spokane apple show. The state appropriated l,4au in all for the enterprise, and in the last few days about $3,000 has been raised among Medford business men. It is intended that in all $5,000 shall be subscribed. There is great local interest in the enterprise, and it is already planned to have automobile races and aviation exhibitions. Mayor Canon, of Med ford, has been elected president; A. K. Ware secretary, and George Davis treasurer. BIG DITCH SURVEY BEGINS. Forty-Three Rattlesnake Bapged. Spokane- Forty-three rattlesnakes .. ... ..t . h.mt in the wtivv.it. - n.;i.... i,.ut ttir. ver no-o ti': i ...... Tre. k draw, near "" ; j---- Creek. Wash.. ly rerrm .... Frank Lamphere, visitors imm e...- . .. U7..KI..U a rancher llV- sas, ami jinue .....,. - - , ing north or Wilson v reea. i.. ...v. ... four feet in length. The hides of several of the snakes measured six tnche in wi.u. . rattles taken from the reptile filled an ordinary shoe box. Noose Jut, Man Admits. Carson Citv. Nev. Patrick Casey The half this , in 'Be Gentle" Editor Fight. St. Louis Albert Solomon, of .iii.,r f th Humanitarian which he admonishes everybody to be kind and gentle, is under arrest on the charge of beating hi wife and fight ing with hi brother-in-law. The brother-in-law i locked up on a cros. charge of diturbing Solomon pec- was executed here Friday fur the mur der of Mrs. Lucy Heslip. of Goldlleld, In a brier state ment from the gallows he said he wa Blmut to tiav the penalty for an atroc iium crime for which he believed he had bem forgiven. At tho time of killing Mrs. Heslip. Casey, whose name is thought to be assumed, wounu ed a Mrs. McMann and stabbed an offi cer who attempted to arrest him. Oriole Mine to Install Mill. Grants Pass The Oriole mine in the C.alice district will put in a Dig gold mill. Heretofore the company has been shipping the ore to iacom, but this will be brought to an end by installation of the mill. 1 he com pany has an overhead ledge exposure fiOO feet. This compnay ha in opera tion a power plant connected with Rotnie River. The mine a tunnels, crosscu mile of underground work. Engineers to Lay Permanent Line for "Shoestring" at Ontario. Ontario Active work has begun on the permanent survey of the Ontario Nyssa irrigation project, sometimes called "the Shoestring" ditch. A corps of engineers left here with camp supplies and will run the permanent lines of the canal, which will irrigate 10,000 acres of fine orchard land. The preliminary lines were run last winter, and the permanent survey will cover more land than at first intended. The officers of the company, headed by Mayor Trow, have already received bids on the pumps and electric motors and will award a contract for the ma chinery late this fall. No one thing will be of more benefit to the Ontario and Nyssa territory than the building of this ditch. Medford After Colonists. Medford To bring Medford her share of the colonists who start west September 15, when the colonist rates are in force, the Medford Commercial club has shipped five large boxes or literature to an agent in Minneapolis to distribute. Among the literature sent were several beautifully illus trated booklets and many of the busi ness men's bulletins that the club has been issuing in cooperation with the Southern Pacific. Pears Bring S40 a Ton. Salem Shipping a carload of pears at $40 a ton for cannery purposes, William H. Egan topped all prices for the past 15 years by $22, saying that for the 15 years before he has never sold pears to a cannery at a better ts and"drifts make about one price than $18 a ton. E. W. Powers also snippea a car oi iiigmiucii.c. which he said was more valuable than a train load of wheat. A definite price on the berries was not given. Portugal Quake-Shaken. Lisbon A series of earthquake hr..-k. irradiiallv increasing in vio lence, were felt in Southern Portugal. At Mortela. Albufeira and other points near the coast, considerable damage wa done and ome persons were injured. At Lagos the disturb ance were accompanied by a tidal wave which caused a panic. 35-Cent Hop Offer Refused. Salem Geroge L. Rose states that he received and refused bona nue offer to ell 2.ri0 bales of 1911 hops for 35 cents. He would not say wno made the offer. The same kind or an offer wa made to McLaughlin & Hirschberg. of Independence, by the same parties. Cables received here in.liote that eroD conditions both in Copies of Stat Blue Book Out. Salem Copies of the Oregon blue book and official directory are out. The new blue book is something hitherto not attempted in this state. It includes not only a comprehensive survey of Oregon's resources, but the nic tnt v.-k - I ...... ,, ., ,. f l. .f.t, Germany and England continue w m ciramuuiiui. ...u v. .... ....inla aaaAiaol w al II a t lofts! BI YV wnrttA 1 Ullltioiii, aavo0w , "g ewea, $2.76((t3.